Jimmy Evans – The Word War – God's Word is Under Attack

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sweet thank you so much thank you how sweet you guys do that Happy New Year everybody and welcome to the first conference all of our campuses everyone watching online we are so glad that you're here I was thinking because we've been kind of gone during December a little bit I was thinking of that Scripture we were sitting over there I was so glad when they said let us go to the house of the Lord it's just good to start out the year in the house of the Lord pastor Robert and I were talking last year about how to do the first conference so we just want to do a little bit more in house this year and pence Robert and I've been praying about what God is saying to the Gateway church for this next year he'll be here tomorrow night and so tonight I want to bring a word to you in November I was praying one day and I just said Lord if you have a word that you want to bring for the first conference I'm open any time you want to say something to me and the Lord said I'm ready I want to give it to you right now it was very emphatic and and this message is called the word war I want to talk about a war that is happening in the unseen realm concerning the Word of God that's what this message is about sometimes when you're reading the Bible you have to get away from it a little bit you have to look at the bigger story or sometimes we kind of get trapped in the smaller stories and we forget the meaning of the Bible example of that is the Bible begins in paradise with God creating mankind and living with them they're intimately the Bible ends in a paradise with God living for all of eternity with mankind the theme of the Bible is God's love for mankind and even after we sinned and rejected God there was a plan of redemption whereby God gave the life of his son to bring us back in relationship with him love is the interpretative key of the entire Bible and if you don't understand the way that God loves humanity and the way that God has sacrificed to redeem us you can't understand the Bible you get trapped in a little story and you forget the big story well there's another big story in the Bible that began in Genesis 3 God gave Adam and Eve his word in Genesis chapter 1 God gave them a word to be fruitful multiply and also in Genesis to not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so God gave them that word and in that word they were blessed and of course Satan entered into human history in Genesis 3 with these words these are the first words that Satan never spoke to human being has God surely said questioning the Word of God is what Satan is doing right now in the world and what he's been doing 6,000 years and we see the pain and suffering in the world right now that has been caused by the attack on the Word of God and when Eve said yes that's right we can't eat of that tree over there or we'll die Satan said God is a liar you will not surely die God's Word is not true he knows being the insecure bully that he is he knows in the day that you eat of that fruit you're going to become better and you're gonna become like God so all of a sudden he's accusing God calling him a liar and casting doubt on the Word of God and the war began the war began and by the way everything Satan said to Adam and Eve was a lie they did die and pain and suffering came to the human race they were not better after eating the fruit they were cursed if I want to talk about begin talking about the Word of God and understanding some basic foundational truths about the Word of God because we're living in the midst of a war we're under siege every day in the world that we're living in and I want to talk about several just very basic truths concerning the Word of God and here's the first basic truth the Word of God is the most powerful force in the universe people of faith believe that the most powerful force is the Word of God Hebrews 11:3 by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that the things which are seen were not made of things which were visible I'm telling you right now we are not the product of evolution and the universe did not happen through some you know random Big Bang and everything just happened I'm saying God spoke and all this happened everything you see listen everything you see right here right now was created by the Word of God this everything that created this pulpit right here was spoken into existence by the Word of God and let me say what this means it means the Word of God controls everything people of faith believe that the Word of God is the preeminent force in the universe people of unbelief don't believe that they believe that there's some other force out there that's guiding everything let's listen this is 2nd Peter and 2nd Peter is talking here about people scoffing about the end times in Saint Jesus isn't coming listen he says beloved I now write to you the second epistle in both of which I syrup your pure Minds by way of reminder that you were mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior knowing this first as scoffers will come in the last days has that come true goodness gracious walking according to their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation right well Jesus what's the deal about Jesus coming everything's the way it was here's what he says for this they willfully forget that by the Word of God the heavens were a bowl by the Word of God the heavens were created that they will not they will not believe this this releasing and the earth standing out of water in in the water by the world that then existed perished being flooded with water but the heavens in the earth which are now preserved by the same word and reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men