Give Me A Sign | Larry Brey

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hey you can remain standing for just a few more seconds by now you've figured out that I'm not pastor Stephen my name is Larry bribe but everybody calls me lb I'm usually up at university city how we doin you see love you miss you and I'm excited to open up God's Word with everyone today and it's less of a sermon and more of just kind of like an insight into my journal for what God's been doing in my life you see about a year and a half ago pastor Stephen preached this incredible series work your window how many of you were here doing work your window like incredible series he was in Week three of it the power of potential power and potential I could take you to the seat I was sitting him and God spoke to me through the voice of our pastor and he spoke to me said you have forfeited way more potential than the devil will ever steal he said you'll you'll give it away before he'll take it specifically hiding behind the shadow of shame and for the few minutes we have together today I want to talk on the subject of shame because I think way too many of us are being dominated in the landscape of our life by the shadow of shame and I am here to tell the devil he is on notice no longer will you steal no longer will you cause God's sons and daughters to hide behind that place today is the day coming out out from behind it everyone if you have is or will struggle with shame this universal doesn't care about your bank account or your address it's an equal opportunity employer and it will enslave every single one of us and the character that I want to look at through the life through her life is this woman named Rahab we find her story in Joshua chapter two in the context of the story is two spies that just come into the land from the Israelites and we're walking around the city of Jericho and they came into her apartment we pick up the scene in Joshua 2 verse 12 to 15 says now then please swear to me by the Lord that you will show kindness to my family because I have shown kindness to you give me a sure sign that you will spare the lives of my father my mother my brothers and my sisters and all who belong to them and that you will save us from death our lives for your lives the men assured her if you don't tell what we are doing we will treat you kindly and faithfully when the Lord gives us the land so she so she let them down by a rope through the window for the house she lived in was part of the city wall here's the title for today's message you ready for it give me a sign say give me a sign now look at your favorite neighbors say give me a sign that you loved me now give out a couple signs of love give a couple hugs at all of our location give out a couple signs thank you worship team after you've given a couple of hugs you could be seated want to welcome all of our locations I especially want to welcome our efj am folks joining online from around the world now there's one of them her name is Susie Susie is in Ireland she is one of my favorite people to follow on social media she is a part of our efan with her orange team doing chats online check this out she has opened up multiple eat groups in Europe for different time zones to be able to participate with her that's pretty incredible isn't it and so Susie we love you thanks for what you do but I want to get into this character named Rahab today we don't know a whole lot about of her life but we do know a couple things one of the things we know is her occupation now some would call her profession the oldest occupation of profession on the earth that is prostitution yes I apologize parents if you brought your kids here today you had drew warning to take him into e kids but she is a prostitute that is her profession we also know that she lives in this city of Jericho Jericho is a pretty small town that's about 1,500 people it's I always pictured this thing like this huge city now it's about 1,500 to 2,000 people it's got really high thick walls about 30 to 40 feet high all the way around the perimeter of the city makes like a circle Jericho is the city that the Israelites marched around six times and yelled on the wall so that happens just a few chapters after what we're gonna look at today and this is a small city and we know that there's not a whole lot of people in it but we also know that in this story there are two spies that happen to come into the land that's where we're gonna pick up the story here today but I want to actually recreate a little bit of what her house looks like is it's really important to our production team is gonna bring out some props for me right now and would you help me thank our production team and our kids volunteers and our parking teams putting up of your bad habits out in the parking lot they're incredible and what they're doing is they're wheeling out a door and a window and I want to recreate a little bit of what the scene of Rahab's house might look like this it's really important because what it says is that says that she had a window on her house thank you guys so much and it faced the out outside of the city so the the window is on the outer wall so it's got access to the promised land and she could see out into the out into the land now the door is on the inner part of the city this is where all the activity of this city happened and this is the life where Rahab lived she lived in this space I have no idea of it's 800 square feet of hardwoods or 8,000 square feet all of us have a space where we live it's not just our physical address but it's in our mind it's in our heart and it's in these places everyone if you live somewhere and if we were to zoom in and take a picture of there's some ugly places in my life there's some things that I would not want you to see so those places in my life I like to put those behind the door I like living in places that nobody sees what happens behind you because all of us like to have places where we hide behind closed doors I mean I don't want anybody to see my business so I put that behind the door now the window is to plan things I want everybody to see this is like hi how you doing doing great uh trap I had a bad day