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- Welcome to "Simon Hide and Seek" at the Royal Albert Hall. - Yeah! [lively upbeat music] - You guys are gonna have as long as it takes me to tell you about Express VPN to hide. - Ooh. - No way. - Go! - No way. - I'm gone. I'm gone. - Look at this guy. - Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. - [] So many steps. - Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. - I'm gone. I'm gone. - I like this. I like the shower area. - Just like hide and seek in real life, Express VPN also lets you hide your location online. Now, "why would you wanna do that?", you might ask. Have you ever gone on Netflix and wanted to watch the best trilogy ever and it's not there? Well, here's a hack for you. The show title appears in white here. That means it is on Netflix. It just might not be in your country. So just look up which country's Netflix has it, use Express VPN to change your location to there, and you can watch it. - Wait, which is erm- - This way. This way. - James's car, which is James's car? - This place stinks. This f*cking stinks. - What you mean? It's bins. - I'm actually stuck, I wanted to go up. - I mean, it's a spot that he's gonna find us. - Does it close? - Yes. - It's so cool. Look at this place. - This place is massive. We wanna win this. However, if we don't win this, we just don't wanna get caught first. - And it works for thousands of other shows too. Like "Top Gun" on French Netflix, or "Dark Knight" on German Netflix. Basically, if you use Netflix and don't use Express VPN it's like having an "all you can eat" buffet, but only being allowed to eat at the salad bar and you can't eat any other good food, elsewhere. And it's not just for Netflix. Express VPN works on all streaming services. Disney+, BBC iPlayer where I love watching Luther, which is absolutely top by the way. I don't need to use Express VPN to watch it, but depending where you live, you might need it. - I have no idea where I'm going. This place is so big. I think it's this way. - Look at that pasty, lanky prick. - Okay, I am in James's car. James, my cameraman. I'm in his car. This is where Simon might be coming out. Hopefully I'm not the first found. - Hello there. I've got a two step plan. Step one, is hide in the shower. Step two, Simon said, if he finds someone while they're taking a shower, he'll let 'em off. So all I will do, I'll wait for him to come in, turn the shower on, can't lose. - Simon have been using Express VPN for three years now. And as you know, we only promote products that we actually love and use. And the best part is, they've hooked us up with a special offer for you guys. Well, if you go down to the description down below and use EXPRESSVPN.COM/SIDEMEN, you can get three months for free. So go show them some love and access thousands of new shows whilst you're at it. - Bro, we have been finessed. - How do you get upstairs? - How can we, we need to, we want to go up. How can we go up? This way. - Alright my friends, you might have noticed, I've brought some supplies. So this week, right, I have been researching ancient Chinese war strategies and I have found, a surefire way for victory today. Apparently all you need when you're on the run from your enemy, is the three Ds of survival. D number one, distraction. - I'll stay here. And if, if he comes in, I take the hit. - Okay. - Oh, there we go. Now he'll never know. I'm too safe, bro. What a spot. Mm. I literally have my driver here. Why didn't I just hide in my driver's car? Because it would be obvious. - As I've put the last "Hide and Seek" video on a speaker, so they're gonna think people are here. Right. D number one, complete. I am a f*cking genius. There is no way this fails. And without further ado, I'm done. It's time to seek. Your time is up. 3, 2, 1. I'm coming. [suspenseful organ music] Oh that was epic! That was so epic. - She's so cool. I love her, she's the best. [Josh laughing] - Haven't seen an organ that big since Mr. Beast in the changing rooms. - Uh, I have so much energy right