Silicon Valley S4E5 - Laurie's best friend

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Laurie look I know you've been unhappy with me lately correct look I'm asking you to trust me on something ed chin has been making moves behind your back with the other partners to try and force you out of raviga you are referring to the baby shower ruse you knew about that Monica this is my fourth child I am no stranger to these types of machinations however I have counter veiled it you're my earth child yes as I was saying I have spoken to our Top LPS and lined up enough of that in order to leave raviga and starting you firm it struck me as a opportune time to jump ship your ninja no even though your disclosure just now had absolutely no actionable value it did reveal tremendous loyalty so all is well now so you're not mad at me anymore no Monica I am a human being just like you like Eddie Chen this furthermore he questioned Monica would you care to jump ship with me you are after all my best friend what
Channel: Felix
Views: 251,122
Rating: 4.9137545 out of 5
Keywords: Jumping ship, Monica, Laurie, Silicon Valley, Season 4, Episode 5
Id: jKWa_2xbW9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 22sec (82 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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