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welcome to sidem men giant box of [Applause] Life yes yes today's video is Sidman giant box of lies and things get heated there are seven mystery boxes ranging from an envelope up to a giant container containing either great prizes or random rubbish the siden will play a game to decide who gets to pick a box and look inside the remaining siden will play another game and the winner will have the chance to steal that box if they choose so after a one-on-one conversation the balloon stop each Sid man will have a balloon strapped to their foot last one with the balloon left wins I getting it yeah just kidding let's [Laughter] get this is much more [Applause] [Music] difficult stop you just did you pop outside the Ethan's dead you [Music] know three [Music] people all right the finale see no world where Simon doesn't win the way I see no world three two [Music] one I want to see some vience yeah vience vience to's got the agility get in get on the inside quick get him my KN he's playing possible he's playing possible there he is oh such long legs someone's going to step on their own Ballo I know got go on go on well done well done well done well done I would like to argue that my balloon didn't pop my string broke so whoever tied my string I want sacking okay that means I get to pick a box so Sur this is consumer anxiety you don't want I would want I almost don't want as many options as this there's too many option to choose from i' pick the biggest one bro me too oh actually that box resembles you there's an envelope though that could be like the envelop a fun one I don't want that I want me okay tall boy all right oh yeah yeah y yay well I want to see a reaction manate don't worry you'll see it all right if you want to play along and not know what's in in the Box Look Away now he's doing a the door is open he's doing a no look pack opening the door is a jar this team of the season oh wow it's glowing right has has he done a straight face down on think to say yeah yeah you may look back all right I'm I'm okay with that are you are you actually okay with that I love it you love it oh so you love it now a very different oh it's dead it's dead and he didn't look you're right he didn't have a peek around yeah very it never went up either his eyes never went up it was all that's one thing there's one thing in there we give it Intel by the way cuz he can now say there's anyone in there should be quiet yeah you closest to ball one dot each closest to the ball wins okay one do we're going from who woke up latest you said 9:30 9:30 how did you even get here oh I'm done wait and get out of bed instantly iant to shower as well why are you trying he's charging up like he's in anime he just wins KN him out set now we'll go tall list oh oh oh ni I like that I like that oh I'm scared what do I require we'll take a 25 biggest shoe size me again Toby I think what you they are big shoes you've had your go and a half Central best shoes oh vix are clean heyy Fair Fair you've done it whoever takes the dart you got to try you got to try and hit him there no way bro that's actually yeah he's actually screwed out smack it's done is that 12 or drible 12 I know I don't drible I actually don't want to win this I don't want to be lied to I don't want to be Li to that's nice though that was very good well done hell Simon welcome to the interrogation Center what is in your box that L would scare me little roll L just in time does it kick inside my box fixer yes is a nice little ATV like a little quad bite maybe electric mhm on top of that there's a certain individual you may know is it is it deji it's deji hey what's up guys it's deji it's a very tall box for an ATV well next to deji is a giraffe like a toy giraffe not a real giraffe just clear up toy like sculpture no like a fuzzy how and it's as tall as the Box uh it's probably a few feet off the top but also next to deji is a bunch of laptops phones Vision Pro yeah I think he's telling the truth a filthy liar that's a lot of money in that box do you know what he's done he's telling the truth of a sprinkler Li did deji do anything when you open the box he went that was it and he's like riding the he just sat there like this and he's got the Vision Pro on probably Dey naked what do we think guys do we believe him it's all you bro I think he's telling the truth I think there's some lies I think he tell sprinkles in that that could be true I think there might be something truthful but how much do you want deji it could just be deji he's not that tall I think we would have heard him by out of um I think that you are telling mostly the truth with maybe some sprinkles some some extra details that aren't true but I don't want a giraffe so oh for that reason I am out um you can have your box thank you very much enjoy I think he's played in there I think that's a good box I away with a DB actually quick to go thank you oh he reacted nice game baby chicken shoe Bonanza each player has had Rubber Chickens attached to their shoes as the remaining player they will be blindfolded and whoever they hit last gets the box here we go [Music] I can smell a [Music] chicken he made the long noise at the end he made such a long noise