Forgotten Abandoned Toronto Mansion - WITH POWER and INDOOR POOL !

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toronto canada's largest city home to roughly three million people with the average price of a small detached house ranging anywhere from one to two million dollars you'd think with so many people living in such a confined space that almost every house would be inhabited but that's not the case for this seven million dollar mansion which has been left abandoned for almost six years now in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods of the city join us as we investigate the 8 000 square foot mansion and discover why it was abandoned and what was left behind [Music] geez this playstyle has working electricity and ventilation and just all the water damage on the ceiling i can't believe this place sort of in the chandelier that hung up in the foyer here looks like somebody dragged over here look at all the moss build up on the floor this last part looked like it would have been the kitchen built between 1978 and 1980 this mansion housed a family of four and their nanny with the husband being one of the top doctors in the city for whatever reason the family had to leave canada temporarily in 2012 and so the house sat vacant this short departure however turned into a permanent stay for the family and so the property remained empty for the following years it's crazy to see the water damage on this corner and then this light here is still working like something i'm surprised hasn't short-circuited yet whether the original family still owns the property or it was seized by the city remains unknown but with the house's power remaining on and unchecked water damage all throughout the building this mansion appears to be a ticking time bomb of an insurance claim waiting to happen look back here [Music] it looks like this pool was all made out of cement which is extremely expensive they had like thick wooden siding all around the pool room here so they really spared no expense with this house if i had to guess i'd say this pool's anywhere between just for the cement foundations fifty to sixty thousand dollars you can see the state of it now it wasn't until late 2014 that the house was finally placed on the market for a high 7 million while the 2.5 acres of land the mansion was situated on was appraised for only 4 million buyers in this area preferred to tear down and build their own dream mansion rather than buy one and with the owners refusing to budge on their listing price the property failed to sell until it was eventually taken off the market a year later now it sits empty slowly decaying as the years pass look at how many vents and it's mirrored on the other side it's symmetrical but look how many vents along the exterior they needed just to prevent moisture buildup which is crazy looks like they got a little iron walkway if you wanted to go straight from the pool room to the upstairs here you can see just how much moisture build up from all the moss and mold just decaying this building away crazy looks like it would have been the master [Music] pa system here you could talk to people outside you can see the impressions on the carpet they probably had like a little dresser there vanity over there main bed was there we had a television plugged into the wall across from the bed nice view of the backyard in the pool there sort of a nice master bathroom look at kids came in here and smashed it all look at that jacuzzi walk-in closet behind the bathroom here that's interesting was a sauna imagine having that in your own room most of the other rooms are fairly empty i'll show you them quickly just so you can get a general glimpse this probably would have been like a girls room because of the pink coloring stickers everywhere still a large room and the shared bathroom and the other bedroom here so you can see the ceiling's just given out from water build up in the uh insulation here it's the last of the looks bedrooms it had its own ensuite bathroom here and it was quite deep these rooms once filled with lavish furniture and family memories are now a shell of their former selves empty and forgotten slowly decaying away beyond repair it's time for the basement here let me get my flashlight out oh it's noticeably a lot colder down here which is nice but it's also musty so i don't want to spend too long down here and oh look at the ceiling there's like calcium buildup all those water droplets that you see have like crystallized it's almost like we're in a cave i'm covered in cobwebs this has clearly not been traversed in a while it's moving like the bar and you can see like a renaissance style backsplash they had so power still works down here too and you can see there's cobwebs everywhere finding this whole basement it looks like it was styled almost like a dungeon this is probably where they would have kept their wine you can see the racks along the back wall here i keep hearing that ticking noise she's gonna try and duck oh my god these cobwebs are you know i'm just gonna have to walk through it oh my god look at them all my camera can pick them all up but i wanted to see what this ticking noise was their electrical's still running and it sounds like it's on its last legs do so what's the deal with this abandoned mansion with the previously steep asking price drawing in no offers it doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon will an ambitious developer make an offer or will the house succumb to demolition by natural decay or perhaps even a fire i leave you to form your own opinions and draw your own conclusions based on this exploration and as always thank you for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Uncharted Travel
Views: 36,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, abandoned untouched, abandoned, abandoned mansions in canada, abandoned untouched mansion, abandoned places toronto, abandoned mansion toronto, forgotten mansion, exploring abandoned mansion, best abandoned mansion, abandoned places near me, abandoned places canada, everything left behind, abandoned with power, power still on, abandoned places, ontario, abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned mansion with power, urbex, abandoned mansion with pool, haunted, rich
Id: DoIRhBBq4O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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