Jimmy Evans – Redeemed Home – The Best Day of Your Life

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so let me continue in this series the best day of your life this week we had Israel shoot down a Syrian jet we had Iran once again threatening the United States and and all the things that are happening the Bible says that this tiny little nation that didn't exist for 2,000 years would be reborn again in the end times and it happened in 1948 and then the Bible says that the very last scene of human history is all of the armies of the world coming against Jerusalem and you would think how in the world 2000 2500 years ago would someone be able to predict with accuracy that a tiny tiny little nation in the Middle East would be the focus of world attention in the end that I'm saying to you our Bible is true and it's happening right before our eyes and Jesus said there will be signs in the Sun and the moon and the stars and on the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of the heavens will be shaken then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory now when these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near what Jesus is saying is it's time to focus on God and I want to begin this message by saying to God's people it's time to focus on God if you know anything about prophecy if you know anything about what the Bible says what happened it's happening it's empirical it's provable it's measurable is happening right before our eyes so we could never say we haven't been warned the world can ever say it hasn't been warned because the best-selling book in the world has been telling people for a long time that these things were happening and he says when you see these things begin to happen focus on God focus on eternal things don't get dragged down to things on the earth and get discouraged or get distracted focus on the things of God because your Redemption draws near Redemption means to buy back to purchase back if you didn't have it you can't redeem it but Adam and Eve were born with everything they had everything but they lost everything when they sinned but Jesus died in for our sins he redeemed us back to him and we have a down payment of the redemption that has been promised us but when Jesus comes we get everything back there were five things that Adam and Eve lost when they fell they lost their perfect body in their body that would have never died became corrupted and it died so we're gonna get perfect bodies back when Jesus comes they lost pleasure they were they lost he and Eden means pleasure pain came into humanity that God never intended because of their sin but when Jesus returns will be no more pain and we get to go back to pleasureville somebody say Amen all pleasure from that point forward in the moment that Jesus comes we'll get our authority back we have authority in this life we should be ruling and reigning in this life with the spiritual authority that Jesus gave gives to us in Luke chapter 10 in other places but when Jesus returns we get all authority back Adam and Eve had all authority over the earth they were everything they were the law on every level so when Jesus returns we will rule and reign with him forever and ever is what the Bible says I'm going to talk next week about the fifth thing but this week I want to talk about redeemed home then when Jesus comes we get to go back home Adam and Eve got kicked out of the house six thousand years ago when they sinned you have never been home when you leave this service and you go to that place that you call home it's not home your home is in heaven with God and God wanted to live with mankind he created us in his presence the reason that we know he wanted to live with us is he created Adam and Eve and he lived with them and then when we go to heaven we're gonna live with Jesus forever and ever God wants to live with us in paradise but we got kicked out of the house but when Jesus comes he's gonna take us home this is what Genesis 3 says that happened to Adam and Eve when they send the Lord God said Behold the man has become like one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever therefore the Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken so he drove man out of the drove out the man and he placed cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden flaming sword which turned every way to guard the way to the Tree of Life we were created to live with God in paradise when we sinned God chased Adam and Eve out of the garden but here's what Jesus says in John 14 this is an explicit text telling us where Jesus is today what he's doing and he's coming back for us John 14 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also and where I go you know and the way you know Jesus says I'm leaving and I want you to know where I'm going I'm going to the father's house this is explicit Jewish wedding language if you were a Jew you would know that Jesus is talking about marrying you I'm going to my father's house there are many mansions in my father's house and I'm going to go and prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I'm going to return for you and I'm going to take you to be with me forever this is what Jesus Jesus on the day that Jesus returns we go home and for the first time in your life you will step into that place and you will know that you are finally home and I want to talk about the father's house I want to talk about three things about the father's house that are very important because the New Jerusalem that we're going to that we're going to read about right now it is the father's house this is where Jesus is preparing all these mansions for each and every one of us who are believers this is revelation 21 and I want to begin my first point talking about the father's house is it's a real physical place heaven is not a cloud heaven is not a place where we can't touch and feel heaven is a real physical place beyond description even though it's described here it is it is beyond our