Signs of The End Times - New Testament // Jimmy Evans

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hey welcome to TFC org we're so glad you're joining us today pastor Jimmy is finishing his series on I am Daniel it's been a tremendous blessing and as soon as he's finished with this last message I'll be right back to pray with you well it's great to be with you this weekend thank you for coming to church all the campuses all of our services we are so glad that you're with us this weekend and just having a great time of fellowship and worship and I'm going to conclude now this series that I've been on called I am Daniel and I hope that you've enjoyed it and I hope that it encourages you extraordinary living in an evil age we're living in an unparalleled age and as I've been saying and as I'm going to say in this message I believe that we're living in the end times I believe we're living at the end of the end times I believe I can prove that last week I talked about Old Testament prophecies about the end times and they're all coming true they all have come true and so I want to talk now about the New Testament he has signs of the end times from the New Testament now you remember in 12 Daniel 12 for the angel says to Daniel you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase travel and knowledge will increase and that's how you'll know that it's time to unseal this book well this book has been unsealed we have understanding in this book because we are that generation that has seen travel and knowledge explode it's one of the uniqueness is about our culture but one of the things that you've heard me say in the last message that I want to say again is every generation has had signs of the end times you know people who had you know Hitler or you know some horrible you know figure trying an Antichrist figure you know ruining their lives and persecuting them war floods or famines or earthquakes or whatever it might have been the last generation will not see signs they will see every single sign and if we are the generation of the end then I can prove to you and I will prove to you that the uniqueness of our generation is we're seeing every single sign of the end times being fulfilled okay and so again last week I talked about the Old Testament prophecies this week I'll talk about seven signs prophecies from the Bible that have been fulfilled are being fulfilled right under our noses and I want to say this is not designed to frighten us designed the comfort ship there's nothing more comforting than teaching on the Bible and I'll tell you in just a minute I'll read a scripture it'll tell you why you ought to be comforted but understand about a third of the Bible is prophecy and most of that relates to endtime prophecy because most Christians will live in the end times we have seven billion people on the planet they're probably over a billion of those are born-again Christians that's more Christians than I've ever lived and so it just makes sense that the Bible would inform us in because it's the worst day in human history and Jesus wants us to be prepared about what's going to happen that's the purpose of prophecy is to distinguish God above every God because he can tell the history in advance accurately and that's the difference in the Bible in the difference in Christianity is our God knows our God is in control the only person who can predict history is the one who controls it and our God controls it but the other thing is we've been informed about what's going to happen we don't have to wonder if we're living in the end times we've been told in exact detail if we're living in the end times or not now this is Luke 21 last week I talked about Matthew 24 this is a parallel text where Jesus is talking about his return Luke 21 29 he spoke a parable to them look at the fig tree and all the trees when they are already budding you see and know for yourselves that summer is near so you also when you see these things happening know that the kingdom of God is near assuredly I say to you this generation will by no means pass away till all things take place one generation according to Jesus will see everything take place it wasn't his generation they all died except for him but the generation that sees any sign true sign will see every sign that's the way we know we are that generation heaven and earth will pass away my words will by no means pass away she said there's gonna happen but take heed to yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing drunkenness and cares of this life and that day come on you unexpectedly for it will come as a snare a snare with an animal an animals walking along all the sudden it gets snared that's where Jesus it'll come like a snare like a trap listen on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth every single individual on earth will be affected by the day that Jesus comes quickly watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and stand before the Son of man see I believe that we're going to be raptured I don't believe that Christians go through the tribulation there's no precedent in the Bible of Christians going through wrath and that's what the tribulation is is the wrath of God on people who have rejected him we will not be there our children will not be there thank God for that and here's what Jesus said pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape Jesus says don't don't be a drunkard don't go out living carelessly and get caught up in the cares of this world when you see that day coming be watchful and be ready now we don't know the day or the hour no one does except God alone but we know the season and God wants us to be prepared some people would say well no one's ever going to know Jesus is gonna come when he