now, but I know in about four minutes I'm gonna be outta breath. - Oh yes. The kitchen. Time for D number two. Now weirdly for the Chinese, this one it, it's just delicious scram. I have bought my George Foreman, and I'm going to make a delicious toastie. - I might just go straight up to the top. I'm gonna go up to the top. I'm gonna have a little look down. If I can figure out how to get there. Is this even the way? I've gone the wrong way. That's downstairs. I'm going downstairs first. - Quite like the spot upstairs 'cause you can just see, you just sort of oversee everything. And I think from a lifelong wish of wanting to be high up, it sort of calls me. - Down here, is the loading bay where I literally said before we started, I went, "I'm not going down there". But I feel like, okay. [shushes] There's definitely, definitely someone out here. [gentle suspenseful music] I can tell. I know if someone's... [tense music] Surely, right. Someone wouldn't hide as obviously as just like, behind a car. - Stay like, you know, full of energy. You know, you get your carbs in, hydrate and whatnot. So what- - What are you doing? [Will screaming] [both laughing] - That was unreal. - I can't see anyone in there. If there is people in there, I mean, it's locked. They're all locked. Okay. Oh, I didn't want to come down here. It smells. This bin, ugh. - Bro. He was so close, he could smell me. Simon was legit there. He was there. If I was white, he would've clocked me, instantly. Because I'm black in a black car, bro thought I was a shadow. Bro, thought I was part of the seat. - Brother. This is where we say goodbye. - Where you going? - We have to go our separate ways. We're getting the same content. - Okay, true. - It's been an absolute pleasure. - As always. - May you... [door shuts loudly] He just doesn't respect me. - I'm watching a ChrisMD video. - That's one way to fall asleep. [Tobi laughing] - "Things are getting down..." - Bro. - So I want to take the risk and go in a box. See, this is the thing, right? There's motion-detected lights. So my thought is, no one will be here because the lights would go off. I've realised the mistake I made by seeking today. This place might be the biggest hide and seek we've ever done. - I've tried to tactically pick a box, that isn't visible from above. You look at the top, there's no corridor. The box on the side can be seen, from the upstairs corridor. - If you're in here, and you're in this little corner, fair play 'cause I'm not moving. There's a door for Tobi. [laughs] Classic. Wait. Oh my God. I'm, I'm, I'm back. How am I back? This is a mistake. Okay, I know where I'm going. I'm gonna use my massive brain. I'm gonna find someone. Thing is, someone could literally just be lying within the seats and I'll have no idea. - Please don't bear me out, brother. This is my spot. Okay, so this is it. There's a lot of sh*t in here though. Oh my God. Is that f*cking nitrogen? Am I about to explode? - See, this is that pre-microwave goodness. Look at that man. I am eating good. Would you like a cheese toastie? - I thought you'd never ask. - I am sorry. I have run out of prosciutto. - Oh, okay. - The cautious sentence I've said in a while. - No, it's very normal in my family. - There's so many room. You know what? Just gonna pick a door. I'm going up. - I really think I have the best hiding spot but, I'm playing this game with Tobi. And everybody knows, Tobi always has the best hiding spots. But I really do think this is my best, ever. - Now, we look down. My natural position in life, looking down on others. Look how big this is, by the way. And I have to try and find people in here? There's so many doors. - Hello there. I've taken my mic off, because I might need to jump in the shower at any given moment. Still no sign of Simon. But um, the wait continues. I think I'm doing quite well. - Someone could literally be, just behind one of these. It's so dark I can't even see. Can I just punch them and just see? If someone's behind these, you're gonna get a wall up. I have to check every single