MASSIVE Record Size Tripletail Fish

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my buddy captain Blake really called me and he's like dude the triple tail fight is going off you need to get here to Louisiana so I booked my tickets I flew in at night and the following morning we went out and the bite was absolutely insane on my first cast I hooked a fish oh yeah first triple tail oh dude oh my god how's that for the first cast that's a good one good we're sorry then you hold these guys dude they're just so mean they're very angry per session and that guy's first triple tail all the day bad one that's a good fish this is actually one of the best eating fish in the world let's lake is convinced we're to catch a lot of fish today so we're gonna let this one go we're gonna be good conservationists let them grill buddy first cast 10 pound triple tail were you on the bottom sometimes they follow it down and they eat it right on the bottom that one yes to the big dog jonov a dude at the beach observers what is that bro the freaking cooler all right get ready I'm ready you might have a shot Oh at least that's the biggest triple tail I've ever seen that's a tight ass or bro it's gotta be over 20 pounds oh yeah Massa fought so hard I almost had me but I got him out made it to the boat you did a good job net no oh yeah bro I was a monster dude I was like almost full-grown machine that's not even full-grown they get bigger than that they get bigger they get gigantic fish no it's bigger oh my gosh is giant dude we're waiting on the net guy oh it's a giant triple tail waiting witness or hot up they're gonna stomp kick it in high gear that good we got him that guy's good bro that's a 15 pounder yup they're giant the old rattletrap did it again he smoked it right at the circus what color are chop was that it was a pink one pink one that's my favorite color we're gonna get him back in the water there you go there he goes another nice one has a nice one Blake he's big yes nice one three my neck guy when that guy is not been on today he's still a little sleepy or maybe he doesn't want me to catch fish I've got over just you have to work a little bit harder so Annie listen drag on this stop playing this it's all about presentation yeah buddy that's another 15 pounder number four three four Blake one for me not good guys the numbers are not good right now Blake you feeding me really bad I just lost I lost a giant now you did lose a John all right come on trying to help you out he thinks he's going in the box what we're doing on the solid there you go nice like got it done yeah that's a good one dude watch they troll motor Eddie get him while he's dreams oh nice good one egg yeah so we're ten that one right there guys nice tripletail flakes still leading three two but yeah they gonna come back here confidence growing all right let me get back in the game took off like a bullet man guys they're so awesome that fish that that big tail they have it they call the trip chill they have it's actually one tail but it's like three kills in one it's unbelievably it when they kick you feel it whenever Blake and I are fishing were always competitive Roy's trying to catch the biggest and the most Blake was leaving three to two and he had the biggest fish or on a 20-pound triple tail which at the time was the biggest I've ever seen about an hour later I hope to fish and I'm telling you this is the biggest one I've ever seen oh my gosh that is a 40 pound triple toe I know guys that's the biggest triple tail I've ever seen good what is this thing and they just like went slack I was like oh I got one and this thing swim straight to the boat and it could even fit in the net we may very well have a world record fish in the box is the basement Blake's ever seen what's please when you've caught 35 that I've speared and how much bigger you think that thing is I don't know I just know I'm very confident it's so heavy you pick it up right yeah it's 40 if it's not 40 it's 39 guys we gotta head back in the dock right now we can't let this fish lose any water weight let's get a weight on it I mean guys look at this thing what we're taking zero chances right now this thing could flop out of the boat or so feedback that we get away yes so we're gonna put him in the net it's not taking anymore no risk I'm gonna block him here I don't want to think something out what what is that don't want them go in oh thank god the golf book we're good all right right over there right over there right over there to that scale scale no no back here movie 0 3 9 3 dude you just lost 39 3 starting on 3 all right so guys we got our our state record application here we've weighed this fish three times first time we waited it was thirty nine three one second time we waited it was 39 these are all in certified scales they're 100% accurate the second the third time we do is 38 eight this fish has lost half pound in 30 minutes it's unbelievable and every single scale is dead accurate there's no zero fluctuations between the scales because they're all certified so he's lost half a pound I I think we I don't think we took care of fish properly I think we should have kept him on salt water well we should have locked into the live ball of salt water not let it drain and put ice in it and just kept them cold and kept his lost a lot of his body chooses a lot and I think that that really hurt us I think this fish was over 40 pounds we thought it we're trying to Val to the state record not from what I looked at I found something that's at 39 5 caught in 1959 I don't know if that's the record I mean that's what I could find someone else found one that said 21 something so I have no idea what the actual record is we're gonna validate that you guys probably see a lower third right now that's telling you what the actual record is but if we got it it's amazing if not we were really close we got the paperwork finished we have sad reality our fish weighed in at 39 3 the records from 1959 which is questionable and how they measured it they put their foot on the scale when their way in it they put their legs go like 39 5 okay that's the state record the wool records 42 5 from Zoolander up Africa forget an anglers name but these fish were caught a while back now I'm not gonna lie okay disappointed our fish started off at 39 3 we went to three different certified scales the first two is say the same the second one was about a 15 minute boat ride yeah it lost three ounces it's 39 then we put it back in the back of it in the boat brought it back out again it was 38 eight it lost settler losing we lost half a pound half a pound in 30 minutes unbelievable so if we and I know I mean this fish we took a lot of photos with it when we caught it so there was a lot of body fluids that came out of this fish so I really really believe this fish was over 40 pounds when it first at the back I really do okay I mean if you know this might sound weird it pooped a lot when we taken photos it was stressed out you know that's a fish dude gonna make a difference yeah I really believe we did have the state record fish yes maybe even more I don't know but 39 guys got it forward it's the real deal we're gonna submit the paperwork and dude congrats bro so this is your favorite fish hotel charters captain Blake if you guys want to catch giant triple tail I'm talking giant like the one he's on the video yeah that's official a lifetime that's the guy right there that's face get-it-done tripletail charters check him out oh by the way call him call him right now as you watch this video his phone numbers right here call him and ask him about tripletail fishing call him right now don't don't wait call him right now thanks guys for watching make sure you like the video subscribe and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 1,153,695
Rating: 4.8852525 out of 5
Keywords: Massive, Record, Size, Fish, Biggest, Fishing, Caught, Monster, Giant, Ever, Sea, Creature, Ocean, Dinosaur, Saltwater, Tripletail, Catch, Louisiana, Saltwater Fishing, Fishing Video, Fishing Trip, Travel, Record Catch, Rod, Reel, Line, Biggest Ever, BlacktipH, 4K
Id: WfmDr4vD1AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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