Signs of The End Times - Old Testament // Jimmy Evans

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hi welcome to TF so glad that you drop by today pastor Jimmy is continuing in his series I am Daniel we'll get right to this week's message and then I'll be back to pray for us well it's great being with you and I want to welcome all of our campuses and all of our services this weekend bless you guys we're so glad to have you with us and I hope you've been enjoying this series on I am Daniel this is talking about extraordinary living in evil times there's really never been a world like the world we're living in but God prepared us The Book of Daniel is I've been explaining is an endtime manual all 12 chapters God wrote to the end times world to tell us how we could overcome and how we could live in the midst of evil times and so that's what this is about now I'm talking this week and next week about signs of the end times I want to prove to you that we are the generation that will see the return of Christ and we are living in the end times now so when you say something subjectively it means that you feel a certain way empirically means it's tangible you can prove it in other words I can say well I feel like I've got money I feel like I'm a pretty wealthy person that's all subjective but if I say to you I counted my money and here I've got $300 that's empirical that's real that's tangible I'm not going to talk subject subjective elements of this issue to you just to get you all you know feeling a certain way about the end times everything I'm going to say for the next two weeks is empirical tangible evidence that we are that generation now we have to remember that about 30% of the Bible about 1/3 of the Bible is prophecy that's that's the unique thing about the Bible over other books you know other religions is the only one that can predict the future is the one who controls it so our God can accurately predict the future because he controls it and that what happened 30% of the Bible is prophecy predicting the future much of its already come true but most prophecy in the Bible is endtime prophecy and the reason that that is true is because most people will live in the end times right now there are over 7 billion people on planet earth that's more people that have ever lived before so the reason that there's so much information in the Bible about the end times is because most people will live then and it's the most dangerous time in human history and God wants us to be ready now let me begin though by going back to the Book of Daniel and I'm gonna say Daniel is an endtime book we learn about how to live in this time by reading the Book of Daniel because it's all written for this generation this is Daniel 12 last chapter in the Book of Daniel verse 4 the angel says but you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase and I'll talk about that here in just a minute that particular prophecy verse 9 he said go your way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end many shall be purified made white and refined but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand and I believe that's what's happening in the world right now wise people godly people are gaining understanding but the wicked are doing wickedly and they don't understand and he says and from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away that's during the tribulation the last seven years of human history and the abomination of desolation is set up that's when the Antichrist goes into a rebuilt temple in jerusalem and he proclaims himself god that's what this is talking about there shall be 1290 days blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1,335 days but you go your way till the end for you shall rest and will arise to your inheritance at the end of days Daniel was told repeatedly Daniels seal this book up until the time of the end this is an end times book and by the way when it's talking about the Tribulation Period we won't be there we will be raptured before the last 7 years of human history occur but the Jews will be there those who the Jews that have rejected their Messiah you have to remember the Book of Daniel is in their Bible the the Jews right now Orthodox Jews are just Jews in their Bible is the Book of Daniel and because they've rejected the Messiah for those Jews who have not gotten saved before that last seven years during that seven year period of time he's giving them specific information about how to recognize the ni Christ and exactly what's going to happen during that period of time and we need to be praying for them and for every person who will be alive during that period of time because they're gonna live during the worst day of human history the good news is there'll be hundreds of millions of people if not billions of people get saved the bad news is the Antichrist will be martyring Christians by millions I mean he will be the Bible tells us that the Saints will be put into his hands and I'm saying I'm not bringing these messages to upset you I'm bringing these messages to encourage you because first of all I'm telling you jesus said when you see these things begin to happen look up we're going to be raptured and we're not going through that period of time but we're living in the days just prior to it in my opinion and so I'm not saying this to upset you I'm I don't want you to to keep from living your lives you know some people say well if Jesus is coming you know should I save money should we have babies you you ought to do anything that God tells you to do live your life don't stop living your life