one. Okay, you know what? I give up on this plan. - Well, at least it would make up for the next three hours of the shoot. - Now, time for our third D. This one, it stands for "disappear". I brought, my invisibility cloak and when I put this on, Miniminter will have no chance of finding me. [light quirky music] - I reckon if I just plop myself down here, nice little sandwich spot. That's a great bagel, WillNE. You should start up a business. - Lads, I don't want to, I don't wanna take the piss here, but I think I might have won. - I've had my 15 minutes of fun running around. Now, I'm just sad. There's no one here. [laughs] This is the entire floor. I can't go through like that. Damn it! - Don't come in. Oh, it's you. Oh thank God. But that's bad news that I didn't hear you coming in. That's bad news. [JJ singing] ♪ Give me just another day ♪ ♪ To tell myself ♪ ♪ It's not over yet ♪ ♪ Why do I always tell myself ♪ ♪ That it's not over yet ♪ - Hello, in here. Is anybody here? This is like prime Tobi lying on a sofa. There's no one in here. Is there lights? Feel like I'm in a horror film. Where are you? What's that? I'm scared and I'm seeking. This doesn't make any sense. [Simon grunts] - This is gonna be so good. Oh my God. Don't you love me? Yeah, I love you Suzie. You're amazing. Thank you. Hey guys, I'm Suzie. How's my ass? Yeah, you like that I bend over for you? [giggles] [indistinct chatter] [indistinct chatter] - It's not them. That's a speaker. And I'm not falling for this. [dramatic music] I can literally hear the echo. I can hear the echo of the speaker. It's a speaker and it says "Get Sent". - I've absolutely sent them. Oh my God. [exhales sharply] Hold that. Simon Mintzer. [indistinct] - He also had my voice on it. - I spy with my little eye. - Yeah. - Something beginning with "T". - Is it Tobi? - No. - I give up. - It's your teeth. [both laughing] - Had an amazing idea. Carry this around, and if it stops playing means I've gone further away from the stairs. [conversation from device] - They assume I'm here. - Oh, should we, should we go down to the main stage? So unless Simon is on this level, he basically said, if you have to break eyesight for him to come down and get to you, then it doesn't count. [conversation from device] - We're already 40 minutes in. [Chris clears his throat] - It's lucky Harry's not seeking today, guys, because famously Harry's our magical seekers. Tough crowd. - I have no idea what Chris just said. He's waffling. Horrendous attempt at a joke, if no one can under f*cking stand you. - You're really risking it all right now. - Ah, it's just main character syndrome, innit? I kind of feel like I want to go all the way up to the top. Should we make a journey all the way up to the top? - It's got yellow triangle on it. Hello? If you're in here, this is out of bounds. I don't wanna go in here. It's out of bounds. - sh*t. I didn't realise this is out of bounds. I've gotta move. - I just saw someone, I just saw someone. I saw you, I saw you, I saw you. Oh f*ck! Why are you poking around the corner? - They're chasing someone else. - Damn it, man. - They've just run that way. I'm gonna run this way. - It has to literally be. - Let's go, let's go. [shushes] - This is my, this is my one chance of finding someone. - Let's go, let's go, let's go. - I found you. - No! - And you know what? You know what? This gave you away. This gave you away. - What do you mean? - I just walked up and down and found out where it disconnected. - I'm sorry, I didn't realise this was out of bounds. - I've just heard WillNE. Oh my God. He's gonna be here any minute now. - Please tell me I'm not the first. - You are the first. Which means I want him to give me a standup routine on stage. You're out of bounds as well. You want your speaker? - Nah, leave it. - All right. We found one! Yeah. - For God's sake. Chris was round here. His little legs can't have gotten him far. - True. This is the end. Like this is- - We were here like late on. - This is a Chris-friendly door. [Will laughing] Oh, that one's open. - Little Hobbit. Little hobbit. [Will and Josh screaming] Not a little hobbit. A big man. A large man. - A large Hobbit - Mad. - Somebody's been found. Where? - Sick, mate. I'm with you, one minute. - Come on, man. - It took me one minute. How long you been going for? - I'm second? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a long night. - That's so sh*t. WillNE screeching at the top of his voice is enough to scare you at any time. But in the middle of a desolate concert hall, it's really something else. Oh, there he is. Simon's over there. - I was in a f*cking sick spot but, for some reason, Will was just really eager. - Mate. I'm just happy to be here. - Doesn't care. Does not care for me. One bit. That's nice that he's over there though, because he's a long way away from me. - Why not just climb over there? - Bro. It's a 50-foot drop. - f*cking just climb over. You'll be fine. [quirky music] - It's been an hour. I've seen no sign of life apart from a cameraman. I'm losing my head. I just wanna shower. - Did you hear Chris just chatting waff? - No. - Oh, he was chatting absolute bollocks on the mic. - He's stolen the mic as well. I have noticed that the mic stand has been lowered drastically. - I'm that small, that I'm standing in plain sight. And they you have no idea. - Am I really gonna have to look in every single one? I've, I've checked that one. - I'm coming. I'm coming. [laughs] - Oh, this is a long day. - Yep. - There's so many boxes here. All someone has to do is choose one and get lucky. - Ah, this is such... ...Oh my God! - What? - Simon? - Yeah. - Simon. I see little dangly legs. - Where? - Stay there. Don't f*cking move. - Shall we pin to him? - He's staying there - We should pin to him. - He's staying there. He's staying there, right? He's staying there. - So, have you done your FPL for this weekend? - No, not yet, actually. - Who are you thinking of bringing in? - Well, I think Mitrovic might be injured. - Yeah? Alright. How is- - Isaac, too. - Alright. Shannon. How is Shannon doing at the minute? She making videos still? - Yeah. She's left me. - Where you going? - You've upset me now. - Chris? - Someone's running. - Why does this all just go down? - Little bastard, little bastard, little bastard. Little Get the room. - I think he's already out. These stairs do not make sense. - He's been found. - I don't think he is. - She just showed me me a picture of him. - He's been seen, don't count. - Oh. - He's gotta get his hands on the little, pesky twerp. - There's literally no way out. Like this is a war. I mean, I could jump. It's always nice to have a plan B. - Well, that was a waste of energy. [tense music] This is a nightmare. - Terrible hiding place. I need something around things. - Keeping my eyes peeled, you know. - Two, nil MD. - I don't believe my eyes. Our cameraman's just walked in. I don't know who. And I thought it was Simon, so I started showering. I've got no spare clothes. I thought you were Simon. I thought you were Simon. I've been waiting to shower this entire time [mumbles] You are, you are not Simon. You, bastard. I'm soaking wet. I'm soaked. Yes. Find, is Simon anywhere near here? - No. - f*ck. Oh my God. - In my head, I'm thinking that I'm thinking of something sick, in reality, I'm, I'm sad. - Simon. - Yeah. - Where are you? - Middle. - Oh, you blend into the thing. - You didn't creep-- keep Chris talking. - I, I tried my best. Did you lose him? Did you go up top? - Yeah - He's very socially awkward. - Oh my God. - It's very difficult to hold a conversation with him. - He's hidden in one of the little pipes in the organ, Simon. - I can't even see him. - He squeezed his little body in there. Oh my f*cking. - Oh, Chris is there! - Where? - Upper floor. Upper floor. Round to the right. - Where's the stair? - I'll go the other way then. We'll, we'll, we'll pin to him. - Go down. Go down, down, down. - He's up one more, right? - No, you need to go up again. - He was over there. Moves like the wind. [tense music] - Who's that? He's in the middle! He is in the middle. - God, this