he says you know all these people that are saying everything's happening just the way that it's always happened and nothing's changed they forget something they will not remember something and that is God created everything in the past by his word and every future event has already been a established by the Word of God it's going to happen exactly when and exactly how God said it would happen the Word of God is the most powerful force in the universe somebody say Amen this is what's under attack this is what's under attack this is the power that fuels the universe that holds everything together here's the second truth concerning the Word of God all of God's blessing resides within his word God cannot bless and will not bless anything outside of his work this is Genesis 1 so God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created them then God blessed them and God said God blessed them by saying be fruitful and multiply fill the earth and subdue it have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves on the earth god bless them by giving them a blessed word this word is blessed and people who obey the word of God are blessed interstate so God gave them a blessed word god blessed them and said as long as you're doing this I'll bless you and Satan comes in with one goal get him off the word on the word they are blessed and they're untouchable and he can't do anything to them so he has to get you to reject the Word of God in order to do what he wants to in your life his full-time job in your life is to question God and question God's Word so you will not obey at slinkin Hersman so as a young Christian I I was cursed I got saved when I was 19 I truly got saved I invited Jesus into my life but I was I had a cursed marriage and cursed finances it's hard for some people to hear that because you think I got saved and boys all right now no getting saved means I'm now in Jesus I'm on my way to heaven but there's still a lot of things I need to get right in my life according to the word so we had a cursed marriage we were married for several years I was a terrible husband I didn't know what the Bible said about marriage I just I didn't know anything about marriage and so I read the word every day but you know I was it didn't change me and we came to a point of crisis and I repented I've truly repented to God in our repented to Karen and God took me in the word and began to show me about Mary's everything I teach is what the Lord told me about marriage and my marriage went from being blessed and on the brink of divorce this may we will be married 47 years all of God's blessing resides within God's Word you cannot be blessed apart from God's Word and all of Satan's occupation in your life is to get you to mistrust the Word of God so he can curse you I our finances were cursed I mean I'm a $600 a month we had a baby girl we barely made it and we went to church one Sunday and the preacher preached on giving and I absolutely hated every second of it and he was preaching on giving and I was thinking to myself you don't have a snowball's chance of getting a penny for me hey I feel a lot more sorry for myself and I do for this church and be I will never come back to this church ever come back to this church and we got in the car and went home and Karen came up to me that afternoon at home and she said I really liked that pastors message I'd like to give some money I want to throw up I felt nauseated I felt nausea and she gave and I said fine I made me sick she gave and with my heart heart in my unbelief over the next months I saw God do miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle through my wonderful wife who loves to give and I came to a point months later of saying lord I repent for not believing your word all that preacher did was preach the word and I absolutely had and we're blessed we went from being cursed to being blessed here's what I want you to understand God's absolute will for your life is for you to be blessed in all things there's only one person who wants you to curse that Satan but he can't bless you apart from this can't do it that's why Satan wars in order for him to steal kill and destroy from your life he has to get you away from this he has to get you to doubt it he has to get you to doubt God he has to get you off of this so he can curse you but God wants to bless you Matthew 4 then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and when he had fasted forty days and forty nights afterwards he was hungry when the tempter came to him he said if you're the Son of God commanded that these Stones become bread but he answered and said it is written notice every time Satan says something to Jesus Jesus responded with the word of God because he knew as long as he was in the word he would say men shall not live by bread alone but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God jesus said the word of God is the most important thing in your life it's not eating and drinking it's the Word of God no I want to say something for this minute so good parents all the time say things to their kids like this I want you to graduate from high school get an education get a good job and in believing that they're being good parents that's fine education is important getting good job important let me see can I say that to you a little different way and maybe get you as parents to maybe change the way you're talking to your children here's what you need to say to your children seek God until you know what he's called you to do and prepare to do that how do you know you're getting a right education if you don't know what you're called to do in Psalm 139 it says that God knit us together in our mother's womb and that we're fearfully and wonderfully made and he detailed all of the thoughts that he