comes not going to know this is 1st Thessalonians 4 it very comforting beginning of verse 16 the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout this is the rapture with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up that's where the word rapture come from it's Latin in the Greek it is harpazo means to cease hastily in the Latin it is repairing where we get our word rapture it's caught up together with them the dead all of the dead in Christ our relatives who have passed before us they're going to come out of their graves be reunited with their spirit we're going to go up right behind them to meet the Lord in the air remember last week it says Jesus said to we'll be standing in a field one taken one left to two women be grinding at the mill one taken one left that's this this is an account of the same thing and this we shall always be with the Lord therefore comfort one another with these words but concerning the times and seasons brethren you have no need that I should write you for you yourself perfect know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night for when they say peace and safety remember last week Matthew 24 Jesus said when I come it will be like the days of Noah buying and selling marrying and giving in marriage peace and safety then like with Noah he went in the door closed and judgment came for when they say when the world is saying peace and safety business as usual then sudden destruction comes on them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall not escape remember Jesus said pray that you would escape all these things that are coming in the world same word they will not escape those people who have rejected Jesus those people who are saying peace and safety like the days of Noah and lot rejecting the words of Noah a preacher of righteousness they will not escape but you brethren are not in darkness so this day should overtake you as a thief Paul is saying you know what's going to be happening I'm telling you what's happening right here they won't overtake you as a thief you are all sons of light and sons of the day we are not of the night or of the darkness you know the Apostle Paul says comfort one another with these words comfort one another with what words maranatha he's coming he's coming in the twinkling of an eye we're not gonna go through the tribulation we're not gonna be under the reign of the Antichrist not us not our children in a moment in the twinkling of an eye a trump of god shall sound the voice of an archangel the dead will rise the dead in christ will rise first then we will be caught up instantaneously 140th of a second the twinkling of an eye we will be caught up into the heavens to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord comfort each other with these words any day now any moment now Jesus is going to return we're living in that generation and so Jesus said everything's going to happen in one generation be ready the Apostle Paul says you're not in the darkness it's not going to take you like a thief like it as other people because you're going to be ready so we need to be ready so are we that end times generation I don't want to do this subjectively subjective means feelings I want to do it objectively it means facts empirically hard facts are we the generation that's living at the end of the end times these are New Testament prophecies that are being fulfilled right before our eyes number one sign of the end times from the New Testament second Timothy 3:1 35 the moral degeneration of mankind second Timothy know this in the last days perilous times what kind of means dangerous times that's what we're living in men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters boastful boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy unloving I want to stop right there on the word unloving all this is true I mean it's just true all this is happening okay this is the word austere goes in the Greek language the word store Gosselaar start store gay means family love it is the natural family bonding that parents have to their children and children have to their parents and wives and husbands have toward one another and families have toward one another when it says unloving it means they will not in the last days there will not be a normal natural family bond now a couple of days ago in fact I believe it was yesterday in the news a young man from New Mexico went in and killed his mother and father and five of his relatives his father was a pastor and his intent was to leave there and go to Walmart and kill a bunch of other people that happens every day we see today people abusing their children people abandoning their children people molesting their children people killing each other murder suicide killing their families we have never ever it didn't happen 4050 years ago it just didn't rarely but I never heard of it you never heard of it but in our generation now people are they just walk away from their families that they don't had that normal family bond that says regardless of what happens we're family and I'll do anything to protect you it's it's leaving I'm not saying it doesn't exist anywhere but when people are killing each other in in doing such horrible things to one another I mean that's the fulfillment of this I saw strago's unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the morality of it they say that they're godly or that they love Jesus but their morals haven't changed that's what this means from such people turn away and so are we degenerating is society to generating parents are afraid of their children schools when I went to school as a child we were afraid of our teachers teachers are afraid of the kids they're rebellious to parents they're rebellious to Authority this has come