SAW (2004) Filming Locations - Then and NOW 4K

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you my dear are looking a little extra spooky holding that guy today can't stop smelling his head does he have a smell he smells like rubber it smells like rubber sounds like a haunted house i can see that i like he uses yeah i like them trick or treat studios really did a nice job on him i'm glad we get to actually take him into where the movie saw was filmed for today's grim adventure we find ourselves in a place called lacey street production center or studios where back in 2004 they filmed a horror movie here called saw recognize this face and that face what the heck and this face we're all going inside we're going to try to document as much as we possibly can how the filming locations to the 2004 movie saw look like today is about ready to walk inside and i turn around and jessica has turned into the creepy creepy doll himself all right you ready for it you're ready to go inside and get dirty all right hello now this is extra special because not only is it the grims here where they filmed saw in 2004 but we also have billy the doll from the movie saw not extra creepy now he doesn't move he's stationary we do not have a bicycle either like a little tricycle but you ready for this baby goal this hallway that we're standing in right now a very very bloody scene happened here all right wanna go up to the saw room let's go now as we walk up there and we walk down this hallway we're going to come back down in a little bit and we're going to line up some shots talk about what happened and even go down inside the basement but this here right above where jessica is right now is the room the bathroom from the movie saw now these steps were used in the filming as well we're going to talk about in just a moment but the whole point of this is to go all the way up to the top the second floor of this building all right this is just pretty much this is blowing my mind this is the bathroom from the movie saw it looks a heck of a lot different doesn't it yes yeah they built the entire room the walls were fake the floors were faded it was all wood actually it looks like real tile but it's actually all wood that you see in the film now you know us every time we do a filming location we do the best we can in lining up shots now like jessica said this entire room they built the entire set it took two weeks to turn this into the bathroom for the movie saw but we're going to line up a few things as best as we can and for that we actually need you know john cramer jigsaw to be laying in the middle of the room and since we don't have him stand in got the stand in go ahead put him in the center baby all right so he's not life size i'd say no he's a little closer to me a little closer closer right about there now he would have been laying face down in a pool of blood and one of the clues that jigsaw gives is you know when you have enough poison in your veins the best thing you can do at that point is to shoot yourself there's a man in the room with you when there's that much poison in your blood the only thing left to do you shoot yourself now we all know if you've watched the movie saw what happens to the man in the middle of the room but we have a few things to line up now that we have everything set well billy laying in the spot where jigsaw would have been the opening shots of the movie are on this side of the room over here in this corner is where lee wannell the guy who wrote the movie would have woken up inside the bathtub the bathtub would have been right there where that table is and as he gets out of the bathtub he lays over here in this corner because he can't get out he's actually chained to the pipes in the corner now the pipes were fake everything inside this room was built only for this and it was all taken down after that it's a pretty big room for two weeks a little over two weeks 18 days is how long it took to film this movie and that means completely on the other side of the room and you see that door there if you're a fan of the movie saw you know exactly what that door is that we're going to talk about in just a little bit but for right now right where jessica is over here in this corner this is where kerry old west was where he was tied well chained to the really dirty and disgusting pipes do you call it pipes or pipeage i'm gonna say pipes that were behind him like at one point he even touches one of the pipes and the pipe moves like pipes aren't supposed to do that you can tell that it was a set although it looks very real [Music] when they wake up inside their pockets they find envelopes with their names on it and inside the envelopes are two cassette tapes one for each of them that says play me when carrie listens to his he listens to it again because at the very end he hears a faint whisper that says follow your heart now looking around the room they discover that right next to lee onel's character there's a toilet that's filled with something pretty nasty and written on the side of it there's a shape of a heart he digs in it and eventually he finds two saws we only have one how about passing me that all you want this i want this all all right it's my turn for saul all right baby you asked for it there you go salvation get out of these chains gotta cut it wait a minute i don't think these are meant to go through the chains i think he wants us to cut off our foot he doesn't want us to cut through our chains he wants us to cut through our feet now please don't knock us because of how bad this prosthetic leg looks like we ordered it online it's crap now later on in the movie carrie elwes actually cuts off his leg and he ditches it kinda like that great acting much applause but whenever he first gets the hacksaw which is what jessica is holding again not an actual prop from the movie something we had laying around the house because we collect weird things weird medical items he starts cutting his leg trying to free himself now here's the fun thing about this he actually did cut his leg now whenever he was doing this the scene he was cutting very slowly and james