at work today feel like such a loser now I don't want anybody to see that like hey Instagram took a picture of my kids on Father's Day had to take it 17 times to get the right one but we got it I like controlling what people see the things that people I don't want him to see now I put him behind the door I'm hiding behind these things I mean sure I might poke my head out like hey y'all what's up how you doing but then it's like nope you don't see that that happens behind closed doors I'll have those spaces and I think the longer we live settling for living behind closed doors the more were under the trap of shame I think that's where life has lived for way too many of us sure you look good on the outside because you just got the new outfit and out front I'm like hey brother how you doin but but get behind the closed doors you're cussing out your kids now you're talking to people on the way into church like brother the Lord's gonna move today shut up I got the parts that I want you to see parts that are behind the closed door I realized I've spent more of my life living behind a closed door than an open window that's where I've forfeited more potential than the devil's ever taken for me it's in this land of shame and it would be important for us to understand there's a difference between guilt and shame there really is guilt is I am sorry for what I did it's actually a really healthy thing it's actually a good thing it is a pattern that's established in healthy relationships it really is it means I am sorry for what I did now shame shame is I'm sorry for Who I am one is is is a look at my behavior the other is an indictment of my character one is a gift that God gives us for restoration the other one is a scheme of Satan that is meant to destroy you I've got to understand when I'm living in the pattern of an open window or a closed door and I am living in the pattern of the closed door I'm always under the shadow of shame guilt is so healthy in relationships actually let's practice at the leg round cuz the language of guilt sounds something like this I'm sorry would you please forgive me it's really healthy let's try it look at your neighbor or your spouse or whoever say I'm sorry would you forgive me now how did that feel now some of you you needed that because of the fight you got in the parking lot right before you came in I'm just the Lord provided today he's that's healthy and then when someone says that to you here's the language of healthy relationships thank you for telling me I forgive you now practice that thank you for telling me I forgive you because here's the thing what often can start as a healthy pattern of bringing it into the light actually gets reinforced in the wrong way that forces it into the darkness because the way it's receive often determines if it's repeated and when your son comes to you and says dad I'm struggling when they're met with how dare you you've just pushed him behind a closed door and they never want to come tell you it again that's what happens when we don't deal with things in a healthy way shame is in this place of I'm horrible it's not just I did something bad I am bad it's not I had I made a bad choice I am a bad person and the language of those two sounds so different and often what happens in relationships and in lies all of these little events can create cascades of big shame little things I mean like there's a mom you know this you felt this this idea of shame shame is that feeling that washes over you like everybody's seen you everybody knows you and then know your fraud and they know your hypocrite that feeling like that feeling wouldn't know too well that causes us to hide I mean some moms you experience this you're walking through Target and your four-year-old decides to act out in the worst way like a temper tantrum laying on the floor screaming ah and it just so happens at that time your best friends come down they're like hey sister and you're so embarrassed you're so ashamed and you're like a hawk doing great and you just can't wait to get a little bit fuller get you a little like I'll get you behind this closed door and you're like but you know buddy you don't tell anybody about the shame you feel and and now your child is 15 in the company and said mom dad I'm pregnant that shame that makes you you behind the closed door and you don't want anybody to see that stuff that place and it happens in relationships so insidiously it's like men I'm sure that none of you can identify with this I'm actually using this as I pathetical this does not happen to me like your wife sends you to the grocery store to get some items and you're like I don't need to write it down I totally got it like just some some sugar like sweet grant like white granules got it then you get in the grocery start like Oh some pop and then some chips and oh yeah that looks cool now what did my wife want oh gosh I'm so embarrassed I don't want to call her she just wants some gonna sweet nursing yeah sweet little sweet below so I bring it home and put it on the table and she looks like what is that it's like it's what you want me to get no it's not you should have been more clear about what you wanted me to get that you always do this if you never get it right I can never please you it's fine [Applause] and then you get behind the door I can't believe she we never I just suck as a husband I'll never get it right why did she marry me she probably doesn't even want to be married to me see how the language shifts so quickly when you watch football you know how they put that that microphone the sideline mic on the coach and on the players if you were to put a mic on Shane here's what Shane is saying oh because Shane is in the grocery store as the husband and he's whispering is there see you're never gonna get it right anyway don't admit to her that you don't didn't take good direction cuz if you admit it it's gonna reinforce that she can't trust you so you just go with your gut cuz cuz shame is a little punk tapping you on the shoulder before you do it saying it's not that big of a deal but after you do it oh you dirty dog you are horrible that's what Shane does it's subtle it's shifty and it wants you