Chuck Missler on Signs in the Heavens and The Hebrew Mazzaroth and the Stars

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is I think we are unique for lots of reasons but let's talk with are my stars a little bit I hope you can see this this is a picture of a spiral galaxy it is lightyears are a measure of distance not time it's the distance that light travels at its present rate in the year this galaxy is about two million light years away apparently here's another one you see these pictures in magazines and all the time here's a galaxy spiral nebula that's 18 million light years away so it's about nine times as far as the previous one I showed you here's one back to but they're about the big one the main one here's 25 million light years away these are big distances especially the speed of light you set that aside there here's one that's 32 million light years away here's one at 65 million light years away I want these are all spiral galaxies or lots of other nebulae but these are spiral nebulae and here's a one it's a hundred and six million light years away now I don't if you've noticed is flashing through these things but here they all are at one time and do you notice anything strange about these galaxies one's only two million light years away 118 125 130 I put him I put him in deliberately put them in in distance order okay do you notice that their arms are spread out almost the same what's that got to do with anything oh here's the point the farthest galaxies had to release their light long before the closer galaxies obviously okay his light's not infinite it's finally has the finite speed wherever it is the further galaxies did not have as much time to rotate and twist their arms we should be seeing the further galaxies earlier in their in their cycle right thus the closer galaxies should have the most twist but they don't the farthest galaxies have just as much twist as the Aaron which says they're all done at the same time the speed of light even if this if the speed of light was a million times faster in the past that would account for them being so similar this is another one of the reasons that the speed of light issue starts to tie things together that would be otherwise to be very mysterious some other insights it's interesting that from job porting we talked about job last time the jobs 38 where's look where is the way that light dwells lights dynamics darkness is static that these are all these a remnant of some of the things we point out from jobs we went through job 38 last time and this canst thou bind the influences of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion these two constellations are the only two in the heavens that are gravitationally linked other constellations looked like a grouping but the Rinat because some are closed from afar but these Pleiades and Orion are in fact have a gravitational relationship and so it's it I know how job knew that because most most astronomers today don't realize that now I want to talk a little bit about the signs in God's plan we caught we would call these signs the zodiac and the Hebrews would call it the Mets arrived so let's take a look at this Psalm 19 is one of several places that deserves it for some very special attention here Psalm 19 the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork now as a teenager I used to enjoy this Psalm and I took for granted that what it's talking about is the creation the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork and indeed it does don't misunderstand me but then it goes on and says some other things today and today either a speech really you don't mean acoustic speech certainly that's empty space day a today utter speech and night unto night show with knowledge there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard their line is going out throughout all the earth and there are words to the end of the world what what words I almost expect to go out there with telescope see if I can find some words spelled out it's more than just galaxies and nebulae and whatever apparently of course the Sun goes on I want to talk about signs in the heavens and in the Hebrew what we called the zodiac they would call the matter of now let me put your mind at ease we're not getting into astrology but it's just a matter of history that groups of stars have names what's interesting that these names are almost the same in all cultures and have been soaked for thousands more than four thousand years so they're a convenient way of speaking of if I can mix a metaphor here geography if I tell you that there's a a star in Andromeda or near Andromeda or whatever a strong know where to look you follow me there geographically there are 12 classical clusters constellations that are on the ecliptic if we take the earth and extend its equator you've got a you know you've got a celestial equator you also have the apparent path of the Sun through the sky in a year that's called the equinox little Colie or more simply even pardon me the clip the ecliptic there are two places where the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator we call those the equinoxes that's when the days and nights are equal length what is furthest north or south that's the Solstice when our soldiers Nelson our days are determined by where the Sun is apparently in the path it's actually where the earth is but you know I'm talking about okay these twelve constellations that are on the ecliptic have names and the we would call them the zodiac by the way first let's step back a bit do you realize how many stars there are in the universe there are hundreds and hundreds of billions so much so that there's no number I could give you that would we could even relate to in terms of galaxies and so forth but here's the mind-blowing part the next time you run into that planetarium show or a book on astronomy realize that every one of those stars has a name you know when you start thinking by that that's that's why Psalm 147 verse 4 and in Isaiah 40 26 God calls them each by name Wow let me tell you I wish we knew more of the names we know a few of them and what few we know are absolutely stunning all the stars have a name now what we call the zodiac that's from the Greek zeddicus which comes from a Hebrew which comes from Sanskrit but means Saudi it means the way now most in astronomy books assume that it's called the way because that's the way of the Sun it's the path of the Sun having studied this at some length I'm thoroughly convinced that this term is being used exactly the same way as is in the book of Acts it's an allusion to God's plan of redemption