Child's Play (1988) Filming Locations - Then & NOW 4K

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for today's Grim Adventure we find ourselves in Chicago today we're going to be doing the filming locations to a wonderful horror movie from the 80s known as Child's Play now baby ghoul when you think of Child's Play what's the first thing that comes to mind killer doll right killer doll with a big knife hi I'm Chucky want to play now tell collaborate more on the killer doll with a big knife Child's Play spawned a series of sequels as well as a TV show called Chucky which is actually quite absurdly funny and grotesque it's all amazing but this is where it all started here in Chicago wherever I come it's my way wherever I go hard is that is stay you never stay today always my way it is a cold windy day in Chicago and in the last few minutes it has actually started snowing which is pretty cool though because in the movie it was also snowing now the street that we're standing on right now in the movie This Is Where Andy Barkley and his mother we're living the apartment building that can be seen also in the movie poster is right behind us on this street in Chicago do you guys want to see it yes now of course we're going to line up shots but that building right at the end of this street in the center of your screen that is the child's play apartment building from the movie Child's Play how amazing is [Music] that everyone has a birthday they'll always remember can we open my presents now Mommy a good guy I knew it hi I'm Chucky he's something isn't he this is Andy's time for bed Andy good night baby good night Aunt [Music] Magie good night Chuy doing what we do here at the Grim life Collective we visit a lot of pretty iconic horror locations but I'm telling you what standing here in Chicago looking up at this apartment building from the movie Child's Play is right up there I mean this is like this is one of those movies now we get an establishing shot of the building from right about here and in the movie you can see the business that's on the bottom floor that corner unit right there is actually a cleaners but today it's an oasis Fresh Restaurant like a vegetarian restaurant and what I always found interesting pay attention to the the truck that's actually parked on the sidewalk not on the street and then the camera pans up to the Barkley's apartment if we get up there a little bit it's kind of hard to do this in the middle of traffic but right about there is the shot that we get it's a little different wasn't as smooth as I'd like it and it is also from right here almost the exact shot where we get the movie poster for child's play I think the best time to see this apartment building in all of its glory is whenever Chucky actually hits Aunt Maggie in the head with the hammer and she falls out the window down under that truck below and then Andy's mom comes home she gets off a bus and she sees all the police vehicles over here parked on this street and she runs over to see let's move this place here go on home folks please when Andy's mom runs across the street she's actually running to the front door of the building now right where Jessica is standing right now this is where the truck was that was parked on the sidewalk that we were pointing out and that Aunt Maggie fell onto now we want to point out a few different things now for this we have to walk over to the entrance I'm hoping we can get inside I don't think we're going to be able to but we can check out some things so right here here we get really close this building is called the Brewster building this plaque can be seen in the movie it's the same exact plaque and this is where she ran in this is one heck of a building that's for sure another thing we want to point out is the lamp post the white balls the glass balls up there on both sides of the door those are still here you can see those in the movie because it's a nighttime scene they're lit up Jessica was just pointing out how much she loves this like rod iron fencing it's almost like a gate it's not a gate but it's like this little stanson here on the sidewalk that separates the street from the actual building itself now here's the thing inside this building there's a staircase and an old style elevator it's kind of reminiscent to the movie Blade Runner I really don't think we're going to be able to get in but we might be able to see it it's beyond gorgeous we definitely can't get inside we walked in here and there is a security guard here and he was very adant about not letting us put the camera up to the glass but we can tell you that the elevator is here everything that you see in the movie is here it's all original and it's all beautiful both the exterior and interior played a major role in the film the elevator the railings the bridges that are leading from the apartments to the interior sort of Lobby or atrim areas of this building all of which are very cast iron and suggest this cage that finding yourself in it's definitely a cold and windy day here in Chicago you can clearly see why they call this place the windy city well now that we have the apartment scenes in the bag so to speak let's backtrack a little bit and go to the opening shots of the movie the toy store now the opening shots to the movie Child's Play is actually in this Alleyway right over here that Jessica is walking down right now it's actually right behind building that they use for Playland toys we're going to point out everything but trying to be as thorough as we possibly can so this is where Chris sandon's character is having a shootout with Charles Lee Ray the very beginning of the movie was taken from right about here we're going to line up shots as best as possible but this is pretty cool some things have changed including over here on the left hand side there used to be a parking garage here that could be seen in the some of the other scenes that is no longer here but that building the front of that building right there is Playland toys the birthplace of Chucky again this is the opening shot of the movie where Chris Randon is chasing Charles Lee Ray they're having the shootout and a lot has changed the building on the left hand side is a little bit different like I said part of it's been torn down but if you look on the right hand side you see this