to pull you into the shadows and then when you get home Shane is on the wife's shoulder said oh yeah he knows that you've been struggling with body image anyway he knows that you've been wearing larger clothes he actually bought the sweet look as he thinks you're fat yeah maybe I'm the only person that can jump to extremes why because shame is being exposed and I'm projecting on them what I feel about myself rather than having a language that's built on confession it's actually a conversation that's built on sham so what happened shame this divisive little thing that will come in happens in all of these ways I remember when I first learned that I was poor I thought it was like growing up as a kid like every other kid just yay like I thought everybody just eats you know free cheese and I just seriously I like I was like yeah but then I was like in seventh grade and I'm in lunch line and mrs. Kell strim did lunch lady I was like I'm sorry mrs. Keller my forgot my money there she goes it's okay you're on the free lunch list anyway I thought there was for poor kids and I heard my I heard my buddy Steve just yeah you're poor I like really but I remember the feeling of being like a piece of clothing on the sale rack not being good enough second-rate second-class it's funny how that shadow of shame cuz shame is his spirit and it's like a piece of clothing it wants you to wear it and I remember putting that clothing on and I carried that a large part of my life and I still have a tendency to put it back on it's really funny as I was preparing for this sermon last week sure enough shame rolls up into my front yard I'm getting ready I'm here at Ballentine on Thursday practicing my sermon like getting ready to preach and I get a text from a friend of my sister a I did some work at your house a couple months ago I was wondering if you have paid that invoice as I snap I forgot I could I smelled the grilled cheese in the cafeteria you you don't you you're not that far away from shame that you can't run back to it it's a spirit and some of you front like you got it all together but behind closed doors it is wasting you away that's what shame wants to do shame wants to destroy you it's just don't want to mess you up it wants to just completely take you out it's in big things like we talked about if some of you the reason you do not want to go to the family gathering is because your cousin violated you fifteen years ago you have never told anybody you've hidden behind that door for fifteen years and you just tell him you're busy but the real reason is you have so much shame because you've never been able to tell anybody shame wants you to hide behind that door it wants you to sit behind it because what it wants you to do it wants you to sit behind it that you give up hoping and believing on the promises of God it wants you to believe that that will never happen all of those promises it's like window shopping you can look at it but you'll never touch it you'll never get to it that's what Shane wants to do shame is an instrument of the enemy it is a silent assassin and it is meant to destroy you and it is a quiet epidemic that is picking people off and just because you have given your life to Christ does not mean you're inoculated against this condition and condition by the way Dustin straddle E great sermon last week a row note once you tell Dustin straddling you love they're awesome so good but it wants to wipe you out shame is connected to rates of depression anger addictions eating disorders and suicide the ultimate aim of shame is to get you to the point that you give up hope and you want to tap out and you want to quit life the second leading cost cause of death for 18 to 25 year olds is suicide and some of you what logging online watching us or watching this at a later date or at one of our locations are only at church today because this is like a last resort it's your last option and some of you might even been saying God give me a sign that you know me give me a sign that you haven't forgotten me here it is I'm your sign I'm not very tall but I am loud and I want you to hear the voice of God he loves you he's not mad at you he's not trying to hurt you not punishing you please come to him and if you are struggling under the shadow of shame and it's so dark that you want to give up please don't do it please invite somebody in you don't need to live under the shadow of that any longer that's what Shane wants to do and you are not immune to it because of the car you drive you are not you are you are not outside of it just because you live inside a really big house I think that's why God sent the spies into Rahab's life because she was ready to tap out I think she was at a point that the shame was so overwhelming think about this she's a prostitute every day the customers would come in and out of that door and everyone that did it took a little piece of her dignity with them and the more that they did that the more that she moved away that life could ever be different and the more that she didn't believe that could ever happen to her and the more that she just settled it into this is all I'll ever be and I think God sent some spies in it just the right moment before she was wanting to tap out I think God sent me as a spy into your life today to tell you that he is coming into your life he is tired of you sitting in the shadow of shame and he is ready for you to come out of it I've been a part of this church my wife Annette since we started 12 years ago and I have seen Pastor Steven stand on the stage every year for 12 plus years and preached the Word of God and I have become convinced that as I've studied these spies that he is in fact indeed a spy he's a spy there's no way you could explain it he has been following you around your whole life he's like reading your emails he is scouting where you go how else can he stand on stage and preach like how did you know that cuz he's a spy I think he is a spy I think he's a Joshua to this generation who has seen the promised land and he's coming here to tell you and me that is still available you will get in that we gotta do some work tell me thank our pastor for being the ultimate spy