has to us his plan for our lives which is more than the the sand sand of the sea and it says that he designed us specifically for a purpose the most important thing in your child's life is not to make money the most important thing in your child's life is to find the will of God and do it and in that they'll be blessed and then that they'll be blessed man won't live by bread alone on every word the proceed to other paths here's the third basic truth about the Word of God the Word of God is God the Word of God isn't something the Word of God is someone john 1 in the beginning was the word in the Word was with God in the Word was God he was in the beginning with God all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made listen the Word of God made all things right the worlds were framed by the Word of God right that's what it says all things were made through him and without him nothing that was made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it the Word of God isn't something as someone it's God that's why Satan hates it so much second Timothy three all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work the phrase there the five words given by inspiration of God is one Greek word Thea noose tiss Anthea means God noose this means breath this you don't read this book this book reads you this book is alive when you read this it comes inside of you and you say I want God to fill me up get this in you he'll fill you up you can't reject God and be filled with God you can't reject this word this is God it is a force this is John three I'm sorry John six it is the spirit who gives life the flesh profits nothing the words I speak to you our spirit in their life so I've just given you several several things about the Word of God and that's why there's such a war over this it's the most powerful force in the universe God cannot and will not bless us apart from this and this is God this is a part of God and so I want to talk about a biblical principle here you look at the world today and you see all this going on related to the attack on the Bible the attack on truth and sometimes it's hard to understand so not being self righteous but it's it's hard sometimes to even comprehend how crazy people are the craziness this that you can't say boys and girls I mean it was a simple little thing you know any boys a girl all that kinds of crazy so how do people get like that well I'm gonna talk about that so mark for mark chapter 4 is the parable of the sower in the seed and jesus said there was a solar that went out and he sowed seed on hard ground on rocky ground on thorny ground that on good ground okay so now he's coming back and he's going to give the interpretation to the parable of the sower and he's going to begin by saying something that that is really really crazy sounding this is Mark 410 when he was alone those around him with the twelve ask him about the parable and he said to him to Eunice been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God but to those who are outside all things come in parables so that seeing they may see and not perceive and hearing they may hear and not understand lest they should turn in their sins be forgiven that you know Jesus just said I'm allowing you to know the truth I won't let them know it because they might try to change their minds and repent you're thinking that doesn't sound like Jesus to me I mean why would you prefer this group and not prefer this trip well there's a reason we're gonna find out verse 13 he said to them do you not understand this parable how then will you understand all the parables the sower shows the word and these are the ones by the wayside on the on the road where the word is sown when they hear Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts these likewise are the ones sown on stumps and sown on stony ground when they hear the word immediately receive it with gladness and they have no root in themselves and so endure only for a time afterward when tribulation or persecution arises for the words sake immediately they stumble now these are the ones sown among thorns they are the ones who hear the word and the cares of this world and deceitfulness of riches and the desire for other things entering in choke the word and it becomes unfruitful but these are the ones sown on good ground those who hear the word accepted and bear fruit some thirtyfold some sixty and some 100 also he said to them is a lamp brought to brought to be put under a basket or under a bed is it not to be set on a lamp stand for there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light if anyone has ears to hear let him hear then he said to him here's the principle listen this principle is very important take heed what you hear with the same measure you use it will be measured to you and to you who hear more will be given for whoever has to him more will be given but to him who does not have even what he has will be taken away so Jesus begins by saying I'm gonna let you understand I'm not gonna let you understand then he talks about the different types of hearts and how they received the word and then he says listen to me listen to me to him who has more will be given to those of you who hear more will be given but if you don't even what you have will be taken away okay here's the principle in the kingdom of God in God's kingdom you have to be qualified to be multiplied God does not come and just indiscriminately begin to multiply you and to increase to you you have to qualify to do it let me show you another text where Jesus says the exact same phrase this is Matthew 25 this is the parable of the talents one man had five talents one man one man had one talent in the man who had five made five more the one who had two made two more the one who had one buried in