weird formation and the markings above it that is the same as the movie as well as the fire escape that's just behind Jessica it's all still here crazy right I got the Strangler W bash [Music] it now we are going to walk around to the front of the building in lineup shots but had to take a look back here this is the backside of Playland toys right they should have filmed back here this would have been really neat when they shot this scene was pretty much all around this one little block area let's show you what we mean now on the other side of this fence was a building like we just said that was torn down and if it was still here it would make a lot more sense now the chase the shootout actually turns this corner right here and then the camera stops right about here just imagine that that fence is actually a building so Charles Lee Ray comes running towards the camera and behind him you can actually see a sign that says park now what's really interesting about this when I walk past Jessica it's still a little parking area over there but instead of a building it's a lot as the shootout continues down the street we get a shot looking down this road right here yes that building on the right is Playland toys and just be on that there's a giant neon sign that says Cantonese food Jimmy Wongs and if you look closely way off in the distance you can see a yellow Park sign now what's fun about this Chris Sarandon's character he actually runs out into the middle of the street well kind of and he kind of ducks behind a box and he shoots at Charles ler Ray from right about here where Jessica is that box is still here although it's not really filled in anymore it looks a little bit different but this is it this all happens real quickly then it really took us standing here putting boots on the ground and just going oh yeah everything looks familiar now we have a little bit of movie Magic here a little camera work if you will so right where Jessica is that's where Chris Sarandon was firing off at Charles Lee Ray and he actually hits them one's in the leg now baby go you got to play two different people so Charles L Ray when he gets hit he falls to the ground right over let's see if I can line this up right where Jessica is in this shot you can see the the great in front of them as well as the great behind them you should definitely win an Oscar for this now here's where things get interesting this building right here is the Playland toys toy store and it's changed quite a bit but at least it is still here now when it comes to the shootout Charles ler Ray actually Ducks into a doorway right over here the doorway is gone instead now it's all glass but right here about the center of your screen you can kind of see that witch L figure this is where he was standing and he was actually shooting at Chris sandon which is actually down this way now this small little red building that Chris Randon was ducking behind for cover is gone they tore it down relatively recently but what's kind of neat is you can see right there on the ground that red curb that is all that's left of it pretty wild right and I was really hoping that there was going to be a business here that was open that we can go inside I know that they changed a lot but if anything I was really hoping that the floor was going to be the same from the movie but that looks different as well but inside here is where that classic scene took place hey the building's Still Standing if that's all we get that's all we get now baby gou can you imagine if this was still a toy store or somebody bought it and they turned it into Playland toys and they sold Good Guys dolls here we could only hope right that'd be phenomenal with all that has changed this is as close as we're going to get to the shot where all the magic happens just to be standing [Music] here D give me the power a b VI that is perfect this is another horror location bucket list for us knocked off our list ready to continue with the video yes we now find ourselves pretty much in downtown Chicago it's a strange place to be it's a strange and believe it or not a rather expensive place to be because parking here can get quite pricey I'm talking like $30 for like a half an hour and it's insane now what we're here for is actually for a very small scene it's an exterior shot of where Andy's mom works like a department store but what's really cool about it today this place is known as The Goth Target wait till you see it now in the movie you see this little land bridge down here about the center of your screen but in the movie it's actually enclosed that's actually the Metro a rail bridge that goes across the road but if we pan over here this is the building where Andy's mother was working in the movie and in the shot the camera kind of pans up a little bit up the building but it's here it's in real [Music] life this is definitely pretty glorious I never seen a Target that looks like this no wonder they call it the gothic Target hey look at that now of course the inside is not going to look like the outside but we got to go in got some shopping to do on the inside it's just your basic average Target but look at those pillars [Music] beautiful look at all of this Woodwork in here it kind of makes you feel like you're inside a like a church or a cathedral right beyond beautiful I know I say that a lot and I mean it every single time this is what we call $30 shot parking just to come here to just point the camera at the gothic Target but we can say that we've been here you see it all over social media and it was also in the movie Child's Play We got some more to see the next few scenes that we're going to show actually start here at a place known as Ida B Wells Preparatory Elementary School this was Andy's School we're going to talk about it in just a minute now I always find this very interesting because in the movie whenever Andy's mother drops him off here and then he skips and he gets on the train the entire scene from that on it looks like the train has taken him all over over the city of Chicago where in fact it's only a couple blocks so the next few scenes that we see are all filmed within walking distance of each other what you're looking at right now is Andy Barkley school you can actually see this whenever his mother Karen is dropping them off there's snow