Ginger Snaps Filming Locations - Bailey Downs High School (Then and NOW) 4K

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if that is always [Music] [Music] for today's Grim Adventure we find ourselves in a place known as Brampton Ontario today we're seeking out the filming locations to a movie that came out in the year 2000 called ginger snaps Brampton Ontario in that movie was Bailey Downs I think we should get together no [Music] out by 16 or dead in the scene but together forever United against Life as We Know It [Applause] what was it big dog baby whoa whoa that's it well [Music] I think you see werewolves a lot did I change last night how would the Moon how do you feel watch it this is a very confusing time for your sister boys or potty trying to fit in hey hey take it easy who's the guy here [Music] foreign I'm growing up and obviously you're not oh my God you think I want to go back to being nobody you're so dead it's being normal teenage girls [Music] I think she's gone thank you you are almost not even related anymore all right wait a second let's talk about the movie Ginger Snaps for Just A Moment Like I said it came out in the year 2000 and basically it follows two sisters the Fitzgerald sisters who were played by Emily Perkins and Catherine Isabel and Catherine Isabelle her character ginger in the movie gets her period and one night while the sisters were walking home she gets attacked by a werewolf and it becomes a werewolf movie it's kind of a coming-of-age movie a horror Supernatural coming-of-age movie and it was very controversial when it came out for reasons you may not think right now we're walking up a street known as Millstone Drive heading up towards a park known as Millstone parkette which is a park here in Brampton but in the movie Ginger Snaps this was the neighborhood of Bailey Downs you can actually see the Fitzgerald girls walking down the street looking very similar to this you won't go average on me just because some gonard gets the zipper going rather be dead rather dive and be here without you now we reached out to the city of Brampton asking if they had any kind of addresses to the private residence in this area where they actually took the famous photos from the the title sequence it was the first day of shooting I think it was like October 26th and it was somewhere probably on this road but we can't find the exact address but this place looks the part I mean you got in a couple different scenes you see a fire hydrant similar to the red one that you see right now and then you see that garage right there you see those two windows you can see Windows like that and then these single door car garages in the scene now this is not the exact spot we've done a lot of Google Street View walking if you will trying to line up and figure out where the exact house was but it's darn near impossible [Music] too much blood and I can see your gaunch just do it now the reason that we are spending so much time in this neighborhood trying to find the Fitzgerald houses because of those pictures it's such a very unique and interesting title sequence that they did it on the very first day they got together and instead of filming they just took a whole bunch of pictures of the girls staging their deaths and when they did it the private residents that they used there was a little kid living there and they had to do it whenever the little kid wasn't looking so they had to be creative because they didn't want to give the kid nightmares that's kind of fun can't find it it's around here somewhere it's just like finding a needle in a haystack [Music] everything here matches up to the town of Bailey downs and Ginger Snaps but there's always just something something slightly off so it's almost impossible to just try to pinpoint what we're looking for everything just kind of looks the same now right over here is the park and there's a scene or a couple different scenes I mean a big part of the movie happens inside the park where well the werewolf attack happens a lot can definitely change over the years that's for sure but when we reached out to the city of Brantford they did assure us that the private residence is near this park more than likely on the street that we were just filming which is that right there but this park even though there is a park scene it doesn't really add up I mean you see the girls walking by a black fence just like that and then they're in a wooded area which there is a wooded area here but it's right next to a major intersection foreign there is a park here didn't expect the jungle gym where the the Children's Park toys or you know where kids can climb to look the same because you know they have to update for safety but I kind of don't think that this is the park from the movie and I say that because when you watch this you can actually see in a couple of different scenes a a house off in the distance there's no houses like right next to the park here sorry I've just had it when you think about it it makes sense that they made Ginger Snaps here in this neighborhood because if I'm not mistaken this is where the director is actually from in fact he came back here for a TV show called Orphan Black the town in Orphan Black ready for it is also known as Bailey Downs but here's the thing I know we're just kind of walking around telling stories and just lining up things that kinda look right there's another bigger Park further down the street that has more of a wooded area so we're going to drive around some more and see if we can find anything so from here on out one of two things is going to happen the first one being you're going to see what we found or two we're going to go directly to the school that was featured in ginger snaps that we can pretty much do shot for shot so let it be known if they did film parts of Ginger Snaps here at Millstone parquet or on Millstone Drive couldn't find it but at least we're here we put boots on the ground we walked around let's see if we can find something else before we move on [Music] Ginger Snaps the plot is kind of taboo the story of a girl a teenage girl having her period and turning it into a supernatural werewolf tale what really made it kind of controversial is the time that it was being made now whenever they were searching for funding for the movie Columbine happened and it became aware that there was these group of Canadian filmmakers who were trying to make a teen slasher movie inside a high school and they cut a lot of a lot of problems for it eventually they were able to get it made in the school that they used in gingersnaps is right over here and how fitting is there's a school bus right here now whenever the girls are sitting over there in their hangout spot right where Jessica and her friend Tyler is you can see these yellow curbs they're watching the girl or the group of kids with a dog walking towards the camera you can see those curbs right there and this is where they get the scene where they talk about they should kidnap the dog and feed it to whatever the animal is and blame it on the Beast of Bailey Downs let's do it when it comes to tracking down the filming locations The Ginger Snaps we don't have the exact address of the Fitzgerald house but we know exactly where the school is and the school is rather important for a couple different reasons but before we get to the school directly across the street from it is a convenience store and this