the ground this Jesus is responding his Lord answered and said you wicked and lazy servant you knew that I reap where I have not sown and gathering where I have not scattered seeds so you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest so take the talent from him and give it to the one who has Tim talents for to everyone who has more will be given and he will have an abundance but from him who does not have even what he has will be taken away cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth the exact same phrase that Jesus speaks in the parable of the sower he speaks again in the parable of the talents to him who has more will be given and he will have an abundance but to him who does not have even what he has to be taken away well I mean there's two context here let me give you the interpretation of this to him who has the ability to steward this is the context in Matthew 25 to him who has the ability to steward more will be given to him and he will have an abundance but to him who will not steward he will lose even what he has it says at the beginning of the parable that the master gave one five talents one two talents and one one talent each according to their own ability he was not preferring the man with five talents or picking on the guy with one talent he had seen their demonstrated capacity listen God is the perfect steward and he cannot waste and when he wants to multiply us he looks at our lives to see what our demonstrated capacity is to him who has more will be given and he will have an abundance but if you don't have the ability to steward I'm even gonna take away what you have and give it to the one minused in like he did in this earth let me go back now to the parable of the sower okay so the sower shows the word and there are four kinds of hearts heart hearts shallow hearts thorny hearts and good hearts okay this is what I meant so let me tell you the meaning of the principle here in the parable the sower to him who receives the truth of the word more truth will be given to him and he will have an abundance based on how much of the word he receives according to a standard of measure but to him who rejects the truth of the word he has disqualified himself from receiving more of the truth and even the truth he has will be taken away from him so Jesus is telling the parable of the sower the sower is sowing the word of God and to him who hears more will be given remember now this is let me remind you of what he said to those people to you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God but to those who are outside the faith to those who are standing on the outside and they don't believe all things come in parables so that seeing they may not see and perceive and hearing they may not hear and understand lest they should turn and repent and be forgiven of their sins Jesus says you know why I won't give those people more truth because they rejected the first truth I gave them to him who has truth did you know every time you receive truth you qualify for more truth God does not indiscriminately come to one person and give them revelation in the other person no revelation when you reject that there's a virgin birth don't expect a lot of revelation after that when you reject in the blood atonement of Jesus don't expect the heavens to part and for you to see revelation don't expect it I'm saying every time you reject the truth you have disqualified yourself from from truth and you've put at risk any truth that you have and you say why why is all the crazy stuff happening in the world and the world's just gone nuts because they have rejected the Word of God and they're deluded and I'll read a scripture here just a minute proving it so I want to I just want to put this principle to the test I'm gonna read simple seven basic Bible truths these are just basic Bible truth so if I want to see if you have a foundation in your life for receiving more revelation from God okay this is the principle in God's kingdom you have to be qualified to be multiplied based on what you have and how you deal with it okay so I'm going to read seven basic truths from the Bible and I want to ask two questions what do you think about this is there basic Bible truths and what does the world think about these trees okay number one God created the universe and everything in it in six days and on the seventh day he rested Genesis 1:2 God created man in His image God created man in His image and two genders male and female number three God created marriage is a sacred covenant relationship between one man and one woman I'm gonna roll up here now I am a hot hot hot up here now woo goodness how can I caused so much trouble in such a little amount of time goodness gracious number four Satan is real and he hates God and His Word and leads a demonic horde that only comes to steal kill and destroy Genesis 3 number 5 mankind rebelled against God and died spiritually thus becoming morally corrupted and fallen every person is born spiritually dead and with a fallen nature ok humanism is the opposite of that number 6 God loves mankind and never desired anything but good for us and even after we rebelled he created a plan of redemption to pay for our sins and to bring us back into relationship with him God became a man and he lived a life we should have lived and died the death we should have died to pay for our sins Jesus is the only means of eternal redemption through faith in Him we were born again and are restored into a personal relationship with God number seven every person who has ever lived will stand in eternal judgment before God one day there is a real heaven and a real hell and every person has one of those two eternal destinations based on their faith in Jesus most Christians don't believe that most Christians from