wan was like listen man if you were really doing this in real life trying to free yourself you'd be cutting pretty frantically so he started cutting and cutting and cutting and he actually did cut himself but not with the sharp edge it was the blunt edge they turned the blade completely around i did actually cut my leg when i did that um even though they blunted the hacksaw um the james was yelling at me faster faster and i was like well that makes sense i mean i think i would definitely be doing it faster if i wanted to get this thing done and uh before long i felt this twinge of ow [Laughter] and and before you know it the uh the fake glucose blood was mixing with the real thing but it was just a small cut it's nothing here you can see it there there you go there an acting exercise now while all this is happening tobin bell's character jigsaw john cramer is still laying in the center of the room and we're going to walk around the room like this you can get a good 360 view of what we're looking at now here's the crazy thing about this we did say that it took them about two weeks to create this bathroom all the tile that you see on the walls fake it's fake it's it's wood it's etched in painted wood and it looks so realistic now right behind where jessica is standing while sitting i should say right behind her you see some pipes now we did everything we possibly could to try to line up shots you know does this pipe look like this does this ceiling look like this they completely built this entire room 100 they turned it into their own stage yeah like all the pipes they brought them in all fake walls yeah big floor the fake lights everything in here was fake they even edited the door in a way that they kind of um built a wall here so in the movie their door slides into a wall yeah it doesn't slide into a wall here and we notice that the door itself was a lot wider so they built to extend the door but you there's a few tell telling signs that there are some bars that you can see still evidence on the door here that were still there when they did the movie and when they laminated the door you see these little humps now if we look at the actual door it looks a lot smaller than it did in the movie and like jessica said they did build a little like facade think of it like an entrance to a haunted house you know something over it so they can do whatever they wanted and still not damage the building in any way after all this is an historical landmark there are a few other things that i do want to point out for instance the very beginning of the movie whenever they wake up and they're trying to figure out where they are and why they are here everything in this room is looking old and patinaed and nasty and disgusting but kerry olves he notices that there's a clock on the wall right about there that's brand new and he says something along the lines of you know well above everything it doesn't know what time it is yeah they want us to know what time it is it's brand new somebody obviously wanted us to know the time and do you remember the scene where they turn off the lights for the x marks the spot well that would have been around in this area where he takes the butt of his saw breaks out some of the tiles that had been closed up and finds the box with the little lock on it requires a key do you remember what's in that box the cigarettes are harmless i promise smoking is only poisonous when it ends in bloodshed think about this you don't need a gun to kill out and another landmark in this room right over in front of jessica there's a scene where after lee 1l's character breaks the hacksaw that jessica is holding it's not the exact hacksaw from the movie no mine's nice but he throws it against the wall and he ends up breaking out a piece of glass that turns out to be a two-way mirror and on the other side of it they find that they're being watched that there's a camera back there watching their every every like setting to the wall if you're a fan of the movie saw then obviously you know that there are some twist endings for one whenever tobin bell gets up off the floor but there's one more scene that we need to show in this room before we say goodbye and that's the door that's behind me as tobin bell jigsaw gets up he walks over to this door and he says oh yeah well so many words the key to free yourself is in the bathtub and very opening shot it goes down the drain and he goes and he shuts the door he says game over this is a heavy door you can see him get some back behind it [Music] okay to that chain game over how cool is that are so freaking spooky now this portion of our saw filming location video may make you dizzy now what i said earlier about they filmed the entirety of the movie saw here at lacey street productions all the interiors they filmed here now this room right here which is right next to the saw room they did a lot of filming here a lot of the torture scenes now jessica is hiding over there i'm going to come over and check you out because this is i'm going to go this way there we go it's not real but we do have a trick-or-treat studios replica reverse bear trap pretty close to the same one that shawnee smith was wearing she played amanda different interviews of this scene it's said that shawnee smith was actually really sick whenever she was here filming at this she had like a 102 degree fever and she was feeling a little no well not too good but they got her in the contraption and james juan did this wonderful thing where he just had her sitting in a chair they built a circular dolly track and all they did was walk around her like this and she tried to get out after struggling for some time she ends up freeing herself a little bit she stands up and in doing so a pin is pulled and she realizes oh crap this is serious and it's at this point she notices that there's a body laying on the other side of the room and she remembers what jigsaw told her that the key to save herself is actually in the stomach of that guy another twist he really wasn't dead he was actually drugged but she takes a really tiny knife and she cuts them up and she takes it out and she frees