game's amazing. - By the microphone stand. - You can start trying now, lads. - Oh, you. [Chris laughing] Where are you? - I'm here. - Why are you there? - Simon's coming from the backstage. - You go down, I'll stay here. I swear to God. - I hate small people. They just have such, he has such little man's syndrome. Look at the way he's walking, like he's some Billy big balls. He was sh*t in the charity match. - Have I actually won? Callux just said I've won. - Hello my friend. - Hey, wait, I thought you said I won. [Tobi and Callux laughing] - Uh, you d*ckhead, man. I was actually about to get gassed. [Tobi and Callux laughing] - Where are you? - I'm not gonna tell you bro because, you're ops. - I'm not an op, I'm a hop. - Nah, nah, you're an op bro. - No, no, no. Can't you hear me whispering? - I don't need to whisper because I'm in a sick spot. - Someone's coming. - Nah, you're trying to, you're trying to find my location, innit? - Someone's right outside my door. [JJ screaming] - You f*cking dick. - Simon! He's here! Alright, I'm out. - Simon. - Hello? - Backstage. Once they go backstage, they're f*cked. - I don't know how to get there. - Mate. Just walk through that little, no, underneath, down one, down. - I'm going backstage. This was actually the second place. [quirky music] [Simon screaming] [Chris laughing] - I found him! [Chris screaming] I've found the hobbit. - Oh. I thought I was safe. - You played too many jokes on us. [Chris laughing] - I was safe in my shrine, down there. Incompetent. - I have found one mice. - Yay! I told you. Backstage. And he was trapped like a little rat. - Okay. They found somebody. - I've been caught. - You rat. You had what was coming to you, you toad. - There's only two left. - There's only two left? - Two? - There's only two left. - They're lying. - I came third. - Boys, downstairs. Let's get 'em. - To the basement. - Oh, hang on Simon. - Yeah. - Simon, I've seen a cameraman. That must be someone. - Get to tackle him. - Wait. - He was pointing down here. He was pointing in here. In here. In here. In here. - Oh, wait. I saw someone go in here. I feel like it was Harry. - He's not in that one. - He's not- - Oh, come on. - Into the next. - Oh, is the shower on? [Will laughing] - Oh my God. Can I, oh my God. [Chris laughing] [Will and Simon laughing] Hello. You said if I was having a shower, I couldn't get caught. - That is true. I, I have to leave him. - He's not naked though. - Well, I forgot a change of clothes. I have no clothes. I have this and that's it. And I've been in here for an hour. - Okay. We should leave him but we should take his phone. - No, no, no, no. - Let's take his phone. Take his phone. Take his phone. He's not in the shower! He's not in the shower! - Run. Run. Run. He's going to catch you. [Chris laughing] - No, no. - Oh, you're the best. You're the best. You're the best. - Chris, his phone. Chris. Chris got it. [Will and Harry laughing] - What's on you giving yourself up right now? - No. - Just give me odds. - Seven. - Seven? Alright. 3, 2, 1. - 6. - 1. f*ck, I changed my mind from 6. - I mean, I didn't count that as a shower. I didn't count that as a shower. He was, he didn't have his penis out. That's not a shower. - It's funny how he takes more clothes off to do a sh*t, like. - Okay. I'm out of ideas now. - You were out of ideas about 10 minutes after it started. [Chris laughing] - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was, yeah. - Have you done the car park? - I went through it, yeah. - Should we go there now? - I wanna check once. - Careful. Joe well, might be about. - Ah! - Lead the way, Sir William. - Mind the, mind the step Chris. - Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - No. Look how he improved his pace there. We've gotta be near. He, he honestly- - Hang on, hang on, hang on. Before you go, I was promised a stand up routine from WillNE. - Did you, did you hear me tell a joke? - No. - Did you not? Aw. - Absolutely, no chance. - You gotta tell one joke. - Alright. - You were found first. - Just you, though. - Oh