the ultimate man incredible love our pastor faithfully done it every year and the spies break into the city it's at the cover of night the doors of the city had just closed and they're like oh snap we're in trouble cuz they were just gonna come in and look at this city and get out but the dick gates closed before they could get out so they start looking around the city and I think they're looking for a couple things the first thing they're looking for is access to be able to get outside of the sin as they're sneaking up to the city of stealthy like you don't see me they noticed some windows on the outer wall of the city and they're like if we can just get to the window we'll be able to get out of the city so they start working their way around the inside of the city like oh we got to get access we got to get access to a house that's on the wall so we can get out the window God is looking for access and they needed access to be able to get out you know why God is looking at you cuz God needs access God needs access to your life because this story wasn't just about Rahab God needed access to her father her mother her brothers and her sisters and all who belong to them why are you in that dysfunctional family cuz God says I need access to those people I need access through your life I know you've been hiding behind closed doors for a long time but this is the moment that you now become a window because the blessing of God is meant to flow through you you are a window and God is looking at you because he needs access because he's got to get something through you see what God can do through you you've been wondering why you're in that job you hate it's not about your income it's about his access he needs to get his glory in and the only way he's gonna do it is through your lives God is looking for people to have access but the access of the glory of God will never be given out when it's hidden behind closed doors quit hiding behind that door God's access does not come out behind the closed door I think the second thing they're looking for is someone they can trust say trust what's interesting to me is they're looking around the city they've never been there they're they're Outsiders they're looking at this whole deal but they just said we gotta find somebody that that we can trust so let's pick the people that nobody else would trust it's funny because because in 1st Corinthians 1 27 and 28 it says this and what's funny is you know what God is into shame easing the shaming shame he's into taking something that the world calls shame and he's gonna throw some shade on it and he's gonna say now I'm actually gonna shame the shame because he said in first Corinthians 1:27 says but God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise he chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong God chose the lowly things of the world and the despised things and the things that are not to nullify the things that are and if you have been overlooked if you have been sitting under the shadow of shame you need to know that God is so attracted to you God is attractive to shame your shame is attractive and he's looking for somebody he can trust because he says when my glory comes through you somebody who's proud will think they did it themselves but somebody who's lowly will know that it's only God that did it that's why God is pictured he's looking for you tab access and you've always seen yourself untrustworthy because of the shame now God says those are the conditions for my blessing to fall on your life but I wondered how did these men know that this is a prostitute I mean they've never been city they didn't know anybody there hiding under the shadows of night and there sneaking around cuz they don't want to be found I bet they were religious folks and they were like praying like God give me a sign I mean you prayed that too but God give me a sign we keep asking God for a sign to get out of something maybe he's asking us for a sign to use us in the middle of it maybe maybe that's what God's doing and I started to do some study about this because the way that prostitutes would advertise they're open for business in ancient cities was this have you ever heard the term red-light district there's a real thing it is a real thing and so what prostitutes would do is they would have a red court and this is like their I'm open for business sign and so they would take the sign and they would put it on the front door advertising we're open for business so as the spies are coming through lord give me a sign they saw the sign now this is the sign of her shame but it will become the sign of his salvation I know you're ashamed of it but God says at the end of this I'm gonna hold it up as a sign of my glory and so these men show up and they it's dark outside their time out little dating advice ladies it's the only time that guy is calling you after dark you know he's not in it for godly game amen and so she thinks she's just welcoming in the first customers of the night hello cuz shame can't even look somebody in the eyes at this point she's not even making eye contact this is just an exchange and she welcomes them in first customers of the night she did not know she was inviting the presence of God into her life did not know these are the first men that came in through the door but didn't go back out the same way they came these men were gonna go back out through the window every other man comes into your life to get something and leaves with it but the person of Jesus the god man named Jesus Christ is a man who comes into your life but then he goes through your life and she has this encounter with these men and she realizes yes you are of God yes I know I couldn't get to it but God came to me I know I couldn't get myself over there but God came to me to get me there so it is with you and she has these encounter and she recognizes these are men of God and life maybe this isn't just a mirage maybe that could be a reality maybe the thing I've been dreaming about my whole life actually could become the promises of God fulfilled in my life she dreams and she believes but here's the fascinating part about this story this woman was a prostitute