true before our eyes number two New Testament sign at the end times the mocking of end times teaching by immoral people now this is this is Peter the Apostle Peter and this is what he's saying about the end times second Peter 3 beginning with verse 3 no this first that scoffers will come about come in the last days walking according to their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming this is the prophecy you'll you'll know that the end is coming because a bunch of immoral people walking after their own lust are gonna mock and scoff when you tell them that Jesus is coming and they're gonna say nothing has changed you people are always saying that you know Jesus is coming nothing has changed for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation that's what they'll say being said every day all day long for this they willfully forget that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of water and in the water by which the world that then existed perish being flooded with water but the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word or reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men now let me stop right there in what Peter is saying here is you'll know the end times have come because they'll be teaching on the end and immoral people are going to be scoffing and saying nothing has ever changed and Peter says but what they have willfully forgotten what they will not recognize is God already destroyed the world one time and he's going to do it again the world is being preserved by a judgment of fire and they don't fear God and they don't understand that God's going to judge them and this is another very interesting comment and this is my next sign this is verse 8 he continues but beloved do not forget this one thing that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but is long-suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but all come to repentance number number three sign is the end of 6,000 years of human history now for for many millennia Jewish rabbis have preached that there'll be 6,000 years of human history followed by a 1,000 year rule of God the millennial period making 7,000 years it's called the 7 day theory of human history let me read you Isaiah 46 verses 9 and 10 remember the former things of old for I am God and there is no other I am God there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel will stand and I will do all my pleasure with God Peter is talking about people scoffing in the end times about the return of Christ and he says you need to remember something brethren that with the Lord a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day God sees a thousand years like a day and a day like thousand years and God then says in Isaiah 46 there's no one like me I declared the end at the beginning well the beginning is Genesis 1 you mean in Genesis 1 in creation God was declaring the end yes that's why Peter is saying listen related to the end times God God is not delaying everything's happening just on time remember God has a timetable a days is a thousand years a thousand years is one day well what are you saying the seven days of creation God was declaring human history in advance let me explain it to you God took six days to create everything and man at the end of six days God was finished 6 as the number of man in the Bible that's why the Antichrist number 666 it's a it's the Trinity of man exalting himself above God 6 is the number of man 7 is the number of God in the number of perfection so there were six days of creation and then God rested for one day the seventh day was God's day okay so if if there's going to be seven thousand years of human history six thousand years of man and one thousand years of Jesus remember when Jesus returns he rules on the earth for a thousand years we rule and reign with him then the heavens and the earth are destroyed new heavens and earth are created and we live in New Jerusalem with him forever that's our eternal home but for a thousand years we'll be here on the earth as Jesus rules the earth so let me say this okay so what time is it if there's going to be 6,000 years of human history in Genesis God was declaring the end from the beginning and a thousand years as a day in the days as a thousand years what time is it well we know how many years were in the Old Testament because of the genealogies in Matthew and Luke and scholars know that there were four thousand years from Adam to Christ give or take a year to is Adam to Christ four thousand years well how many years has there been since Christ two thousand years okay I'm not a genius in math but I can add that up there have been six thousand years of human history we're now into a new millennium and there will be one thousand year millennial rule of Christ in other words if Jesus came right now there would have been six days he'll rule for a thousand years another day that's world history and it was declared from the book of Genesis we're we're there no I'm not date setting I'm just telling you it's another sign of the end times that has been fulfilled Jewish rabbis have taught it for hundreds of years that this is the way that it's going to be it is the way that it's going to be and it's time if Jesus came right now he would be on time number four sign up the end times according the New Testament is worldwide terrorism the world is filled with terrorism today Jesus prophesied it Luke 21 there will be signs in the Sun in the moon and the stars now remember last week I talked about Joel's prophecy of the Moon turning to blood the Stars the Sun not giving its light and in 2014 and 15 there will be four blood red moons lunar eclipses all on Jewish holidays and a solar eclipse on the first religious day of the new