ability to comprehend in this room this is revelation 21 talking about where Jesus is right now when we're going when he returns one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues came and talked with me saying come out we'll show you the bride the Lambs wife that's a and by the way we become the wife it says the bride and then were the wife he carried me away into the spirit to a great in a high mountain and showed me the great city the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God having the glory of God her light was like the most precious stone like a Jasper stone clear as crystal she had a great and high wall with twelve gates and twelve angels at the gates and names written on them which were the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel three gates on the east three gates on the North three gates on the South three gates on the west now the wall of the city had twelve foundations and on them were the names of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb and he who talked with me had a gold reed to measure the city his gates its walls the city is laid out as a square it's length is as great as its breadth and he measured the city with this reed twelve thousand furlongs that's thirteen hundred and eighty miles its length breadth and height they're equal then he measured his wall 144 cubits according to the measure of a man that is of an angel this is verse 21 now the twelve gates were were twelve pearls each individual gate was of one pearl in the city of the street of the city was a pure gold like transparent glass but I saw no temple in it for the Lord God Almighty and the lamb are its temple the city had no need of the Sun or the moon to shine in it for the god glory of God illuminated it the lamb as its light and the nations of those who are saved shall walk in and slide in the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honor into it this gate shall not be shut at all by day there shall be no night there and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nation's into it but there shall be by no means anything enters into it that defiles or causes an abomination or alive but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life he showed me a pure river of water clear as crystal proceeding from the throne of God in the lamb in the middle of his street and on either side of the river was the Tree of Life which bore twelve fruits each tree yielding is fruit every month the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation's let's stop right there so we have a city that we're going to that's basically 1,400 miles wide 1,400 miles long and 1,400 miles tall how many of you know you could put a lot of mansions in that now it says that there are twelve gates three on each side of the city each made of one pearl and on these gates are the names of the 12 patriarchs of Israel each gate has a name on okay and it says there are 12 foundations and on those 12 foundations are written the names of the apostles and listen there are two possibilities I don't know which is correct one possibility is that there are twelve foundations underneath the wall that is 1380 miles high another another possibility is there are 12 stories the 12 foundations if you had 12 stories in that structure each story would be a thousand miles apart from the story below it and so I don't know which it is so let's just say that you live there and you you know you were on one of the levels here of the city and about a gate someone could say to you where do you live and you say well I live on the Peter level by the Joseph gate have thought through this so I don't know what exactly it is it's beautiful beyond description it is eternal you will move in and you will never move out I think the average American moves every four years you will never move it's built for us personally this is what as individual as we are our mansions will be this is what I believe God does not cook he cut people and he is not gonna cook he cut your house it's not gonna be a line of houses that all look the same it's gonna be a house that looks like you and you're gonna walk in now this is this is just me now let me be a little dramatic for this minute I've got a little drama in me you're gonna walk into your house in heaven and you're gonna go this is me every detail of the house fits your personality exactly it's part of the reward for living for Jesus and every believer will have one no payments upkeep no insurance no taxes no security system no pest control no utilities don't really like that one everything is composed of most precious stones gold pearls and will be stunningly gorgeous with colors textures and hues which we have never seen before and the power source is the lamb the lamb is its life think of how much you would have to love someone to do that for them it took God six days to create the earth Jesus has been there for 2,000 years preparing a place for you and when he comes he told explicitly he told the disciples I'm leaving and going to my father's house there are many mansions there and I'm gonna go prepare a place for you and as surely as I leave I'm gonna come back and receive you unto myself so that where I am you could be forever I'm just saying I don't know how nice your house is I hope your house is very nice but it's a rubbish heap compared to that when Jesus said lift up your head he's saying don't get too focused down here don't it is good to enjoy the earth it's good to enjoy the blessings of the earth but don't get married to it the first thing about the father's house is it's real it's a real place it's phenomenal beyond it it's beyond our ability to comprehend the second thing is it's where we marry Jesus we're gonna marry him revelation 21:1 one of the seven angels for the seven bowls filled with the seven last place came to me and talked to me saying come on we'll show you the bride the Lambs wife revelation 19 talks about the marriage supper of the lamb so let me let me read your little