Clasp Your Hands to See How Rare You Are and 80+ Cool Body Facts

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now if you don't want to sneeze press the skin on the bridge of your nose with your fingers when you do it your brain receives an alarm signal very quickly it puts the brakes on all other processes including the sneezing reflex by the way the longest sneezing fit was recorded in 1981. sorry it lasted for 976 days during this time a woman from the uk sneezed more than a million times the part of your brain that's responsible for vision is in the back of your head interestingly the right side of your brain controls the vision on the left side and vice versa if you're in some loud place for example in a club or at a concert close your ears to better hear your friends push the tragus the pointed skin covered cartilage in front of the ear canal into your ear then turn this ear toward your friend if you feel anxious press your fingers into a fist with your thumb sticking out and slowly blow on this finger if you can't stop hiccups put an ice cube on your tongue or you can close your ears with your palms and drink a glass of water through a straw in one breath pulling the tip of your tongue or raising your arms toward the ceiling can also be helpful on average when a person snores the sound doesn't get louder than 60 decibels that's as loud as a regular conversation but sometimes the noise levels can reach 80 decibels that's as loud as a working food if you want to wake up faster hold your breath for some time when you do it your heart starts beating more rapidly and your body turns on the active mode but don't overdo it if you wake up too abruptly you'll put unnecessary stress on your heart if you feel moody hold a pencil between your teeth the muscles involved in smiling will get down to work this will send special impulses to your brain and it'll start producing endorphins in no time your smile will become much more sincere right-handed people tend to chew most of their food on the right side of their mouths and those who are left-handed use their left side more the smell of rosemary can help you activate your super memory whenever you need to learn something by heart do it while lying down in bed with a sprig of rosemary nearby it'll help you memorize the info more effectively and faster if your leg has fallen to sleep shake your head in about a minute you'll realize that your muscles have relaxed and the pins and needle sensation has passed the muscles that help your eyes focus make around a hundred thousand movements a day if you want to make your leg muscles move as much you'll need to walk 50 miles deja vu might actually be something like a brain processing lag there's a theory claiming it might happen when your brain is moving information from one part to another if there's even the tiniest delay in that process your brain will get the same information twice in this case it'll process it as an event that happened before out of all those people who can move their ears only thirty percent can move just one ear your mouth burns when you're snacking on pineapple because while you're eating this fruit it's eating you back pineapple is the only known food that contains bromelain that's an enzyme that breaks down proteins luckily your stomach acid knows how to deal with the offending enzyme if you have a tickle in your throat scratch your ear this stimulates a nerve which results in a muscle spasm in your throat and in no time the tickle is gone surprisingly you burn more calories when you're sleeping than when you're watching tv ask your friend to sit down on a chair and put your index finger on their forehead then tell them to stand up without using their hands they won't be able to do it just like salamanders regrow their tails humans might be able to regenerate cartilage that's rubber-like stuff surrounding your joints scientists have recently discovered that cartilage could repair itself this process is likely to be the most effective at the ankle not that effective in the knee and the least effective in the hip if you're lying in bed and suddenly experience vertigo place one of your feet on the floor your brain will receive the information that you're standing on something firm and the unpleasant sensation will pass only thirty percent of people can flare their nostrils if someone is tapping you on the back while you're hugging they're non-verbally asking you to let go people with a single palmer crease have just one line running across their palm such people are very rare just 1.5 percent of the world's population most people have two palmar creases men are more likely to have a single palmar crease than women in most cases it runs in families your taste buds have a very short life cycle they live for no longer than 10 to 14 days your lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than your fingertips your skin wrinkles when you stay in the water for too long but it doesn't happen because it absorbs water in reality wrinkled fingers and toes provide you with a better grip studies have proved that sneezing is your nose's way to reset a sneeze reboots the cells that line the insides of your nose they're called cilia [Music] if a person has anosmia which is also called smell blindness they don't distinguish and detect smells the amount of food you consume in your lifetime will weigh as much as eight asian elephants no wonder that people spend almost four years of their life eating your skin analyzes one million bits of data per second your ears and nose process 100 000 bits each and your tongue is the least productive it analyzes just 1 000 bits multitasking is kind of impossible what we consider multitasking is actually just our brain switching between different tasks really fast unfortunately in this case people