year just before Passover so they're gonna be signs signals in the heavens on the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the work that word perplexity means no answers there's going to be distress of nations the nation's economically Wars poverty problems though the world is in turmoil and there are no answers no one can solve these problems exactly the sea and the waves roaring all weather starts in the ocean all weather starts in the ocean whether it's El Nino El Nino La Nina whatever it is and right now we see bizarre weather our the world because the sea and the waves are roaring and this can also relate to hurricanes and tsunamis and the Lord knows that we have seen worldwide tsunamis hurricanes cyclones and floods in the craziest weather seeing the waves roaring listen men's hearts failing them for 5 ozz is the word where we get our word phobia it doesn't just mean fear it means terror Jesus says as all these other things are happening the seeing the waves roaring nations are in are in distress worth perplexity the signs in the Sun Moon and stars men's hearts all over the world men's hearts will be failing them for terror listen and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth the worst thing about terror isn't what just happened is what they're telling is gonna happen they're always threatening you they're always telling you they're gonna destroy us so there's this environment of worldwide terror number 4 Jesus predicts it right here for the power of the heavens will be shaken then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud and a cloud with power and great glory when these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads your Redemption draws near it's another reason that we know that all the signs of the end times will happen in a short period of time Jesus didn't say when you see these things begin to happen well you never know you could have three or four hundred years left they've all been but everybody's been saying that if they're in the end times but you don't know that so when you see these things begin to happen don't don't be naive so when Jesus said Jesus said let me tell you what the world's gonna be like that is our world that is our world right now this is our world everything that Jesus said would happen is happening and he said when you see these things begin to happen they began to happen in 1948 look up and listen that's not just tried advice he's saying you better get your perspective right what is happening the world is so disheartening you can become overwhelmed by it remember when you see these things begin to happen I'm coming for you don't get discouraged lift up your head your redemption draws near keep your perspective right don't get overwhelmed these aren't bad times these are God's times the end times are his times and God is in control not the devil number five your remarkable prophecy an army of 200 million men from the east well this is remarkable revelation 9 verse 15 the four angels who had been prepared for the day for the hour and the day in the month and year were released to kill a third of mankind now the number of the army of the horsemen was 200 million I heard the number of them then there's a kind of a description of the way they operate and it's really the description of helicopters or airplanes that in other words this is John the Revelator 2,000 years ago trying to describe you know fighter jets you know helicopters those kinds of things and he's talking about the Pat their powers in their tail and how they look and all those kinds of things but here's the interesting thing there weren't two hundred million people alive when John wrote that can you imagine you're sitting on an island of patmos basically you're exiled John was and you're having this revelation and all of a sudden you get this revelation of a third of mankind dying in one plate this is it and by the way revelation 16:12 tells us this is the kings of the east so let's just ask this question out okay is there a nation or group of nations in the east and by the way when the Bible says north out south east or west it's always talking about Jerusalem North is north of Jerusalem south is south of Jerusalem east and west Jerusalem is the key so east of Jerusalem somewhere in the East is there a nation that could muster an army of 200 million well it just so happens that between India and China they have over two billion people east that's just two nations we talk about China for just a minute over a billion people in China but the uniqueness of China is they've had a one-child policy for thirty years a forced abortions if you have two children and people have overwhelmingly selected to have boys rather than girls so now we have in China too few girls too many boys over a billion people and one nation that could muster an army of 200 million people not including the nations around them this has not been fulfilled this is during the tribulation period of time but we now have easily an area of the world exactly the way the Bible said it would be they can muster an army of 200 million people and again 2,000 years ago when this was written that was absurd it couldn't be done it could have been done a hundred years ago we've done today if Jesus comes today the tribulation starts tomorrow they're ready and by the way it says the Euphrates River dries up they have a dam now that they can dry up to your Freddie's River that didn't that couldn't have happened before but it could happen now number six worldwide satellite television technology world you say Jimmy wait you mean the Bible predicts worldwide satellite television yes it does revelation 11 and I will give power to my two witnesses and they will prophesy 1260 days three and a half years clothed