sorry s what the [Music] [Music] Ked then I had to stop it got caught just before I got the me I'm out but at least hav Chuck I'm so sorry oh what if the chicken doesn't move so they get [Music] yeah [Music] oh now cold one [Music] [Applause] swing it's a double it's a double you got two got two tick I felt a foot I know they were here just suff no rocket you won right it is my turn to pick the box or envelope what you do it do you reckon the colors mean anything this time no random probably not that box intrigues me this box intrigues me the envelope is a smart play you know it's a smart play you can just lie about what well if you if that's your decision I'm taking the envelope um I want envelope W just pick all the boys wink I'm going to take the envelope Tak the envelope first class tickets where he's looking where's he going oh he's looking there paper that says something oh look at it oh this side of the room yeah there's more in there can we not play the next game I just want to find out I really want to know what's in these boxes man oh confused perplexed almost happy I'm confused oh it's something good cuz he took a while to figure out what he had to say then he was trying to think it over so I really good dead you think it's dead do you want to go against them then when the next game o not really actually no I you know we want to lose these games the next game lucky roll the highest score gets to go next highest roll gets to go against me first lack of draw JJ I don't want this roll that six roll it properly proper roll one one one one one I like that that's a rolling off he's manifested oh he's oh sh roll the six getting an envelope Z oh my god oh wa boys oh no oh probably probably very very mid oh is that your role catch catch catch it catch okay D here oh no I don't want it I don't want it I don't want it I want it I don't want it I don't want it me it yeah I like that give a six give him a six Indian gy combine again six again J have roll one six okay right come on give me I thought I was safe below a three below a three oh that's a five oh [Music] how we go again it's a [Music] drama anything but anything Sur not right oh yeah good spin good morning England you're tuning into to best have you seen the latest ridiculous addition to the London Skyline a giant cereal box best this a by YouTube group The sidan I don't get Jane from nutam what do you think I think it's hideous totally ruins the city for me Terry from donter ah a teammate first The Shard now this I'm done John from Kent my kids love the Sid men except that Ethan he sorry we lost you mate anyway it looks like best seral is taking over should you be worried have you ever seen breakfast so big more to come soon stay tuned oh he I'm excited he's noted he's not I'm going to be honest with you okay you're not the man I wanted to sit across the table from all right okay what's in your envelope brother wow what do you mean by that the audience would hate me if I lied to you they would they would despise me okay there is tickets to a box at Preston North End oh as well as a picture of deji which is why I asked about the theme there's a recurring theme are you going or maybe oh here's what what is is Preston near to no North I'm pretty sure North is it tickets to Preston with deji I didn't get to open the thing properly said tickets to a premium box at Preston North End yeah and then you know the meme of deji that went viral where he's by the door waiting to prank his dad yeah it's a screenshot of that so that's the picture that's in the Box why would that be there why would it be Preston North End Preston North End has no meaning to it it would be like a it'll be but mil wall tiet Preston nor I don't know if I believe you lay your head on this table my friend what lay your head on that table right um you're going to be treated to Chinese drip torture you tell me what's in the I told you what's in the put your head there I told you what's in put your head put your lie lie back with your head like that do we allow this to happen I told you what's in the box bro I told you just the individual drop yeah yeah of I'm I'm I'm okay it's PR was there a picture of deji was there wasi was there I you know what I believe him I believe him in a traumatic time to gun so he was there he was there I'm not going to take the box envelope of the envelope I'm not cuz I actually think he's telling the truth youve made your decision yeah I think that's a reasonable prize it could be can we shake on it I'm not taking it no one okay lucky ladder each player will roll a football down the ladder and that will correlate to their prize or score all right first up I'm thinking Ethan you know o Ethan G power get the smelling salts my friend I think hands to anle hands to anle wor hands to anle around I can do this however I want yeah back on it no oh let it go let it go let it go where is it in line it's going to be or something it might stop on the it stops on the money oh he's actually DED off oh nearly a grand it's come back in oh no 30 points good I wanted the back it on money so you gave that like nothing at all right oh he dropped it absolute slow roller good he might get a bag downhill you that's a good roll yeah but back in look he's read the