little Hillside right here right next to this tree there's a bunch of trash here this is where the girls the Fitzgerald sisters this is where their their hangout spot was right next to this tree pretty much right where that black little crate stuff is they would have been sitting right here talking about the Beast of Bailey Downs she has that dog we could kidnap it make it look like he got eaten by the Beast of Bailey Downs pretty neat right and check this out if we get a little closer there's a really kind of like a close-up shot of both of them sitting there and you can see that white line on the wall that's still here we've got all that blood and fake guts from the slideshow yeah that's a wicked let's do it it's at this point that Fitzgerald sisters walk across the parking lot today it's all clean it's actually a grocery store parking lot but back in the day there was a lot of weeds everywhere and in this scene you can see them walking right past this this yellow stanchion holding up the light and this is where we get the scene where the guy comes up to them and says hey Fitz I think we should get together see you let idiots get away with fucking you up that's where the big Buddha made me stop yeah so far you're really kicking ass hey just give me one clean shot just one fucking promise you don't humor me so uh Fitz I think we should get together now because this is a school we're here on Sunday so we're not interrupting any kind of classroom so at this point what we're going to do is just walk around the school and get the rest of the shots they did film a lot in the back near the field so enjoy now there's a scene where Bridget is walking exactly the way Jessica's walking right now and the guy's running up behind her and he stops and he says hey I just spent the past week looking for you you can at least give me a second now when they do this they pass right by the front of the school and you start to see the name of the school Bailey Downs it's actually a cover for scarlet Heights entrepreneurial Academy it was all right here hey kid you gotta smoke no you got light then oh thank you I just spent a week of my life looking for you give me a sec and then pretty much the same scene we see Bridget escaping from Sam from right about here you can see the the angle on the sidewalk and all the other kids just hanging out smoking after class what's your name as we make our way to the back of the school let's introduce our gingersnaps crew of course we got baby gold but we also have a friend Tyler who runs the Great Canadian Halloween Market basically you're the reason we're here so thank you you guys having fun yeah all right if not I was going to feed you to the Beast of Bailey Downs we're now at the backside of Bailey Downs High School and in the movie there were some bleachers back here right now I'm walking alongside the track and even though the bleachers are gone you can see where they once stood there's this raised part of the grass right here now what's fun in the movie they actually pointed the camera at the back side of the school quite a bit especially with some of the kids sitting on the bleachers but what I'm really most excited about is right over here at this end you can see that box where baby gool and Tyler are leaning against now there are two scenes that happen over here one of them is when Ginger and Jason are making out you can see the box and this is also where Bridget and Sam meet and they end up trying to figure out a way to deal with the curse that's a lot of fun I'm so excited about this box I'm like stupidly excited about this nice bird necklace Ginger a word once again where the bleachers were standing is right where Tyler and baby goal are walking but all of this should look familiar there's a dog barking in the distance I wonder if it's the Beast of Bailey Downs all right there's there's a few more things that we want to point out and for this we got to kind of kind of gives me some like The Faculty Vibes or like The Breakfast Club going out on the football field and it's right over here behind me oh wow I'm actually quite surprised that the goal post here on the field looks exactly as it did from whenever they made Ginger Snaps but it's still here how cool is this Bailey Downs High School We Now find ourselves at the side entrance to the school and there was a scene that was done over here you can actually see that there's a little parking area this is where Ginger is in the yellow van smoking the dope and in doing so we get a shot from right over here of Bridget standing just where the grass is and you can see that tree and the chain link fence and the basketball hoop behind her something like this let me go ahead and get in here like this something like that it's close and the door to the yellow van shuts and then this is where we get that scene where she's like you know have you seen werewolves much think you see werewolves a lot something I noticed and I love whenever this happens whenever things don't really change in this scene you can actually see this little horn up here it's like the the Bell letting people know it's time for class it's in that cage the cage is still there and you can see that it is pointed in the same exact way in the movie it's still here they haven't changed it since 2000 whenever they made the movie well baby goal I see you have your backpack you're ready to go to gingersnaps High School can you imagine like imagine if the story of gingersnaps was real and we were attending school at that time I would try to get scratched probably or bitten I I think I would maybe try to become an actual werewolf oh yeah yeah and of course if you were a werewolf you'd have to bite me we have that pack obviously we made that pack when we got married what about you Tyler would you want to go to Bailey Downs high school knowing that the Beast of Bailey Downs was loose after I saw all that acne that poor boy had to endure there is no way I need that coming at me in school or anywhere else well thank you both for joining us on our crazy adventure Toronto the Grim life Collective I know what's going to happen at some point somebody's going to come forward hopefully after seeing this video and go wait a second I know where all this is this is where this was shot and this is where this was shot or even more importantly this is where those opening title sequence photos were taken hopefully you do and if so let us know who'd love to come back and document all that stuff especially get inside and recreate if we can it was title card pictures it's pretty unique with that being said from Bailey Downs the world of gingersnaps thank you for joining us on another Grim adventure and until next time happy Halloween
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 34,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ginger Snaps, Ginger Snaps Full Movie, Ginger Snaps Trailer, Ginger Snaps Movie, Ginger Snaps Theme, Ginger Snaps 3, Ginger Snaps Soundtrack, Ginger Snaps Back, Ginger Snaps 2 Full Movie, Ginger Snaps 2, Ginger Snaps Movie Trailer, Ginger Snaps Movie Reaction, Ginger Snaps Movie Clips, Ginger Snaps Horror Movie, Then and Now, Filming Loctions, Filming Location, Ginger Snaps Then and Now, Ginger Snaps Filming Location, Ginger Snaps Filming Locations, Hollywood, Toronto, Canada
Id: F0CyvwMct1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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