for years decades maybe even every night the Sun would would set over the city darkness would invade her home and it would be filled pitch-black shame grows in the dark shame grows in the hidden places as some of you are in a very dark place right now and you know it and you can feel it you can feel the shame welling up but then I got excited I knew the Sun set and it was darkness behind the door but then I started to think about the window and I started to think about the way that God created the cycle of the earth and how his grace works and has started to realize I know the Sun is going to set but I also know that the Sun is going to rise and I started to think about lamentations 322 it says because of the Lord great love we are not consumed for his Compassion's never failed they are new every morning great is your faithfulness and in the good news translation it says this fresh as the morning as sure as the sunrise here's the image she went to bed with shame for decades say every day no no say every day and every day the grace of God would rise in her life every day the Sun would illuminate her apartment so it is with the grace of God it was available every day say every day but this day say this day this day she just didn't look at it she was about to receive it this day some of you you've been staring at it for years thinking it was for other people people who are taller better not struggling with shame but today is the day this day that you're gonna receive the grace of God this day your you can move out of the shadows of shame and into his marvelous light because the grace of God is greater than the darkness of shame God is not intimidated by your ugliness he is not intimidated by your darkness in fact he never looked away from it you can't look at it but God never looked away from you cuz he loves you and he loved Rahab and he knew he she couldn't get herself to the door that's why he sent some spies into the land to do it in these many encounter this woman and she realizes wow this is different these men are not like other men and she realized this maybe just maybe life could be different and then she releases him and the story continues and she lets him out the window and she goes now the men's had said to her this oath we swear to you will not be binding on us unless when we enter the land you have tied this scarlet cord in the window through it she led us down unless you have brought your father your mother your brothers and your sisters and all your family into your house if any of them go outside your house into the streets their blood will be on your heads we will not be responsible as for those who are in your house with you their blood will be on our head if a hand is laid on them these men get ready to leave and they say we need a sign they looked at her and said give me a sign the sign of greatest shame they said we want that that shame you've been hiding behind that shame that happened 32 years ago when you have that abortion and you've never told anybody that thing that you said I pray that nobody ever else finds out I know you don't do background checks anymore because you don't want people to see you had that DWI 15 years ago guy said I'm ready to deal with that shame I'm no longer gonna let you hide behind it that thing that was a sign of your greatest shame will become a sign of my salvation it will be a sign I know you're so ashamed behind it and some of you in this room you're like there's some men in this room that you know this feeling that your son grabs your cell phone and he's like dad what's this and your blood runs cold cos you thought you had cleared your history and he just said dad look at our fantasy football team and you're thinking freedom is not being found out freedom is no longer hiding God says you couldn't do it yourself but I'm gonna bring some people into your life to do it and she puts the court in the window and she's waiting and some time went by days went by she could have been tempted to take the sign back down and put it on the door because I know we're getting a little low on funds God so maybe you're not gonna come through no God said put it out and leave it there you don't have to return to the shadow of shame any longer you can live in my light you can live in my glory and then she starts to hear the hundreds of thousands of Israelites that were camped eight miles away quit just crossed the Jordan River or about to come into the Promised Land and she starts to hear the sound of God and she starts to get excited while everybody else in the city was filled with fear she had excitement I know your heart is running cold today because of Shane there is a day coming where you will have great joy and you will no longer be driven by fear that day is coming and she's looking out at them and said God could it be could it be there's a better day and what's funny as the Israelites are looking back at her Joshua is out front with the two spies and they come over the crest of the hill and they see the city and this - like that said Joshua that's the red cord and all the Israelites saw it and here's where it hit me you see the Israelites had seen this before that got out of Egyptian slavery forty years earlier God did a mighty work in them with a night called the Passover and at the Passover they would take a lamb and they took some of the blood of the lamb and they put it on their house and in Exodus 12 13 it says the blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are and when I see the Blood I will pass over you know destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt this isn't the first time that God did a sign like this because they got it on the front of their story the Israelites and on the back end of their story so it is with grace you are going to receive it but then you are told to give it we grieve it in and then we breathe it back up that's the cycle of grace God wants you breathing in cuz you need it but he wants to breathing it out for somebody else needs it this sign sign of shame can become God's sign of salvation and as God was looking to the world to redeem it that is into taking a sign because he's into shaming shame he's into taking a