green well keep going oh he's going to get a bag keep going oh it's going back oh no roll again roll again point I really want someone to get forit me too me oh I like that Max that could be that could be money you know oh wow that's a great role man this is something special he's getting the bag oh my God way we got a three-way play I tell you what I think it goes slightly here we go that's that's that could be a good one this this will be oh what a roll wait oh I don't want to win oh my God what a roll wait wait that's a great roll that's a great roll okay all right so I have no option but to go for instant win oh I like that there we go now this could be the money money oh I like the look that roll quid keep going oh my God stop no keep rolling good though back please points good roll I wanted I wanted four I wanted I want someone to smell the salts smell no why do we do the loser has to smell who got the lowest me and Har one more car whoever gets lowest does the four okay cool they not that's not making you know it will it's actually not bad at all Here Comes the Money oh no no no no 20 point 20 points 20 points is all right it's at least points on the board on that's too little oh I think he's sniffing there he going to I'll take points he made the ball I'll take points hey at least we managed to get on the board yeah yeah yeah we we were solid there oh it's a good ride he's above 10 I think yeah yeah he's going for the smell he's going oh my God oh my [Applause] God it's that's rid he he wants to try it he said he wants to try it this's injury no no it just make you really excited get a wh but might get a boner go quick do not take long proper whiff on me do I can smell it oh hell bro I can feel it oh his eyes look at his eyes his eyes are watering where's what does it feel like what does it feel holy BR to a different dimension hell J just seen Jesus I can't what was on the other side oh I just I felt like I died whoo are you awake now yeah yesy it's like like anyone want to try whoa oh there she is of it bro yeah it's an attack it's an attack on the body clear my scar I can breathe now you it bro to's going to inake the whole bottle later go go go give it a sniff oh no okay I'm going to go for the purple box oh one yeah no quandry what's the reason the best things come in small packages but but you know what maybe maybe that's two I'm with him I think so I respect it I respect open up see what in he [Music] going he does do things like an old man doesn't he oh he's investigating it we just bugging at it oh what you bugging at he's taking a long time he's got a gap in his beard that's very nice taking it all in oh he actually do it's dead are you happy yeah oh no that's you said every is dead by everyone but they're all dead they could all be dead on one you can't stand still yeah there it's either it is either really when he's still he's going to lie oh cooked yeah he's pondering what general knowledge the siden will be asked random questions to see who knows the most you ID toate me it's general knowledge time to get three questions right I want J to win to come through I want to win can you win yeah of course JJ how many Shrek films are there one wrong four oh Harry what country is the ringtail Lemma native to Madagascar correct done the Six Nations is England Ireland Scotland Wales and which two other nations Josh uh cheap no off France and Italy which country produces the most tulips Ethan England no Netherlands you're trolling you're trolling no how are you getting which tennis player with a planet-based name often teamed up with their sibling oh that's Michael feder Michael fed Michael fed Michael feder Michael feder Michael feder you don't want to Michael yeah actually have a guess no okay well did you listen to the question yeah's mate okay Venus Williams Oh what does the pneumonic my very easy method just speeds up naming planets help with Harry what my very easy method just speeds up naming planets what does that help with oh naming planets yeah yeah it says question oh okay oh okay right yeah we'll give it to you okay one do smashing it Josh what does the Apple presentent in the Apple the apple represent in the Apple logo cheese it's an apple no one ingredient in pen pasta Ethan you say Pasta Pasta look what they' put as well no they've put flour and water but they've spelled it as in like a plant FL this is the worst quiz ever by the way is not wrong though I give him a point yeah give him a point one JJ what do you think of Tottenham oh one point correct name one Euro star destination that's not Paris Baghdad that's your answer yeah sure that's incorrect this game will never end Ethan's trying celebrity ice dancing couple are known as tville and who the Zinger who plays the character Paula trades and dune Ian Beal okay all right is anyone try you know what at the end of at the end of three rounds Harry has the highest score you may nominate someone you're you can nominate someone to the table cuz you tried including yourself if you wish I'm going to send yeah come on do it I'm going to send zura oh why would you send me I'm going to send you why I've never seen you choose anyone else the point send him why am I going there go on I don't want to some yeah just for