Are You a Narcissist? Just Look at the Eyebrows

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foreign what is the essence of science ask an impertinent question and you are on the way to the pertinent answer as the same goes people cannot be judged by their appearance however the winners of the 2020 ignoble Nobel psychology prize two psychologists Miranda Gia Cummins and Nicholas or rule from the University of Toronto Canada taught us through scientific research that eyebrow features may be able to express people's facial features and levels of narcissism especially grandiose narcissism The two scientists first recruited 39 students who filled out the personality narcissism form their aim was to understand people's perceptions of narcissism and so they took photos of them without expressions and cut out different facial features to make a picture set each graph was to be categorized according to the students ratings of narcissism from high to low the researchers then recruited another 28 volunteers and asked them to rate the narcissism of the people whose faces they could see based purely on the pictures it was found that the volunteers could judge the level of narcissism more accurately only when the photos contained eyebrows the characteristics of the eyebrows played a role in the process of judging the level of narcissism Gia come in and Rule then analyzed which eyebrow features would make a person appear narcissistic they found that masculinity or femininity eyebrow regularity and distinctiveness were the three characteristics that people valued the most highly when looking at eyebrows among them distinctiveness was significantly related to the accuracy of narcissistic judgments that is the eyebrows of narcissistic people tend to look thicker more unique and catch people's attention easily when the researchers swapped the eyebrows of the people in the photos the participants judgments about the narcissism level of the people in the photos changed accordingly so what did Nicholas o ghoul do when he attended the awards ceremony he covered his eyebrows with tape although unique eyebrows will leave a first impression on people the study only pointed out the correlation between eyebrow characteristics and narcissism level therefore judging a person's character and conduct on the basis of listen to his words and watch his actions may be more important criteria want to discover more interesting scientific research a noble Nobel Prize series to find more information [Music]
Channel: Encyclopedia MDPI
Views: 22,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eyebrows, Narcissist
Id: sQxM5-ZkzB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 37sec (157 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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