on the ground and you actually see this portion of the school it's actually the side see those windows right there in fact with with the snow on the ground they walk towards where I am right now and then when they get to right about here Karen kneels down and talks to Andy about asking if they were okay from last night about the nightmares about what happened to Aunt Maggie and he says everything's fine and then he goes inside these doors and Everything's changed a little bit I mean it always does there's different doors here but this is it now the thing about this scene he goes inside and then whenever he realizes as his mom is gone he comes back out looks and then he's skipping school with Chucky and he walks right down this way right here that building across the street it's still the same but this is [Music] it so basically in the movie Andy and Chucky endend up skipping school and they get on a train and they go across town and there's a couple different shots throughout Chicago but ultimately they end up at this station down here there's a pair of steps a set of steps they've changed a little bit let me show you what I mean a lot has definitely changed since they made the movie in the 80s but these stairs right here are the same ones that Andy walks down carrying Chucky there's a new building to the left but the stairs pretty much are the same as well as that lamp post right there it's crazy he comes right down those stairs and then he walks off camera this [Music] way in fact I think this is as close as we're going to get to that scene today the time of recording this in 2024 I always find it interesting whenever filming locations change like this where it changed just enough that you can still see the movie but obviously it's something different you know how many people walk by or get off of this stop and don't even realize that Child's Play was filmed here basically Chucky forces Andy to skip school and then they take the train to this location and then they walk the rest of the way to an abandoned house where Charles Lee Ray's accomplice Eddie is hiding out it's like the The Hideout and if you remember anything about the movie Eddie is the one that kind of ditched Charles Lee Ray at the beginning of the movie and it's here in this general area we're going to point out some stuff where Andy says he has to go tinkle and he sets Chucky the doll on like a rocking chair like an abandoned chair in the middle of this like junkyard now a lot has has definitely changed there are new buildings here like there's no tomorrow but this little vacant lot right here is basically where The Hideout was but to be more precise it was actually closer to the building that's on the right instead of in the center of this lot and we know this because in the scene whenever Andy realizes that Chucky has got up and he's gone he's walking around the house calling out Chucky and he makes it to the back of the house and we get a shot from right about here now looking at at this you can see these two apartment buildings and then this church steeple right here in this shot and you can just kind of hear Andy calling out Chucky Chucky Chucky Chucky then actually if you look at the scene again very quick shot you see this building right here it's about the only building that's still standing the reason we started talking about The Hideout from the back side of the building is because from that side you can actually see something that looks familiar to whenever they made the movie so right now I'd be standing right at the front steps to The Hideout and when I back the camera up here nothing I mean Absol absolutely nothing looks the way that it did back whenever they made the movie I mean it got new buildings new houses everywhere the only thing that's still the same is the rail station or like the rail tracks that's it everything else is gone our next little stop for Child's Play brings us to the police station from the movie it's the old police station here in this neighborhood they actually since the movie was made they built a new police station and it moved down the street but this is the old 42nd Precinct building and this door right here that Jessica is looking in a lot of filming over here on this side pretty much right where Jessica is standing is where the big reveal scene happened where Andy's mom and Chris sandon I can never remember his name in the movie detective right Detective Chris sandon or the Pumpkin King whatever you want to say they're having a conversation right here and she says he's been operating this entire time without battery she found the batteries and she shows him his arm her arm and she it's the bite marks and what does she say Chucky bit me now in this scene you can see that the lamp post just behind Jessica you can see the gas station and then pay close attention to the brick work in the building on the right detective Norris Miss Barkley what are you doing back here Andy was telling the truth Chucky bit me oh for God's sake the other scene that was filmed here as you see Chris sandon walking right out this door to pretty much right where I'm standing well his car is parked here and he gets inside and Chucky is in the back seat waiting for him he calls him an a-hole [Music] but once again what did Andy's Mom say Chucky bit me and with that being said thank you for joining us on another Grim Adventure this time visiting the filming locations some of the filming locations to the horror classic Child's Play until next time happy Halloween my wherever I go hard luck is that is St good luck never stay today bad luck's always the C in my way
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 60,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Child's Play, Chucky, Child's Play 2, Child's Play 3, Child's Play Theme, Child's Play Trailer, Chucky Season 3, Child's Play Filming Locations, Child's Play Then and Now, Child's Play Filming Location, Chucky HHN Orlando, Chucky HHN Hollywood, Chucky HHN Japan, Chuck Halloween Horror Nights, Filming Locations Then and Now, Filming Locations of Famous Movies, Filming Locations Movies, Filming Locations Halloween, Filming Locations Friday the 13th, Filming Locations Home Alone
Id: PUtXC2s8Oag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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