the video take it come on now let me hear the spill first what you got it was just a random assortment of things yeah random so there was a Lego black pool box like the Box Lego black pool box yeah like you build the black pool to Pier thing here yeah not the tower no okay keep going so in the back there's a poster it's a Kim Jong-un poster I'm not about that there's a slice of pizza inside a pizza holder you know the lanyards that you wear he's watching his feet you know so it's a plastic triangular sleeve with a piece of pizza in it okay and what else was that in that whole big box that's all you got so far it's just Rand that's why I was beused there's random don't like it you said you're happy with it did I well anyway there's a VHS he did he did there some cartoon thing but yeah that's that was that's I think that was one other thing there's more than that come on it's just your hand on the table all right don't don't take the shap give me some more making fun of par detail hear more details you checked out detail that's I trying there's a quote on more details there's a quote there was a quote on the Kim Jong Un poster um what' it say I don't remember I gu say what would it say it was like something like we will see or something something something we will see K Jun we will see yeah something like that no waffleo I don't know a little VHS a VHS of what on it I don't remember it was like a it looked like a kids TV show or something I didn't recognize it you took that long to just see all that I was trying to remember everything cuz there's one thing I've forgotten it was just that I was trying I have a guess what it could have been like what was it roughly what what category was it in I it's all random I couldn't that's why I was baffled I couldn't see the P he's he's withholding information he's witholding information water board him I don't know I don't know the water boarding time that was yeah there's one other random shaking it's not shaking though it's just moving it wasn't shaking oh again Kim jongan poster Lego Blackpool VHS and the pizza slice thing and something else he's lying he's in the sun place he's in the sun Place lying he's lying he's lying is he Li is it good Li though like he can be lying it's actually bad he wants me to take it I take it you know of course course you think that you take it mate he's thinking I don't want that box oh take it I don't want it I want the my box for me don't Bo meic boring boring stand up four one attempt at a drive fastest speed wins e one one shot I'm going to top it one shot trim Shady do not miss your chance to blow all right here's Binger this sport hold this isn't this his equipment Jesus no it's my equipment you hit the floor oh no okay here's Harold oh he's straight yeah that was very good I bang in the middle as well yeah guaranteed win yeah he's won that's where I went ideally you'd want was a hook to Har Harry needed to be out of this one early doors okay let's see ksi's had a couple golf lessons now well one knowledge strength insane golf [Music] ability it okay the tech does like it work Techni is crazy I don't know how fair dude Ted he hit it very hard as well just don't up the club one swing the club no don't the club lost Josh I've lost I'm not join you on toping season that's hit didn't top it I hit the floor Golf Channel coming soon come on fella oh a stinger yeah I like it a low one sting let's see where it went let's see get this though it will Skip it's in the bunker pretty straight it's in the bunker it's not straight in last place with two and a half yards half oh add and a half in third place with 120 yards total I'll take that it's zurka okay Harry pipe second place might's got got you P second place got 177 that's good and first place got 24 yeah well I know whose club that is the winner is har okay my turn to pick a box uh now my box I was going to go for was the purple vickar took it off me so I think so you have orange green and red and pink I you know what I am drawn to the pink one yeah I don't to but I Dey lives in trying to receive it wi be a car like a smart car or something something what you want a smart car I could sell a smart car it's not awful o o okay right this is this is nerve-wracking okay okay don't start the engine okay o it's actually quite o someone someone's just falling over okay I'm trying to figure out my uh that seem like a genuine you know I'm trying to figure out my game plan for this one okay are you happy I not really cuz I'm now in in a tricky position where I have to defend this box so so he is happy oh I don't know I'm I'm happy yeah I'm happy I'm okay I think he want Hand In Pockets now there's only three people I want this box all right JJ doesn't want it cuz it's good he wants it just because Harry have yeah I won your walks mate the weit game the siden must try and cut this pretzel per perfectly in half so that each half weighs exactly the same closest win Ethan you're up first wow and you got to try and get it to weigh the same obviously you know you know this game works obviously it's a fun family game trying to see if it's more densely populated in a certain area the damn thing I would break it all the science to to do it the work you go with your hands no I would