Jimmy Evans: Gay Marriage (LIFE Today / Randy Robison)

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I am Randy Robison this is life today TV I have the CEO and president of marriage today Jimmy Evans is with me thank you for being with me dude to be with and you are I think probably the authority in the olicity evangelical church on you know marriage encouraging relationships but I'm going to talk to you today about something a little bit different okay and that is the topic of gay marriage okay what where do you kind of sit on that whole issue well I would with compassion I disagree with homosexuality and gay marriage with compassion right up front I just think that it's sin it falls within that category of sexuality outside of God's design I have a lot of compassion because I believe our society is very fractured people grow up in dysfunctional homes and their sexuality is very much affected by that so when you know I hear of a person who says they're homosexual or you know they believe in gay marriage or whatever it's legitimate many of those people don't know Christ they they didn't see a good marriage growing up they didn't hear the gospel growing up or the truth and so they're just very convinced that it's true but it just doesn't work practically speaking so I believe that God created our sexuality and God created us the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 6 we've been bought with the price and the context of sexuality is it says you were homosexuals you were adulterers you were those things but now you've been cleansed now you've been sanctified and it says now glorify God in your bodies because you've been bought with a price so I again with compassion because I think that our world today believes that our sexuality belongs to us and we can do anything with that we want to do so homosexuality the stigma is off of it for a large degree and many people now are saying well I'm homosexual and so I want to have a lifelong partner and I want the same right that others do so I believe that God creates our sexuality and he created us nature tells us he created us for the person of the opposite sex the sexes need each other were better men are better with women women are better with men but men are not better with each other they're risky a man's risky behavior decreases in the presence of a woman increases in the price of another man and so just practically it doesn't work but but let me go to just a little different perspective Randy we come back to that if you want but let me say the the issue of gay marriage in America we need to understand the issue is not gay marriage and in the states that have approved gay marriage they don't approve gay marriage they approve that you cannot discriminate against a person in marriage based on their sexual orientation so we are naive to believe that there are only two sexual orientations heterosexual and homosexual that's very naive they're standing at the door and they're the first people on the door and they're saying we this is a right and you can't discriminate on us based on our sexuality well so here's the question so you used to be one man one woman now we're saying it's one man and one man or one woman in one woman or one man well but what about bisexuals they're so their sexual orientation is both wouldn't they then be afforded the opportunity to marry one of each polygamy it's as old as the Bible you know Abraham Moses David what about polygamy shouldn't a person be able to say it's not natural for me to have one woman I want to have 18 oh and of course that's being popularized in our culture today sister wives and all the different things that are out there Big Love on HBO and so the the issue then is anyone that can prove their sexual orientation anyone if you can prove your your sexual orientation you can then demand the right to marry and so marriage at that point becomes absolutely irrelevant and what if a person has seven wives and one of those wives divorces who the children go with how does visitation work and this is the practical disaster that have when societies become liberal when you bind people together in stable relationships men and women they are better their children are better and society is better when those relationships begin to fracture and you get into companion at relationships living together you get into the non biblical forms of sexuality your every negative you know characteristic in the society begins to increase crime juvenile delinquency teen pregnancy sexually transmitted diseases of poverty because the number one wealth producing entity on earth is marriage and a married woman with children or a single mother with children is 600 times more likely to live in poverty than a married woman with children so going back to the issue of gay marriage just it's not according to God's design any God created our sexuality and practically spiritually that's the truth practically it doesn't work it just simply it never has there's never been a great gay society and there's never been a great a great society with homosexuality as a prominent feature of it especially gay marriage but then in a an emotional sense Randy we have to have compassion for people who are struggling sexually because it's an honest thing and a lot of those people are hurting deeply they came out of dysfunctional homes they've been abused many people her homosexuals were recruited into it through abuse so I think as a church you have to stand on the word of God as a society you have to do what's in your best interest and it's in our best interest to preserve marriage and to keep marriage from becoming either non-existent or irrelevant but on a personal level most of us have friends and family most of us know someone who is homosexual and I think that they need to be loved I think that they need to be resisted in love from having all that they want but I think that they need to be loved and understood and reached out to as we as we lovingly tell them we don't agree here's what I've faced with some of the things that have been thrown at my children which bothers me greatly yeah love is good why would you say that my love for another man is bad I love him the way you love you your wife why is that a false argument well the part of the argument is you know a love is all the same love is love okay okay so we would then say you're telling me that a man that is committed with his wife that they love each other and that they have children they're committed to raising those children is the same as a man who is living with a woman and they're loving each other but then she gets pregnant and he leaves there's not a moral equivalency there and part of the part of the because that child suffers okay so in this all love is the same in all families of the same they're not in society proves it when you have a fatherless child that child is more prone to every negative behavior in life whether it's from homosexuality or had a sexual breakup period that child is behind the eight-ball and we know what we can sociologically prove it and society has to pick up the pieces when families fall apart Society has to pick up the pieces so when you come over here and you say here's a here's a loving father and a loving mother committed to one another to sexual fidelity and the product because sex has consequences you know but that's the thing about sex is the sexual parts of our body are the most vascular parts of our body which means when you're having sex with someone you're having sex with everybody they had sex with there are sexually transmitted diseases pregnancy all of those things are the byproduct of sex well marriage heterosexual marriage by the way is gay marriages can't produce kids okay and so but but we can however sexually well then marriage bonds parents together to raise their children it's the it is the the bedrock of all great societies and as goes marriage as go society so in just a self-preservation mode we need to honor and value marriage okay then you come over