tend to make mistakes much more often plus you may need twice as much time to do a task as usual on the other hand when you're engaged in some physical activity you've done many times before you can perform a mental task too that's why you can easily jog or take a shower and think about problems at work if you see someone constantly fixing their sleeves they likely feel very nervous and fiddling with something is a self-soothing technique you can check how unique you are by chewing on a sprig of cilantro for some people this herb may taste similar to soap because the plant contains a chemical used in soap making but only four to fourteen percent of the world's population have special genes that can detect it are you one of them a grown-up person uses around 200 muscles to make just one step your eyes never stop moving while taking in visual information otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the whole picture these movements go unnoticed because your brain is a great video editor it stabilizes the images and connects tons of fragments into one smooth video your stomach gets a totally new lining every three to four days that's how your body prevents the stomach from digesting itself when a person lies the temperature around their nose and in the inner corners of their eyes rises this phenomenon is known as the pinocchio effect the liver is the only human organ that can regenerate completely even if it's a mere 25 percent of the original liver weight the organ can get back to its full size synapsia is an unusual and rare ability people who have it can taste music or hear colors but only one in every 2 000 people has it these days our finger and toenails grow faster than they did half a century ago it might be because people eat more proteins today you start feeling thirsty once your water loss reaches one percent of your body weight more than five percent and you may even faint water loss that exceeds ten percent of the body weight um we'll just say that it doesn't end well your brain can generate more than 48 thoughts in under a minute it's almost 3 000 thoughts per hour and more than 70 000 per day each person has around 150 000 hairs on their head on average every strand grows about a half an inch per month if you combine the growth from each hair it would measure the distance of 10 miles per year if you get a leg cramp pull your big toe towards yourself this will stretch your muscles and reduce the spasm people have bacteria that can produce electricity living in their intestines these bacteria give off electrons which creates tiny electrical currents this might be the bacteria's way to generate energy maybe turn on some lights hey it's dark in there by the end of their life the average person can recall up to 150 trillion pieces of information if you brush your teeth before eating or drinking something you might end up damaging your taste buds that's because most kinds of toothpaste contain two chemicals sodium lauryl ether sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate that decrease your ability to taste sweet things and increase your ability to taste bitter food the dec 2 gene mutation allows people to have just a few hours of sleep a night and still feel great they don't get tired and never sleep in boy where do i get one of those on average these people wake up at four or five a.m only up to five percent of the world's population has this feature only humans can produce emotional tears other living beings cry to lubricate their eyes women have more taste buds on their tongues than men do it might be one of the reasons why 35 percent of ladies are super tasters people who feel flavors more strongly than others and only 15 percent of guys can boast the same ability it's hard for people to recognize someone they know if in a photo this person doesn't have eyebrows this proves that eyebrows are more important for face recognition than eyes when clasping their hands fifty percent of people put their right thumb above the left one forty-nine percent of people position their left thumb over the right and only one percent of people place their thumbs next to each other your brain contains more than 86 billion nerve cells which are joined with one another by 100 trillion connections that's way more than the number of stars in our home milky way galaxy and if you decided to count all those numerous nerve cells it would take you up to three thousand years a tremendous waste of time your brain's memory capacity equals four terabytes on a hard drive that's more than eight million photos you're likely to keep in memory up to ten thousand different faces this number is different from person to person but the average is five thousand it doesn't mean you can put a name to each face it's only about recognizing the features if you walked in the same direction for 12 hours a day you would need around 800 days to travel around the globe the bajao is a group of nomadic people that live in the waters surrounding the philippines indonesia and malaysia thanks to a rare dna mutation they can stay underwater for up to 13 minutes they also dive to a depth of 200 feet blue cheese can affect your dreams making them more vivid your ears might pop or even hurt when you are on an airplane you can solve this problem by simply chewing some gum this opens up the eustachian tube a small passage that connects your throat and your middle ear opening this passage up helps equalize the pressure in your ears and puts an end to the popping you can also yawn to open up the eustachian tube your dreams are a complex mix of your imagination memories and knowledge the average person has from four to seven dreams every night but not all people remember them even if fingerprints get badly damaged they grow back with their original pattern if you have to