I I think hands is better yeah hands as the cuz you'd be able to do it like with the yeah use a knife but do a thing man hands would be better cuz you can wait this it's more lump here which I don't like Yeah The Knife is actually I would go no cuz this you can wear it as you do it yeah but you could just e e that' be good yeah oh he's done he's don't cut your [Music] fingers okay throw them down either side that side that side's a lot are they are they apart yes yeah so give me your pretzels don't be dropping crumbs now look away look away look away left side's way heav but there was like a heavier bit in the middle on the right that I didn't like so I tried to equal it I want to see this side weighs 45 G oh this side weighs 53 a difference of 8 G I knew had weird lump in it man that I thought was Heavy eight Gams is the margin to beat uh next up Josh zerker please yeah man easy cut a pretzel I'll show you look you can use your hands or ey no quick fire I love this [Music] confidence looks to me it looks good you know you wasted way too much time e no shut up this side 50 g oh this side 49 that was impressive one moment off why had you little go oh you cuz you're the only one that might fall for it yeah leave one box free I have the box oh he's going straight for it I think he no way I'm be Josh one G is crazy one gr is crazy no that left side is heavy oh no what's that you don't even need to put the other one on that's let 60 and that's let 40 shut up 40 8 48 shut up 4848 I'm not joking yo you said you wanted the box I did want the Box manufactur JJ you've got to take [Music] it we might have got our first deal here you know he said he wanted it what one hello what's in the box in the box is and I'll be honest with you be honest with me it is a real life helicopter the the the blades are like down at the side they're not fully up but it's a full-sized Twan helicopter and that's it that's it that's it so when you went inside the Box M why did you do that why didn't you just go oh okay it's a helicopter I was trying to see if there was anything more to it if there was someone in the back but there wasn't it was just a big old helicopter I imagine it can't be on but I think he's like it's one of them like you know like the raced helicop like it's like a it's like a proper one it's not like a dingy one it's a proper helicopter oh he did bang on the side but I I still think he's lying I think you're [Music] lying I don't think there's a helicopter in there I think there's something Ju Lucia better okay I think you're lying to me and I want that box yeah oh no don't let him bait you now don't let him bait you don't yes I won the bo give me the Box okay you can have the box t-shirt Ty whoever can get the most siden clothing on in 1 minute wins your time starts in 3 oh wo two one go the competitive nature means that they want this even though they don't want this they don't want the box but they want to win yeah okay they for t-shirt Josh is going for light material light matal you go for socks no I think you'd go for I call my hand in how many hats can you start I think you wear two hats immediately two T-shirts but you t- true I'm Sor when it's about them so they don't know strategy no yeah well I feel like my attempts been for so I'm just going to stay here I got stuck and I realized my attemp was foiled at that moment so oh look how many boxes he's got just s there that's cheating I was going to say it's a freefor all if you just put on boxes man I'm Stu on oh you look good in get him I got we got four hats me there you go on all right on two hats is good got three hats three everyone take off One Piece One Piece you can throw it back in the pile okay take off another piece oh that cast ey t-shirt's cool do piece take off another piece oh God E's out free piece take off another oh no no back yeah you lost a lot way take off another P okay I've got this is too much take off another piece [Applause] except you're out you lost take off another piece oh no I think he's got me by one two the Hat's not done it Harry Harry stacked them hat take off another boo oh oh he's got me take off another boo you lost joshh yeah you lost no got another two shirts I'm done he's done oh yes how you first how many you got oh a hoodie oh and another one put another one how did you you that you got three on yeah I cooked man oh my God how you do that good I didn't want to win again I didn't want bro I I got you hear me go I'm batelli bro and spoiled right so here's I have logic here right yeah the red box is inviting but it's too inviting I'm not going for it if I take the green one Josh is going to rob me cuz he wants the big green one so I'm only left with the orange one or I'm going to you could take the green and risk it you might not rob it oh and then you still you're still in anyway ooh you're a tough man that lies big things I do but the big greens are it's it's a fraud it's a I'm going with the orange one man he's also got beat at a game yeah true yeah well no it's more I got to beat Josh I'm going to be the last pick guys I'm going to go I'm going with The Orange Box going with The Orange Box come on Harry will be the only person who've seen two boxes that's crazy there going to be a helicopter again