you know it's plan of redemption one of the earliest zodiacs we we know of is in the temple of dendera in Egypt it's about 2,000 BC and it's interesting how when we find other zodiacs they're all derivative of the same kind of name same kind of concepts the temple of dendera is in Egypt and there's there they have it too has all these colorful types of appendages to the the classical size of the zodiac now most people don't realize that these by the way the 12 signs of the zodiac are linked to each of the 12 tribes of Israel I'm going to leave that out for this discussion because we can't possibly even get into all of this but something you do need to know we're gonna start with Virgo it starts with Virgo ends up with Leo that's the cycle so how do you know where to start because of the sinks in Egypt the head of the woman in the body of the lion and the word Sphinx means the you know the binding together but let's get on with this Virgo the virgin we've all heard about that what you may not realize for each of the 12 constellations there are three closely associated with it they're not on the ecliptic but they're nearby they're called Deacons now the Deacons for the Virgin coma the infant now that's weird why would a virgin have an infant think about it means the desired one incidentally Centaurus it's a dark piercing a victim moody is the great Shepherd and Harvester another the next major translation is Libra which means the scales and the three the three deacons for it are the crock cross the victim and the crown that's kinda interesting then you have Scorpio as we often hear talk which is serpens the serpent no surprise or focus which wrestles with the serpent and when he wrestles with a serpent the serpents biting him on one heel but he's got his foot on its head does that ring familiar to you kind of interesting in it Hercules the mighty man Sagittarius light has lyre the eagle holding a lyre an altar Draco the dragon the old serpent Capricornus has an arrow at an eagle in the dolphin and Aquarius has a southern fish a winged horse and Swan Pisces has the band and drama does the woman in Chains and safe was the crowned king Ares has Cassiopeia these are other deacons of the woman in throne well that's that W that's new the pole star the sea monster about was bound by a lamb and Perseus and on mighty men and then the tourist has Orion the glorious Prince Orion's River and a shepherd Germany has the hare and two dogs the major dog serious the great dog and Procyon the minor did a minor one and cancer has Ursa Minor Ursa Major that lesser and greater sheepfold and Argo the ship and then the last one is Leo the has the flee the fleeing serpent the cup of wrath and the bird of doom now these are all embellished with colorful stories that are very similar in most cultures throughout thousands of years slightly different here and there but let me tell you what everybody gets told it's not true everybody says well these these are pictures and they built stories around the pictures because that's the way they look to them up there well that's ridiculous go out at night sky and look at Cassiopeia cassiopi it looks like a w great so just opposite the the poet's poster and there's no way it's a w there's no way it looks like a woman chained to a chair holding an ear of corn come on but it's consistent the story is consistent that the the cluster of the stars has nothing to do with the pictures that associated with them that's something obvious just by looking at the pictures what most people don't know including most astronomers is the way you get the story is by knowing the names of the stars in the order of their brightness when you know the names of the stars in the order of their brightness you can put together the story that originally was told about it and the pictures to remind you of the story not the Stars you with me it's a mnemonic that you teach kids with you know if you're teaching the piano the spaces are FAC E no there's no face there but you use that as a way they see you whatever it's a mnemonic right we all use mnemonics right there are many scholars that believed they were the mnemonics that Adam and Enoch taught their kids God's plan of redemption and that's let's go see what let's see what we can find out the first one is Virgo that's the virgin no problem there let's turn around a little bit and take a look at it the primary star alpha being the brightest star is speaker which is it means year of corn the Hebrew name for this star isn't speaker that's that's the ones handed down through the Babylonian Greek traditions that's the one the astronomers use the Hebrew name for that its stomach which means branch but here's the interesting thing there are 20 different Hebrew words translated vanch only semuc is used exclusively of the Messiah in Jeremiah and Zechariah and twice and as Isaiah and so forth now something else you should notice I don't think that year market here of my notes you notice what she's holding in her left hand she's got a branch in one hand and an ear and grain and the other and the the branch and the grain the grain of corn remember John to see the branches in her right hand and a ear of corn in her left from from this and a lot of Deacons that surround her she's the promised seed of the woman she's the Virgin that will give give give birth to the child that will be the Redeemer the branch of course speaks of the Zion the ear of corn John Jesus explains for us in John 12 unless the corn die it will not bring life and so forth the next one is Libra the scales well the Hebrew name for this constellation is moons uh name meaning the scales or weighing and the Arabic name many of the names we don't have the Hebrew names we do have the Arabs have a very active astronomy because they that's the way they navigate on the desert and so we are many of these names we have the Arabic now if the Hebrew for Al's abena purchase or redemption is what it means the Coptics call it Lombardia the station of propitiation the latin is where we at the libra for weighing the brightest star is zubenelgenubi which means the price that's deficient and the next brightest star is zoom and alchemy which means the price that covers see someone is short and somebody else covers for us that being in the sound familiar revelation 5:9 49 so on the third one is gamma is zoom and a crab that's the price of conflict and it's pointing toward Centaurus and the victim that's slain as deacons the Deacons here are the cross oh that's interesting the Hebrew a dom cut off the lupus or victim victim slain and the the the hebrew name here is asada