but Jesus wants us to be ready we just need to be watchful and to understand the world that we're living in now how do I know when I say that I believe that we're the generation living in the end times how do I know that well every generation a believer since Jesus left the earth just about every generation has had signs that they could say we're in time signs okay so let me give you an example in World War two first of all you had a world of war and so Jesus said there would be wars and rumors of war the whole world was at war and you had Hitler who was killing people all over the world but who killed six million Jews certainly an antichrist figure if there ever was one they had a few signs but the problem is when in times come you won't have a sign or two or eight every sign of the end times has to be fulfilled in one generation and these are the words of Jesus now and we're gonna read this text and we're going to talk about it then I want to talk to you about the signs of the end times seven signs of the end times from the Old Testament next week I'll talk about seven signs from the New Testament all empirical all measurable all tangible and the issue is this will read the words of Jesus here if we are the end-times generation there won't be signs of the end times there will be every sign of the end times and I'm saying to you I will prove to you that every sign of the end times is being fulfilled or has been fulfilled or is about to be fulfilled we're living in that time and that we're the generation that will see the return of Jesus this is Matthew 24 these are the words of Jesus learn this parable from the fig tree when it's branch has already become tender and put forth leaves you know that summer is near so also when you see all these things know that it is near at the doors he's talking about his return he just got asking the question when's the end can I come he says when you see all these things I'm about there assuredly I say to you this generation will by no means pass away until all these things take place this generation well it couldn't have been his generation they all died he's talking about the generation that sees the signs of the end times one generation will not pass away until every sign of the end times is fulfilled heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away but of that day and hour no one knows now we know this season we know the signs of the times but we can't date set no one knows the day or day or the hour not even the angels of heaven but my father only but as the days of Noah were so also the coming of the Son of Man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so also will the coming of the Son of Man be then two men will be in the field one will be taken the other left two women will be grinding at the mill one will be taken the other left watch therefore if you do not know what hour the Lord is your Lord is coming but know this if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would have come he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into therefore you also be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect will know this season will know the signs but we won't know the moment and that's why he's saying I want you to be ready so Jesus tells us here when you see all these things happen I'm about there this generation one generation will not pass away until all these things happen then he says this when I come to the earth it will be just like the days of Noah well in the days of Noah by the way Noah was preaching to the people around him about a coming judgment this is 2nd Peter 2:5 it says did not spare the ancient world but saved Noah one of eight people a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly during the days of Noah the earth was filled with immorality and violence that's exactly the world that we live in right now and there are preachers like me and preachers all over the world on radio on television on the Internet in books and tapes and from pulpits preaching that Jesus is coming and judgment is coming the world that we're living in right now is exactly like the world that Jesus said let me tell you the significance of that see some people are doomsdayers and they say well Jesus is going to come at the end of the tribulation and and that's what its gonna be like and there's going to be this you know before before Jesus comes there's just going to be this Armageddon and all these bad things are going to happen it's not true Jesus said there will you'll see the signs of the times like the days of Noah there will be preachers preaching about judgment there will be violence and immorality that fills the earth but they'll be buying and selling marrying and giving in marriage well the reason that it won't be that way at the end of the tribulation is you've had billions of people destroyed and killed one judgment in the book of Revelation that I'll tell you about here in just a little bit kills or next week actually kills one-third of mankind when the kings of the East come across the Euphrates River in the book of Revelation one-third of mankind is killed in other words two or three billion people are killed in one plague there's there's not going to be buying and selling marrying and giving in marriage and that's just one plague that doesn't consider all of the martyrdom and all the other plagues that kill billions more people and so Jesus said when he comes again before Noah got on the boat everybody's laughing everybody was mocking him they were violent they were immoral they were living any way they wanted Noah was preaching to them