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illuminati welcome back to side memory acts today we are looking at 10 conspiracy theories that turned out to be true we're hoping they're really good well what conspiracy theories do you think exists oh well if i speak i'm in big trouble yeah i feel like the illuminati is true i you know what i could i don't think there was bait but i think you're on the right lines yeah i feel like they're not called the illuminati yeah yeah yeah but but there's some sort of yeah higher power yeah who knows um i'm [ __ ] bazinga i'm never gonna know about the alumni what about uh what'd you call that um [Music] oh my god they got already like there was something in my head and it just went bro by the looks of it but you didn't say no no no no no that was one because moosie oh my god bro not aliens aliens no are they taking them no no i love it no stop no what the [ __ ] no no don't do this don't do this it took you that long to think of aliens hey yo let's look let's play the idea that the cia ran secret mind control experiments was treated as an insane conspiracy theory of paranoiacs up until 1995 that year president clinton issued a formal apology on behalf of the u.s government revealing that the speculations weren't just morbid fantasies of unstable individuals in fact the experiments even had an official name project mk ultra in reality the cia was experimenting on u.s citizens from 1950 until 1973. using drugs electronics hypnosis verbal and sexual abuse as well as torture what bro it's [ __ ] that's one that i'll back actually yeah i reckon reckon they're still doing it i reckon they're still doing stuff like this probably mate probably it's 2020 nowadays i imagine i'm not i know like a western world country what i reckon i think that's where he's probably going on the mountains tonight no i'd say it's going on the most in like i don't know like the philippines or s countries happening in china and stuff all right yeah yeah yeah yeah or north korea bro no one knows what's going on coronavirus was made in a lab conspiracy oh do you think that's what it is i don't know i don't know i reckon that made the us government's a dodgy government all right i wouldn't be they are they are u.s government is cap bro they cap they just cap bro a lot of the information about this horrific project was brought to the surface with the freedom of information act in 1977 the fact that no one has yet been punished for the committed crimes shows just how entangled the power play connected to this conspiracy nothing's happened bro nothing they all just got away with it they just said you know what good experiments lads there were many actual and many rumored attempts of assassinating hitler during world war ii but a particular one made july 20th 1944 a historical date the conspiracy is remembered in history as operation valkyrie the goal of the operation was to kill hitler and his two right-hand men i will say they've all got very cool names don't they like conspiracies oh what like operation valkyrie mk ultra yeah illuminati i'm not a fan of hitler's fit i'm not gonna lie but i'm not a fan of the big the buggy trousers because they're going at the plot was to use the continuity of government proceedings during an assassination on hitler's life to take over full control of the government in germany and subsequently blamed the coup on the nazi ss plans were set into motion with the recruitment of colonel klaus von stauffenberg who successfully infiltrated the highest ranks getting promoted to attending military strategy meetings with hitler himself yo what you guys alright bro what man was a nazi no he was the one that tried to yack him though yeah but he's still a nazi yeah he tried stopping him yeah i feel change like if you if you if you're a nazi you can be a good nazi probably but if you know your phone we would be right in them well he failed when he [Laughter] [Laughter] july 20th he finally took his chance and exploded the bomb inside hitler's conference room using a remote detonator unfortunately hitler survived with only minor injuries there's there's rumors that hitler's he fled to cuba or something isn't it like that that's one conspiracy i've heard oh well daddy didn't actually kill himself yeah yeah yeah but he didn't yeah and he's actually actually he's probably dead now just due to old age or whatever but apparently dude dipped out the ends and just lift a different life i'm sorry how you ex how are you dodging an explosion like that though i think that's just a stock picture i don't know if that's absolutely over in the the the facade of the video come on yeah you know let's hit the hit that was sat inside there smiling he's inside that cloud just like what what is this this is nothing it's no secret that politics are a dirty game but elaborate conspiracies when they are true are usually very well hidden it's a rare occasion that a government plot is revealed to the public one such conspiracy existed in the 60s and its goal was to provoke a war with cuba america's top military leaders joined forces in coming up with a plan which would support a war against cuba but involve fake acts of terrorism on u.s soil which would take a devastating number of innocent lives there are existing and available documents which show that chiefs of staff of the u.s military had an elaborate plan of shooting civilians in the streets of washington d.c bombings would be initiated and innocent people would be framed and found guilty of these acts of terrorism an elaborate plan was created on how to stage a devastating incident in which it would seem as if a cuban aircraft shot down a plane full of