which means to be slain the arabic is a Sudeten which means to be slain the egyptian name is interesting it's sura for the so land I think that's kind of interesting and then the crown is the other deacon that's associated with the libre crown that's bestowed and in the hebrew name for his art ARA the royal crown and and we could go on and on with this I won't I'll show you one I think it's really interesting and this is the one where the the wrestler is wrestling with a serpent and as one foot is being bitten by the serpent and the other foot is on Scorpios head so I think that's kind of fun and this all climaxes at the end with Leo the Lion and the Hebrew name is already out of the lion and of course this line is associated with the tribe of Judah it's a tribal standard it's interesting that the brightest star there's Regulus in this constellation which is treading underfoot Denebola is the judge cometh Deneb I'll say Allah said is the judge shall reign and the Deacons associate with amar the fleeing serpent the cup of wrath cover fire harvest the Raven so these are the constellations that we see and any place you find some writing about this unless it's been unusually enlightened is it'll carry with it the baggage of the old mythology from Greek and and and Egypt what-have-you but let's take a look at the message I'm gonna come compressing several hours day particular through all these give you the message that this has we have Virgo the virgin which members is a seed of the woman this is the constellation of the three deacons Sina the woman comas the desire of Nations the man of double nature and humiliation and the exalted Shepherd and Harvester all are carried by the constellation of Virgo and the three deacons that associated with it Libra is the price to be paid in the cross to be endured the victim that was slain the crown that is purchased this gets kinda interesting Scorpio speaks of the conflict the Serpent's coils the struggle with the enemy and toiling the toiling of the Vanquisher of evil sagittarius speaks of the double natured one triumphing the gladdens the heavens he builds fires at punishment he cast down the dragon Capricornus life out of death the air of God pierced and failing springing up again in a bunt life Aquarius their life waters from I drinking in the heavenly food carrying the good news bearing aloft the cross over all the earth you got the Southern Cross in here too I won't get out here Pisces has the multiplication of the Redeemers people upheld and governed by the lamb intended bride bound and exposed the bridegroom exalted Aries has the lamb found worthy the bride released and be making ready Satan bound and the breaker triumphing Taurus the invincible ruler has come the sublime Vanquisher the river of judgment the all ruling Shepherd Germany has the marriage of the lamb the enemy trodden down the Prince coming in glory and his princely following get to keep what we call cancer the possession secured the less speaks of two folds the lesser fold the Church of the firstborn and the greater fold Israel seven folding into an everlasting Kingdom and the final one of course is Leo the lion the king rendering the serpent fleeing the bowl of wrath upon him his carcass devoured now the people that the classic study in this is by UW Bollinger called the the gospel in the stars also Jas ice before the Civil War I wrote a book on this they're probably the two most reliable ones I have about four or five of the most of them are echoes of much of the same thing plus them the big trick is to try to get to miss some of the missing names of stars identified and so on the one hand this is quite conjectural and very controversial there are many Bible teachers think that this is way out in left field and on the other hand it's my view that there is enough here that seems for real to respect it there are many things in here that are still we're filling in blanks that we don't really have the enough of the names of some of the stars to justify some of the things that but I want to show it to you because of what the Lord because of this whole business that the stars were put there for signs and God's greatest achievement is not the creation the creations emphasize in Genesis and in Romans 1 and in job 38 and and so forth and as 44 and 45 etc but you you can take it half a dozen passages and that's it God's greatest achievement his greatest glory is not the creation it's the redemption see how can i how do you how do you say that Chuck you measured by two things first of all how much space in the Bible is devoted to the subject well the creation is a couple it has a chapter two in Genesis the chapter and two and Jobe and a chapter two and Isaiah and that's largely it the redemption whole book of Genesis certainly the book of Exodus for the redeemed out of Egypt certainly lavinia the Torah is all about them and you go through that story the the historical books is the whole idea of israel's ultimate redemption certainly the prophets certainly the gospel certainly the epistles revelations the clerk what's the revelation all about the climax of God's plan of redemption there's another way to measure how important it is and as what did it cost God what it cost God to create the universe six days breathed out of his nostrils as the scripture put it what did his Redemption costume cost of his son and there are aspects of that that are permanent forever no I think that the heavens declare the glory of God I think the heavens do declare his glory if we do the homework and I so much of this has been lost through the mythology it's going to get lost primarily because of what happens in Genesis chapter 11 and we'll touch upon it when we get there when these ideas these mnemonics and the heritage they represent gets corrupted at Babylon and most of what we know about this in our parlance is the Babylonian translated into the Persian into the Greek into Latin and garbled of course all the way
Channel: tmantz625
Views: 190,186
Rating: 4.8366494 out of 5
Keywords: Chuck Missler, Genesis, Witness of the Stars, Gospel of the Stars, Mazzaroth, Constellations, Astronomy, Astrology, Christian, Christ, Star Names, Cosmology, Signs in the Heavens, Galaxies, Spiral Galaxies, Age of the Universe, Zodiac, Orion, Pleadies, Plan of Redemption, Psalm 19, Job 38, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Meaning of the Stars, Purpose of the Stars, Temple of Denderah, The Way, Heavens, Prophecy, Decans, Star Signs, Sphinx
Id: BJ6szvfApNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2012
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