Put This Sticker on Your Door, It Will Keep You Safe

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oops another burglary in the U.S has just occurred wait another 22.6 seconds and there will be another one hey no need to worry about your property for a warrant for armed let's explore a few tips on how to protect your house a mirror sticker can contribute a lot to your House's safety for instance you can use a sticker that says you have a home security system even if in reality you don't it may not sound convincing enough but still burglars prefer not to mess with such houses just one more tip here make sure the sticker looks true to life so a makeshift sign won't do it's better to Fork out some money and grab a real looking sticker another smart trick is to leave a pair of really large shoes on the porch so that the burglars could clearly see them it will make them think someone big and dangerous lives there and they won't fancy meeting them right now let's inspect or door I hope you don't leave the keys under the doormat the only things you can leave under the mat are the cookies or chips this is a fun way to see if someone was visiting you while you're away however the trick doesn't give you a 100 guarantee it might be a mailman a delivery guy who got the wrong door or even a random dog hanging around your porch yeah cookies feel better in your stomach not under the doormat [Music] okay you're back home from work it was a tough day and you're tired you leave the keys in the keyhole and completely forget about it right the main thing is that you've locked the door and the keys are inside but who said there is no burglar in the bushes targeting your house technically it might be impossible to insert a dupe and get in if there's a key in the keyhole but these guys are well equipped and have a whole assortment of hooks to lure the key out you know what happens next they can seep into your house as silently as ninjas and grab all your valuables while you're peacefully sleeping a lock that can only be closed from the inside and can't be open from the outside seems like a good solution when moving to a new place even if didn't buy it but rent it make sure to change the locks who knows how many copies of those keys there are as for renting you never know who lived there before you moved in also if for some reason you accidentally left your keys in the front door for some time the best thing to do is to change the lock yeah probably nothing bad will happen but still it's better to play it safe [Music] foreign plus not only should you stop leaving the keys in the door but you also shouldn't leave them on display maybe it's better to bring the keys to the living room instead of keeping them near the front door sometimes burglars can use not only your door but your window too [Music] mind your trash especially if you throw away some pricey stuff packaging don't let the thieves know what you purchased and how much you paid for it also your trash may contain some essential information about your personal data credit card details and so much more foreign keep an eye on your mailbox make sure you have a lock on it thing is burglars may be quite interested in your mail content so the secret is simple keep the mailbox locked and make sure you shred any personal data related papers [Music] now let's inspect your front lawn hey I can see something compromising I'm talking about these large bushes yeah I know you don't have time to trim them the larger they get the more space there is for the burglars to hide plus if someone sees untrimmed shrubs and trees in the front yard they might think nobody's home you see the point right [Music] okay let's say you ignored all the previous tips and burglars broke into your house the most interesting thing for them is surely cash if you don't have any cash at home you can skip this tip but if you have valuables get creative cash can be stuffed into a plastic bag and hidden in a large container with some leftovers also you can place that plastic bag into an old detergent bottle you keep in the storeroom or the kitchen burglars aren't likely to look for your stash there a couple of don'ts here hide in cash or jewels in a prescription pills container isn't that smart and yeah a freezer isn't the best option either many burglars like to check it in the first place [Music] time to see if you keep your keys right if you keep your car and house keys together you might want to reconsider it first off imagine you lose them and burgers somehow know where you live not only will they grab what they want but they'll also have a vehicle to transport all your hard-earned belongings keep an eye on your garage Keys especially if it's possible to sneak into your house through your garage even if it isn't who said There Are No valuables in the garage however there are no limits whatsoever for burglars they can sneak into houses even through small windows the reason why they prefer doors is that it's the safest way while squeezing through the window can get scratches and it's not that they don't want to spoil their looks the thing is if they leave their DNA they can be traced however crooks are careful about not leaving their traces for instance a report from England claims only about three percent of burglars leave forensic evidence [Music] to protect yourself at night there are several options number one insert a large paper clip or a bobby pin inside the keyhole you can use a spare pair of keys if you have them this way you'll make it extremely hard if not impossible for the burglars to use the key dupes number two barricading is an option it can be a heavy chair a bookshelf you name it I mean why not if it makes you feel safe if your door opens outwardly a Jammer could do a great job for you a chair can be super handy secure it under the doorknob it's not the most powerful security system but at least it does its job binding the doorknobs or handles together can be an option too dummy security camera can protect you during the day and night again burglars are not as Fearless as they may seem if you have a real CCTV make sure the crooks don't deactivate it so place it in some hard to get place [Music] if you're ready to Fork out some money for protection then the motion sensor light is exactly what you need Crooks like dim spots and once they approach your place they'll be frightened off by the bright light this solution works as long as the burglars know your home in case they're sure you're away it's way less efficient foreign TV and radio timers are another trick with their help you can imitate your home even if you're not a perfect match for the motion sensor light this trick can help outsmart some burglars but again it doesn't give a 100 guarantee some of them aren't afraid to break in even if the TV's on what about live alarm systems this can be real or fake too I'm talking about dogs remember the trick with the boots you can do the same with a dog if you don't have one leave a large bowl on the porch but make sure it all looks real I mean the bowl should not look untouched and brand new [Music] hey do you know all your neighbors if not it's high time you bake some cookies and visited them to know them better first the crooks don't really like to operate in areas where a few people know each other and care for each other this way their chances of being spotted and reported are extremely high so a sort of neighborhood watch is a perfect way to protect your house and who knows find new friends that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, vacation pictures, protect house, secure home, how to avoid robbery at home, protect your home, your property, safety, burglary, security system, burglary tricks, safety tips, safety rules, security home tips, how to keep home safe, how to protect home from thieves, burglar-proof your home, signs your house is being watched, robbery prevention tips, what to do during a robbery, protect your home from burglary, keep burglars out of your home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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