deal with complaining customers put a mirror behind your back when an angry person approaches you they'll see themselves in the mirror this will prevent them from acting rudely no one likes seeing themselves this way your feet are likely to become bigger with time when people grow older ligaments and tendons in their feet weaken this makes the arches flatter and feet become wider and longer only three percent of people in the world have lines that form the letters x on both their palms in many cultures this is believed to be a sign of a strong personality the human brain is 73 percent water just like your heart that's why if your brain loses even two percent of liquid you start feeling exhausted this also makes your memory worse shortens your attention span and puts a dampener on your move in most people their height is the same as their arm span check it out a particular gene mutation results in super dense bones that are almost impossible to break they're several times tougher than the average person's bones people with this mutation also have skin that is less prone to aging you might have noticed little dots traveling in squiggly lines when you're looking at a bright light or blue sky they're usually only visible for a second or two sometimes they look like tiny worms well those are your white blood cells moving through the capillaries in front of the retina the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eyes most people don't even notice the dots unless you ask them to pay attention if someone is listening to you with their eyebrows raised they're likely genuinely interested in your story if you decided to uncoil the human dna the whole thing would stretch for 10 billion miles that's 40 000 times the distance between earth and the moon human teeth are almost as strong as those of a shark the enamel of your teeth that's the outer layer is the hardest substance in your entire body your nostrils don't work with the same efficiency all the time when you breathe one nostril does most of the work they switch every couple of hours your right ear is more responsive to speech and your left ear is better at perceiving music researchers think that's because it's your left hemisphere that processes speech while the right one deals with music and other creative functions your lips look red because of a great number of tiny blood capillaries right below the skin while enjoying your favorite cold food or beverage you might suddenly get a painful brain freeze this happens because the nerves at the roof of your mouth get frozen they send signals to your brain asking it to please stop eating such cold stuff but you can overcome this unpleasant sensation by pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth do it as hard as you can the pain will soon disappear your lips don't sweat because there are no sweat glands there they also have no glance producing a special protective film that keeps your skin hydrated that's why your lips are so vulnerable to the sun wind and cold they also dry out faster than other body parts you wouldn't be able to taste food if your body didn't produce saliva your taste buds have special receptors that recognize different flavors but without some liquid flavors won't bind to the molecules of these receptors there are only a few cells in your body that will stay with you throughout your entire life those are the cells in the inner lens of your eye the muscle cells of your heart and the neurons of your cerebral cortex that's a fancy word for the outer layers of your brain millennials are people who are now between 25 and 40 years old and they tend to be more forgetful than older people the main reason for this phenomenon is higher levels of stress these folks have people with albinism have little to no melanin that's the pigment that gives color to your hair skin and eyes it's a rare condition in the us only one in eighteen thousand to twenty thousand people is born with albinism but there's also ocular albinism and it's even rarer experts think only one in fifty thousand people has ocular albinism during just one day the blood in your body travels over twelve thousand miles that's half as long as the distance around earth almost 25 of your body's cholesterol is in your brain this substance is crucial for your memory and learning abilities but the blood brain barrier doesn't allow your brain cells to get cholesterol from the blood that's why your brain produces its own kind of cholesterol paradoxically even though your teeth are a part of the skeletal system they don't count as bones it might be because they sadly can't regenerate but if a bone is broken it heals on its own by producing new bone cells your eyes can see something for a mere 13 milliseconds and it'll be enough time for your brain to process the image for comparison the average blink lasts from 100 to 400 milliseconds bright sunlight makes 17 to 35 percent of people sneeze this phenomenon is called the photic sneeze reflex your fingers are extremely sensitive they can feel objects that are no bigger than the width of your hair if your finger was the size of earth you'd still feel the difference between cars and houses if there is a calorie chart in a restaurant people tend to order less healthy and more high calorie food they compare the difference between let's say a burger and a large serving of caesar salad and notice that it isn't that big and since the burger seems to be more filling that's what they order but when people don't know that a big portion of salad contains almost as many calories as the burger they pick a healthier option
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Keywords: bright side, brightside
Id: 66jK3ZLjH00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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