but they were rejecting his preaching and Jesus said to be just like that but let me tell you something when Noah got on the boat and when lot Jesus also said it would be like the days of lot in the days of Noah and in the days of lot the righteous left before judgment came no was taken out of an ark and a lot was taken out by an angel we will be taken out in fact Jesus exactly describes the rapture he said it'll be like the days of Noah he said in that day two men will be standing in a field preachers preaching about a coming judgment a world filled with violence and immorality and two men will be standing in a field one will be taken one will be left that's the rapture it's selective and you could have two people and a family or two people in a marriage or two people anywhere God knows the people who are his and he comes and he takes out of the world two women grinding in a mill one taken one left he's talking about a selective rapture that takes the righteous out and leaves the unrighteous they're in that judgment and Jesus said you need to be watchful because these things are coming in the world you need to be watchful so what you're going to hear me say in this message and also the next message is we are the generation that is the last generation on this earth until the coming of Jesus Christ is so let me begin with Old Testament signs of the end times being fulfilled you will go through seven of these very quickly but these are these are Old Testament signs now in the Old Testament the Old Testament had a lot to say about the end times and next week we'll talk about New Testament signs the first sign in the Old Testament of the end times is in Daniel 12 for it is the explosion of knowledge and travel what we just read and Daniel 12:4 says but you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge will increase isn't that interesting that that would be said Daniel at the end times many people you'll know when the end is come seal this book up and when the end has come you'll know it because people will be going back and forth people will be traveling a lot and knowledge will increase well well is that true again this is empirical this is not subjective is it true that we're living in a day where travel has increased and knowledge is increased well let me give you an example of that 200 years ago the average person can travel 20 to 30 miles a day a healthy person can only walk without without carrying much 20 miles a day a healthy person maybe 25 a horse he said well then get on a horse and go a long way the average horse can only go 25 miles they'll have to take a long rest maybe if you had a real good horse or a team of horses you'd go a little bit further but the reason that most towns if you drive down the highway most towns are twenty or thirty miles apart is because a couple hundred years ago hundred years ago that's how people could go far people could go in a day trains weren't invented until the 18th century the 19th century cars were really invented until the 20th century and I know that the original inventions were before that but they weren't popular as mass transfer until that so in the 19th century people began to travel by a train and obviously ship but that took a long time in the 20th century only a little over a hundred years ago did Henry Ford begin to make cars you know in in in a mass way and so really and when I was a boy growing up people didn't fly very much it was very expensive it's only for wealthy people and so even air travel was not that popular so for thousands of years you didn't go very far in fact in the Civil War more men died of disease than the war because they'd never been out of their own County and they didn't have a resistance to other people's germs and so they were spreading germs around and dying right and left because they weren't like us they didn't socialize like us because they couldn't travel and so today there are over 7,000 airplanes in the air at any given time people are going all over the world Virgin Atlantic Airways now has a new space program we're in the next year or two they're going to be having commercial flights across the world that you can go in two or three hours from like New York to Tokyo it's it's unheard of and our space shuttle travels at 17,000 miles an hour and the average person can go around the world in a day or two so it has travel increased it's just yes absolutely it's just it's measurable we can go to and fro and it's one of the particulars about our generation well has knowledge increase well again let me go back several hundred years ago a father had a son or a daughter he taught them what he knew the father died they had children and they taught them what they knew and it never changed no information had changed they may have improved on the belt buckle on a horse someone may have written a new book or two in their lifetime and that's all that changed everything was the same from generation to generation to generation to generation and I read this one time so this is going to be in exact but I believe that you'll understand how accurate this is but knowledge didn't double for the first time until the 18th century 19th century during the industrial revolution knowledge never doubled until then but by the middle of the 20th century knowledge had doubled for the second time and then in another 20 years after that not knowledge had doubled for the third time and then around 1990 knowledge had doubled with the advent of computers knowledge had doubled again and five or six years later it had doubled again and now knowledge today is doubling every 18 to 