Silent Hill Filming Locations - Then and NOW 4K

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did you ever play the video game Silent Hill or did the movie that came out in 2006 scare you the sound of the sirens well in today's Grim Adventure Jessica and I revisiting the filming locations to the 2006 movie Silent Hill in fact this street this bridge is the entrance to Silent Hill itself [Music] all right baby goal chances are if people are watching this video they've either played the video game or they've watched the movies but just in case they haven't why don't you tell everybody a little bit about what Silent Hill is about so the movie is centered around this girl who was adopted and she keeps having nightmares and things like that screaming out things especially stuff like Silent Hill the mom learns it's a real place and she wants to take her daughter there to find out what has traumatized this girl so badly and this is technically the entrance to Silent Hill to town and that's where the horrors begin honey sometimes when you go to sleep you go on a little walk and sometimes you talk about a place I don't remember that's why we're gonna go there so you can remember [Music] [Applause] how Christopher Sharon's gone I need your help I'm not okay please hurry um fire started 30 years ago [Music] I don't know what's happening do you know what's going on here this place is completely cut off the dark one opens and closes the door to Saturday where is she I'm trying to find my wife she looks exactly like Sharon why it's hard what's happening oh find your daughter you must face the darkness of hell it's okay baby Mommy's coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the movie Silent Hill when we get to this bridge Rose and Sharon are already in their car driving through the night to get to Silent Hill and it's pouring down rain and Sean Bean the dad comes driving right down this road and he stops at the bridge because there's this like blockade and there's police there he gets out of the car rains coming down and this is where he discovers always told about his wife's Jeep now this shot's not exact but at this point it should become clear if it hasn't already that this is the right Bridge into silent hill this is the shot that we get as he gets out of the car and he walks across and he starts talking to the police officer sorry sir this road is closed to my wife she may have come through here she tries to keep living right now we'd be walking through the barricade right past the fence there'd be a cop car off to the right hand side and pretty much right where Jessica's walking is how they get across the bridge again it was pouring down rain it's kind of pretty surreal being here in the sunlight all right cars coming we're going to get over here we're gonna make it all the way across the bridge but I just want you to see how busy this place is so if you do come out here it should probably come out early in the morning or something like that it is beautiful though now I don't remember in the movie do they show the Jeep on the other side or is this just like a a scene to keep moving forward I think it's just a scene because in the movie where they do show her Jeep it's what we keep calling the upside down of Silent Hill where that Ash is falling from the sky she's over by what looks like a Mountainside right yeah and we were we were talking about this earlier you don't see this bridge in the Silent Hill like the ash Skies part of Silent Hill you only see it in real life like this is the barrier Crossing yeah maybe so this is where Rose crashes the car and she wakes up on the other side over here she wakes up and Sharon is already gone sure [Music] sure again they never really show where the Jeep is over on this other side the abandoned vehicle but once Rose wakes up she on foot heads into the town of Silent Hill with Ash Fallen all around her to try to find Sharon and this is the story of Silent Hill [Music] anybody our next location is located in Hamilton Ontario right now we're walking up to this giant hole in the ground known as the devil's punch bowl they're opening shots of Silent Hill were filmed here well let me elaborate middle of the night Rose goes searching in the woods for Sharon and she runs down this embankment she comes to this giant waterfall which is right here I don't know if you guys can really see it with the Sun but right about the center of your screen it looks like it's like this giant cutout and there's a small waterfall there she comes Rose she comes running out to the top of the waterfall almost like she's gonna fall over and Sharon is standing almost directly across from where we are right now let me go ahead and see if I can zoom in here as much as I possibly can the devil's punch bowl I think if we really wanted to I can see people down there we can make it down to the bottom you want to go down to the bottom no this is pretty surreal being up here it looks a lot different than I could think because of film 20 years ago there's been some erosion and like you were saying earlier depending on the time of the year there's a little water or there's a lot of water it looks like there's quite a few different spots where you can get some Scenic views in if you will and what's really interesting about this one that we're walking to right now you can see it just through the trees there's this giant metal cross here and in the movie you can see it in the background of the scene and it looks like it's on fire and I think it's just like the distance and the haze of it but in all actuality this lights up at night and it is freaking massive the cross is so massive you can actually even see it walking up to the Overlook man I wish we were here at night so we can see it all lit up I figured this platform was really high up here but I didn't expect this I walked up and I was just kind of like taken aback by it but you were saying what Tyler it's almost like you can see America from here right America's over that way beautiful right you can hear the water underneath I can't believe that we're doing a silent hill video and it brings us to a place like this I mean come on silent hill the devil's punch bowl Silent Hell quiet you right now it's just me walking over to the bridge when we park there's a couple different signs that say that this is a high tick density area so Jessica and Tyler decided to stay back and I'm just kind of walking around walking along the main street here getting closer to the cliff it says danger Cliff Beyond this point no Public Access and sign that says there is always hope with a phone number oh man well I wasn't expecting to see anything like this there's a couple different crosses and heart plaques along the guard rail definitely a very sad place but right over here I can't climb down there but it looks like it's the tunnel from Silent Hill the one that Rose was running through in search of Sharon if they didn't film that here they built something very close to it it's almost spot on thank you foreign if I turn the camera this way you can see the water goes down and right about the center of your screen you can see that that concrete wall over there that's the cliff and it drops straight down go over this way oh for the love of Pete yeah but turn the camera up here you can see the cross that's where we were I know this video is about the Silent Hill filming locations and we're having fun but I'm going to take this opportunity if you yourself or somebody is ever feeling like they need to talk to somebody or you're feeling like harming yourself in any way shape or form always reach out to somebody there's always going to be somebody there you may not know them but there's