college students wait the u.s is a madness as much as we slew buzz yeah buzzer i think i think we've struck lucky with governments you know i don't i don't know you know what you don't know man i don't know thank you they could be doing it as well yeah but i mean and they've just done a better job at not letting people know we'll find out mate i don't know i don't know boris ain't got that and he's like i thought john's not trans well you just take one look at it when you go bro got the facilities to keep this sort of [ __ ] wait he can't even saw his hair bro like have you seen his brother as well his brother like looks like way better than him like in every way and i'm just there like bro just swat your hair it's just one thing why is his hair always a mess do you think he'd be in parliament if he didn't have that trim i reckon his trim makes him famous unfortunately sometimes it happens that conspiracy theories about medication spreading disease aren't just plots of hollywood movies or tv shows a turn of events revealed a horrid truth in the united states close to 100 million americans fell victim to vaccines containing cancer-causing viruses wait what yeah i've heard this medicine industry bro it runs the [ __ ] world think about it it's the biggest industry in on planet earth to ever ever exist right they need people to be sick oh my god no they're not trying but they need people too you think that you're always going to be ill people yeah everyone's really nice and they just crack on well i mean viruses are bacteria you know they're like organisms themselves so they're gonna put bats and [ __ ] mules in cages bro and [ __ ] eat them in a supra really you know by the way [Music] we're keeping [ __ ] cow [ __ ] goats bats all of this [ __ ] [ __ ] in the same cage bruv pissing and [ __ ] on each other the simeon virus 40 was available on the cdc website for a short period of time before it was suddenly removed the simeon virus 40 is a virus found in some species of monkey it's a polyoma virus which can be found in humans as well where it is considered a potential cause of tumors although it remains a latent infection in most cases the discovery of this virus led to a big reveal it turned out that around 90 of children and 60 of adults in the usa were treated with sv40 contaminated polio vaccines and thus put at risk of developing tumors ninety percent of that thing mad yeah that's that's wild [ __ ] hell well that's why i i i there was a whole thing with vaccines when i got mine that's why i didn't get mine for free yeah my mum didn't let me have any vaccines have you had them now uh no don't think so that's why you're getting covered and stuff man i'm stuffed bro i haven't been ill in years the 1919 world series are known in history as the scene of the black sox scandal the chicago white sox created the biggest scandal in baseball history when they intentionally lost against the cincinnati reds eight white sox players lost the game on purpose working with gamblers for profit the club owner charles kornisky was known for underpaying his players and forbidding them from switching teams via strict contracts this is what allegedly drove the players to look for a different way to earn money eight players were accused of plotting together [Laughter] imagine premier league players bro they're just like listen i'm not getting enough a week bro i'm gonna try to get my money up i don't know how they made it look like they lost how it's always obvious you're throwing the game i don't know how they but yeah that's why it's on this video oh well okay there we go players were accused of plotting together with gamblers although it remains uncertain to which extent each of the players was involved the white sox threw the game on purpose but the conspiracy was soon brought to light and the players faced trial although the eight accused players weren't punished by law they were all banned from playing professional baseball over the years many have been very suspicious of the government and the cia is often the subject of conspiracy theories every once in a while it is revealed that one of the alleged conspiracies is actually true a prime example of this is the so-called operation mockingbird this top secret project was launched by the cia with the goal of buying influence and control over major media outlets it was with the cold war underway that the cia decided the control of the media would be a great weapon journalists were to be put on cia payroll and although it is yet to be proven many insist that this is still going on today probably like i reckon so i reckon there's a couple little ties somewhere yeah i feel like it's kind of hard not to have any ties like there's half the newspapers are like labour and half of them are yeah so like there's there's papers there's like a really bad story to want so it probably will definitely still happen that's why you always just follow the truth but what is the truth what is the truth ksi oh it's very true what is the truth is the only truth pulitzer prize award winner gary brown is a journalist who gained prominence by exposing the cia's involvement with cocaine trafficking he was working with lapd narcotics officer turned whistleblower michael rupert and the cia contractor pilot terry reed webb's controversial piece entitled dark alliance was the most talked about piece of journalism in 1996 and the most infamous article of the decade webb revealed to the nation and to the world that the reagan administration and the cia were involved in cocaine trafficking in central america according to webb the government had been crafting in the trade of drugs the money earned was used to fund