How To Rig A Slip Bobber For Crappie Fishing

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howdy folks it's November the 25th and this morning we're gonna go crappie fishing don't to use a little different method because of the way the fish are set up the fish are scattered there in scope but they're scattered chasing shed and I want to show you something that's a good method works real well catch a lot of crappie like this sometimes okay what we're going to do right here is tie a slip float now here is usually the type of float that I used you can buy these at Walmart three or I think it's three or four for a couple dollars okay this one right here is kindly unique to me because I've never used it before and it's called a let's see what we got right here is called the balls it's supposed to be the most sensitive float in the world okay so we're going to try this right here and I'm gonna rig me a broad with mine too and fish with them okay now the first thing you need to do or the first thing I do you need a small bead this is a little bitty bead I like the real little ones you can buy these in packs and we're going to thread or line okay I've got it on here threaded it that's the first step that I do the second step is we're gonna put our float on okay and there's a hole right there and just slip Erland through the float it's a holla to buy all these floats are designed basically the same and there's our land the next thing I'm going to do now I like the fish was small Connors and Tuffy's I like an eagle claw Laser sharp hook it's a rotating hook light wire hook and I'm using four pound test line so I'm going to tie a Palomar knot now let's just tie Charlie not go through the eyelet go back through the eyelet again okay it forms a loop and then with light line you don't need but about three to four twists is all you need these this knot right here won't slip it's a very strong knot it's compared to a Palomar knot as far as far as strength I went around about four or five times right there and go through both loops grab the tag end okay and just cinch it up then I always leave about an eighth of an inch here on the tag okay now the size split shot it varies what depth you're fishing how windy it is and there's a lot of differences in that but here's the size I'm going to use tomorrow I mean this morning okay I put it about 8 to 10 inches above my hook is where I won't it excuse me I'm having to keep everything in the frame and just cramp it on okay all we need to do right now is to uh there's the rig very effective for crappie it's tied the bobber stop and I'll show you how that's done okay I don't buy a bobber stops I just go ahead and tie a slipknot and I have a piece right here that I've cut piece of mono it's about a foot long it's four pound test the same pound test line that I have on my main line and I throw it luck I just here's my main line I have about three inches right here of tag line sticking over and I'll route my finger three times with the rest of the lane three times that's the secret once twice three times now when I peel this off of my end of my finger I'm going to put one line in one direction or one tag line in one direction and the other tag line will go in the opposite direction just like that okay and then grab both of those tag lines and pull simultaneously at the same time having a little trouble because I can't move a lot and you don't have to go real tight with it just kindly snug okay and that's all they are to that now we're gonna cut these tag lines off and leave about an eighth of an inch on each side there's two of them there's the first one and here's the second one and that's all they are to it now this knot right here you can slide up or down to adjust the depth that the crop you're in okay let's go fishing okay it's daylight folks and I'm out here on Wyatt's Lake it's a beautiful morning it's 42 degrees this morning the water temperature or surface temperature is 51 degrees okay and yep we're in a search for crappie come with me and let's see what we can do this morning we're using live bait we're using today missouri menace is what we call them up here and there's a picture of my got me a five-gallon bucket is full of them and they're good-sized too they're not too little they're not too small and over here we got her rods ready okay get her slip floats ready now all we have to do is find out how deep they are adjust those floats and chase crappie all day today okay let's read one of these mentors up right here one of these Tuffy's like I said I'm using a size six hook I like to hook open their mouth and right through the nostril just like that my split shot is about where this one's about a foot above the meta I have adjusted my float to about seven feet because that's where I see fish let's see what we can do there's the bag float winner under there's to finish that fish was about eight foot deep he pulls good crappie real good crappie before we're gonna let that fish right there yeah yeah well there he is the first crappie of the day ain't no doubt that fish measures so we're gonna put him in the bucket he's 11 and a half inches that's a good crappie they have to be ten inches here on wise light put them in the bucket dip a little more water okay let's really good catch you know floats under this might be a keeper right here no he's not having trouble getting keepers this morning there's a lot of small fish in here that's about a eight and a half inch crappie maybe but he's pretty nice letting go floats under yes that feels like a little better fish right here a little bit better get out from behind him but he's all up behind the boat ahead that flow we backer its white crappie I believe that one a measure I believe that's the second keeper of the day there that's a pretty fish Purdy fish this measuring right here real quick I'm pretty sure that's a keeper yeah and a half inches let's put him in the bucket we got two in there flow is under right here fishes e's and all fees I tell you what folks it's a CC crappie stick is ideal for this type of fishing now we've got our depth right but catching keepers is my problem today I'm catching a lot of these right here but these are fun to catch but now we're out to actually to keep fish now that I okay let's let that fish go he ain't ten inches but he's pretty are ya I don't know if he's a keeper or not but he sure is putting it on me right here he's fighting I believe he is let's put him in the boat there's another one right that's another keeper right there I can tell he's about ten and a half inches I'm gonna say close to the 11 let's see what he is a little bigger than I thought he's ten and three quarters let's put that one in the bucket there Elmer we got three so far I think but one thing to do folks let's catch another one this slip flow fishing is something else once you get the dealt down pat you catch the fish good crappie see if this fish here will measure there dan teaches writing but legal just put him in lucky that homo and catch you got one just eased it down let's see what we got right here any let go now he's still there let's see if he's a keeper or not there Elmo there we go I don't think so I think this fish is gonna be a little bit shy right huh we're gonna measure me anyway you see oh he's mine let's let him go pretty good pretty good fish right here but I don't know I don't know if fattens gonna keep right there we don't let that and go I'll tell you what a slip flow to get the job done folks thank y'all for watching thank you for the great comments and you know what try this if you never have before because it's crucial that that that your bait whether it be live bait origin is at the right level or the right depth okay to catch fish crappie in particular so this is a great method tract it's actually more than a method it's a technique because it'll catch you a lot of fish sometimes when a jig won't live bait works merica Oh Ricky wing [Music]
Channel: Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Views: 483,507
Rating: 4.894155 out of 5
Keywords: crappie fishing, crappie fishing secrets, crappie fishing with minnows, crappie fishing 2017, crappie fishing tips, crappie fishing with bobbers, crappie fishing with slip bobbers, crappie fishing with floats, crappie fishing with slip float, crappie fishing with minnow and bobber, how to rig a slip bobber, how to rig a slip bobber for crappie, how to rig a float for crappie, how to rig a float
Id: lOyQffOiL4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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