always going to be somebody there that you can talk to We Now find ourselves at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center in Hamilton Ontario probably what is one of the most chilling if not the most chilling scene from Silent Hill and there's a lot of iconic scenes right but none of them as iconic or as terrifying as the church scene oh man I can't believe we're here at the church from Silent Hill or do you just look at that I can't believe we're standing in front of the church from Silent Hill can you just hear the sirens now of course the steps leading up to this church they were really long and very tall and they were all fake but this is it right off of a main road I'm just feeling the flesh getting ripped from my body [Applause] oh yeah yeah this is cool okay I just can't get over the fact that we are standing here I mean come on I had no idea that it's a real Church the windows the door everything matches up talk about nightmare fuel we get a shot from right about here a pyramid head walking up the steps carrying the woman right it's a pretty grotesque scene from about this shot right here where we see the Carnage happen foreign then we tried to find the exterior of the church and we looked at a lot of different churches just for our look at the church because we didn't really want it to look too Christian we wanted it to have a very distinctive look consequently we ended up settling on not a real church but the actual facade of a of a masonic temple and the stairs leading up to the church we had tried to find locations for it but we just couldn't find what we wanted so we built in the studio a set of stairs that we then composited the church at the top of the stairs and then we put the church the face of the church on the outside of our interior set I feel like it's taken us a long time to get here but we are finally in downtown Silent Hill but in all actuality this town in real life is actually called Brantford Ontario before we came here everybody told us that oh it looks nothing like it did whenever they made the movie it's completely changed some of that's true but just standing here I'm already seeing some landmarks that match up everything that I read online says that they did this complete renovation on both sides of the street here in Brantford but this side over here looks mainly untouched but as you can tell over here there's a new building we're going to do our best lining up a bunch of stuff this is going to surprise you surprised us the first big thing that I noticed that really hasn't changed are the lamp posts they still look the same I mean they got that glass Dome on top and then they have that bar going horizontally through the top end of it it's all still here it lines the street they did do some demolition work here for instance there was a big building over here this empty lot had a giant sign that can be seen in the movie that said Nathan drugs that Lamppost right there is still the same and if you look right over here in the sidewalk you can see these two squares they're like two grates those can be seen in the movie as well trust me we're just getting started I I can't wrap my head around and I'm walking through Silent Hill right now all the good stuff is right down there we get a shot of Rose walking right down the middle of the street in Silent Hill from right about here you can see the Temptation Kitchen in the shot and this building right here that says number 76. the windows all match up crazy cool as this a little further down we get the newer section of this street but right whenever it intersects with Queen Street is where we get probably one of the most famous intersections here in Silent Hill and I'm gonna see if I can get out there from right about here Rose she does this thing where she's spinning and she's calling out for Sharon and then right here you see this building on the left hand side it still looks exactly as it did in the movie foreign it's at this point in the movie where we leave the industrial area of Silent Hill and Rose starts running through the residential area looking for Sharon it's rather interesting at this point we're going to leave Main Street here and just kind of drive around and see if we notice anything a lot has changed different Alleyways the steps not sure if those are real or not but if we can find them if they are here we are Silent Hill I can't say it enough I'm just glad that there's like no Ash falling from the sky oh no it's getting dark and I think I might be stuck in Silent Hill you know they say this place is haunted that they do now we've seen some pretty amazing stuff here in Silent Hill but there's one more location that we need to visit for this place and that is the Grand Hotel and that is here in downtown Hamilton Ontario they've done a lot of renovation but it's still here you're saying what baby go it's a diner now yes the shot we get at the Grand Hotel from Silent Hills from right about here it's an establishing shot and this building looks identical to the way it did when they made the movie including the White markings on the corner it's amazing that it's still standing and it looks the way that it does now it's beautiful the Grand Hotel now today is the electric Diner well at least the first floor but you can see the characters walking down the road this road right here on the right hand side and they enter through a pair of double doors so we're going to kind of walk down here and see if we can see some double doors maybe we can get inside and it'll kind of line up I doubt it though see if I walk out this way and point the uh the camera up this is it you've seen double doors over there I like that it says arcade oh here we go all right this is cool now what's crazy about this we can't get in can we now this is cool though because we're going to show you some some uh pictures here so there's a lot of renovation that happened in this building at one point it was very derelict but if I zoom in here you can actually see the hallway there there's a reflection that's kind of creepy looking if I get in there all the way look how beautiful that is there's a lot of lights going on and a lot of reflection but that's it and here's a photo how it used to look okay here comes security that's beautiful all right baby goal we have successfully paid a visit to the town of Silent Hill what do you think of it do you have fun was it everything that you thought it would be what was it like climbing the steps to the church in Silent Hill walking the streets of Silent Hill I'm excited how many questions too many questions here here's a shard do you have a blast I did do you ever think that you could that you would ever walk the streets of this movie no I never thought I'd be in Canada but here we are well we did it we survived and with that being said thank you for joining us on another Grim Adventure this time visiting the world of Silent Hill hey hey until next time happy Halloween Havana
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 105,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Silent Hill, Silent Hill Movie, Silent Hill Then and Now, Silent Hill Filming Locations, Silent Hill Filming Location, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 2 Remake, Silent Hill Music, Silent Hill 2 OST, Silent Hill Trailer, Silent Hill Gameplay, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Silent Hill Movie Trailer, Silent Hill Movie Theme, Silent Hill Movie Soundtrack, Silent Hill Movie Explained, Silent Hill Movie Pyramid Head, Silent Hill Movie Ending, Silent Hill Movie Pyramid Head Church
Id: eLuI54eDWsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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