the contra rebels during the war in nicaragua the contras were rebel groups active in the 80s and 90s in the early stages of the war the contras were openly funded by the u.s government after the involvement of the us was banned by congress the government eventually had to find an alternative way of funding the cause so they sold coke so they yo america is different from americans they're putting people in like 10 20-year jail sentences for selling it and then just selling themselves as well on the wall it's crazy the cia had yet another controversial project in the 60s and 70s secretly the agency was developing the heart attack gun taxpayer money was secretly used to develop this unbelievable weapon its existence was revealed in 1975 during a hearing committee led by frank church at the hearing church actually presented the cia's top secret weapon the gun is electrically powered by a battery and fires a bullet of frozen water mixed with shellfish toxin once the bullet enters the target it melts without a trace except for a small red mark on the victim at the point of entry to the body the bullet affects the body in such a way that the official cause of death of the victim is always ruled as a heart attack the weapon was developed in order to allow cia to commit assassinations that could never be traced back to them this enabled the cia to murder a number of people with the death seemingly being innocent many believe that the weapon is still being used today heart attack gun oh my god yo that's fine if the next one cia again i'm never going to america again you get shot and you're like oh what was that wouldn't but no wouldn't people like catch on eventually like all these people just keep dying the heart attacks what's the common dominate here in 1994 the right laboratory part of the u.s air force produced a three-page proposal for a project with the draft name gay bomb what is america doing oh my god what in 1994 the right laboratory part of the u.s air force produced a three-page proposal for a project with the draft name gay bomb wright lab requested a six-year 7.5 million dollar grant to produce a wide range of non-lethal weapons these scientists developed an idea which would allegedly turn all enemy soldiers into homosexuals they wanted to create a bomb that contained chemicals which would make the soldiers affected by them irresistibly attracted to one another the theory was that this would be a huge distraction for the soldiers and render them incapable of proper combat this outlandish ideal was just one in the line of many other questionable ideas such as the bad breath bomb and bombs designed to attract swarms of stinging insects the pentagon stated that they were interested in the development of non-lethal weapons but the project in question was never approved how much peace they put into that what a waste of money wow a keyboard all right oh it just proves like how like uneducated people higher up actually are about things as well used to be like holy [ __ ] bro they legit thought during a war do you know what we need to do we need to make them fancy each other bro yeah that's legit what they thought they thought that was going to win them the war hey yo if our opponents are just lips in each other right we got this they're just in the trench and they just can't stop looking at his back yeah yeah like this the way you reloaded that strap bro hey yo cut that gun real quick i need to beat right now bro as many today think it was a secret society founded in 1776 in englishdot by adam weishaupt weishauth was the first lay professor of canon law at the university of ingostat the illuminati movement consisted of free thinkers secularists liberals republicans and pro-feminists the members were recruited in the masonic lodges of germany with the goal of opposing superstition religious influence and state power in 1785 the order was infiltrated by government agents and allegedly broken down action was taken against the secret society for fear of them succeeding in overthrowing the monarchy and state religion in the 18th century it was suspected that the illuminati was still operational and they were blamed for the french revolution and the reign of terror the illuminati were accused of being revolutionists who were attempting to secretly orchestrate a world revolution in order to spread the ideals of the enlightenment amongst those ideals are anti-monarchism and an anti-patriarchy since then a number of influential people have claimed that the government never fully succeeded in breaking down the illuminati and that they are still operating you know what if it goes back 1776 bro but you know what oh do you know what i reckon they're knocking about wow they probably are but it's just it's just a bit dead you know what i mean like bro if you was in the illuminati i bet you'd be putting in your [ __ ] lyrics bro you'd be you'd be talking well you'd be gassed yeah yeah bro every lyric oh you'd be gassed bro you'd be gasping hey yo i got chosen they came up i will give you we'll give you this amount of money but jj we want to you put these like subliminal messages in your second channel videos you want you to put these lyrics in your song 10 mil just no i just like nah i just can't be asked all right it's just it's just a lot of effort you think you can beat mike tyson up oh here we go here we go shut the [ __ ] up no no i had to survive three four rounds thank you and then thanks thank you much thank you see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 3,284,903
Rating: 4.9728699 out of 5
Id: beA0BoBEXR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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