wait, let me sit. - Well, yeah we will go in the crowd. - Nah, I've got nothing, actually. I'll go to the car park. - Oh no. Come on. Come on. We're ready. - No, it's gone. It's gone. I'm off car boxing. I'll make, I'll make a tweet on myself on this. - Whoo! - So, what about that airline food? - Boo! - So you, you can follow that up. - So wait, have you lot just given up? - Shut up, you rat. So. Simon, what's blue and not very heavy. - What? - Light blue. Let's go to the car park. - Oh, f*ck me. - All, all steps lead to it. - Not the first time you've led someone my size into a basement, is it now? - Woo. He's been writing these down, all week. - I have not been here. - Simon, you stinky slow poke. - Well, that was Harry. I'm under your nose. You big old- - Found you. - Who we found? sh*t. - No, we found you, bro. - We already found you, you cheating bastard. - We already found you, bro. - You fancy a pint? - I do fancy a pint. - You know what, we already caught him. We already caught him. - Looks like he's coming straight from rehab. - Thank you. Thank you. - Yo, check this door out. - Yo, one second. - No, no. Come check this door. - Just go through it. Go through it. Just go through it. - I hated the gym. - Whoa. What the f*ck? - Makes you think, doesn't it? - Why isn't he there? [laughs] - Who's left? I can't remember 'cause half of them are on holiday. - We need Tobi, Josh, Callux. - Oh. How is Callux gone this long? - Because, he just hides us a line. - Yeah. He's tapped. - Hey Cal Freezy. - My spidey senses. - What? What? - There's something about this. Bro, this place is so obvious to hide. Have you found anyone here? - No. - Then somebody is here. - What if they're in their own cars? Like in the boot. - Shut up! - I said that. But all the cars are locked. So I'm kind of like. - Oh God. If anybody is in there. Lucks. If you're in there, fair enough. 'Cause it hogs. I just have a... bro, look at the way these things are split. It's like they've been moved. - Aye. The only unlocked car, by the way, is JJ's because his driver's there. - Check the boots. - No, don't be fooled. - Check the boots. - If he's in. I... Sorry. Can I, can I open that door? Look, the the door is locked. Can I? - They're literally buying my driver's car. - Is he not in here? - He's coming here, innit? - Pop the trunk. [laughs] Pop the trunk. Well, why is he not in here? What the hell? I'm baffled now. - He's baffled. - Any of these? - Oh my God. I can see his reflection. He's so close to me. - Aye. - There's no- - You, man. You, man. - Is it JJ? 'Cause that f*cker said he was gonna be in there, but I didn't believe he'd actually just be in there. - Who is it? - I can see a camera. - Oh. Oh, this is a sad state of affairs. - Oh, that's so poor, you know. - Look at, he's asleep, aint he? He's definitely asleep. [knock on car window] - Smile, if you have herpes. Don't smile if you have herpes. Oh dear. So bad news for KSI fans. [Chris laughing] - Whose Tesla is this? - Okay, yeah, he's just- - I'm asleep, bruv. - It's just a mannequin. It's not actually alive. - Huh? Nah, nah, nah, you've been paid off. You've absolutely been paid off. - Go on. - There's a man in there. There's absolutely- - It's a mannequin. [squabbling] - There's a man in there. I do not believe it. - You can see his face. - I'm looking at him. It's not a real f*cking KSI. - He's f*cking there. He's f*cking right there. - It's not real. - That's him. - It's not real. - I'm gonna take you- - I can see his hand! No, no, no. I can see it. His hand is moving. - It's not real. - Aye. No, you're fraud. - I'll rob his shoes, we'll see if it- - Go on then, go on then. See if he's alive. Or is it just a, a, a test dummy. - Alright. I've got his, I've got his sock. I've got his shoe. Okay. Is he ticklish? - Pull his pants-- what? - See, that's not real. That's not a real person. - Tu-doo-tu-doo-pi-do. - He's trying so hard not to smile. - How is mannequin smiling? - Wait, let me fart. Let me fart in that. - Should we hot box it? - Oh, f*ck off. - On the count of