the region article hear from 10 years ago this is the title of this article from the Christian Post Jennifer Riley is the writer most us Christians don't believe Satan or the Holy Spirit exists the majority of American Christians do not believe that Satan is a real being or that the Holy Spirit is a living entity the latest marna survey found nearly six out of ten Christians either strongly agreed or somewhat agreed with the statement this Satan is not a living being but a symbol of evil the survey found 40 percent strongly agreed with the statement while 19 percent of American Christians somewhat agree in contrast about 35% of American Christians believe Satan is real 26 percent strongly disagreed with the statement that Satan is merely symbolic and about one-tenth 9% somewhat disagree likewise most Christians the United States do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a living force 58 percent strongly or somewhat agreed with the statement that the Holy Spirit is a symbol of God's power and presence but not a living entity so here's a little problem the Holy Spirit shows up in the second verse of the Bible kind of a major theme of the Bible when you show up in verse 2 and there are only four chapters in the Bible that do not include the presence and activity of Satan Genesis 1 and 2 in Revelation 20 21 and 22 Satan is active from Genesis 3 to Revelation chapter 20 he confronted Jesus in the wilderness personally he is a person he is a personal entity and he is our evil enemy and he's all through the Bible and the problem is not what the world believes I don't expect them to believe they're unbelievers the problem is what Christians believe the clear that I'm leaving say this and I mean this from the bottom of my heart if anything in this book is not accurate throw it away why would you base your life on something that is not accurate and if what this says about Satan and the holy spirit isn't true how do you know what it says about Jesus is true how do you know that anything it says about anything is true you don't it's a piece of baloney if something in here isn't true this is unreliable trashed but I'm telling you it is the inspired an infallible Word of God and I'm saying to you as a believer with all of the all of the nonsense going on in people trashing the Word of God and speaking against it and disagreeing with it it is a dangerous thing to reject the Word of God and when Jesus is talking about the sower sowing the word and the different kinds of hearts he ends by saying to him be careful what you hear be careful because to those of you who hear more will be given and you'll have an abundance but to those of you who don't even what you have will be taken away you're setting yourself up for a deception God controls truth and in God's kingdom you have to be qualified to be multiplied and God never randomly or indiscriminately give us a person revelation to his word he gives to those who receive it let me talk about hearts for just a minute there there are four kinds of hearts that Jesus talks about in one of the ways that you can interpret mark for is to say there are four kinds of people and that may be true I believe that all of us can have hard areas of our hearts I believe that all of us can have shallow areas of our hearts I believe that all of us can have forney areas and all of us can have good areas now let me say it another way I think that there are certain things that all of us have an easy time receiving from God's Word and I think that there are other things that are difficult for us let me talk about heart heart for just a minute okay plowing the hard areas of our hearts through repentance and obedience the sower shows the word jesus said these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown when they hear Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts I had a hard heart concerning giving and we went to that church that day and the pastor preached on giving and we and I hated every second of it we got in the car drove home that word was gone from my heart by the time we got a block out of church Satan took that word out of my heart now that word changed my life and generations of my family because my precious wife because the same truth that I reject has she received but as her heart was different see I think that I think that a Christian can have a hard heart concerning giving submission to Authority pride the way we speak marriage the way we treat people forgiveness grace the supernatural Holy Spirit faith prayer believing God is my loving Heavenly Father Sabbath you can just be reading along with the Word of God and you read something at it offends you you know before the word changes you typically will offend you because your thinking is so wrong about thinking is so wrong and see here's the only way that you can change a heart heart is through repentance and brokenness through repentance and obedience it's like plowing a hard road you have to put the plow into it in a hard area can change but it requires repentance and here's here's what I'm asking you you need this work you cannot reject this word it's a dangerous thing to reject the Word of God and I've done it but it's a dangerous thing is there an area of your life you simply will not allow the word to come in is there something that you fail at over and over that you're frustrated at over it you just have chronic you're cursed you're you're on your way to heaven God loves you but this area of your life you just have chronic failure and that signifies you could have a hard heart the word can't get in and God's not going to repent to us we have to repent to God unbelief is a sin it's a sin it's a sin to reject the Word of God and we have to go to God and say I repent and I will obey and when we repent and begin