Monster Pacific Ocean Grouper Fishing

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[Music] day five here in guatemala with franz from casterville lodge he's found some deep water groupers you ready to get him yes we are so get him bro let's go get him i got him i got him good right now you got some bait oh yeah butter fish i got the weight you can just just hook them in one second we got enough bait time to go rubber fishing of course let's go catch the groupers you know i've never used a horn belly or a butter fish for bait and you said they're amazing oh they are great for groupers i mean the thing is that the blue runners only the big groupers eat it but but like the five to 15 pounders they love those little things really yeah you'll see this might change my life because in florida we throw those away that's considered trash bait excellent bottom bait all right okay let's go catch him franz is uh he's baiting on some bonita we caught a banana earlier and we're putting that on the hook here we got a horn belly here there's there's the horns right there you don't want to get stabbed by that that's miserable drop it down here we go super time fish on you think it is franz i think that's a grouper for sure grouper for sure feels good this feels good it's got some weight to him definitely we're five pounds i'd say there he is i see color i see color oh wow is that a snowy we're gonna see three types of groupers that's the cherna they want to see a red one is called guyena in spanish and the daughter one is called cabria what do you call this one that's cherna cherna it looks like a warsaw i think it's a warsaw i'm pretty sure it is i could be wrong we're in the pacific not the atlantic but it looks like a warsaw groupers i could be very wrong you guys know better than i do i don't know i don't know the exact translation but there's different names for for each grouper type so there is chernar that's the ones i know i'm gonna i'm gonna trust your judgment on them on the idea of the fish all right all right grouper sandwich coming up dropping down here we go got one on what it is i see color oh oh oh that's a new species what is this one oh that's a titty look at that fish guys i've never seen one of those before what do you call it again cheery tiger tiger tiger quarters i don't know that's a big one for tigger it's a big one the best ones are the cabrillos is that the one we called earlier right no that's the one that's the cherna the chennai is good this goes below the cherna and the cabrillo ah there he goes two pieces of grouper we're looking for the shira chernam cherna chernan's our main thing and if we find a big cabria it's good too michonne chicken right here i see color i see color red one kaina grouper which one guy grouper hyena grouper keeping him yeah all groupers go to the box yeah the those you sold and you open concrete and then you peel the salt off and it's amazing really is this the best eating one ah i would say come here we're looking for them all right all right all right that's a pretty cool looking fish though all right so we got a ballet hoo on the bottom hook i'm gonna lie bait on the middle hook and we got a piece of bonita on the top hook okay drop it down we always biting again back there we go this shot come on oh he's big oh he's going down oh there he is i see color you got one yeah you got one two yeah oh it's big man it's big it's a nice one that's a nice one man he probably weighs 15 pounds whoa what do you got oh my gosh look oh it's an eel dude that thing's crazy look at this look at this we got a grouper right here and we got a moray how crazy is that a lot of eels yeah we've been catching them lately here in these reefs okay bye bye eel that's the cap that's grouper what does that mean that means that's for the boat for today say lunch ah ah go drone drop down yeah go we're going down there we go there we go this is a good spot they're chewing here trying to pull nice one that's the car that's the one we're looking for right that's the best eating one that's the best eating one by far oh he's pretty look at him wow look at the spots dude that's a beautiful fish wow oh it's like eight pounds look at the beautiful spots on him big old pectoral fins i mean a dorsal fin these things are so strong for their size oh my goodness it's like a bass on steroids i think we've got four we got four species of group we got five grouper in total we have the guy yeah we have gainer grouper tiger grouper cabria grouper ready drop guys drop all right come on i'm going to stop you you're not going to beat me no way no way you wanted that banana you're like ooh i'll take that monitor oh he's going again oh my gosh dude this is going over power with a finger jaw's reel i can't reel i can't reel go with the right hand don't install my hands what's the biggest pressure keep on cranking stop pumping just crank marbles the danger time i think it's off like to get caught off in something there he is oh he's big oh oh my gosh oh my gosh look at that that's a monster oh my gosh ah this thing's so short it's got it's a worse that's gotta be a worse little dorsal fin this is we call cherna sure this isn't warsaw it's a big dorsal fin i i i don't have the experience of catching a war so like because in our warsaw in the atlantic they have that but it might be different i don't know you know they got the big dorsal fin when we're finished fishing today we're going to take these grouper back to the casavia lodge and we're going to cook them and we're going to show you how they prepare all the meals there this five star dining we're going to make i don't know what we're going to make with this thing but it's going to be really good when they eat this bait it's like a dump truck just grabbed your line it's insane it just gets heavy like hold on like right there fish goes real don't use the left hand just reel this one's smaller i said that about a 400 pound warsaw ones too gonna work out in my favor but he's away from the bottom now so i can relax take my time another big one look at that oh yeah hey buddy how you doing did you eat my bait you ate my bait didn't you we used to bridle the bonita i'm gonna ride the one up right now i'm gonna show you how to redo that put this guy in the box he's not as big as the last one but there's a much bigger one down there we just lost one so right there that's a bridal bonita see the hook is fully exposed so when you hook a fish it gets there's nothing in the bait that makes that gives you a huge advantage nothing in the world is better than a fresh bonita for bait i don't care what you're fishing for rupers mahi blue marlin wahoo kingfish dolphin then you got him bro you got a real real is that him is that him come on victor you got a giant on there dude you got a giant on there he goes again oh you might have the biggest one of the day look at the focus in victor's face right now guys i've never seen him more focused in my life come on victor you got a good one on there come on it's your first grouper ever i'll tell you guys one thing there's colors first of all that's a good one bro get them in the boat get them both wow