I Survived 48 Hours In The Desert...

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all right I think we're like 36 hours into this Challenge and I'm boiling I got sand in my eye I'm finished we're here in the Arabian Desert one of the largest deserts in the world with some of the most extreme conditions we're going to be embarking on a 300 km Journey with two of my best friends and a couple of cameramen first up we got some supplies all right so couple of survival bits that we're going to be running through first things first my phone better be charged the next thing is probably the most important thing well maybe the second most important 50 this desert heat is absolutely brutal then of course I had to come through clutch with the air up bottle I'll talk to you guys a little bit more about that obviously hydration being the most important thing that we're going to be caring about I brought a spare one do you want to know why it's cuz I know somebody on this trip is either going to lose it it's probably going to be me but yeah somebody's going to lose it so there we go skin Protection phone charge hydration I can't really see how this trip goes wrong before we enter the desert we need to deflate the tires on both of our cars that includes the main car and also our production car so what the what the what the guy told me when we picked up the car he said that the way you do this you take this off and you get like a small rock and you put it here like this and I count to 100 20 the reason for deflating these tires is so that we don't dig holes in the sand and get ourselves stuck no well what the [ __ ] are you doing just stand around Rock one bro you get to work Little Rock yeah and where the hell's chip gone going for a little piss where is he yeah all right checking out the beautiful surround it's [ __ ] lovely round there mate I'd say check it out but we we just don't have time only Randy could let out the air air out of the tire wrong the triggers to get nice and deep I just want to [ __ ] fly that's what she said did she no CH what you just standing around I was pissing yeah you were letting air out you were letting air out its eyes I was letting piss out my [ __ ] uh ball sack bro go do the back one does piss go in the ball oh shut up right I'm going to do another tire I'm going do it as well it yeah out why did and how is he bro we're we're about to head into the desert damn TI here boy oh my hoodie and he's wearing a hoodie joggers black top black joggers better keep that white ass away from me boy oh yeah oh yeah don't like your kind Roundy oh [ __ ] H right in the ass right come on boys chip are you counting to 120 no I'm eyeballing it you [ __ ] Muppet eyeball I think that's good nah I've got another minute in me bro I feel like I'm just watching [ __ ] that was mine I think I was all right too yeah let's get to it come on boys this desert measures in at 2.3 million square km not only that but it also reaches temperatures of 55° C with all that in mind we had to Now find a place to settle down and make Camp oh yeah it does oh boys it looks like there is a storm over there there a camel over there right camel in the desert like Bambi when it was just oh my God my wheels completely sideways oh my God there we go yeah yeah yeah I'm out of this wait for it reverse sideways going sideways no no no oh my God all all all what St reverse how bad is it look this is okay I'm not sure I can do that chip can you Che this out don't worry yeah all right straight up oh yeah come on come on come on she got it she's got it she's got it come on up up oh I'll Lean Forward no no all right this is it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like that light that lot like that lot yeah oh this is the one this is it this is it woo survival we out H lowkey was breaking it the whole time come on then we not got all day anybody anybody want to give this a go in a sec all nice that's what I'm talking about boys I was thinking about answer yeah I was thinking about it oh look at these goats here oh my God they got their they made their own hole oh chip jump back they become self aware oh coming fellas oh my god oh the farmer's coming gilm gilm you might want to get in bro gilm we got to go quick get in the car gilm they're actually going to come they were lovely goats to be fair they were a nice family all right here we go boys we're heading straight for them Mountain oh my God wait my sh belat Bel bro you need that seat belt on let me tell you that the way I'm going to be oh [ __ ] oh God oh God God oh God I need the juice I need the juice I need the juice I'm sick I should I should I should send watch oh my God but be careful when you get to the top it'll dip down to the side holy [ __ ] this is getting steid this is [ __ ] mad go go go go go nice nice smash that up up up no I'm right at the top I'm literally right at the top all I can see the sky bro I don't like it I don't like it where this is on that one in in thought Park where it goes up stop panicking I'm not panicking I'm stressed I'm [ __ ] how did I not make it I'm right here the faster the wheels go I'm literally right here Mission failed we'll get him next time after a few hours of searching and Relentless complaints from Chip I decided it was time to set up camp for the night all right so I know it's windy I'm going