to obey it breaks up that hard soil we talk about deepening the shallow areas of our hearts by embracing difficulty and persecution caused by faith in God and again Jesus said the like while these are the ones sown on stony ground when they hear the word immediately receive it with gladness and I have no root in themselves and so only endure for a time afterward when tribulation or persecution arises for the words sake immediately they stumble in other words they they receive the Word of God they're happy about it until it causes problems their lives and then they they're not willing to do that this is Jesus mark 8 when he had called the people to himself with his disciples he said to them whoever desires to come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me for whoever desires to save his life will lose it but ever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul or what will man give in exchange for his soul for whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation of him the son of man will also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his father with his holy angels I want to ask you two questions the first question is what price are you willing to give for the Word of God what's this worth to you there's only one right answer everything jesus said if you want to be my disciple the word disciple is the greek word myth eight days it means learner it means someone I can teach the word to if you want to be my disciple you have to deny yourself you can't sit around thinking about yourself all the time and be a narcissist which is the way people live today and take up your cross when Jesus said take up your cross he had died on the cross yet but as the Jews would go from town to town the Romans would crucify people at the city gates to warn them to put fear into them it just meant suffering you're gonna have to deny yourself and be willing to suffer and follow me follow me means I'm the boss jesus said to the disciples one time why do you call me Lord Lord and not do it I say you need to look up that word it means boss if you want to follow me now you've got to stop all this you stuff and you've got to be willing to suffer and I've got to be the boss but if you're ashamed of me in my words and this sinful and adulterous generation I'll be ashamed of you but I've done and see the question is the first question is what am I willing to give for the word the second question is what am I willing to take for the word has Satan offered you the right relationships would you give it up many have more money more power more popularity what would you take for the word what would he have to do to seduce the Word of God out of your life if you have a price he'll pay it and the only way you're safe is if you don't I will suffer as much as I need to suffer but I will not give up God's word I will not bow my knee this is what Jesus is saying no I want to say this before I finish here just say there are three kinds of Christians three basic kinds of Christians in the world one or legalistic Christians the world is their enemy the other is lukewarm Christians the world is home and they live very convenient compromised lives because this is home and the Third Kind of Christians are loving Christians the world is our mission field we don't hate them we love the world but this is not our home and so in John chapter 8 there was a woman caught in adultery and the Pharisees came Jesus was teaching in the temple and the Pharisees came and threw this woman down at his feet and they said this woman was caught in the very act of adultery and according to Moses law she needs to be stoned and Jesus didn't say that Jesus just got down in the ground and just started riding and I think he was writing their sins he was saying your girlfriend is Donna you know put a little arrow over here you're stealing money at work here you know and so he that's what I believe he was writing down their sins and it said from oldest to youngest they began to leave because they were convicted of their sins and Jesus stood up and they were all gone and he turned to the woman and he said where are your accusers and she said they're gone he said I don't accuse you Goodwin don't see any more lady Jesus didn't attack her Jesus didn't reject her but Jesus didn't tell her her behavior wasn't sin that's the kind of believer we need to be the world is not our enemy listen and it's not my home I'm not gonna compromise I'm a little sensitive you know the psalm 9 he says the days of a man or 70 years by reason of strength or 80 years I don't like this scripture all right I'm sitting up here talking about the Bible but I don't really like that one we're gonna live here a few years and we're gonna live there for all of eternity don't sell your soul here and compromise what you're gonna get there the world is not our enemy in the world is not our home it's our mission field and if we're self-righteous mean-spirited Christians we will never reach the people that God loves and Jesus was the bet Jesus was the Word of God and he was the very best example of how to hold on to the Word of God in a wicked world and be able to minister compassionately to people but I understand this when you give up the Word of God you just poured the medicine out you can't help anybody and all of your compassion is just blathering nothingness that's all it is the Word of God is the medicine and we need to if we're self-righteous we won't reach anybody because nobody wanted to be around us but if we compromise ourselves and reject the Word of God we're not the light of the salt anymore here's one other area and I'll pray and we'll close the four knee areas of our hearts the areas that are compromised this is Matthew 6 therefore they don't worry saying what shall we eat or