20+ Rarest Body Features You May Have and Your Friends Not

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people with a single palmar crease have just one line running across their palm while the majority of the world's population has two also called the simian crease this feature is found only in 1.5 percent of the world's population men are more likely to have a single palmar crease than women in most cases it runs in families less than 50 people have ever had the rh null blood type dubbed gold and blood for the first time this blood type was discovered in an australian aboriginal woman this unique blood type is universal and can be accepted by anyone even those with rare blood types within the rh system three percent of people all over the planet have lines creating the letter x on both their hands this is a rare phenomenon and in many cultures this feature is believed to be a sign of a strong character about 25 percent of people have an interesting reaction to sunlight they sneeze this phenomenon even has its own name the photic sneeze reflex in the greek language it's called sun sneezing in some people saliva accumulates in a gland under their tongue then it can get propelled out in a stream when a person presses on this gland if the mouth is open at the moment a jet can reach several feet this process called gleaking can occur spontaneously a person accidentally pushes their tongue against the gland while eating yawning talking or cleaning their teeth and voila up to 35 percent of people can gleak but just one percent can do it on command less than one percent of the world's population has dextrocardia that's a rare condition when the heart points toward the right side of the chest rather than the left side sometimes people with this unique feature have all their internal organs on the mirror image side of the body ocular albinism affects only a person's eyes their hair and skin are usually a bit lighter than that of their family members but the difference isn't that dramatic albinism is a rare feature to have but if it's ocular that's even more unique experts don't have exact numbers but they think between one person and twenty thousand to one person in 50 000 have ocular albinism you may have a tiny hole at the top of your ear where it meets the temple if so you're among 10 percent of the world's population this hole is most commonly found on the right side but some people have it on both of their ears these holes may go all the way through or they can be dimples dense or even small lumps around 65 percent of the world's population have loop shaped fingerprints in thirty percent of people fingerprints are whirl shaped and only five percent of people have arc shaped fingerprints all these types are divided into smaller groups for example there might be plane or tinted arches accidental whirls or peacock's eye and so on hey who knew most people have 12 pairs of ribs which makes 24 in total but 1 in 200 people has an additional 25th rib called cervical it forms at the base of the neck above the collarbone it can grow on the left right or even both sides those with extra ribs most likely know nothing about this modification that's because an extra rib rarely forms completely and can look like a thin strand of tissue in this case you won't even see it on an x-ray if you have a circular hair whirl on your head it's likely to be clockwise some scientists think there's a genetic link between hair world direction and handedness a bit more than eight percent of right-handed people have counterclockwise hair whirls but in the left-handed this number grows up to 45 percent when you're asked to clasp your hands which finger do you put on top if it's the right thumb above the left one you're among 50 percent of the world's population 49 percent of people position their left thumb above the right and a mere one percent place their thumbs next to each other red hair occurs naturally in a mere one to two percent of the world's population most often redheads have northern or northwestern european origin this color is caused by a genetic mutation the hue can vary from bright copper and auburn to red orange and strawberry blonde only three to 22 percent of people in the world have morton's toe it's a foot structure when the second toe is longer than the first one michelangelo's david and the statue of liberty both have this unusual body feature and they aren't even alive oops spoiler sorry only two people out of every ten thousand have an unusually shaped pupil most commonly it resembles a keyhole this eye disorder is called coloboma luckily people with this condition don't usually have any problems with their vision you know on second thought it's not so rare all of my teachers thought i was an unusual pupil having different colored eyes heterochromia is a rare body feature that occurs in less than one percent of people it can be complete then a person has eyes of two different colors for example one brown and one blue a person can also have a differently colored ring around the pupil it's central heterochromia and partial heterochromia is when a part of one iris has a different color from the rest of it people with dystociasis have one more row of eyelashes this phenomenon is a genetic mutation it's not harmful in any way but can cause some discomfort a hair can grow where an oil gland is supposed to be on the wet part of the eyelid then it causes irritation and there are people who don't have to stress over how much calcium they consume they have a rare mutation in the lrp5 gene it gives them mega dense bones almost unable to break one of the few drawbacks of this condition such people have difficulty staying afloat while swimming some women have super color vision tetrachromacy thanks to special cells in their eyes these cells are called cones and a regular person has three types of them but tetrachromats have four cones it allows them to see 100 million different colors the tec-2 gene lets people work more and sleep less nicholas tesla winston churchill and margaret thatcher all had this unusual feature the gene basically allows a person to go through their sleep cycle in less time than regular people need another gene mutation helps people keep their bad cholesterol levels extremely low the gene gives your body instructions for producing a protein that controls the amount of cholesterol in your blood unfortunately only two to three percent of people have this useful feature only four percent of people have an audi belly button several factors like the fat distribution around your waistline or genetics determine which kind of belly button you'll end up with genetics play a crucial role even in your taste buds up to 25 percent of the population are super tasters they have more visible taste papillae those are tiny dots littering your tongue than regular tasters this extra option makes them more sensitive to certain foods for example sweet bitter or salty super tasters also have more pain receptors on their tongue that's why they shy away from spicy food when wisdom teeth try to break through the gums they often run out of space and have to be taken out around 5 million people go through such surgery every year but 35 percent of the world's population don't have to worry about pain and inconvenience they lack wisdom teeth all together long palm muscles helped our ancestors to climb trees even though most of us don't need this option anymore some people are still born this way you can check whether you have these muscles by putting your palm on a flat surface and touching your thumb to your pinky if they do exist they'll pop out of your wrist scientists claim tibetans are genetically mutated to be able to live at such high altitudes one of their genes is responsible for fast adapting to falling oxygen levels the same gene is also leaked with improved endurance in athletes by the way it was one of the fastest evolutionary mutations ever recorded in people it developed in less than three thousand years gray eyes are an incredibly rare body feature only one percent of the human population are born with gray eyes such people have low levels of melanin in the front part of their irises blue eyes are also not as common as you might think just eight to 17 percent of people have them an even rarer thing is a combination of red hair and blue eyes if a person is born like this it means both their parents carried these genes for a child to have
Views: 1,042,153
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, cool human body facts, crazy human body facts, human body fun facts, human body facts for general knowledge, human eye, human ear, facts about the human body, human teeth, human skeleton, muscular system, vital organs, human heart, fascinating human body facts, muscle facts human body, human bones, eyes of different colors, unbreakable bones, golden blood, blood types, seeing invisible colors, double eyelashes, genetic mutations, fingerprint types
Id: qujQqhFImTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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