sign the world would see a shame he wants to flip it dude you did some jujitsu on it and he wants to hold it up as a sign of his salvation and as God was thinking about sending his son Jesus to the earth he said what sign could I pick I could pick any signs what's the sign of the greatest destruction torch shirt on the face of the earth all I got it God said it's the cross it's the cross and God said I'm gonna take a sign sign of torture shame because that that at the time when when Jesus died nobody wore crosses on their neck because it was an instrument of death we do today as a sign of his salvation but at the time it was a sign of significant shame God wants to flip it and the author of Hebrews says this in Hebrews 12:1 says therefore since we're surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily into and let us run with perseverance marked out for us and I started to think about that great cloud of witnesses that's referenced in verse one there it's actually referencing chapter 11 of Hebrews it's like the Hall of faith these Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses wait now verse 31 no surely this is a typo by faith the prostitute Rahab welcomed the spies was nothing you mean God could use somebody who's a prostitute to be a person of great faith yes you and me God can use us as people of great shame yeah and verse 2 goes on Hebrews 12:2 it says fixing our eyes on Jesus the Pioneer and perfecter of our faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God God said I'm gonna take that sign of shame and it will become my sign of salvation that's what God wants to do in your life that thing you've been hiding behind that thing that you're ashamed of and you hope you'll never be exposed god wants to hold it out with everybody standing at all of our locations at the end of the story we have verse 21 Rahab stalking to the spies and she says this she says agreed she replied let it be as you say you see there's a lot of words that have been spoken over your life dumb stupid some kid has been bullied and you have come to the point that you want to give up there's been a lot of words that have been spoken over you but there is a better word that's been spoken over you that's by our God saying he loves you say let it be as you say say let it be as you say let there be the cry of your heart today God let it be as you say I know I'm hiding behind the shame says though she sent them away and they departed and she tied this scarlet cord in the window you see shame we want to keep on the inside we don't want anybody to see it hide behind it freedom isn't that it's not discovered freedom is that you no longer hide behind it I said I want that I know you can't even look yourself in the mirror for some of the things you did I said I want that and you become like a woman at University City her name is Denise she had an abortion many years ago never told anyone even hid behind it now she actually has an e group for women who are struggling with the same thing what was a sign of her shame became a sign of God's salvation so what God wants to do in your life God wants to do in you it's possible [Applause] it's not it's not just for the spiritual elite it's not just for the ones who get it right it's for the ones who give it to him God wants to take it from you but you have to give it to him and so what we're gonna do in just a second actually would you bow your heads and close your eyes and very specific assignment dealing with the subject of shame the first thing you must do is give it to God you can either settle to live behind shame or you can sacrifice it and see God's blessings and if you need to give something to God would you just raise your hands up just if you're struggling under the shadow of shame I want to know who I'm praying for it all of these locations just lift your hands up then the second thing you need to do so you no longer hide behind the shadow of shame is to share it with somebody one person not everybody don't put it on Facebook but invite one person in who's earned the right to hear your shame and I want to pray very specifically that you would no longer hide behind that shadow the battles you fight today dad's there the Battleship kids will avoid tomorrow don't hide behind it and force them to fight it today is the day you bring it out front and so father we come to you we thank you we take the sign of shame and we hold it out as a sign of your salvation I pray for the courage of every man and woman and child under the sound of my voice that they would no longer hide behind this shame God that they would lift it up and bring it to you and when we do God we know that you will take it from us we know God that when we stretch our hands towards you you stretch your hands towards us and it creates a great exchange a place where our shame can be exchanged for your grace so give them the courage God right now to invite somebody else into the embolden them Lord to step into your presence to no longer live behind the shadow that they would step into the light of Christ God we honor you we praise you we thank you and all God's people said amen now praise Him now crazy so crazy praising you [Music] hey thanks for watching the Elevation Church YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute click the subscribe button on your screen that way you won't miss a single video and if this ministry has impacted you and you'd like to partner with us to continue to reach others you can click the link in the description below to give now thanks again for watching and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Elevation Church
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Keywords: Elevation Church, Steven Furtick, Elevation Church Sermons, The elevation church sermons, Give me a sign, Larry Brey, elevation church give me a sign, the elevation church give me a sign, elevation church 2018 sermons, the elevation church 2018 sermons, give me a sign sermon, the elevation church, Shame, Shadow of Shame, how to deal with shame, guilt, what is shame, what is guilt
Id: 0M4rxBbock4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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