herself just in time and she throws the contraption on the floor go ahead it's pretty similar to that there's only one key to open the there's another torture device scene that happens here in this area of lacey street productions it's the the naked guy who's covered in some flammable stuff and written on the walls around him are different numbers now what's really funny about this and i kind of chuckle about it if you listen to the dvd extras the audio commentary it turns out that all those numbers on the wall aren't really just random they're the cast and crew members phone numbers and numbers of x's just any number any digit that they could think of and they tell well jigsaw tells the guy the naked guy hey in order to free yourself the combination to that safe that holds the you know your way out is written on the wall somewhere you better find it well it ends up getting a little charred and that dummy that burn victim they said is probably one of the the most costly rentals of the entire 18-day shooting after danny glover gets his throat slit by jigsaw detective singh comes right down these stairs and it looks identical to the way it did back in 2004 the red walls the white brick he comes right down these stairs chasing after jigsaw and as detective singh turns the corner after coming down the stairs he sees jigsaw about halfway down the hallway here and he calls out to him to stop he doesn't so what's he do he shoots him and as he gets closer to figure out hey what's going on right about here right where this brick archway is he hits tripwire and it causes the shotguns to shoot him from up above down on him and of course detectives sing that's the end of him now real quick here's a shot of the other side of the archway they show this very quickly there's shotguns lined up there and those are the shotguns that detective singh would have tripped whenever he hit that tripwire it's crazy to think that we're standing here like this is cool a real quick upstairs i did mention that this place has a historical aspect to it now of course saw wasn't the only movie that was filmed here right now as we're doing this there's another production that's getting ready to happen don't know anything about it and that's perfectly fine but back in the day the first leprechaun had some scenes that were filmed here cagney and lacey was filmed here some rap videos i even think i read online something about some adult videos don't know too much about that but this place has been around it's an active production studio they actually film things here i feel very honored that we're a part of it now there's one more special thing down here at the end of this hallway and that's the entrance to a subterranean level the basement of lacey street studios now we're going to go down there in just a minute but i do want to tell you about what to expect now of course a little setup about what we're about to experience is needed there's a point in the movie where carrie elwes his character realizes that wait a second he has an idea he thinks he knows who might be doing this and he recalls a certain crime where somebody is trapped inside razor wire that happened down inside this hole very tight quarters and we're going down now because this is such tight quarters we're ditching the gimbal and we're going down what do you want to call it like rogue if you will completely freehand now if i'm not mistaken there's a point when they're walking down the steps where he reaches up and he bumps into this where he grabs on to it the only reason i know that is because i was a suspect as he gets down here and he ducks his head look at this oh my god baby go wait till you see this this is insane so i'm guessing right here in the center of us because this is the biggest open spot this is where they built the contraption with all the barbed wire and they had a guy in there now the story with him if you remember he ended up trying to commit suicide and yeah he slashed his wrist and jigsaw was like hey man you know did you really mean to do that if you really want to save your life you got to crawl through all this barbed wire and ultimately he did well he tried to and the door that's behind you right over here i'm going to show it was on a three minute timer three hour time yeah three hour timer yeah how crazy cool is that so even if you would have got out most of jigsaw's traps were designed to even if you did get out you wouldn't survive this is it right now i'm standing in the middle of where all that razor wire the barbed wire would have been in the movie of course they didn't use you know something that sharp it was all rubber but this is it that crazy scene was probably one of the most disturbing scenes at least for me and of course you know danny glover he was really tall and i'm six foot two i can't i'm gonna hit my head if i stand up there another little interesting tidbit trivia piece about this the cinematographer that was here filming when he came down here with the camera on his shoulder he actually hit his head on one of these beams trying to get the shot he had ended up going to the hospital because of a concussion and somebody else had to fix the scenes or finish them but this is it crazy right i'm a little nervous being down here i wish i could look down and just see like a piece of razor wire you know what here's some of that piece of rusted metal i think this is going to come home with us for our grimlife collective like our collection our personal collection that's cool now there's only a few more locations that we want to showcase and this is one of them these steps right here now these steps are a lot more wider than the other ones whenever they come down whenever detective singh comes down but whenever detectives sing and danny glover's character goes up to you know basically jigsaw's layer like his headquarters they pretty much walk up shoulder to shoulder so the stairs had to be a little extra wide and this is it [Music] so that second floor right up there that was jigsaw's layer now sadly we can't get up there to show you what it looks like today and of course everything's changed over