I got a small helicopter and the wings are folding the red one got really small he said oh it's an AR have I got okay he wants that Bo he wants that box he wants that box he wants that box he wants that happy yeah happier no yeah right no yeah I believe that he's not happy about he's distraught about the pig I I'll take it I'll take it well maybe oh yeah maybe f up table ball cup all right who would like to go first me oh okay take your green ones go roll them balls pink to make all the boys wink oh don't mind that midle you don't find out until middle probably not good Middle's too obvious middle is way too obvious I don't like watch a strat just try it well yeah just just a bull J oh he's going for the almost again I don't like the middle one no that's a bad news that one oh it's oh no he's too cold actually too cold oh what the noer oh why Always on a rim he stinks you tell me three for three last three p surely bad the middle one and what last you got in that one he got that one if the middle one's for he has to do it twice done you are so stinky right Ethan you got two in the middle one is their points there is no points in the middle one however oh no it does say Instagram Instagram it's a siden Instagram post uh story of him with whatever we want oh wow two of them two of them as well oh no two Instagram stor it's got to be this okay yeah one yeah one one's that just dep pict it video what's the other one uh it's not all bad news late because you also got 10 points a one you guaranteed one but you've got got at what cost I wish I lost Ethan must make a sidemen Instagram story of whatever the other boys choose okay what are we doing JJ wants this but need Capt comp I think it's got to be a this super low his KNE got do is video the first one should be that oh the second one's got to be what's he not going to like doing two one [Music] right next one next one I'm surprised you look for that and then next up maybe like hand on Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea y three Chelsea Two Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea my face smiling on nice nice nice blue is the color ookie doie ookie doie Harry you wouldn't lose two boxes would you hello friend hello there talk to me okay so I was honest with JJ uh and I'll be honest with you as well so in my box there is a a not a life-size but a big model pony there's horse manure at the bottom of the pony and there's a big sign on the back you are now the owner of this horse and it's a real horse which I'm assume I have to adopt he said he was happy with it yeah right I don't think there's a real horse in that box no there's not a real horse in the box that's not what I said you just said there's a real horse in no I didn't say that on the photo there's a model there's a photo of real horse and it says this is now your horse it's in a stable somewhere so I'm assuming I have to deal with this horse now but there's a fake horse in there with poo on the floor I don't want any more horses the face might want more that's a her problem that's not me problem he might be playing you though I think he might be he he he he like he blinked to himself when he was talking about what was on the note or whatever but like that that could just be a sprinkler lie take the box Harry can't get robbed twice can he it's personal between me and you take the box I think he's trolling you I think he knew something that you didn't want and you're going to go I don't want any more I don't want that box I know what box I want I don't want that box take the box are you 100% there's nothing you leaving out no there's what nothing you're leaving out in there no it's quite a basic box yeah just why would I take a load of hor but he's lying why would be happy about it you're not looking in the eyes bro who said he was happy is a second time it's practice oh I don't like that I didn't like that like that but then again you could be playing me I'll take the box but I don't want the Box he's in rub twice this is perfect if it's good this is the worst I get every box I get I get jacked fastest Flipper the finale the players must flip a bottle and every time they land they get to move the bottle towards their opponent first one off the end wins three there's no point two one ble what if the what's going on oh hell oh they're the level this guy stanked move it back oh come on we could be here a while we could be here a while oh no no pressure no oh oh bottled it stop looking oh he's got another why would it land two more stop looking you got to land the Bott fli Under Pressure oh one more oh hurry up Josh you're moving slow oh no quick no one more no one more think of the comeback is hanging on yit I've just realized Harry's going to seen three boxes three boxes just to pre-warn you yeah you pick one yeah and then you have to tell him what's in it yeah again he can steal it again again so whether you want to pick the one you don't oh this a stressful day man you R three times are you Harry three times robbery right green or red GRE the one you want the very B stop or go I want to see what's in the Big Green Box I want to see what's in the big green box that's been my box the is an information is mad all right my third bunny Box O Okay dead box