Optical Illusions Test Unlocks Your Hidden Brain Power

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you'll have 10 seconds for each of the optical illusions your task will be to read the hidden number you'll go from the easiest to the hardest riddles start off with an easy one for warm up [Music] told you it's 784 [Music] moving on i hope you were able to see the number 5346 here level up how about this one [Music] [Music] the correct answer is 725 and another one yes it's seven eight six now only five percent of people can read the next three numbers wanna give it a go [Music] if your answer is 6012 it's correct and here's another tricky one [Music] [Applause] it's 182 and if you saw it you must have eagle vision told you it won't be easy but try this one the correct answer is 3708 let's see how you handle some black and white illusions and the first one is hiding the number 476 there you go if that was too simple how about this one [Music] i hope you guessed it was eight six three seven and now let's test your eyes with some hidden words you still have 10 seconds for each of them i'm sure you figured out it's the word never can you read what this picture says [Music] i can't sleep how sad this one is hiding the name of some month you have to think outside the box to read it feel free to pause the video if you need more time [Music] well the secret was to split it in half then you can see it's july how about this one [Music] it's the word run hiding in the back another one for you hope you found the gold [Music] here comes a tricky one it takes some brain power to see its brain another one in this category it's only getting more complicated [Music] if you read the word music between the lines you must be a genius now let's see if you can decipher these secret messages i give you 10 seconds for this one [Music] well if someone says it's just a bunch of letters without meaning you can easily prove them wrong what do you see here the power of imagination makes us infinite couldn't agree more here's another one i hope you always desire to learn something useful you deserve some dessert for all that mental activity here's just one cupcake among all those ice cream cones try to find it there it is yum get a tomato to go i can only see a bunch of apples but maybe you'll be luckier here [Music] found it there's a butterfly hiding somewhere among those flowers do you see it fantastic it's right there can you find the one and only pineapple in this image [Music] great job one of these colorful leaves is in fact a mushroom can you spot it [Music] well done how about a safari to give your eyes another test do you see anyone hiding in these leaves [Music] yep it's a chameleon and those guys know how to blend with the surroundings there must be a groundhog hiding somewhere in the rocks find it in 10 seconds [Music] wow that was neat one coyote won't do you much harm but if it brings some friends better make sure this area is coyote-free start looking for a different picnic spot one of those guys is right here watch where you step i hear there are snakes on the ground found one better be careful i don't see anyone roaming in this territory let's see if you have sharper eyes what a beautiful gazelle did you manage to find it the next illusion was created back in 1860 it shows how your brain perceives depth and shapes so do you think the black line lines up with the blue one if you answered yes you're wrong in fact the black line stems from the red line now take a look at these illusions and remember what you see first it can tell a lot about your personality if it looks like a mountain to you you're a down-to-earth person you're persistent reliable and like to plan things overcoming obstacles makes you feel really happy you appreciate stability and don't like to take risks if you saw the upside down wolf first you're a natural leader you keep your emotions under control even in the most stressful situations others admire and respect you for that remember it's okay to ask for help sometimes if you need it how about this one if lips caught your eye first you're realistic and always take things the way they are you don't look for hidden meaning in what happens to you and what others say to you it helps you get along with people well if you notice the trees first you're an ambitious person and a perfectionist to the core you're never happy with just okay and will always strive to be number one and make yourself and others happy in the case the first thing you saw was the roots you're an extremely progressive person you love trying all the new technology and styles you never settle and always try to make your life better and more exciting here comes the next one [Music] if it looks like a parrot to you you're the soul of any party you like to be the center of attention wear something bright talk loudly and laugh your heart out you have plenty of friends who love that about you if you see a girl in a beautiful long dress you must be the mysterious artsy type you prefer to observe others being active and loud and get inspiration for your work you notice little details and remember them to later put them on your canvas or paper you have 10 seconds to decide what you see in this illusion here [Music] if it's clearly an image of an elephant and a giraffe you're a reliable and hard-working person you feel responsible for yourself and your work and don't like to let others down people appreciate you for that and share their secrets with you if you saw some rabbits between the trees you're not as simple as you might seem you always think before you say or do something you have a strategy for every life situation it's important to you to be accepted and loved by others so you do a lot to please them new illusion same task if you see just two horses crossing a waterfall you're an adventurous person when someone offers trying something new or going to a new place you're always up for it you realize you might not like it in the end but you'd rather try it and be sad than regret not going in case you noticed several faces first you always see the big picture and can find the right decision quickly you know what you want and how to get there and never reconsider your own choices these qualities will take you far in your career moving on what a beautiful landscape but is it hiding something [Music] if all you see here is some sea and rocks you're a calm and balanced person sometimes you're in a bad mood but you always look on the bright side of life and move on if you also noticed some animals drawn on the rocks you have a great eye for detail you always listen to both parties in a conflict before taking sides you like doing research and drawing logical conclusions alright what does this one say to you in case you're positive it's a portrait of a young girl you're an extrovert and can't survive a day without people you're active on social media and enjoy going to social events where you can make even more friends if you see some horses and birds you're more of an introvert you love being alone outside you have some great friends but you appreciate your personal space those who see the face and the horses at once you've got the best of both worlds you feel comfortable at a party with a few hundred new people around and alone reading a book what can you say about this illusion [Music] those who see a face of a woman you're realistic and pretty content with your life you don't expect too much from others and are ready to stand your ground if you have to if you see a saxophone player you often prefer your imaginary world to the real one in your dreams you have turned your favorite hobby into a career try doing that in real life what are your thoughts on this one [Music] [Music] if it's clearly an older man to you you've always been wiser and more reasonable than others your age that's why people often ask you for advice and you enjoy helping them out if you see a young girl and an older man in the arch you'll always be a child at heart your family means the world to you and you always ask them for advice and protection
Views: 3,893,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, optical illusions, guess the word, train eyes, spot the difference, spot the difference test, find odd one out, optical illusions game, test your eyes, bright side riddles, bright side puzzles, 7-second riddles, test your brain power, memory test, how to improve memory, how good is your memory, improve brain function, improve your vision, improve attentiveness, visual puzzles, visual riddles, notice details, how to spot details
Id: YteIY3AJiyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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