24 months what we know right now will have doubled two years from now nanotechnology they can put a computer on the head of a pin more powerful than twenty years ago could have been held on a university floor or a university building of all the computers they had then technology is absolutely exploding in our lifetime today a person is born and died and by the time from the time you're born to the time you die everything has changed knowledge has exploded that wasn't that way for thousands of years that's new to our generation so first of all number one I hope I've proven my point Daniel was told seal this book up and you will know when it's time to unseal it now Daniels not here to unseal it the Holy Spirit's unsealing it our generation has insight into Daniel that was not present before because we're that generation and he says you'll know when the end has come because people will be going to in fro and knowledge will increase I'm saying number one point here is absolutely true number two the restoration of the nation of Israel for the second time in one day and these are both massive miracles Isaiah 11:11 it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people who are left from Assyria and Egypt from Patras and cush from Elam and Shinar from Haman and the islands of the sea he will set up a banner for the nations and will assemble the outcasts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth now when Daniel is prophesying he's prophesying about Israel being back in her promised land at the end times and what this is saying is for the second time God is going to bring his people back remember when Daniel was written they were in babbling they had lost their nation they were in Babylon but they came back they were released in 445 BC that's an important date it in 445 BC they were allowed to go back and to rebuild the the city and the temple and for the Jews to regather there and they did but remember when Jesus after he died after he was crucified is in AD 70 because they rejected Jesus their Messiah they were judged again and the Roman general Titus came and destroyed Jerusalem the city and the sanctuary all of that's very important in AD 70 and the Jews were scattered around the world but in May of nineteen may 14th of 1948 for the second time it's unheard of there's never been a nation that was lost twice and regathered except the nation of Israel it is not only a fulfillment of end times prophecy it's an absolute miracle but it was done in one day Isaiah 66 prophesied it verse seven before she was in labor she gave birth before her pain came she delivered a male child who has ever heard such a thing who has seen such things shall the earth be made to give birth in one day shall a nation be born at once for as soon design was in labor she gave birth to her children above the objections of all the Arab nations around them may 14th of 1948 the United Nations voted to make Israel a state and they became a nation in one day for the second time two massive miracles and this is the prophetic super sign this is what started the clock you say Jimmy how do I know how do you know that we're that generation because of the existence of Israel why couldn't the World War two generation have been the last generation because Israel didn't he you Armageddon is the last event in human history when all the nations of the world march against Jerusalem in march against Israel you can't have Armageddon without Israel you can't have the abomination of desolation without Israel there's many end times events that can't happen Israel exists and they've been there since 1948 and remember when Jesus said this generation will not pass away till all things are fulfilled we're a pretty good question to ask is is how long is the generation well Psalm 90 verse 10 gives us the answer the days of our lives are 70 years and if by reason of strength they're 80 years so let's do the ciphering on this if in 1948 the prophetic clock begin with the regather in the reinstitution of Israel as a nation May 14th of 1948 where are we on that timeline well if 70 years as a generation 2018 is the end of that generation well let's just say that God's gracious and merciful and gives us an extra 10 years this 2028 you have to remember you have to take 7 off of that if we're raptured before the tribulation so that would mean 2021 if you have 7 years of tribulation and we're rapture at the beginning of that but who knows I'm not date setting I'm just telling you what the Bible has to say the Bible prophesied that Israel would be regathered for the second time in one day done deal Israel exists and we know because of that now we're in that generation number three the restoration of the Hebrew language this is Jeremiah 31 thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel they shall again use this speech in the land of Judah in its cities when I bring back their captivity the Lord bless you a home of Justice so Mountain upholding it says when I bring my people back they're gonna speak Hebrew again they're gonna speak the language safe and I three says the same thing therefore wait from me says the Lord until the day I rise up for plunder my determination is to gather the nations to assemble my kingdoms to pour on them and nation that's Armageddon all my fierce wrath all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy for then I will restore to the peoples of pure language that they may all call on the name of the Lord to serve Him with one Accord from beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my worship my worshippers the daughters of my dispersed