dude marvelous you love catching blackfish you love catching tall tug love bottom fishing like i do up in the northeast and you gotta come down here to guatemala and fish for some of these oh look at the rooster the big game oh my god wait give me give me a video give me a break give me a video saw a mastermind he cruised by excellent he's on he hit it and there he goes let me there we go my hand oh my gosh hello we're fishing for groupers and he shows up that's a nice treat in guatemala right there but my gosh that's a great bycatch dude we had an amazing day of grouper fishing we caught way more way bigger grouper than i ever expected you're the man excellent well i'm happy that you had a great day yes but the day's not over yet we have to put the grouper back to the dock clean them and then cook them at the lodge perfect does that sound that sounds perfect let's go we're now here in the kitchen at casa via lodge i'm here with sebastian and we're gonna clean our grouper we got this grouper right here i don't remember the spanish name for it but i know this is the tastiest one and we're gonna do the grouper recipes guatemalan style right watermelon style i'm excited for the watermelon dish we're roasting some garlic for some garlic butter then we're gonna put some onion and some ginger really so is ginger a big thing here in guatemala ginger we use ginger we use those type of chilies we're gonna have garlic butter a little bit of herbs this is the ginger ginger we don't need like a really fine chop because we're still going to put it on the blender we're going to use the dried chilies and the garlic just to put everything okay you just colored you you weren't even looking you were looking at me and you're cutting that's crazy it's just practice you know that's the burnt garlic yep oh wow so everything comes out and the garlic flavor because you roast it it's a little bit more sweet not that spicy toss the little butter on it yeah boom you have roasted garlic butter wow you toss the garlic so it doesn't cook this is parsley just a little chop so all the flavor stays in the leaves just put this fresh parsley in the butter make a little mix and there you have it fresh parsley butter right here we're putting the grouper cheeks in the garlic butter with the parsley this is my original cobia recipe that we supercharged when we did our video in destin now we're doing it the guatemalan style so for the white sauce white wine a little bit of flour but butter toss the butter melt it don't let it burn the ratio it's 50 50. so if you use one cup of butter you use one cup of flour and then bring it back to fire this is called the roof you have a brown rule or white roots a little bit of white wine i mean and this is what you're looking looks like mashed potatoes yeah how much milk you put in probably like three cups yep we're gonna put some oregano we're gonna put some basil this is from the the cassava garlic wow so this is fresh oregano you roll it and then wow look at that we'll try it and then we'll see how it tastes onion we're gonna throw the fish the garlic this is a lot of flavor right here fully cooked just like that it would be already good all right so five minutes you think yeah it's gonna be take five to six minutes we're gonna try it that looks amazing oh my gosh you can never have enough cheese that should be good right you try the first bite i'll try the first bite i please put a little bit for everybody one bite one bite one bite one bite here here's yours try it we get to eat it with onion [Music] oh wow oh wow now you know why you could charge big money for that right wow guatemalan recipe you can taste everything it's like it needs you need like 10 seconds and then it really hits you [Music] um in these two minutes we're gonna do the raw one for the watermelon fillet fresh cilantro the dried chilies the burnt chilies everything's burnt everything except the ginger salt and pepper the cherry so it's this type of paste oh wow we're gonna prepare this one guatemala style for you to try and this one we're going to surprise you for dinner you know so we have no idea we're going to cook this one no idea not even me really yeah so salted salt and pepper our fillets this one this is the turnout so then give it a little rod oh right look at that what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna fillet it take the boat out oh boy french cilantro well this is done the fish is grilled it's ready to eat all right grouper time oh my gosh look at that we just got our hooper plates here this is franz the man that the legend the grouper legend and this is his family his wife and his son and we're gonna try out sebastian's amazing group roughly you gotta explain these to us buddy what do you got here what we have here is a little grouper with burner sauce and then a burr blank red onions and white wine and this is the watermelon type grouper it had the paste that i told you about robert and everything is on the grill we're still trying to figure out what species of grouper these are in english in spanish this is the that's right sweet okay there's my grouper here we go ready it's good bro it's really good this is the uh which one is the spotted one cabrilla cabria all right here we go this is a really look at how flaky and white that is that is a beautiful fish texture here we go mmm that one wins for sure it's the flaky you know it's that's so nice it's a little bit more soft mmm the paste i think gives more brings out more of the fish flavor exactly this this is like it's a little bit too much the french cuisine has a lot of butter it has a lot of yeah you know this one is more light more fresh have you tried them yet yeah i try everything i cook that's right right yeah i cannot give you everything if i don't try it you guys need to come down to guatemala come to castavia lodge and come catch there's all kinds of fishing cats here you can catch sailfish and catch grouper you can catch mahi but the grouper was so much fun how many we get like we got like nine and we got some big ones yeah we lost some real big ones man we gotta get some we're gonna need those big ones next time guys but seriously this place is amazing fishing was insane the boats are insane the captains like france very experienced great experience everything was five star so you guys go and check out castleview lodge in guatemala the link is in the description and also make sure you check out our blacktip h store all our new merch it's online or click the link in the description thanks for watching guys if you want to see our most recent video click right here if you want to subscribe click right here and we'll see you next time
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 234,120
Rating: 4.9326468 out of 5
Keywords: Monster, Pacific, Ocean, Grouper, Fishing, Guatemala, Saltwater, Catch, Cook, Catch N Cook, Offshore, Bottom, Bottom Fishing, Deep, Pacific Ocean, Grouper Fishing, Rod, Reel, Line, Drag, Fishing Video, Fishing Trip, Travel, Giant, Huge, Casa Vieja, BlacktipH, 4K
Id: pgYEX_sa2p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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