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hey guys salum welcome to the beta Squad Family Feud 2 here are the rules two families will compete in survey based questions the round starts with a captain Faceoff where whoever gets the highest rated answer gets to choose whether to keep the question for their team or not whichever family plays they have to provide as many correct answers as possible with just three lives if all the lives are lost the opposing family has one chance to steal all the points of that round by providing one correct answer if they fail to provide an answer the original team wins the points right without further Ado let's introduce the teams let's start on my right yeah yeah and this is my team today it's me and it's Kevin team bab we didn't discuss that wasn't be my team I don't I'm the captain but I'm an edge that's why AG is the captain I'm I'm the captain he the captain he's the shortest in the group so with the threee short Kings that's our team fre short come up with a name cuz I already like them more so far good on Captain 8 in average yep yep yep I can vouch I can vouch I why can he vou why can he vou that's crazy why is he vouching okay can the team captains please approach the podium remember if you hit the buzzer you have 10 seconds to answer or the question goes to the other person I'm going ni fine okay don't walk on your knees bro I don't know yeah do hurt Oh my he he's an imposter okay name an occupation that begins with the letter J J back oh my days what the Brother come on man that's crazy I had time to thing now push him push him that's not [Applause] fair says that's good that's the top answer come on that is a top let's go smashed it three short Kings do you want to do you want to go or do you want let's give let's give I can't think of anymore they dead ass don't know occupation with okay you you know what we we all together no no no yeah give give we're givers so we're going to give it to you guys okay thank you so Kenny can you name don't youing death all right I'm sorry can you name an occupation that begins with the letter j judge oh servy that's the only one I can think of that's the second top answer with 19 points shy oh can you name an occupation that starts with j for sure of course I can man go on uh a jockey Serv say it's worth Four Points we'll take it we'll take it'll take it we'll take it chunks why are you sitting on the thing name an occupation that starts with the letter j I'm going to say jumper restora wait what what the people that basically restore jump restore jumper yeah jumper restorer so what happens when your jumper is ruined what do you do give it to the jumper restore survey says it's the fifth no what are you doing in his suit Kenny can you name an occupation that starts with the letter j um come on Kenny sake juice mixer juice mixer juice juer juer shy can you name an occupation I start Japanese person what the f you know you might one day just say yo I want to be Japanese for the day my Japanese of course it's not on the list a Japanese person is a job no it's how was a job cuz they're respectful you have to be respectful the whole day three short Kings so what are you thinking no what are you thinking it's judicate even with a with a J about a jewelry is that is that a Jer that's not a job is it oh I guess it's not a job you have to do it a jeweler a jeweler je J you're going to go with j j Sur it's on there five point say you won that round they that thank you so let me tell you what I was on there you had jugler jug jugler journalist journalist journalist all right moving on to the second round who's coming up Who coming up you oh my god battle of the good luck get sent man shut up fair enough fair enough m games I like it so other than feet name something that runs go on D chicken I was going to say that s says you're an idiot to say what yeah they do run but why would that be one of the come K come on Ken name something that runs as in like it can be runs like five all right four treadmill do you thei you want to give it another got Sprinter size that can't be it it's not on the list what how the list has this ever happened in family do you man know yes we have answers we you man I feel like we got better answers yeah same I thought better I don't if issues oh I did it name something that runs no he needs to be tread Mo runs no he needs to be timed 5 4 3 two one H wait wait I'm sorry I'm sorry come computer what how is it a computer servy says no but you're on the right track though can one of us just go up and swap these guys 3 2 1 spaceship he Dei come on please oh no I got one all let him go let me go let go take your time gone okay so something that run I'm going to say a car Serv says that's what I was going to say that's the second top answer done come on come fin got once where who why did the treadmill run you run on the treadmill oh okay freea Kings do you want to play or do you want to move on I reckon we can do it all right let's do it all right okay all right we're going to play all right AJ we'll start from you other than feet named something that runs something that runs I'm going say uh a business yeah it's going to come to us Nicholas or Milan that's one strike that's one stri other than feet name something that runs a train nah he said I can't give it to you I'm sorry two other than feet name something that runs why you