dead box dead box it's dead H I can't go in it now no I can't investigate it smells though does it okay what are you saying I'm unsure what to make of it he don't want to be stolen from three times you okay cool you hello you've taken the box that I always wanted the whole time yes so I'm in a bit of a predicament here what's inside that box she looks a bit for used a bit unsure well they didn't let me go inside it which is what worries me so what is in the box if you care to know is a sand pit and then a treasure chest in the middle of the sand that sounds fun that's it though there's nothing else in the Box I think that is in there you know I take that box that box Josh you wanted that box all day yeah I wanted that box the whole time but you know this information so would you then fabricate the story I think that's enticing that I'd want to get [Music] into why is it treasure chest what's what about his treasure it looks like one of them classic like wooden pirate on pirate ones yeah not red gray brown brown brown is it all brown the whole thing's brown wood it's made of wood so as brown as that with a with a with a little metal this this sand you're talking about yeah describe now they've kind of cheaped out here cuz I think they should have filled the whole thing with sand but it's not it's like a little kitty sand pit what color is it green like a shell a green like a shell you know what I'm just taking it cuz it's my box on the start don't matter sure I hope it's a treasure [Applause] chest but Harry doesn't seem pissed I think Harry's cooked yeah Okay so we've all got our boxes is anyone anyone not happy I don't know I'm I'm more than happy got my box I'm not chuffed I had two boxes that I kind of wanted yours could be anything you wouldn't have wanted a horse I three boxes I want okay well we'll see we'll see in his story my box says I have to swap with JJ huh oh does it oh wow does it actually no I'm even I was like oh my God that would be horr okay so we're all locking in yes um I have a swap token in my box of random items so you swap box yeah so I think Harry liked both of these boxes but I think he liked the orange one more so Ethan i' would like to swap with you oh my God and you know what that means as well the fact that Vic is swapping means he's ain't good yeah oh it was random items and swap token you're going to be burning so we're locked you're going to be burning no we're locked it's locked in now we're locked okay so uh I have also been informed uh that I have a slot token o so oh my God I open it yet I have one just for me just just for me that's your boy just for me please he D me in Split All Steel he twoed me now please I'm dead why there something good in but I was also informed I know I don't need to use it oh oh can I use it I'm going to S with my I'm going to sit with my guns I think can you give it to someone else um I don't I don't think so so oh we're locking in are you locking in I'm going to stick with it I screw all right so I won first yeah so get open first you could have had this yes oh see I could have yeah imagine yeah I mean it's it's mind bright bright blue it's glowing that's there got to be something tall sure yeah you think right it's small it's like the I see him oh my God he dapped him up he actually dapped him up it's deji oh my God it is Vis and a Vision Pro no way bro was in there the whole time with a Vision Pro the whole video why you get the Vision Pro yeah oh that's sick can I have it wa I want it shotgun oh I'll sell it what have you been doing there what have you been doing in there just sitting yeah honestly by the way there's nothing else in there there's not even a seat he's got a seat he's got his phone he's got snacks that's hilarious he stayed quiet for that long I respect I I you how did you not laugh no I was close but expensive boxer that's a five grand box I'll take it boys I an honest man every now and again I can tell a little white lie okay there isn't a picture of deji okay that's the best what's he got oh six seats to Prest the North End box oh wow okay if you want to go we one of you can't come so what's the game I don't know where Prest in who playing near Manchester why Preston if I got that I would be burning be pissed why Preston I don't know you should go for a vlog man it I have six tickets so sell it to Randy and he'll go I'll go Randy all right we're going box so we should we should we should bring this in though that is too funny I'm sorry Ethan the game to Vick's villain up continue you could have had this y oh I could have stolen this oh my God so what could I have stolen it says live life what's the extra that's the extra thing oh that's the Blackpool one oh oh my yeah it's a roller coaster I see I actually work on this the whole time oh yeah you got Stu random was that the thing I didn't remember yeah what is it Simpson simp I oh this it's Steven Hawking oh he's got a swap token that he does have the swap Sten Hawking oh oh oh wow no what's that the VHS amazing world of animals rol Harris this is the uh original iPad oh my god oh he's done you so dirty at this the way I love it live laugh love that's actually quite cool you know get up get up in your office man yeah set up I'm starting to think you