deal about a Jewish wedding I want you to see the parallels between the Jewish wedding you know like for example when we see the feast of Passover in the Bible and we see a lamb that slain and the blood of the Lamb is wiped on the doorpost of the house so that death will pass by we know that that's a picture of Jesus dying for our sins right well the Jewish wedding is a picture of our relationship with Jesus and how we are going to marry Jesus this this is a Jewish wedding the groom left his house and came to his bride's house once the bridegroom paid the purchase price the marriage covenant was established and the young man and woman were regarded as husband and wife as a symbol of the Covenant relationship that had been established the groom and bride drank from a cup of wine over which the betrothal has been pronounced after the marriage covenant was established the groom left his bride at her home and returned to his father's house where he remains separated from his bride for approximately 12 months during this period of separation the groom prepared a dwelling place in his father's house which he would later bring his bride the bridegroom could not return to get his bride until the father gave him permission when the bridegroom returned usually at night to take his bride to live with him the groom the best man and other male escorts left the father's house and conducted a light a torchlight procession to the home of the bride although the bride was expecting her groom to come for her she did not know the time of his coming as a result the groom's arrival was preceded by a shout which announced her imminent departure to be gathered with him after the groom received his bride the wedding party returned from the bride's home to the groom's father's house where the guests have assembled shortly after their arrival the bride and groom were escorted by the other members of the wedding party there in the privacy of that place they consummated their marriage after the marriage was consummated the groom came out of the bridal chamber and announced the consummation of the marriage to the members of the wedding party waiting outside upon receiving the good news the wedding guests remained in the groom's father's house for the next seven days celebrating a great wedding feast this is a picture of our marriage to Jesus and so here's what's gonna here's what happened Jesus left his father's house in heaven and came down to her house and he paid the price for us and over a glass of wine at the Last Supper Jesus says I will not drink drink this again until I drink it with you and my father's Kingdom over a glass of wine at the Last Supper Jesus announced an eternal covenant that we had with him in his blood the final covenant and there we were legally betrothed to Jesus this is a legal covenant we are his betrothed bride Jesus left and he now he's at his father's house preparing a Hoopa dwelling place for us in the father's house he cannot return until the father says he can jesus said no man knows the day or the hour not even the Sun only the Father Knows so Jesus is waiting for the instruction from his father to come and get us when he comes and Jesus said you know in that night two people will be laying in butt in bed one taking one lamp okay so we don't know when he's coming but we know that it'll be a surprise not total surprise because we know the signs of the times but we don't know the day or the hour that Jesus gonna come it it says the Lord will descend from heaven with a shout remember the bridegroom would shout coming down the street because she probably had cold cream and her curlers I'm not sure about that but he shouted to give her a moment to prepare it says the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain will be caught up and gathered with him to meet the Lord and thousand the air and so we are going to marry Jesus for seven years we are going to be in heaven marrying Jesus this is what I was talking to you about last week I can't explain to you the marriage supper of the Lamb because I can't picture it we're not given a lot of detail about it but let me just tell you one thing it'll be the greatest party you've ever been to it will be the most unbelievable let me say this let me let me say this just so our husband is going to be Jesus I'm kind of a marriage guy that's the other thing I do but I teach husbands to be good husbands the best husband is Jesus Christ let me just say that you don't feel completely loved and some of you feel maybe very unloved by people maybe you feel like your knees are not getting met maybe you feel as though that you're not treated well on the day that Jesus comes you'll never have an unloved second in all of eternity he will love you like you've never been loved he will care for you like you have never been cared for for all of eternity that's how much he loves us that's how much he cares for us he wants to be with us he wants that relationship with us of meeting our needs and caring works for us and it's beyond our comprehension that's what I'm saying when I think about it it's it's I love everything about it but it really is beyond our comprehension in some way so I'm going to talk for just a minute because I talked to you last week about your kings in priest I'm telling you right now dear the bride of Jesus Christ as believers you're the betrothed bride of Jesus Christ you're soon to become his wife the opposite of this is the teaching of evolution I want to talk about evolution for just a minute I've been slapping at it for a few weeks let me just go ahead and take it on now some of you believe in evolution and I understand that you've been taught by teachers or professors that evolution is a fact that's just the way that it is it completely strips us of our eternal identity if you believe that you evolved from apes if you believe in evolution I don't know how you can synthesize Christianity and evolution I really don't I'll talk about that let me say I'm gonna say this