the years so i'm not entirely sure how much we can show you but there is an act of production going on up there but while danny glover and detective singer up there and they see that guy with the the drills getting ready to go into his head they hear the elevator come up and it's jigsaw the elevator's here too with the detectives upstairs trying to save the guy so he wouldn't be jigsaw's next victim jigsaw would've been walking probably right over this way towards the elevator and they hear it and they stop and they try to hide they cover everything back up but this is the exact elevator that he would have used and he would have been wearing that robe man it's just extra creepy jessica was a little sad that i didn't let her lay in the middle of the floor like jigsaw would have so i promised her we'd come back up here to the room and have her do it yep he would have been laying exactly like this well in one hand there would have been a recorder and the other one would have been a gun and surrounding him would be a pull of blood one of the biggest twists in horror history i mean saw really changed the game didn't it how funny is it game over like it was almost like a drop the mic moment he gets up just like that there you go and then he rips off all the special effects make up the dude in the corner is flipping up right now keep in mind the guy in the corner lee wannell he's the guy who wrote this yeah and he acted he knew it was coming and he was still like he acted really well yeah jessica and i are slightly obsessed with collecting trick-or-treat studios masks and props this is the reverse bear trap that shawnee smith would have been wearing in the movie saw now an interesting piece of trivia man we're filled with those kind of things whenever james juan and leonel created saw they were trying to pitch it to get a feature-length movie they created a short film where lee wannel actually wore this in the short film he created that scene to help sell it now here's the fun twisted part about it in that short film what he was wearing was pretty close to the actual thing it was heavy it was metal probably wouldn't have killed him but it was heavy when shawnee smith put it on it was pretty light made out of aluminum and and rubber it still had some pieces like this here if you watch the special features it's actually a bicycle gear the billy doll and the rope are both trick or treat studios it's pretty cool that we have these in our collection especially this buddy i mean we set him up next to the tv and anytime we're watching anything he's staring right back at us i always find it funny his shoes they kind of remind me of dorothy's shoes from wizard of oz that's jessica now tracking down the filming locations to other parts of the movie saw is a little bit hard mainly because everything that i found online the addresses were all wrong right now i'm walking on palmetto street and i'm coming up on the intersection where palmetto meets mateo now there's a couple different warehouses here that the cast well the crew james juan and lee wannel chose to get some still photos of warehouses you'll see what i mean it all makes sense here in just a minute now in the movie danny glover's character detective tap is watching tapes trying to pinpoint where exactly jigsaw is and in doing so he hears the sound of a fire alarm so he calls his partner over detective singh and doing some detective research which is ultimately what they do they were able to track down that fire alarm to one particular address and that address is to this building right here in fact you can actually see this building in a series of photos that james wan and the crew took now you see where it says starkman right in the center of the the building there you can see that in the photo it's still we got a here alarm going off [Music] along with the photo of that building they took a couple other different pictures and that collage that they show and i thought that i was gonna have to do a lot of driving and a lot of research but this street palmetto the photos that they took basically of the three buildings are here so basically what i'm looking at right now is jigsaw's lair i do want to draw your attention to the street one more time it is palmetto street but in the movie it was a fake street they called it stygian street but nope in real life it's palmetto magic of hollywood you can kind of see the starkman building all the way down there at the end of the street now this building right here if you read it says warehouses barker brothers factories now this building can also be seen in the movie saw as well as that building right there to the left of the word warehouses that is the old mannequin factory that is where jigsaw's lair was well in the movie hollywood magic all around now i should go without saying but just want to point out that this was only technically the exteriors of jigsaw's lair the interiors were all filmed at lacey street production studios that second floor that we couldn't get to we saw the stairs we saw the freight elevator going up now keep in mind that was back in 2004 and now it's 2021 at the time of filming this now back then it was an abandoned building which stood in for the fictional old mannequin factory now it's an apartment building i always wonder the people that live here do they know what this place is [Music] my always [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 479,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SAW 2004, SAW 2004 Reaction, SAW 2004 Soundtrack, SAW 2004 Review, SAW 2004 TV Spot, SAW 2004 Hello Zepp, SAW 2004 Theme Piano, SAW 2004 Filming Locations, SAW 2004 Filming Location, SAW 2004 Movie Reaction, SAW 2004 Ending Explained, SAW Jigsaw Voice, SAW Jigsaw, SAW Jigsaw on Tricyle, SAW Trick or Treat Studios, SAW Jigsaw Theme Song, SAW Jigsaw Movies, SAW Movies, SAW Jigsaw Puppet, SAW Jigsaw Explained, Filming Location, Filming Locations, Then and NOW, SAW Traps
Id: 4QLzwURpC4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 27sec (2067 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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