in sackcloth these are the two olive trees and two lampstands standing before the god of the earth and if anyone wants to harm them fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies and if anyone wants to harm them he must be killed in this manner these have power to shut heaven so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy and they have the power over waters to turn them to blood and to strike the earth with all plagues as often as they desire when they finish their testimony the Beast the Antichrist that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them overcome them and kill them and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt this is Jerusalem where also our Lord was crucified then those listen then those from the peoples tribes tongues and Nations will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days and not allow their bodies to be put in the grapes and those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them make merry and send gifts to one another because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth you just got to love God in God's gods I'm not gonna say sense of humor but this most people believe this is Moses and Elijah and it could be Enoch because Enoch was taken up like Elijah without dying but the reason I believe it's Moses and Elijah is because they appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus okay remember the disciples went up there so I'm going to say this is Moses Elijah and this is this is in the tribulation period of time for three and a half years and the reason I'm saying God sense of humor is these are two preachers you can't kill you got to love that okay and they're preaching in Jerusalem and the whole world is listening to them and the whole world hates them so much that when they die everybody sends presents to each other now that's when you know you're hated is everybody sends gifts on the day you die okay so for three and a half years they're preaching and if anyone gives them lip they call down fire from heaven and devour I'm Lord give me that ability Lord I'm sorry I got caught up first a minute can you imagine that you're preaching and someone starts mocking you over there and you call down fire on them and worldwide they have the ability to stop reign to shut up the heavens and so they hear that someone in Europe or someone in South America or someone the United States or someone somewhere else is is against them and said something bad about them they say okay because you don't believe you won't get any rain on your crops that's what people hate him so much it's for three and a half years these men preach the absolute Word of God to the world absolutely unadulterated absolutely unfiltered and they hate him for it but they can't kill him but the Antichrist kills him he makes war against them and he kills them and lays their dead body in the street and it says the entire world watched them all at the same time John Hagee's daddy was a preacher John Hagee's a preacher and end time preacher and John's daddy preached like in the 20s and 30s and he knew the Scriptures and here's what he said it's not the end times because when the end times happen Israel will exist and the world will all be able to watch something at the same time because the two witnesses will be seen their dead bodies will be seen by everyone on earth all at the same time so my question is does that technology exist today absolutely through the internet through satellite television we have the ability to simultaneously watch the exact same thing all over the world and that's what will happen when the two witnesses are killed and their bodies are laid in the street and then they're resurrected and they go up to heaven is it will be a worldwide event number seven and this is the final one worldwide financial technology revelation 13 he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name peers wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of men his number is 666 well you know fifty two hundred years ago there's no way in the world you're gonna regulate you know worldwide finances because it took weeks for months to communicate and so when they say when Pearl Harbor happened that one of the reasons it happened is because we couldn't communicate with our forces over there because the only way we had to communicate was by telephone and that was across the ocean so we had communications problems just as recently as World War two and so could today the Antichrist come and could he regulate all the finances of the world this is by the way the mark on your right hand or on your forehead that word Krogman means tattoo literally it just means like a tattoo or a mark I believe it'll be like a computer chip or it exists today animals all over the world dogs cows horses have chips in them where they can be tracked they have right now they have technology where they can put a chip under your skin put all your medical information all your financial information and then they can track you but but the point is this is that if you don't subscribe to what the Antichrist wants you to believe you can't buy or sell you say well that that's interesting well recently you remember Hobby Lobby said we don't want to participate in Obamacare because we don't want to provide for our employees drugs that induce abortions the morning-after pill and the government said oh yes you will or we'll find you a million dollars a day the Antichrist is the most vicious person in history of the world and he comes and says if you don't believe exactly what I want you to believe you won't be able to buy your children will start with death this is how he controls the world and it can happen right now I've traveled all over the world I take my credit