respectfully and if you do believe in evolution please please consider what I'm saying and please consider that another point of view if you're a believer and you believe in creationism that God created it this I think will help you maybe to articulate your own beliefs and equip you maybe to share it with someone else but I want to talk about three problems with evolution and the first problem is the complexity problem if you look at evolution this is the the book the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin and in here he talks about natural selection he says a blind mindless force called natural selection began at the beginning they can't explain where life came from they have no explanation for it but when the life began that this blind force called natural selection took a cell and then several cells and then more cells and guided it to you you're the you're the next stage in that process but there's a problem with complexity the human eye is the most complex organ in the body it is incredibly complex and it is absurd to believe that the human eye could be the product of natural selection that is not those are not my words those are Charles Darwin's words here's a quote from Chapter six of the Origin of Species this is Charles Darwin to suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivance is for adjusting the focused distances for admitting different amounts of life's and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration it could have been formed by natural selection seems I freely confess absurd in the highest degree and then he goes on to explain how it happened now here's here's evolution speak notice listen to me because this is true time here Darwin said given enough time anything can happen how does a buffalo I had the butterfly become a buffalo a long time that's their answer to everything and he said I admit the human eye is a real problem but small mutations over eons of time anything is possible can you replicate it no can you prove it no can you observe it no but he says it's right but if the human eye is a challenge for evolution the human DNA is a knockout blow Charles Darwin had no idea about DNA it had not been discovered when he was alive the DNA is made up of four chemicals the order in which they are arranged instructs the cell's actions every cell in your body carries the DNA code that is six billion letters long if the DNA from a single human cell were stretched out in to end it would make a six-foot long microscopically thin strand it's hard to wrap your head around all of the different dimensions of the human genome because it is incredibly tiny and amazingly huge at the same time is so small that nearly 200 copies the genome can fit on the head of a pin your DNA in every cell of your body is six billion letters long it's a code six billion letters long if you could read it it would take you 31 years to read it if you could print it it would be as high as the Washington Monument and if you stretched it out it would be six foot long and every cell of your body human DNA it tells the story of where you came from our daughter Julie gave us ancestry DNA blast Christmas and I sent nine in I'm 40% Irish Welsh Scottish 30% Western European 20% Scandinavian 10% Russian 0% ape it's interesting and I interesting I snuck up on you that time anyway dr. Francis Collins director of the human genome project that mapped the human DNA said that one can think of the DNA as an instructional script a software program sitting in the nucleus of the cell and he wrote a book called the language of God talking about DNA Perry Marshall an information specialist said there has never existed a computer program that wasn't designed whether it is a code a program or a message given through a language there is always an intelligent mind behind it every cell in your body has a six billion letter long code it was written by someone God Almighty Anthony flu was the leading atheist the world's leading atheist for many years he participated in many debates with Christians he debated for evolution and against creationism or intelligent design he was a contemporary of CS Lewis debated CS Lewis on the issue many times and he was avid as an atheist and pro evolutionist until DNA was discovered and then he changed his mind and he decided there was a god and he wrote a book there is a god by Anthony flute it made the evening news when he announced that he had become he's not a Christian he's a deist I'll talk about deism next week but when he became a believer in God in his book this is what he says the latest work I have seen shows that the present physical universe gives too little time for these theories of a be o Genesis a vo Genesis means something from nothing beginning something out of nothing and then getting it where it is it gives the that look to little time for these theories of a be o Genesis to get the job done he added the philosophical question that has not been answered an origin of life studies is this how can a universe of mindless matter produce beings with intrinsic ends self-replicating capabilities in coded chemistry here we are not dealing with biology but an entirely different category of problem so the first issue is the complexity of human life how do you reconcile that with dar it's theory because Darwin 1859 is when this book was published and it just wasn't modern modern science is showing how complex life is and even a hardened atheist changed his mind when he saw it there's a science problem and some people say well the Bible is not science but this is science well Theodore tamesha a nuclear physicist but the Atomic Energy Commission says scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life our Great Khan men and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever in explaining evolution we do not have one iota of fact it is a tangled mishmash of guessing games and figure jet figure juggling if evolution occurred at all it was probably in a very different manner than the way