ones shall bring my offering when we go to verse 10 first it's interesting he says they will come from Ethiopia and they will bring my offering there are many Jewish Ethiopians that have gone back to Israel because remember many people believe that Solomon married the Queen of Sheba Ethiopian and that she returned and bore his children and so there are still Jews to this day in Ethiopia and many have returned but here's the interesting thing many people believe that the Ark of the Covenant is in Ethiopia and many people believe that this is a reference to one day that the Ark of the Covenant will return from Ethiopia back to the Land of Israel the daughters of my dispersed ones from the rivers of Ethiopia shall bring my offering but he says I'll restore to the people a pure language not only were the Jews dispersed for 2,000 years their language stopped when they went to all the nations of the world they started speaking the language of those nations and the Hebrew language stopped but in late 1800s and early 1900s Eliezer ben-yehuda was a man who lived in Israel he taught himself Hebrew he taught it to his family and he began to teach it to others writing a dictionary and miraculously after 2,000 years the Hebrew language was resurrected and all of the people coming back to Israel in 1948 from all over the world were taught Hebrew and today Hebrew is the common language in Commerce and education on the streets in Israel and it is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy unheard of for a language to to leave for 2,000 years and come back but that's Bible prophecy number 4 Jerusalem will be an impossible political problem for the entire world duh Zechariah 12 the burden of the word of the Lord against Israel thus say the lord who stretches out the heavens lays the foundation of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him behold I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples when they lay siege against judah and jerusalem and it shall happen in that day that i will make jerusalem a very heavy stone for all the peoples all who will heave it away will surely be cut in pieces though all the nations of the earth are gathered against it this is the center of world politics right now is the City of Jerusalem it is such an unbelievable issue because it is the Jewish capital but the United States of America and many other nations we will not put our embassies there we will not put our embassies in Jerusalem because it's not politically correct our embassy is in Tel Aviv along with many others but the is the Jewish people the Israelis rightly so say that Israel is the eternal end of is divisible capital that Jerusalem is the eternal indivisible capital of Israel ok and I agree with that but also the Palestinians claim Jerusalem and it's because the Palestinians claim on East Jerusalem that the United Nations and many nations will not recognize Jerusalem as being the capital well let me say this ok this is what it says this this prophecy says Jerusalem will be a cup of reeling terror fear confusion like a drunk man who gets drunk it makes the world crazy and it will be a burdensome stone anyone who tries to lift it will get hurt and that's what's happened in all of the the the help in trying to bring peace in the Middle East you can't solve the Jerusalem problem and all that's going on you can't solve that problem let me tell you an opinion this is an opinion the Antichrist will come with a solution we know a temple will be rebuilt in Israel we know that it will be because there's the abomination of desolation which happens in a rebuilt temple on the Temple Mount in Israel and I stood there two years ago on the exact spot where the temple will be rebuilt four scholars have found where the Holy of Holies was but understand this this is my opinion remember the Antichrist comes and we're reading just saying and he had he makes a peace treaty with Israel for said years and in the middle of that peace treaty remember he goes in and proclaims himself God that is the abomination of desolation well how does the Antichrist solve the problem and bring peace to Israel this is my opinion he will give the Jews access to the Temple Mount which they have not have access to in two thousand years they will have access to which they want very badly to go and to build their temple and in exchange for that they'll give East Jerusalem to the Palestinians in my opinion that will be the deal it's a win-win deal of course it's a loose deal for Israel but it's a win-win deal they get their Temple Mount the Palestinians get East Jerusalem because Jerusalem is the issue right now in world politics in the Middle East and obviously for the Jews so that's number four has happened it's happened number five the Land of Israel will be divided this is Joel chapter three for behold in those days and at that time when I bring back the captives of Judah Jerusalem I will also gather all nations I will enter into judgment with them there on account of my people this is a Armageddon again you hear it being constantly referred to and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of my people my heritage whom they have scattered among the nations they have also divided up my land they have divided up God calls Israel his land well have they divided up his land absolutely land for peace the United States of America and other nations pressured Israel to give land for peace which is a total joke they gave up the land and there's no peace whatsoever you understand the Palestinians will not recognize the Jewish States right to exist they they want