If You See This on Your Christmas Tree, Throw It Out ASAP

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[Music] hmm a weird white spot on a banana is a sure sign you probably want to throw them away as these are the nests of spiders I'm talking about the Brazilian wandering spider as it has no GPS and this guy is dangerous also known as the world's most venomous spider one bite and your nervous system is instantly blocked as a nasty bonus you get nausea and blurred vision don't worry they're most likely to be found in South America but since they like to hide they can sneak into the banana box and travel wherever the bananas travel they like to travel in their sack and there is evidence of a mama spider traveling together with her baby spiders oh goody ever eaten canned food Jane says are you've hoovered up some maggots too those Critters can be found in all types of food canned tomatoes sure thing canned mushrooms absolutely maggots are crazy about those they love it so much that 20 maggots are good to go for three and a half ounces of drained mushrooms sorry pal there's nothing we can do just accept it some creepy things in your food may actually be approved by the FDA as weird as it may sound the FDA is okay with three or more insect parts per chocolate bar want to know more okay how about rodent hair in your peanut butter yummy despite the fact that peanut butter is one of the best controlled by FDA products out there they don't see anything bad in a couple of rodent hairs per jar now let's check your intuition question what how much mold is acceptable in apple butter according to the FDA not that much actually 12 mold is acceptable question two how much mold is okay for Cherry Jam things are getting stinkier as 30 mold is okay for Cherry Jam the last one what about black currant Jam ready 75 moldy black currant Jam is FDA approved I don't think I'm going to eat peanut butter with blackcurrant Jam ever again broccoli is both good for health and risky at the same time it's not that you shouldn't touch broccoli but it's a rather friendly reminder to check your veggies what if there might be a dangerous insect lurking inside your broccoli let's say the black widow spider their bite is not as bad as the Brazilian wandering spiders bite but it's still not good it's a true story a guy from Ohio did find such a spider in broccoli luckily this story has a happy ending the person who found it called the local animal sanctuary and the Ohio another chance Sanctuary adopted The Spider and gave it a really cute name broccoli hey wait a minute we're adopting spiders now ho ho ho Christmas is soon and you up for a live Christmas tree before dragging that tree right to your place you better inspect it thoroughly see that Walnut size Pine cone-shaped object hanging on your tree bad news this is someone's dormitory it's an egg Sac holding hundreds of little mantises waiting to hatch in your home and celebrate the holidays together so unless you want to share your bed with them make sure all the surprises are under the Christmas tree not on it right you don't want to risk and opt for the fake Christmas tree good choice thing is fake trees are three times less likely to catch fire than live ones but it doesn't mean it's totally safe you have to be careful either way use appropriate lighting and never place the fake tree too close to the heat Source flame resistant models are the best all right nearsighted people beware if you ever see something that looks either like an Oreo cookie or an ancient coin with a quaint design you better put on your glasses before touching it you know this might be a terrifying spider what again yeah I'm talking about the Chinese hourglass spider and I honestly have no idea why they call it the hourglass spider and not the cookie spider these guys live in Southeast Asia Mexico and Guatemala and it seems like it doesn't really care that much about cold since it can even chill in some parts of the United States and Canada these spiders are notorious for setting up traps they build Burrows and once they detect motion bam they pounce also those Burrows help them keep unwanted visitors such as wasps at Bay good news we humans are way too large for them to drag us into their Dungeons and despite many viral posts they're not poisonous to us what time is it ah it's time to debunk another myth now some time ago there was a viral Tick Tock video with strawberries soaked in salt water the video looked pretty gross because of worm-like bugs crawling from the strawberry but this one is sort of a myth that all the strawberries are swarming with larvae first off they all get checked and soaked before shipping moreover there are fruit flies which are quite different thing is if the berries wait on the counter to be bought for too long they start attracting fruit flies which lay teeny tiny eggs which then turn into larvae which then turn into new fruit flies the key Point here is that these fruit flies are everywhere supermarkets smaller stores and even in your kitchen and yeah you're pretty much likely to eat them each time you munch on pretty much any berries you say gross I say natural protein just kidding don't worry plant larvae aren't dangerous for people also you don't need to soak your berries in salt water a thorough rinse will do now it's best to avoid some fruits if they're under ripe lychee is a good example here despite their innocent appearance they can be pretty dangerous if you eat them before they're ripe you're likely to consume some toxins too it's not as bad as you can imagine but this toxin can significantly lower your blood sugar for people with certain conditions it may lead to unwanted consequences including fever and even worse so nothing extraordinary here just make sure your lychees are ripe now you might think that black spots on your Apple are a true sign the fruit isn't edible but it's not quite true first off those spots are nothing but a cosmetic issue even though it's a fungus but don't worry it's not dangerous or something option one scrub those spots off and Munch on your Apple option two peel the apple and Munch on it option three where you throw the Apple away doesn't exist now beware if the salmon you're about to buy has caviar it might be a sign this fish is not going to be as yummy as you want salmon from the Pacific Ocean tend to lay eggs in fresh water so they have to migrate when they do that but once the salmon is in fresh water all its systems kind of stop working and the fish stops eating such salmon is still edible but the quality is way poorer than it could be and what if you see a white capsule on your kale which is supposedly a cocoon a no need to throw your dinner away you can simply remove this aspiring butterfly or fly give that kale a fine rinse and enjoy your salad oh almost forgot be careful with pre-packaged salads even though the manufacturers claim they're safe to eat without washing there is evidence of people getting health conditions because of unwashed pre-packaged salads those salads landed them with Hefty medicine bills to get rid of the consequences imagine you suddenly notice a fly in your dream is it doing the backstroke will you finish the glass or pour another one well it depends on the gender of the flaw if you've got a female fly in your drink a couple of minutes later The Taste will get funky if a male fly wants to take a bath in your glass it won't ruin the drink thing is the female flies have certain pheromones that are in charge of that funky smell even if you fish the fly out instantly the drink can still lose its original taste as even one nanogram of pheromone is enough but since you probably won't be able to tell the fly's gender you probably want to pour a new glass yeah a fine your stomach won't do anything bad to you but it's sort of gross that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, food facts, interesting things you didn't know about food, why carrots are sweeter in winter, secrets of everyday things, secrets of things you eat, you are what you eat, how to know if food is safe to eat, your favorite snacks, is it safe to eat bananas with spots, maggots in canned foods, is broccoli safe for you, how to choose a Christmas tree, is this Christmas tree safe, Chinese Hourglass Spider, what does a spot on the tree mean, TikTok videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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