this talk now Princeton professor Edwin Conklin said the probability of life originating for accident is comparable to the probability of the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion or printshop so you say well this is science but the Bible is religion is that true astrophysicist dr. Hugh Ross became a Christian because of the scientific accuracy of the Bible here's an excerpt from his testimony at age 17 while beginning to serve as director of observations for Vancouver's Royal Astronomical Society I also began a very private study of the world sacred texts testing them for accuracy my non-religious upbringing freed me from emotional attachment to any particular book or set of beliefs so I started with the books revered by my neighbors Eastern religious texts and worked my way westward one by one each book failed the factual 'ti test and I gained confidence that my initial skepticism would be affirmed until I picked up a Bible from page 1 this book proved an exception not only did it provide hundreds of statements that could be tested for accuracy it also anticipated thousands of years in advance many facts of socio-political history and of nature that research would one day confirm for example it anticipated the history and current tensions in the Middle East it also described the four fundamental features of Big Bang cosmology the beginning of space and time coincident with the beginning of matter energy continual expansion of the universe from the cosmic beginning the constancy of physical laws in the pervasiveness of entropy for nearly two years of study this books predictive power persuaded me that it must have been inspired by the one who knows and guides the past present future I had essentially proven to myself that the Bible is more reliable than the laws of physics I focused on in my university courses the only reasonable conclusion I could see was that the Bible must be the inspired Word of God that's a scientist I believe this is science I believe this is pseudoscience this Bible establishes scientific fact of the universe creation and everything and an astrophysicist came to God through the science of the Bible he also found by the way the Genesis one the order of creation in Genesis 1 is scientifically correct and if it happened in any other order life could not have existed this is a this is a reliable book saints of God I don't question the Bible I question people who questioned the Bible and though they may be sincere in their questions I find their facts not to stand up that's me personally the other problem I have with evolution is the human problem it strips us of our dignity it strips us of our eternal identity here's what Psalm 139 says you formed my inward parts you covered me in my mother's womb I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully wonderfully made marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well my frame was not hidden from you when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed in your book they were all written the days fashioned for me when is yet there were none of them how precious also are your thoughts to me O God how great is the sum of them if I should count them they would be more in number than the sand when I awake I'm still with you now if someone may tell you that you're descended from a cockroach this book makes no distinction of life you're the same as a rat I'm telling you that you're designed in the image of God from your mother's womb you are kings and priests and to your God and you are the wife of Jesus your divine you are beloved you're special you have more value than you will ever understand and what the devil wants to do is to strip us down and to beat us down until we have no self-esteem he wants to tell us we're animals so we'll act like animals God wants us to believe we're divine so we'll act like it the third thing about the New Jerusalem is it's home it's real it's where we marry Jesus in it's home and I'm saying to you if you have not given Jesus your life this is the time to do it to make him the Lord of your life if you're a believer this is the time to focus your attention on heaven because Jesus is going to come in our final redemption is going to happen on that day and we're gonna go home we're gonna go to the father's house we're gonna marry Jesus and we're going to experience something that you can't even put words to now but it's worth living for it's worth living for beg heads with me if you would Lord we thank you for the unbelievable investment you've made in us beginning with your blood on the cross we thank you for the love that you have for us that is beyond words how could we even describe a God who is preparing for us in heaven for 2,000 years who can't wait for the home coming in to welcome us home we want to we want to go home we want to go home it's fine here Lord there are good things here that we're thankful for but we want to come home we want to be with you and I pray right now Lord that for all of us that there would be a new longing for our relationship with Jesus that our focus if we become too worldly we become too greedy if we become too focused on the temporal things of this life that just right now Lord you would help us to lift up our eyes lift up our eyes lift up our eyes from our problems from our challenges from the things that we're going through right now from the pain that we're experiencing now there's also temporary we believe in you we long for you and we wait for you and we bless you Jesus in your name we pray amen
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 18,375
Rating: 4.8907104 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Gateway Church, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, Savior, Dallas, Southlake, Texas, Jesus, Sermon, salvation, christ, Love, Jimmy Evans, Pastor Jimmy, Marriage Today, The Best Day of Your Life
Id: yE-g2AE4gtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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