rubbing his hands why you rubbing his hands hey I like it I just expect the same treatment okay yeah he's he's crazy he's crazy a nose nose is worth eight points well done well done well done well done de AJ my brain just turned on yep I'm thinking a tap oh a tap tap runs a tap runs that's the top one let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go I just came from here there's three more answers you need to go yeah and you got one strike left come on N something that runs speed your long here three two one we said business but I'll say a shop runs never let that work that's the same sh survey says Dei I'm J you guys you guys God damn it man this is hurting who's that it's me darkest how you doing oh you know it's darkest oh wait darkest he h what's up egg does run the Y they all say that run R egg yeah need the point boys that's a hor I can I say we're going we're going to lock in egg eggs unfortunately guys I can just tell you it's not on the list oh what is on the list then so it was refrigerator fair enough yeah that's what he had clock yeah cuz it just keeps going keeps going yeah and panty hose what so it's basically like like did he say no get the point did they get the point they they get the points they get the point is that good one eggs where the eggs sorry man it's not on the list man it's not on list not on the list man so free short Kings you guys are two no up I'm correct next pass to come up is AJ should AFC sharks come on shocky in a while a while all AJ stand up sorry sorry sorry let me just stand up real quick him in the buzz highe level yeah gotz cool all right guys you ready name a famous movie monster that was sharks that me that was me that was sharks that's me okay listen guys survey listen happened last time and apparently I riged it was Rigg last time that was I hit that first how okay guys if you want to rig stuff you want to do charity is fine you can give it to them no why is it rigged when it's not you though we going to slow it down right now no we're not going to slow it down 3 2 1 Sharky one there we go this is R go on B name a movie monster by monster cuz you mean like big animal and stuff five monster you three King Kong s says King Kong's got 13 points done well done first top answer all right AJ you got this man AJ shabil you have a chance to name something if it's above his answer I'm going to move on to your team but if it's below I'm going to stick with this my answer is going to be Godzilla that's one that's one that has to be one survey says he beat us you're right it's number one let's go three short Kings yes do you want to move on to them or do you want to carry on can we discuss all right I believe that we can do it you think can they name four have you got one in your head yeah have you got one in your head yeah have I got one yeah but are they on the list does Jimmy s will count what did yeah yeah yeah that kind of guys I'm have to speed your long here I let them play you let them play all right cool now we're all to just talk chunko yeah can you name a famous movie monster I'm going to have to go to the film called Monsters Inc and go for my brother Sally I would not have said that that's a good one it's not on the board though what moners Inc Sally come on man well it's called monsters when I I went straight to top boy like I didn't even shy name a famous movie monster a monster from was asking can I can't help each other I got one you can't help oh I got a good one yeah I'm going to come to you like you act like I'm not going to Dr Octopus he's not moner I wasn't going to say that but I got human human being with robot on oh got one you want same wait hold on Kenny just said you the same W with me you got no idea shy unfortunately it's not on the list God damn it let me chat to you quick Venom that's not what I was going to say now yeah straight over let's discuss let's discuss famous movies Grinch famous yeah okay Grinch grin grinin what else is there let's just think for a second okay movies conf famous movies based around we're ready we ready we're ready ready okay wait we're going to discuss no we got this I can now reveal that's the four top come on I lied I lied I lied yeah no they didn't get a point you guys said Godzilla King Kong so number two was Frankenstein of course oh you're four was wolf man/ werewolf or anything wolf related vampire guarantee it's a vampire number five and six piss me off cuz I don't consider these monsters Freddy krugger is he and Jason Jason moving on to the fourth round the three short Kings you L are still two up Niko chks back up here come on niik can I just add as well that before this Nik wasn't confident with his team ohy so team I don't hear some friction he's trying to he's trying trying to friction moving on to the fourth round name something specific that has a long neck that was trunks giraffe yes to I was so tempted to say n survey says top points take we should take it now what you five more no way wait wait saying steal from them you think they can get five no they can't they can't do you want to carry on playe or do you want to move on today we're going to move on today okay all right enjoy that man vegie yes name something specific that has a long neck a camel that's a good answer but it's not on here what Nicholas Alana name something that has a long neck um I would say llama as I am aalana llama nah AJ shabil oh