card out in London in Israel in Cairo in Central America in Africa I take my credit card out and I hand it to them and in less than two seconds that transaction is approved in right now not only do we have a one world economy you know that when Europe sneezes you know we say gesundheit because we're all connected our economies but we have one world government the United Nations after the rapture and Christians are out of the world they'll take over the world they'll they'll be the the European Union the old European Union that the Antichrist arises out of but he controls the entire world what the Bible says what I'm trying to say to you is we're not just another generation that sees a few things happening that we could say Jesus you don't run around screaming and saying Jesus come in Jesus come in my preacher say Jesus again I have not tried in any way to appeal to that in you of just screaming and shouting and trying to get you all whipped up into any motion quite the opposite I've given you objective data jesus said assuredly I say to you this generation will not pass away until everything is fulfilled one generation beginning in 1948 when the super sign Israel for the second time in one day was restored to their land and by the way if a generation is seventy years the fulfillment of that is 2018 well Psalm 90 says and if it's 80 years by God's grace that's 2028 but the clock is ticking I don't know it could be tomorrow it could be 10 years I don't know the only thing I know is my head is lifted up jesus said when you see these things begin to happen you look up you get ready you watch you watch you be watchful I mean let me tell you this story and I'm done there were three guys that work on the river Mississippi River and they worked for for 30 days at a time and so when they would come home and they had been gone for thirty days these were young men their wives would always be waiting for him on the dock so the boat was pulling up to the dock one day they had been out working for 30 days and so there were three guys standing there at the rail of the ship but there are only two wives out there and they got off the ship and two men were greeted by their wives another guy just got in his car and went home and he walked into the door and his his wife turned to him and said honey I'm glad you're home I've been waiting for you and he said well I'm glad you've been waiting for me but bill and Bob my friends their wives were watching for them at the dock are you waiting for Jesus are you watching for Jesus are you just kind of going about your life as usual just kind of when he walks in the door okay that's fine Lord are you watching for Jesus is your life committed to him are you doing what God wants you to do with your abilities and your talents in your time which is so precious and I'm telling you that Jesus is coming and I'm telling you that everyone that is that is not a believer will be here during the reign of the devil incarnate the most unbelievable time in the history of the world that Jesus said unless those days would have been cut short no flesh would have survived one judgment kills the third of mankind you want sure you want your friends and family here for that and the only answer is to know Jesus this is a day to commit ourselves to Christ this is a day live your life I'm not telling you not to live your life had children get married save for retirement do whatever God tells you to do don't stop living keep an eye on heaven and commit yourself to Jesus and tell your friends and loved ones about Jesus I love my family and friends and I don't want him to live during that time and I'm praying that they won't and I'm living my life to try to lead them into a relationship with Jesus I want you to bow your heads there and the campus pastors are gonna come and they're gonna pray are you ready are you ready are you ready are you ready he's coming I have proven to you that we are that generation one generation will see it and we have seen it nothing else has to happen for the return of Jesus the rapture and then seven more years will take place and everything will be finished that's how close we are are you ready bow your heads bow your hearts and campus pastors I want you to pray hey what a terrific message we know that we're living in the end times and as a Christian it's nothing that we have to fear but if you haven't made Jesus the Lord of your life yet I want to give you an opportunity to do that I want you to know what your salvation is secure and that if Jesus was to come back or if you were to die today that you would go to heaven all you have to do is just pray this simple prayer just say Jesus today I make you the Lord of my life I confess with my mouth that you are my Lord and I ask you to come in and fill me amen if you just prayed that prayer you have just made Jesus your Lord and your salvation is secure I want to encourage you to get into a church or give us a call let us talk to you about how we can advance your life in Christ god bless you and have a great week you [Music]
Channel: Revived Life
Views: 124,325
Rating: 4.8457832 out of 5
Keywords: Interview, isaiah 9:10, prophesy, America, 9/11, Gospel, United States (Country), Truth, Salvation, Word, Salvation (Christianity), Prophet, Hebrew, Jeremiah, Messiah, Grace, apostasy, audio book, free, freedom, ground zero, mystery ground, shemitah, israel, jerusalem, assyrians, judgment, end times, revelation, bible, Lord, Book of Daniel, Book of Joel, Global Economy, Mark of the Beast, New World Order, End Times, Book Of Revelation (Book), Study, Holy, Spirit, Prophecy, New Testament (Religious Text)
Id: kC4T7ZvCaBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2013
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