might hate even after you're Tak now Big's play a Blinder there I'm not going to lie to you you told me by the way to take that box all of you you said take that you you could you had any other box you want you could have had box I should have taken a box you have had the green box all right helicopter time baby yeah all baited joj oh my God what not the wor it's not the worst wow lad it's aw it's a sport version It's a sport version as well Swift you got you got yeah jump in the jump in the that's lit col too that's cold one of 15K Cup oh wow how much is it one of 15 15K sorry 15,000 he's trying to get in how much is it 115 in the UK one5 how how much what's it worth oh say that bro I'm I'm selling this no you aren't I'll give you5 what am I going to do this I ain't going to be able to fit no you can't really get in you got pull it out oh he's moving it yeah first look at the T on this car look your box going to be run over this is this is quite cool bro this is cold that is quite cool yeah you're going to take the Wing Bar as well yeah I I don't want to break the car what's har telling the truth is there a horse and manure and a horse for me he's not going to care about this that's so [Music] [Applause] oh okay we I'm going to wheel out the main the main event here out is a mad I think this is an electric bike that's the one I cycled to your house in yeah yeah oh it's really sick okay I see why you like this yeah I wanted this box really badly yeah he a using that there is a PR snowboard now I'm a SK I can't snowboard so Ethan look at the smile his eyes his eyes man that's okay there is also what LV table tennis this is this is for you I do not play table tennis so in your hand thank you so much what is going on can't believe this oh what generous man is that anything else there is one more item which is bolted to the wall can I have it it's very cool you might want it yeah it is a supreme D Bard this this was a sick box oh that is oh handing out it's like a proper like row wait in it's bed in oh that's sick very that's actually a SI yeah that was a that was a mad box if Harry had kept that box oh man yeah yeah why did you look so angry well cuz I had a swap token right yeah and uh robbed Ethan I could have robbed Vic as like karma for Ethan I could would you have liked that box I wouldn't have done no realistically no I think done it nicely think gave people who wanted it the most okay nice so I think it's fine sand pit right right guys there's all in here it's amazing it's a big whole box no it's got to be good he pissed himself what is it oh is he to bring out uh yeah oh it's got hey and stuff isn't it I've got I've got an old people's home anything else had a swap token oh look but thing is you couldn't look inside so I'm going to search it's just an old people's an old like living room got it with a with a swap to on the chair that was all it was just see if there's anything else it's cool Hello GoPro any of these have some cool goodies in is there a cool [Music] please there a grammar phone music actually cool broken I've broken it yeah there is an old lady though um Alive real one no oh can we just she is holding something oh oh have they stuck her in there money oh imagine it's money oh bro that's like that bro that's like that's money is that there's no way that's an actual bir money oh my God that's a Birkin bro oh my God that's money that's like 10K oh no no oh yes that's crazy come look at my room you what are you want to swap a Vision Pro for oh he's actually dubbed up well yeah yeah everything else so you can see how I thought that it was not it was a yeah what a roller coaster emotions that is man feel like a bad now I'm I don't want this I ain't telling it that you guys this could still be a stinker by the way Harry's been through is it heavy is he dubbed up it's somewhat heavy oh there's it's not money there's like an object in it it's a gold bar you open it bar doesn't go very fast I was optimistic until I saw he got a Burk in cuz I thought there' be something good left here we go you ready oh no fantastic oh great it's the new hit send game out in stores in America in Target down your oh my God it is you done like a ker yo that's no no they're sealed so they're definitely new with all of them that one's if it's she's going to [Music] yeah ohow down rolling wait wait oh my the worst person yeah this I actually found this repulsive but what's the chain I don't think I don't think yeah I don't think I think yeah I think this is for effect but that is so what is this it's a Rolex deep sea oh a deep sea Rolex how much fair play fair play fair play I'll take that I'll take that I'll take that J just taking the chain nice bust down roling bust down Rolly on my wrist what I do man you actually does it suit me could never wear this on your right or your your ites suit it does suit it does yes I don't think it IM imagine you playing say it doesn't se you to se you oh cheers say that was a Rolex coaster me and Josh both had roller coasters and boxes
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 6,498,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 42sec (3702 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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