to drive them in the sea and drown the last year in the seat that's what they staked and when they go to the negotiating table they don't want Israel there and so what happened is Israel gave them the West Bank and the Gaza Strip I've driven through it several times they gave it to the Palestinians and now they're shooting rockets had them from that land there's no peace there's no peace but they've divided up the land exactly the way the Bible says and God says I'm angry about that and I'm gonna come and I'm gonna bring justice number six this is fascinating I'm almost done this is a big one there will be super nitrogen natural signs than the Sun and Moon Joel chapter 2 verse 31 the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great an awesome day of war so if we're living in the end time so all these other things are coming true if we're living in the end times there's going to be signs in the Sun the Sun is going to go dark and the moon's gonna be turning their blood let me tell you if that's happened or not and this is Genesis 1:14 God said Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for science God put the Stars in the moon the sign up there the word means signals I'm gonna give you signals from the sky in seasons that doesn't mean spring summer autumn and winter it means appointed times it can mean seasons but it also means appointed times like festivals the festivals of Israel I'm going to put stars in Sun and Moon up in the sky and God says I'm going to use them to signal you well let me just say this how did the wise men find Jesus when Israel missed it the first return or the first coming of Christ when the Jewish people just plumb missed the first coming of Christ how did the Magi find Jesus they all the star there was a signal that a king was being born and they came to a animal feeding trough in a barn but they knew because of that star in the significance of that star that that child was a key it was a signal it was an appointed time and they were able to discern it okay on the NASA so this has this happened has the moon turned to blood and is the sky been darkened or his the Sun been darkened nobody's going to happen in 2004 to 2014 and 2015 in a marvelous way if we're in the NASA website again this is empirical I'm not trying to get you all upset we're all riled up by something that's not true go on the NASA website and on the NASA website it lists the place of solar eclipses and lunar eclipses and by the way a blood-red moon is a lunar eclipse a full lunar eclipse so is that going to happen is the moon gonna turn to blood and are the is the Sun gonna lose its light well yes and in a very marvelous way in 2014 and 15 there will be four blood red moons all on Jewish holidays and in the middle of those four blood red moons there will be a full solar eclipse on the first day of Israel's religious calendar about two weeks before Passover let me give you the dates this is called a tetrad it's when blood rement blood red moons happen in fours okay April 15th 2014 on Passover there will be a blood red moon October 8 my birthday 2014 there will be a blood red moon on Sokoto or Tabernacles there will also be right after that a solar eclipse two weeks before Passover 2015 full solar eclipse first day of the religious holiday that's Nisan 1 2015 of the Hebrew religious calendar on April 4th 2015 there will be a blood-red moon on Passover on September 28th of 2015 there'll be a blood red moon Anza Cove and it's interesting there'll be two solar eclipses that year one is a full Eclipse on the first day of the religious calendar and other is a partial eclipse on the Feast of Tabernacles so there's going to be the Sun being darkened twice in here and for blood red moons all on Jewish holidays now you say well how often does that happen it won't happen again this century it happened twice last century listen to the day's the last time it happened was in 1967 you know what happened in 1967 the six-day war when Israel took over Jerusalem the time it happened before that was in 1949 right after Israel became a nation that's the only times it happened in the 20th century did it happen before that not for 300 years it happened in 1949 1967 and it will happen in a marvelous way in 2014 in 2015 so Joel said and by the way Peter quotes the same verse in acts 2 Jesus said there will be signs in the Sun Moon and stars talking about the end times so again let me say this so you say well what does it mean I don't know I'm not saying that's when the rapture is taking place I'm not saying I don't I don't know I just don't know the only thing I know is it's another sign that's about to take place empirically not subjectively not pie-in-the-sky not as so tarik Lee but only a few people know about I'm saying the Bible says it and we're the generation that's seeing everything take place right before our eyes I'm done number seven the fulfillment of Israel's 490 prophetic years of Daniel 9 and let me finish this real quickly and I'm done Daniel nine seventy weeks are determined for your people in your holy city this is the angel Gabriel talking to Daniel and your people are the Jews 490 years this is the word Shavua 70 weeks this ship it means seventy sevens 490 years are determined for your people in your holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy in a more North the most holy what Gabriel saying to daniel is daniel at the end of this 490 years sin will be stopped there'll be an atonement for sin that there will be all prophecy will be fulfilled and the holy place on the Temple Mount will be anointed for a millennial temple