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what's going on family urban gun reviews and today on the channel I'll be doing my first shots and my review of the Sig Sauer p3 65 XL let's get it [Music] all right so we got the 6-hour P 365 X down 15 round Meg about that check this thing out [Music] [Applause] [Music] my eyes [Music] [Music] alright go family so we got the P 365 X L on deck from sig sauer now I've had this gun for a while now and I really don't know how I just been slacking on this review but I haven't been slacking on it by some serious um this is my ADC like I said I've been rocking it for a while um I came from the Sig Sauer p229 cell after I held it you know for the first time I was like I got to get this grabbed it and fell in love with it ever since all right so the P 365 XL is chambered in that millimeter I paid my $569 from our local gun shop Justin's gun shot and Washington PA if you happen to be in the area different checking amount but um like I said the P 365 XL is dope especially especially if you like the og so if you like the og this gun is it's just better for me because I got bigger hands and it's just more real estate it cuts down on some of the snappiness if you have shot it the OG you know the og got some snappiness and exhale kind of cuts that down with the longer slide you know giving you better control or that recoil you know I mean but I really like the XL it comes with two 12 round magazines as far as shooting the P 365 XL I put a whole bunch of rounds to it I'm probably about 700-800 maybe a little bit more around students without any problems or anything like that has been Old Faithful mr. reliable miss reliable whatever you want to call it that's what it has been as your shoots flawlessly like I said it's really a smooth shooter kind of flat you know I mean like with the recoil you're not gonna get a lot you know I mean and like I said it's a really really solid gun as far as shooting goes but I'm gonna put a couple here right now and you can check out how it shoots and then we'll get into this review a little deeper [Music] so what comes in the box we'll just six our P 365 XL you get the handgun of course you get spec one premium blend loop from six hour to get your sig lock you get a sake paperwork and you get a pretty decent box actually I'm really in favor of their there are cases that they send their firearms often I actually like these a lot the six hour P 365 XL comes with two 12 round magazines the overall length is six point six inches overall width is one point one inches the height is four point eight inches the barrel length is three point seven inches the weight is twenty point seven ounces and this is a striker fired trigger action pistol has a black polymer grip with stainless steel frame night strong slide finish and a stainless steel slide the barrel is also made from carbon steel when it comes to the feel of the Sig p3 65 XL I like it just because the small grip you know I mean it really allows my hand just to like just like smother the grip on it which gives me like a much more comfortable feel and the slide being longer allows me you know I mean to get my hand on there in a really comfortable position I shot the P 365 XL a lot more accurately than I did the uh oh gee and oh gee like I said it's not a bad shooter at all but being that it's that micro compact is so small then you don't really get you don't have a real estate obviously so you can't for me personally I savored everybody but for me I can't really get the the grip on it like I want to really shoot it as accurately as I think I can shoot now grandma I'm not no sir children I'm not you know a great shooter or anything like that but I believe I could shoot better than I was actually shooting with the og I believe that you know the recoil in it and not really having to really say to grab on to really threw my socks off a little bit and a lot of people will probably just saying you gotta learn your gun and you got a shoot better or you know learn how to hold it whatever whatever you know I mean it is what it is but I sue the 365 XL better than I do the Oh Jean when we talk about reliability with P 365 exhale I have no issues with the reliability of his handgun this is my ADC my everyday carry I use it all the time bring it in a car with me wherever I go this goes with me you know I mean I trust my life with the Sig Sauer p3 65 XL is giving me no reason to believe that it will fail me in any situation you know I mean it's it's it just is flawless you know I mean it I'm a Glock guy y'all know if y'all you know frequent the channel you're not loading blocks and sig is probably my second favorite brand of handguns you know I mean so this right here Old Faithful I would definitely say trusty you know I mean like unless you had an issue with it which I have not I trusted I'm not saying that you know you might not have had issues if you did then that's you know significant to you for me I've had no issues with this you know I mean I've put a lot of rounds through it not a lot you know I mean not like astronomical number anything like that but I put a decent amount of rounds to it and to not have any malfunctions or anything you know I can rock this you know I mean I put over 500 rounds to it and I just loved this gun like I love everything about it so um when it comes to reliability this one definitely checks the box and all categories for me so let's check out some of the features of the cig p3 65 Excel it has the beaver tail on here that's integrated in into the frame so no need for extra back straps or Babel tells anything like that it comes already installed and it's not removable in my bag but you got the flat faced trigger on here and a lot of people like the flat face trigger I'm not really into trigger get you know changing out sugars or anything like that but I do like this trigger better and then I like the og trigger some people like to change out triggers and all of that I have never