The Grave of Eric Clapton's Son...Conor Clapton - Tears In Heaven 4K

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I come bad luck just my way wherever I go hard luck is that is day good luck never stays to Day always my when it comes to music some of the greatest songs ever written have to deal with pain that the human heart feels whether it's from love or something tragic happening like a loved one dying now with that being said one of the saddest songs to me that has been written in today's day and age is Eric Clapton's Tears in Heaven which he wrote about the death of his son now this story brings us to Eric Clapton's Hometown where his son is buried in Ripley England Eric Clapton's Tears in Heaven captures the grief and heartbreak the songwriter suffered after the loss of his son Connor Connor was just 4 and A2 years old when he tragically fell 53 stories from an open window where he was living with his mother in New York [Applause] [Music] City Connor growing to a toddler emulating his famous father he loved listening to Clapton's music and had budding dreams of being like the famed slow hand now to properly tell the story of the death of Connor Clapton we have to go back to March 20th 1991 New York City you see Eric Clapton and his then girlfriend they weren't living together and their son Connor was staying with his mother and for whatever reason the cleaner came in the housekeeper came in and she was cleaning the windows and she opened the windows and she couldn't get it shut and she turned her back and in a blink of an eye Connor ran across the room over to the window sill and instead of stopping went out the window and he fell 53 stories to his death I always thought that there were rules in place for things like this to to prevent that from happening like that there were or some sort of locking mechanism on the windows and upon doing research it it seems that back then maybe it's still like that today that it is the city's law but it is ultimately up to the landlord to install those safety precautions and for whatever reasons on this particular apartment they weren't there and it seems a little weird I mean accidents happen in the blink of an eye so you never really know but sadly March 20th 1991 it was a yeah it was sad I'm Eric Clapton I need to talk to parents about how many kids are injured and even killed by Falls each year in this country nearly 100,000 kids are hospitalized because of Falls here's how parents can help keep their kids safe there are two simple things you can do use guards on Windows and safety gates on stairs it's easy and it could prevent a terrible tragedy believe me I know now believe it or not the death of Connor Clapton actually gets even more sadder you see the day before this happened Eric Clapton was actually in town for work and the day before he took Connor to the circus and they had this really really nice day and then the next day he gets the phone call that his son fell to his death and he couldn't believe it there couldn't have been a bigger Nightmare Before anyone could stop him four-year-old Connor Clapton had plunged to his death from the 53rd floor of the Galleria Building he' made it past his mother and three other adults who were in the apartment to a window that had just been cleaned and left open there was nothing to break his fall except the roof of an adjoining building now four four and a half years old something like that and Connor was just learning to write and I think it sometime after that his mother came out and said that Connor actually wrote a note to his daddy saying I love you and put it in the mail and it didn't actually get there until after you know Connor passed in the funeral I started opening all my leg letters and condolence thousands and thousands of them and I opened one and it was from Connor it had been posted weeks before from Milan and I realized that if I can go through this and stay sober then anyone can now when it comes to Connor's funeral try to picture this in this small English town in this small English Cemetery one of rock and roll's greatest guitar players rock stars Eric Clapton his son is laid to rest here it's very tragic and headlines across the world and there was a photographer that captured the funeral and one of the photos was taken from right about here and in it you can see the Paul bearers carrying the coffin and Eric CLA it and his girlfriend friend walking right behind him there's another photo that was taken from right about here of Eric Clapton and his girlfriend walking towards the camera you can see the MERS walking not too far behind them and I'm guessing this is after they buried Connor and the last photo I'm going to show you is taken from right about here you can see the church on the left and then if you look at the end of the pathway you see those black vertical bars there's two of them well in the photo they're like a turquoise like a light blue and the Paw bearers are carrying the coffin down this pathway right here so I figure going to try to do this all in one one long shot going to walk back the same path that they did Jessica's back here playing with there's snails in the garden now I remember the first time I heard Tears in Heaven and my dad played it for me my dad is a big Eric Clapton fan and even further back before Eric Clapton went on on his like solo project he was a big fan of I think it was with the Yard Birds right or cream that's what it was cream and when it came to Tears in Heaven whenever Eric Clapton wrote this song he actually was like his form of therapy and he wasn't going to release it on anything and at the time there's a movie that came out in 1991 called rush and he was convinced I think it was to actually put that that song on that album and it became an instant hit not only because it's a great song but because of the story now right here I'm going to get close to it in just a moment but back here in the corner is Connor Clapton's final resting place so let's see here Connor Clapton 1986 of 1991 beloved Son Sweet Child of infinite Beauty you will live in our hearts forever well it looks like somebody's been out here recently too because that's a real rose and all the different toys here the toy cars man this is just sad it just breaks my heart now of course for copyright reasons I cannot play the song but I'm guessing if you are watching this then you probably already know how heartbreaking this song is especially hearing his dad air clapped and singing it but I mean the words I can't get them out of my head right now would you know my name if I saw you in heaven would it be the same if I saw you in heaven man it just I got chills just my entire body I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to lose a child especially at that age and how Connor died now I've always been a fan of Eric Clapton's music and this is one of those those stories one of those lives one of those Graves that I've heard about and whenever we were coming back to England and we were up this way I remembered I was like wait a second Connor Clapton is buried somewhere near here so we had to stop we had to come and we had to pay our respects and just kind of give a little a little heartbeat if you will to Connor Clapton where I my way wherever I go hard luck is Dad is day good luck never stay to Day always
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 88,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eric Clapton, Eric Clapton Wonderful Tonight, Eric Clapton Tears In Heaven, Eric Clapton Cocaine, Eric Clapton Layla, Eric Clapton Change The World, Eric Clapton Live, Eric Clapton Unplugged, Eric Clapton I Shot The Sheriff, Eric Clapton Songs, Eric Clapton Son, Eric Clapton Son Fall Out Of Window, Eric Clapton Songs With Lyrics, Eric Clapton Son Accident, Eric Clapton Son Death, Eric Clapton Conor Clapton, Eric Clapton Music, Eric Clapton Music Videos, Eric Clapton Dead
Id: fu8I3ZXbSYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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