at the end of these 490 years all it's going to happen know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem or build jerusalem until Messiah the Prince as Jesus there shall be seven weeks and that is 49 years sixty-two weeks that's 433 or 434 years the street shall be built again in the wall even in trouble sometimes after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off crucified but not for himself for us and the people of the Antichrist the Prince this is what he's referring to the people of the prince who will come the Romans shall destroy the city in the sanctuary 80 70 they destroyed the city in the sanctuary after Jesus died exactly the way this says right now the people of the Antichrist are going to come destroy the city that's why we know the Antichrist comes out of Europe including Turkey and the old Ottoman Empire that that's where the Antichrist will come from we know that until the end of the war desolations are determined then he shall confirm a covenant a peace treaty the Antichrist will confirm a peace treaty with many the world for seven years the last seven years but in the middle of the week three and a half years into the seven years he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate even until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate so the angel comes to Daniel and he says them there's gonna be 490 years till the end related to Israel there's going to be the the seven weeks the forty-nine years there's going to be the sixty-two weeks the 434 years and then there's gonna be seven years at the very end he said was that happened exactly except for the last seven years that's the tribulation we won't be here that's the next thing it's going to happen the rapture in the tribulation in 445 BC the Jews were told to go back and rebuild the city in the sanctuary it took 49 years exactly the way that the angel said okay in 32 ad Jesus Christ was crucified that is exactly 483 years exactly the way that the angel said 483 years he says there's gonna be 490 years for your people and at the end of that for hunt there's meat 49 years and 434 years and seven years we only have seven years left to go and that is when the Antichrist makes a covenant for seven years that's what the angel was telling it here in Daniel 9 this is the next thing it's gonna happen this has happened and now the only thing that's going to happen left is the rapture of the church nothing else has to happen before the rapture of the church Israel is back the Antichrist spirit is in the world Jerusalem is a heavy stone the land is divided everything happened the way the Bible says and now we only have a seven-year period of time to be fulfilled and at the end of that seven years sin will end all prophecy will be fulfilled and Jesus will have prepared the Temple Mount for a Millennial Kingdom and I'm saying to you I've done my best in this message I'll do it again next week to prove to you to prove to you we are that generation what does it mean it means we need to live for Jesus Christ it means look up your Redemption draws near it means don't live like your friends don't believe the lies of the devil that it's just the way that it's always been it isn't live for Jesus tell people about Jesus you don't want to be here during the tribulation period of time and you don't want your friends and family members here if you love them you will tell them about Jesus go to school get married have babies plan for retirement do all the things that you were going to do but keep an eye on heaven and dedicate your life to Jesus this is not the time to be playing games this is not the time to be banking on the fact that Jesus isn't coming come tomorrow and come to this today right now I want you to bow your heads I'm gonna ask the campus pastors to come want you to bow your heads and I want you to prepare your hearts because Jesus is coming it's the best news I could possibly give you in the midst of this world that's in chaos and is corrupted like the days of noah jesus is coming two men will be standing in a field one taken one left jesus said you don't know that the hour but you do know the season and you know the signs and they're taking place campus pastors are gonna pray i want to take a minute and pray for all of us so right where you're sitting allow me the opportunity to pray for you father first we received this challenge from pastor jimmy god i pray that each one of us would look up god i pray that you give us all strength and courage to be witnesses for you in these days that we're living god anoint us for the task at hand father I pray for any who are listening watching this God who are far from you lord I pray that today they take a step back you just take a step toward God and allow him to meet you where you are he has a plan for your life that is a good plan we love you thank you for being a part of this week's message [Music]
Channel: Revived Life
Views: 107,884
Rating: 4.813818 out of 5
Keywords: Interview, isaiah 9:10, prophesy, America, 9/11, Gospel, United States (Country), Truth, Salvation, Word, Salvation (Christianity), Prophet, Hebrew, Jeremiah, Messiah, Grace, apostasy, audio book, free, freedom, ground zero, mystery ground, shemitah, israel, jerusalem, assyrians, judgment, end times, revelation, bible, Lord, Book of Daniel, Book of Joel, Global Economy, Mark of the Beast, New World Order, End Times, Book Of Revelation (Book), Study, Holy, Spirit, Prophecy, Old Testament (Religious Text)
Id: 0d5NneccWFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2013
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