why should we drink what should we wear for after all these things the Gentiles seek for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things but see first the kingdom of God is righteousness and all these things will be added to you the poor knee soyal these are just areas where there's just too much competition for God we're just too busy we're just going and doing Jesus called it the deceitfulness of riches the desire for other things chokes the word out here's the issue it has to be first seek first the kingdom of God in his character and I'll give you everything I'll bless you and you'll be blood you know that's the greatest promise in the Bible you say you can't have it all yes you can you can have God and all of his blessing if you'll just put him first if the Word of God isn't first there's something wrong Jesus said it's more important than eating and drinking is the 40 areas of our lives or areas where there's too much competition with God and what he's saying is I know you have other areas of your life I want to be first and if you'll let me be first I'll bless you so let me let me say that when I prayed back in November about this about this word and I said Lord if you have anything you want to say I want you to say to me and Lord I do there's more to it than that and in this way and I'm not saying this in a scary way I'm saying this in a serious way we have seen in the last 10 years 15 years just an absolute all-out attack on the Word of God it's going to get worse the war is on the Antichrist spirit is in the world today is palpable all we see by the way Jesus wins okay so means Jesus win so we're on the winning side don't worry at all we're on the winning side but understand this if you have ever in your lifetime been serious about the Word of God be serious right now be serious right now if you've ever been in the word being the word right now if you've ever stood for the word of God not self righteously not mean but if you've ever stood in fought for the word of God fight right now Jesus is coming Jesus is coming and he said if you're ashamed of me in my words in this evil and adulterous generation I'll be ashamed of you we said another way if you stand up for God's work he'll stand for you if you're faithful to God's Word he'll be faithful to you it's a big deal it's the most powerful force in the universe right here that's it all of God's blessing resides within this right here and this is the Spirit of God the spirit of God gives life to this you need this more than you need dinner to him who has this to him who opens their heart his or her heart and receives this I'll just keep giving it to you every time you read it and say yes Lord hey hey come on I'm gonna give you all you can have I'm gonna give you revelation and understanding I'm gonna open your heart to understand to him who has more will be given and you will have an abundance of understanding of the Bible but to him who does not have even what you have will be taken away I've never seen in my lifetime more pastors renouncing their faith than I have this year not just people but pastors who preach the gospel say I'm no longer a Christian say how can it happen by beginning to miss with the Word of God that's how it happens and you begin to reject one truth and then another truth and another truth and all of a sudden your mind is no longer able to receive the truth and you reject it hotel you're gonna win the war of the word you're gonna win it I want you to bow your heads we're gonna pray for our hearts Lord we come we do not want there to be a hard area of our hearts Lord as the sower sews the word on our hearts we do not want there to be a hard area where the word is not welcomed we repent of any truth that we have consistently rejected we repent and we say to you 2020 is the year we begin to obey the Word of God in that area in any area that we're ashamed or we have been unwilling to suffer for your word we repent and we say Lord we're not willing to take anything for the word and we're willing to give everything for it regardless of what it cost us and for the thorny areas where time and people and money and busyness have just choked out our ability to bear fruit for you we say one simple thing you're first you're at the front of the line we're gonna stop putting you at the back of the line after everything else is over you're at the front of the line and we're gonna seek you first and I pray that you would do a work in our hearts Lord I pray that every single square inch of our hearts would be good soil that we could bear thirty sixty and a hundredfold fruit for you and I speak a blessing over this congregation every campus I speak a blessing Ward in 2020 over this congregation of health of Supernatural health supernatural blessing prosperity blessing in relationships reversing the curse undoing all the damage the devil has caused favor promotion I pray Lord that you would prosper us both financially also God and add to us revelation through your word give to us a greater understanding of your word but I speak blessing the 2020 is a year of victory it is a year a breakthrough it is a year of blessing and it's a year of abundance in every way and I speak that in Jesus mighty name and all God's people said god bless you guys
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 99,180
Rating: 4.8842053 out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Evans, The Word War, gateway first conference 2020, Gateway Church Sermons, Robert Morris Ministry, Attack on the Bible, jimmy evans sermons, the bibles authority, exposing the lies of the enemy
Id: kGyh0Gbj7yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 20sec (2780 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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