to do my best to cover this up but I think this is going to be the spot for the night we got we get a nice Viewpoint up here I like it Randy can get a change of clothes yeah thank God no I like it it smells like cam [ __ ] it's it's authentic you know if I was in Lion King I'd be a hyena you know the Mad thing about him yeah is that he's so [ __ ] useless on trips like this he's if he's not funny he's useless no no I'm a good camper used to be in Scouts right well you can do the first tent then no [ __ ] I'm so sick sick I'm pitching the campfire right here the tent to take we need to get the tent to block the wind yeah good idea I think someone's pants just fell out oh yeah they're mine you [ __ ] bastard they're my pant you get a fire going you covered in sand hey first T done there's a sandstorm approaching us fellas and she does not look happy she's moving all right yeah old star o what these Stones it's clearly camel poo oh [ __ ] Stones wait I smell that sorry M he's are sniffing camel [ __ ] all right come on let's get these tents cooking all right here we are this is it's not instant wa wao she's there bring this over to me bring it over to me oh nice one there we go all right so now we just need to get the the nails in not four man is it oh mate that's loads of space that's I'm saying was very Sandy in there though and like full of bugs and [ __ ] there is a desert after all while I do do the next tent do you want to get cracking on this and look at this I could probably P this up with my mouth mate i' got Michael Phelps level lungs yeah all right that makes sense P genetically my mom good blower actually used to blow all balloons when I was a kid nonstop so many balloons who's your dad I don't know so big he just goes who's your dad and I go I don't know don't you know no sorry mate it's okay sorry all this is what we've come to do in the desert just have an emotional therapy session oh look Randy joined the Dogs Out crew when are we getting your little tasty bass yeah I'll get them out in a minute but can you get my Crocs out me you just stepped in the sh you just stepped in the [ __ ] um the plug sockets here and not in the desert look look around mate are there plug sockets here we are going to be in big big trouble if we need a [ __ ] I I'm I'm going to try and plug my [ __ ] till till we get out of here the weather was only getting worse and we were unsure whether we were going to be able to spend the night in this exact spot so I decided to take it upon myself to jump in the production vehicle and see if we could scope out another place to spend the night however there was a slight problem they're stuck they stuck they both they've stuck they're both out the car cuz they've got the car stuck [ __ ] donuts eh oh man what a stinker oh my God so the cameraman vehicle got stuck it's like imagine a peak like this of sand it's stuck like that and we can't get it out there he is the car is stuck so what are we going to do Mission tow rope was a go and It Was a Race Against Time because we didn't have long before the sun was going to disappear all right we got a go here oh this is a mad Mission here cuz he is [Music] stuck I hope this is going to be long enough so you don't you don't touch anything I will just just pull you I say I don't really care about them [Laughter] SP let's go and drink brother is it thumbs up yeah he's [Music] ready B more all right success wow that was exhilarating okay right should I take this one back up and what a terrible decision that was as a production team went off in the other car to see if they could find a good place to stay for the night I ended up in a little pickle myself no no k's just come back and he's stuck no [ __ ] up oh my God he's stuck right so I'm having an absolute disaster I've just got the other guys unstuck and now I've got myself stuck but I'm in a world of trouble here at my car don't oh you guys can't see but it's on such a slant if if it goes anymore it's just going to topple over that's what I'm scared about it was now pitch black but fortunately the production car had finally turned up about 45 minutes of struggling revving the engine digging we finally broke free he's back [ __ ] hell he's back broken here we go so we need some lightness I think we should make our fire first despite the Sandstorm we decided we were going to stick this one out so we created our very first fire yeah if you D it while the fire's on c will blow up no it's going to go big yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're moving bro we good that's enough so in about 5 minutes right yeah of of sizzling that's you know what we got time right I hope so we've there so much sun flying around oh my God this wind is nutty this wind is causing some serious issues here honestly mate the burgers are covered in sand as well crispy burgs that's what it is I mean I could cover them with something so windy it's it's just coating everything that we have in sand so I'm not looking forward to tonight's sleep because there is a lot of sand in these tents not much we can do about it sadly despite the weather conditions we managed to make the most of what we had even if it was crispy sand Burgers so um so Chip was cooking some burgers we didn't know we had the cover don't put me in it like that no we we didn't know we had the cover so two burgers