here and they say well love is love you know you should be able to love anyone that you want to whatever well nobody can keep you from loving who you want to love but the issue is this I'm not gonna celebrate it I'm not going to promote it because if this love over here is hurting people if this level over here is not stable and the result of that is wounded children and dysfunctional Society you know it in other words it's any social is we're having to pick up the pieces after you you can't tell me that that's equivalent to this over here and do we persecute those people do we break down their bedroom door and go in and rest them no I think that's impractical too but you celebrate what's in your best interest and when marriage flourishes all of society flourishes let me let me give this example Randy that is if if a large business comes into a community that community almost always gives tax breaks and incentives to that large business to come in because it's in their best interest okay they're there promoting their own good by asking that business to come in are they against the mom-and-pop business that's been there for 30 years no they know if this business comes in all these businesses are going to flourish okay so society a wise society promotes that which isn't its own best interest marriage is in the best interest of everybody and because we preserve and promote heterosexual monogamous marriage it doesn't mean that we're homophobic it doesn't mean we're against everybody else that has a different kind of a family it just means to the degree that marriage flourishes traditional marriage flourishes society flourishes everything and everybody is better off so we we don't have to take the the S&M mentality I feel sorry for a lot of people I mean genuinely because I know a lot of them I've ministered to a lot of mode the years I genuinely feel sorry for those people but I love them too much to go along with them one thing I mentioned to my daughter when she said someone in her college campus in lecture you know said God loves God loves everyone and we should love everyone and I said well yeah but that didn't mean we should have sex with them but right you know I got guys that are friends I love him like a brother I don't know sexual interested and those are yeah just hugely confused issues there and when you love a person biblically it means you do what's best for that person that's good so why would I if I say I love you for example you know what before I got saved I was very immoral and Karen told me a week before we got married that she wouldn't marry me because I'm so immoral well I told every girl that I had sex with I loved him I would have told him anything I didn't care I didn't have any morals and I didn't know the Lord and to me it was a conquest I lied every single one but did I love them absolutely not I was taking something sacred for them in a selfish manner and if I would have been pregnant Adem I was a jerk and I would have never stayed around to raise that child I didn't love them okay and so when a person says you should love anybody well define love yeah because if I'm doing something to you that is not in your best interest true it's just it's just not gonna work so I've ministered to a lot of gay people over the years and a lot of people in other other lifestyles and things like that I've never heard one of them say I had a perfect home I had a perfect relationship with my parents they had a great marriage I was raised you know in a great Church and I decided I was homosexual there's almost always either molestation or sexual dysfunction no relationship with their father something happened along the line some damage yeah yeah I see that a lot not always okay so at least as far as I know some people do you think God makes people gay absolutely not I don't because in other words does God make people thieves does God make people whatever what we have arguably we're all born into sins absolutely yes you bet we all have the we all have the propensity of sexual sin we do and and we have a tempter that is taking opportunity in that and so you know I don't have the tendency to be homosexual but I have other tendencies and every mature responsible adult has to restrain desires and see one of the things about homosexuality is it says well I have that desire so I'm undergoing for it well I I would I have the desire not to work and rob banks you know I have the desire to do a lot of things but I have to restrain that desire and sexually you know monogamy is not my first desire you know if I just did what I wanted to do every day I would not be faithful to my wife yeah I just wouldn't well why am i faithful of my wife because God wants me to be I know that before God it's what he wants for my life secondly I know it would be very devastating to my family if I wasn't third because I came out of immorality I know it doesn't work if it worked Randi I'd still be in it and what I what I see because again I've ministered at conferences of people who had unwanted same-sex attraction I've done international conferences of people who were there because they had same-sex attraction that they didn't want and I've heard testimony after testimony after testimony of people that they were in it they were completely convinced they were gay and now they're happily married heterosexual II have children and ever think about this okay and what they tell about is how they got into it what it was like to be in it and how they got out and the point was they didn't want it and when they got into it they realized how I'm fulfilling it is and I think because God didn't create us for that it doesn't work now does that mean that that homosexuals don't love each other I'm sure they do and and this is what I'm say Randy because I think it's so important homosexuals are some of the nicest people they're creative they're giving their some some homosexuals that I know are so pleasant and you don't say they're very likeable yeah I'm I don't think they're bad people in the sense that you know they're just these evil people I don't believe it at all i colada but the point is God created our sexuality and God tells us what he wants to do with it what he wants us to at that sexuality and when we all of a sin but there's a difference between committing a sin and practicing us in all of us commit sin all of us do things that we shouldn't be doing okay and God loves us for that but there's a difference between saying I'm going to distress my life and I don't believe it's wrong be that pornography be that adultery be that physical abuse be whatever it is there are tendencies that all of us have that we struggle with and we can cross that line and say I'm so sorry I made a mistake but when I baptized it call it holy and when I say this is my tendency I'm going to get into it wholesales and God still loves me anyway okay I know God still loves you and I'm not saying you're a bad person I'm saying I don't agree with that yeah I think that's a dangerous present a Juris yeah good information show this to your kids if you're an adult and your kids are getting indoctrinated in school like might have been a couple times yeah yeah where can people follow up with you if they want more resources or if they want to reach out for help or marriage today come man take out all of our resources are on marriage today and go on our website and all of our tapes DVDs CDs books and everything's right there great thanks for taking a few minutes to talk about this this topic I know it's a tough one but it's one that it's important that Christians know how to deal with it you bet effectively and like you say with compassion so you
Channel: lifetodaytv
Views: 31,427
Rating: 4.7847223 out of 5
Keywords: life today, robison, christian, television, tv, interview, Gay Marriage, randy robison, Jimmy Evans
Id: eju8CEPl9kg
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Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2013
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