three. - No! [everyone laughing] How close was I? - You're like fifth, fourth. - f*ck! Oh. I thought I was gonna win. No! Why would you check here? - I mean, I already checked here, but- - That's what I thought. I thought- - But all the doors were locked. - Oh no. The Japanese have been. - That's the worst thing I've heard in my life. - That is horrendous. - I'm still, I still think there's someone here. I still think it. Surely people gravitate back towards the main arena, right? - The arena. - The arena. - You think everyone wants to make a joke and play the organ or like. - Yeah, I know. - Anyone out there still hiding, please send us a picture. Chris, you lowered this a lot by the way. It was, it was up here when I did it. [camera shutter sound] - Erm. So a matchstick is walking up a hill. - Yeah. - It's a really long hill. He's very tired when he gets to the top of it. - Okay. - And then he sees a hedgehog walk past, and he goes, "Oh, I wish I'd have known there's a bus". [Chris and Will laughing] - Right. Let's crack on. - Alright, well lads, I have been, I have been sent a picture from two people - Wait, what was the joke? - What's the picture, say? - Callux and Tobi have both sent pictures. They both sent pictures. And so is Josh now. But they've all sent, Josh's, Josh looks like he's in a box. Tobi and Callux have done- - Oh, they're in the bits. - So we've sent our photos in. But Simon instantly said, "Josh looks like he's in a box". So I think I've messed it up. - Have you checked all the boxes? - No. - Each and everyone. - Hold on. Let's see what they do for this. Callux says, "you're literally above me". - No, but he'll be like down, like at the basement, unless. No. - Callux, can you feel this? [stomps foot on ground] Stop zooming in, on his face. - He said, "yes". - Okay, well then he's, hold this. - Is he gonna be like, I thought like, that looks like where he was. But also, I dunno how you get under there. Unless can you go maybe down there and... [Callux screaming] - Oh, oh. - Oh sh*t, oh sh*t. - No, no. They're trying to move us from here. I reckon Lux is here, man. - I bet he's in there. He's in there. - Lux, I know you're in here, somewhere you bastard. Don't lift that up. Don't, don't lift that up. [Will laughing] A sexual harassment in the workplace. And I'll have you done for that. I've been here for one hour, 40 minutes. Might just go sit on a chair and chill. - Is this, if this is a human, it can only be Tobi, who's so small. No, it's not a human. Mate, all the cameramen are on me, so I must be getting close to someone. - Yeah, you gotta be hot. - I must be getting close to someone. [Callux moaning] - Oh, I heard you Lux. I heard you. I heard you, you son of a gun. - There was a squeal from this area. - Just come out, man. I know, you're bored. - Can we go in here? - No, no, no, no. Actually yeah, go through, go through. - Be careful. - Yeah, yeah. Careful, man. - Why? [shrieks] - Do I have to boot this door in? - He's locking us in. - No, it can't be right. [knocks on door] I know... Lux. You can't open it. Yeah, he's in here but it's locked. - It's actually not locked, bro. - Bro, it's locked. - It's not. It's not. - There we go. There we go. There we go. [Callux laughing] Nice. Nice. Well done, well done. - No worries. Took you f*cking long. - Good effort. Good effort. - How many's left? - Two. - Two, I think. - Two? - Yeah. Tobi and Josh. - Oh. Alright. - Do you know what "hide and seek" teaches me? Reminds me every time, of very good friends who are willing to give themselves up for me. Occasionally, I reciprocate it. - I'm bin-dipping. - He's evolving. Oh God. [laughing] My paralysis demon. [laughing] - Bro, where the f*ck is these people? - Nice. It's good English. - Tobias and Joshua. Where art thou? Joshua's in light. Did you see the picture that he sent? - I did see the picture he sent. Yeah. Yeah. - This is so sick. - But you know what Tobi does, right? So he hides and then he puts sh*t on top of himself. Bulky waste only. He has been going to the gym. [Chris laughing] He has. He