got sand in them and the ones that me and CH bre got sand so every by it's first of all nice and I'm just grinding my teeth to Sun it is horrible good burgers though we' cooked here I mean they're definitely cooked yeah yeah going to bed hungry was the last thing on our mind as it was time to settle down for the night oh look at it it's doing it oh my God the wind just took it Up N could be it's well it's infinitely better than the air mattress all right good night inspections yeah come and feel this bed look at this Sandy bed lad oh my [ __ ] F in here man this is Fu at least you got your nice pajamas on mate I like my pajamas okay yeah and there's hella beetles around your GFF for some yeah I know see you in the morning all right that's no help is it bye see it's time to go to bed the game it see you guys in the morning this [ __ ] staks bro what has bro been cooking you know what my son been falling apart no bro mine I I slept in the water did you yeah oh what's good morning wow it's actually nice is it it's really nice best thing about those is you can eat them dry yeah they're actually banging you know this guy it tastes a bit odd here we go camp was packed and it was time to hit the sand for day [Music] two and I these streets I'm not going to lie it was a successful first night wow I slept great sucess I slept very good yeah yeah I know you slept you slept onreal like a king yeah you did sleep like a king we slept in a flooded tent yeah no it was horrific we' hit a bit of a fork into our journey as we were unsure whether we wanted to take the canal route or do we stick it out and camp on the beach after speaking to the team and finding out there was fresh water available our first choice was the W on route to our first campsite we stumbled across a really cool sink hole which was great news as it meant we could finally get rid of Chip's absolutely foul stench yeah look we got a crocodile in the water it's aiel this um this place we're supposed to be staying at tonight I'm actually a little bit worried because it looks like we're going to have to get a boat across to the bit where we're going to stay instead of driving up there let's just hope the uh the clouds stay away otherwise we're in big trouble the storm was looking more and more inevitable so it was a Race Against Time to get to our camping spot for the night treacherous driving brought to you B air up where's my air up ball where' you leave it is that mine where is it no you had it in the tent you got my arrow oh my God you've lost your arrow ball no be you I gave you one at the beginning and I told you I've only got one for everyone except for me I got two I've got mine pal why have you got two well cuz I said if I lose one I want to bring a spare one I'm not giving you that one I'll just have yours no on a friendship thing come on you think that you're just getting it bro no way please man you know what I need need that you need that you need that I need that you need that bro sounds desperate what arups the perfect gift for anyone because with arups Innovative technology you just take the top off fill your bottle up with water put on your little scent B P to activate and your water and sip chip we're about to crash and and you're and you're preaching about air up but more importantly than crashing make sure you don't tilt your arrow bottle and make sure you keep it UPR right Sip and yours can taste like cherry or cherry col boys are you guys still talking air up I'm literally about to fall off the edge of this Cliff I'm not even selling the product I'm just talking about how good of a product it is this is the perfect gift for anyone in your family you by the way you still lost yours don't try don't don't think that you can do do the Shilling and I need that anyways our second night of Camp was supposed to be located on the other side of this deep Canal it rains only 2 days a year in the entire Oman and here we are day two of the rain rain look at the state of this place man [ __ ] hell chip Chip's got the right Footwear on have I my no two ways HK are sorting me out here oh now why where are we I I get why the guy told us not to go any further he said do not go all the way to the end here the the Trail's a mess so we will we will go onwards and see until we can go no longer my middle name is danger ah [ __ ] hell oh hold on whoa oh my God hold up there Bo are we these are [ __ ] are we def for doing this look at this look at chip shoes I only brought one pair you only brought one pair of shoes yeah one there he's finished my God these are made of plastic look at the state of his shoes lift them up yo what type of skull is that is that like a goat yeah it's Dead the game plan was to find a spot to camp and then bring our stuff there but this just this isn't going to work this sucks no I'm having a great time save actually love this so that last place was absolutely Nito muddy it was a muddy mess M ain't even a word pal we we uh our plan was to actually I was getting flashback to Vietnam anyways our plan our plan was to Camp there but this weather it only rains two days in a year here on Oman and today is one of those two oh man God I hate it here so we're going to go check out a a beach and that might sound stupid but we have a theory that it's going to be okay so we're going to go and test that theory beaches are