done it so I can't say if I would like it or not I'm just saying that I've never done it but I definitely like the trigger on the XL with the flat face trigger you got the flared magwell and it makes it easier for them mags to go in and I mean so you don't have to search you know for that matter well just boom and it's in there easy to get in there and once you get the mag in there if you want to pull the mag out say you couldn't get a positive ejection from the mag then there's this tab right here then you can pull on to if it got stuck you pull on that tab right there and yank that man I got in there just in case you got stuck II grip on the XL is textured it has a fairly aggressive texturing I wouldn't think I wouldn't say in my opinion that it was too aggressive it doesn't you know cut your hand up or it's not gonna like tear your hand out or anything at least my hand but it is a really nice texturing that you feel you know I mean so it's not like you know it's not gonna be slipping or slide or anything like that it kind of has a sandpaper feel but it's it's a comfortable feel to me and like I said is it's not an issue as far as my concerns and I really like the texture on the grip you got the reversible magazine release so it's on the left side of the gun for right hand shooters already but it is reversible for or left-handed shooters if you want to change that you also have the slide stop right there and you have your takedown lever right here you're also equipped with front and rear cocking serrations so if you want to run press checks or anything like that see what's in there you can do that if you wanted to slingshot it or you know I mean do whatever you need to do you can do it from the rear of the firearm as well you have x-ray three day and night sights and these sights are really good when I'm riding home at night and I got my gun on the gun magnet then you know I mean you can see the night sights that glow at night gives you a really good positive sight something really good to see and I actually like it now as far as the sights go on my o G the rare sight one of them actually went out and it's like dead or something like that so I don't know if it's gonna happen to the excel but I know that it is a possibility because I've seen it actually happened on my og and I haven't yet did anything to replace it so I just want to put that out there there it is the possibility that one of your rare sites could die out like my og did you have a loaded chamber indicator so if you have a round in there you'll be able to see through this little peekaboo slot and you'll be able to see me personally I'm not really a press checker you not mean but it's it's you know another option if you happen to forget if there's a round in the chamber or not you can press check-in you can just check it right there I'm gonna thoroughly check my handgun at all times to make sure that you know if it gets loaded or not with a round in the chamber you got the Sig proprietary rail and when I say proprietary it means that this right this realm can only take sing accessories the foxtrot I believe is called and there might be something else but I know they got a light and a laser they can attach to this realm like I said if you're into that type of stuff then it's definitely something you should look into being that this is my ADC I don't put lights and lasers on EDC or red dots whatever I don't put that all that on my EDC that's more of a home defense accessory in my opinion not knocking anybody to actually does it do what you do but for me I don't do it you see you have kind of a finger rest right here for your thumb you know so if you get that that grip on there your finger rests right there I got a nice rest for my trigger finger when I'm not having my finger on the trigger you know I mean I have a nice arrest right there and then when I want to put it in there I'm good far as the trigger guard goes it's not the greatest not the biggest you know I mean but the gun is not huge either not like it's full size but you know if I wore a pair of gloves depending on the pair of gloves that I actually have on it might actually be a little too big to try to manipulate the trigger where I wouldn't feel safe and it might get an accidental trigger pull so definitely beware of gloves that you are wearing while shooting this this firearm because like I say the man well is not I'm not the man well to trigger the trigger guard is not that wide to really accommodate you while wearing gloves and another plus for me is if you'd like to run optics that you can do that because it is optic ready so you can put a plate optic up here I think you can remove the plate or do whatever you know I mean to actually run an optic on there like I said not big on running accessories and optics and stuff on my ADC so I won't be doing that for this but you never know if I happen to change this out and grab something else and take this out of the rotation and take this out altogether with being a carry option then it's definitely something that you can look into all right so let me show you the that it comes with comes with these 212 round magazines okay and they are flush fitted 12 round magazines they do not have a 10 round variant for the XL so if you're looking for the 10 round variant that you had with the OG you're not gonna find it but they do have the 15 round model 15-round magazine that you can buy these magazines run about 50 bucks now I got this round the time and it first came out and they were going like crazy the price might have dropped it might have got more expensive but I doubt it so this is the 15-round magazine the 15-round magazine make sure we go sits in there looks like that okay so let's try the IQ tech scale out and we're going to weigh the Sig Sauer p226 t5 XL weighs in at 18 point 1 ounces and that's with no magazine installed now with the 12-round magazine with rounds loaded in it weighs in at 25 point 6 ounces and with the empty magazine and it comes