has. Well, I'm gonna f*cking do this. This is disgusting. I'm, I'm actually dipping through. [organ playing] - That's pretty nice. - Do you want me to play erm, "Holiday"? - Yeah, try it. - How's that song go again? [laughs] [organ playing "Holiday" by KSI] - I found you by the way. - Huh? - I found you. - Oh. Oh sh*t. Connie found me. - Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss. - Aw. - Wait, wait. [Simon laughing] - Oh. - Wait. - I've been found. - Oh. - My G, good though. Original. - Should we play bogies? - Yeah. Play bogies. - Bogies. [organ playing] - Bogies. - Bogies. - Bogies. - Bogies. - Bogies. - Whoo! - I feel like I was louder than that. Bogies! - They didn't hear you at all. - I don't know what's going on right now. - Bogies! - Bogies! - That's my theme tune to uh, my dick. [message pings] - We're, we're performing. - Bro, we've been screaming "bogies" for the last five minutes. - Oh, we're, we're performing. KSI is performing. - Okay. - Can I watch? Show me. - You ready? - I'm gonna watch. Tobi, I'm gonna watch. KSI is performing. - Oh God. [JJ singing] ♪ Living in a past life ♪ ♪ Maybe it's the last time ♪ ♪ Heavy on the inside ♪ ♪ Looking for my star sign, oh ♪ ♪ Everything is tie-dyed. ♪ - sh*t. We're missing KSI. ♪ I don't wanna live a lie ♪ ♪ So how I'm supposed to feel right ♪ ♪ How am I supposed to get up from the feeling ♪ [people cheering] [JJ singing] ♪ Moon, moon, moon, moonlight ♪ ♪ Now summer is over ♪ ♪ Summer is over ♪ [JJ laughing] - Can he see you? - Don't know. - I'm done, now. - Can we get another song, please? - Yeah, another one. - One more song! One more song! - One more song! - I'm gonna have the horn. ♪ Got rocks on my wrist ♪ ♪ That sh*t you can't resist ♪ ♪ Cash flow greater than the haters ♪ ♪ Hating on my jizz ♪ ♪ Riding in your face ♪ ♪ Looking like I found a damn genie ♪ ♪ Wiling in my Lamborghini ♪ ♪ La-Lamborghini ♪ ♪ La-Lamborghini ♪ ♪ b*tch I know you see me ♪ ♪ In my Lamborghini ♪ ♪ La-Lamborghini ♪ ♪ La-Lamborghini ♪ ♪ Ride so quick ♪ ♪ You would think I'm Houdini ♪ ♪ Vroom vroom in my brand new Lambo ♪ ♪ Juiced up ♪ ♪ And I don't give a damn, yo ♪ ♪ Going 120, and that's my slowest ♪ ♪ One a one-way lane ♪ ♪ Like Lois ♪ ♪ Who's that? ♪ ♪ Superman's b*tch ♪ ♪ Wanna see what happens ♪ ♪ When I touch the Superman switch ♪ ♪ Ride with more peers than Morgan ♪ ♪ Drive past bloggers that are walking ♪ ♪ I toured them, Matt Lees, can you see me? ♪ ♪ Wiling in my Lamborghini ♪ ♪ La-Lamborghini ♪ ♪ La-Lamborghini ♪ ♪ b*tch I know you see me ♪ ♪ In my Lamborghini ♪ ♪ La-Lamborghini ♪ ♪ La-Lamborghini ♪ ♪ Ride so quick ♪ ♪ You would think I'm Houdini ♪ - Oh my God! - Whoa. - Sign my tit. [bright energetic music] Thank you! - I got you, bro! - Yes! - Keep rocking on. - Boys, we actually have two people left to find. [people cheering] - Tobi, I f*cking heard you. You lot, Tobi and Josh just made noise. - He's over there! - He's there! - I've just seen him, he's over there. - Where is he? - He's over there. - He's there! How do I get out of here? - Oh sh*t! - Tobi's there! - I don't know where he's running. - He's up there, he's up there. [squabble] - He's across the bottom floor. - Right. Looks a lot like Tobi, in fairness. - I tell you, I think you've won. They've found me, not you. - Wait, so Josh have you given up? - You gotta find me, first. - No, you gotta tap him on the shoulder. - Oh my God, I see him. Tobi, you son of a b*tch. [Tobi laughing] - I got him! - Yes, I got him. I got him. He's been found. - I've been caught. - Who wins? - Tobi wins. - Tobi won. I couldn't miss the song. I had to come out for the songs. [laughs] - Hey, where's Tobi? - You were here dancing, I was here dancing as well. [Will laughing] - Tobi wins! [everybody cheering] - I'll call that a draw, I don't think that's a win. [laughs] [bright energetic music]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 11,224,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: nr0AgeNYkEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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