usually sunny right I don't I don't think this is this is tensible water Meat Land this is this is a poor excuse for a beach still better than Blackpool beach now you put a sleeping bag on that and you telling me you're not getting a good night K it's better than what C did in Alaska all right look I I we're going to have to just accept that we're going to sleep in the car today go W I got something for you if you yeah yeah you remember how you told me you lost your bottle I I told you how to spare one I'll give it to you if you make it all the way to the end of that the tide is coming in I'm going to go down and watch I need this Arrow if you do this I'll give you the bottle I want to give it to my sister for Christmas oh [ __ ] come on chip all right I'm not going to lie that thing is covered in Moss there's just no way he makes it at the End by the way this is pretty dangerous the way waves coming in are coming in fast The Tide is on its way in we've been told I'm going I'll never deprive me of my air up bottle air up is a completely unique Innovation I've had this spare air up bottle um sitting in the back all day I'm going to have to oh S I just saw a fish or some swear I just saw something never seen before pented technology ah [ __ ] is he going to make it no he is it is pretty much it now has he made it oh I'm nearly there yes oh he's actually done an all right job where land reach water yes yeah air up now [Music] what no no right so the weather is just way way too mental oh my God we got us sa the camping we're just going to have to sleep inside the car I didn't want to do this but I have no choice where are you going Randy that way we can do this no it's too it's too mudy where the baby wipes [ __ ] I'll sh be me back yeah why'd you go the Long Way thought it was easier by the way I know we're going to it's camping is it not camping well we were in the desert we thought it was going to be hot hey it's not hot well I hope you boys are comfy I'm not cuz this is this is it I really mean this I have never seen rain quite like this in my life as it continued to pour down on the Arabian Desert all we could do was stay in the car until the [Music] morning if I hear you make one more noise out of that drink now that you got your air air up back you're finished today is the day we make the final final push towards the Oasis this is going to be one of the trickiest parts of the journey as we have a 90 km Trek through the mountains with some of the scariest drop offs I've ever seen damn we in this something this is jassic Parts oh my God look at that waterf really that was just oh oh my God are we even going to get up she need to get out boys oh there's another car though is it worth it oh yeah it is worth it definitely worth it okay amazing so yeah please I don't like this you're doing a gnarly job man you know you actually have banging the drive-in yeah you smash don't say that now boys we still we're not there yet and look we got [ __ ] width restrictions on Jungle Road ah this is sketchy as [ __ ] wo oh my god wow that is beautiful down there though bro this is this is one of the craziest just strives I've ever done here we go right come on boys start getting [ __ ] active woo let's really start getting active I'm active okay we are on the edge of a cliff please let's get too active [ __ ] sorry about that one crimes wether I saw your [ __ ] absolutely twitching out of its mind my [ __ ] still is twitching bro just just take it so yeah now I got a bit of gas so you know how I do the drive was done and just as we thought we had made it there it turns out we still had several hundred steps left to go before we made it to this Oasis you know what this is giving me snake energy yeah for sure bro snake and spiders oh we're [ __ ] it's actually oh this is a vertical vertical Journey this one doing it in Crocs as well you got to put some respect on My Name by the way we can hear something it sounds like a clean body oh do not overcook the ending of that stair oh this one's not even got the chain on it yeah yeah oh no way oh my god wow sh wa this is [Music] banging oh boy this is class this this was worth the Grim Grim night sleep the the the the drenched tent everything the Sandy the Sandy burgers that we had this has made it worth it now this is beautiful oh no [Music] yes yes this is unreal I'm so excited we made it here by the way the trip through the desert was Grim but this was this worth it yeah for sure 100% it seems we found a creature that is semi- aroused it's me so heavy I don't know why I'm I'm finished heavy W the mullet is full there is that sh you been looking for tri oh that'll be siy oh not with them gers wow now that is a view see that was was this worth the deadly Drive yeah sure it was it was after a 400 km Journey three cars getting stuck one Sandstorm one yearly rainstorm and 500 chip complaints later we had finally made it to our end goal what an absolutely incredible experience this entire Journey has been and for me to be able to share it with some of my closest friends just made the entire Journey that little bit more [Music] special
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 860,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: jGU2kAxh9R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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