in at 20 point 4 ounces let's check out the trigger pull weight with my Lyman trigger pull gauge 5 pounds one ounce four pounds five point three ounces five pounds 2.5 ounces let me show you the trigger reset on the P 365 Excel so you got a little take up right there you got a wall then right there it doesn't go all the way to the the the frame and then reset right there second shot not bad let's check that out again a little bit of sponging this a little bit you know I'm a little bit of take-up and you got a wall right here boom right there you getting some action reset bang right there not bad at all love this trigger really nice reset really good trigger on this gun so let me show you how to field-strip the P 365 excel if you have AP 365 oh gee it is the same process lock back your slide takedown levers right here you want to drop that takedown lever like so then you want to release your slide comes right off really easy to do see your internals now you got your recoil spring so and we have your barrel or a hair really good barrel feed ramp is decent out shooting this a couple of days ago welp on about a week that I haven't cleaned it but um the barrel is really nice it hasn't really worn or anything after over 500 rounds nowhere or not any really significant where I can also say maybe a little spot right there but nothing no I mean that I'm upset about I'm mad about gun looks good you know I mean breaks down really easy to put it back together same process just do it in reverse just slide and Barrel in take your recoil spring put it in there push it in a little bit grab your frame and one thing you want to do is if this happens the game locked up all you got to do is like if it gets stuck like that you know I mean you got to pull it down you might notice it's not going down you just pull this this tab down or up my bad and then to be able to rotate to where you need it to put the slide back on and then line up your groove it's on there so I want to check everything for functionality as far as accessories go for the Sig Sauer p226 t5 XL it's not really gonna be hard to find you know holsters and all that different type of stuff to run with your handgun granny it's not a Glock so you're not gonna have you know everybody and they mom's on the run and create things for this pistol but it is a very popular pistol so where you can get a lot of accessories for it me I'm not really into dressing my guns too much so I haven't done anything to this this is stock is the way it came and I just love it just the way that it is so this is perfectly fine with me but like I said you can get um you can get sig lights and the red dot you know I mean which goes on to the proprietary proprietary rail on here you can get au different type of stuff you know I mean I got a couple different holsters I rock a Kydex holster with this when the daily so you're not gonna have problems finding accessories for this gun alright so finishing up on this review how do I feel about the Sig Sauer p228 said he should already know that batter's playing the video mari told you this my EDC I love it I already told you that I like the OG this just gives you more real estate which gives me more accuracy and I just like the way that it feels in my hand um it has a lot of features the guns in this price point come with the price you know I mean it's a Sig you know it's not gonna be you know tourist price or anything like that but you know it's doable for me you know I mean some people might think it's a little too high I think it's you know pretty decent in the fair market range for a gun of this stature like I said you can accessorize it if you choose to really clean crisp trigger I really like the gun you know I mean good texturing easy to the field-strip so solid gun you know I mean if you thinking about getting it you should check it out if you have the old jean used to check out the excel as well because really when this first came out I didn't think I wanted it because I'm like I got the og no G is doing me just fine so I was like there's no point of me getting it then I held it in my hand I was like oh no then I shot it well I actually bought it then I shot it and I was like you know I mean this is tough you know and I love the og so it's not too far-fetched to think that I will love this as well you know I mean really that it's the same gun it's just in a bigger stature so I'll definitely check out the 6 IRP 365 bag so if you're in the market for a solid reliable functioning handgun it's gonna go bang every time you squeeze that trigger this is something to look at definitely give it a look if you want to see my comparison video of the p3 6500 G and the p3 65 they said I'm gonna put a little card up there click that car and I'll go put these head-to-head and check them out gonna be shooting both of them and just going over specs and showing you differences and likes and dislikes about both guns so definitely check out that video but it's urban gun reviews if this video helps you in any way let me know about clicking the thumbs up if you're not subscribed to the channel you can do that easily by clicking on the ar-15 in the bottom right hand corner of your screen if you're not follow me on all my social media sites all those links are available in the description and as always stay blessed stay strapped [Music] [Music]
Views: 1,622
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: sig, sauer, p365, xl,, review, p365xl, concealed carry, glock 19x, sig p365 vs glock 43, sig p365 xl review, sig p365 holster, sig sauer p365 xl, sig p365, sig p365 xl, sig sauer, p365 xl, carry gun, sig sauer p365, sig p365 vs hellcat, sig p365 review, sig p365 sas, sig p365 xl romeo zero review, sig p365 unboxing, sig p365 sas review, sig p365 vs glock 43x, sig p365 vs shield, sig p365 15 round mag review, sig p365 xl holster, sig p365 xl unboxing
Id: 4svesrwUrLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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