my God this is quick you know I'd say you take your time just a little bit name something that has a long neck in my head first that comes up a dinosaur a dinosaur okay now listen to this listen to this this is what I gathered right yeah it didn't necessarily say animal so I think there's probably two animals on there and then the rest is some random yeah I know we shouldn't G for animals but ostrich has got a long neck that's if it was animals I thought ostr but then he said llama and llama I would have said next oh oh do other one I said start with G just say it bro oh Goose I mean no no that's not the one no but Kenny you want Goose yeah then you say Goose man like Kenny come on tripod what no no remember the demographics American old people they don't know tripod they don't know tripods oh no no Swan Swan Swan Swan I'm Tak SW in amer I'm had enough all right you said Swan the survey says definitely not there man that's the fifth top [Applause] answer so the ones that you didn't say austrich was number two that's the big second biggest one I we bugging we bugging too scar third one was a bottle or a beard bottle yeah that's what we said four would have been crane what fing neck there's a crane out crane bro that's Pi yeah that means he's got a neck and number six um would have been a glass yeah good tripod though yeah good two1 two We Got Game on our hand now all right guys moving on to the fifth round it is 21 currently to the short Kings I love it when you see two yeah honestly why why you're my brothers oh fair enough I love you too all right cool guys you ready I'm ready all right here we go massage him massage him name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in why no I can't wait I wait you let him finish the question roller coaster that's perfect one survey says that's the thir top answer well done well done all right Kenny deji said roller coaster that is the third top answer brother you have a chance here name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in yeah yes on not in oh my God airplane that's the one I wanted that's the one I want survey says oh that's the top H that's the [Applause] top roller coaster good do you want to carry on playing or do you want to move on to the other team listen there 21 we might know enough answers here to trust ourselves to make it 2 two if we give it to them I think if they make it 3-1 it's long I say we keep it we're going to keep it all right cool yeah Chong Xena yeah probably name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in uh Steve I'm going to say cruise ship it's got a boat on here I'll give it to you well done yeah vote please V well done it is a vote a vote that is the fourth top answer that's worth Four Points AFC sharks yep name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in I'm going to say a motorbike that is the second top that's what I'm talking about yeah Kenny come on all right brother you bro all right name something that some people are afraid to ride onor in helicopter hit me with the answer yeah why do you go like this don't go that's your first strike unfortunately oh that's scared of of everything on the list that's what I'm saying ja name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in I'm going to say a jet ski what it's too specific I get it I feel like people won't nah that second strike's not on there that's a good one how do we get here we cruising name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in what what stuff do you ride people ment why do you do it the only answer I have in my head I'm going to go for it is car what that that could be an answer that could be it might be on there no it's not so so so so no one's scared no one's scared of car everyone lay down what they're thinking what they're thinking okay skate skateboard skateboard cool I said skateboard I'm I'm scared of skateboard okay people could be scared like a ghost ride yeah yeah I like that one uh bike could potentially be in there a bike a rock when when was the last time you ever had a chance to go on a rock why you making fun of him tell me who would going a rocky right now then now cuz already lost your hair a horse a horse yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh guarantee guaranteed so okay we're all together yeah yes horse horse horse horse if you said that St we could have just been done that's the fifth answer that is number five wait horse yes let's go please don't us I didn't want to do survey say for that one right yeah I've been here for 30 minutes there was only there was only one that hasn't been said and that was elevator well that was real one that's a r i got a friend up next we've got AJ shabil and sharmak mm let's go go on sh on AJ Who Am I who Am I who Am I who am I am I all right AJ don't don't touch me sorry just pissed me off you know name something that has the word super in it Superman killed Us survey says answer thank you very much that's the top answer well done let's go I knew it I knew already well done can you think of super yeah of course if we can all think of two in our head then we're good Okay cool so I don't think they've got it and then if you've got two in your head which you know keep that and then we get all the points all right cool yeah we give it to them I've got hot thanks apiz Kenny name something that has the word super in it this is the longest word in the dictionary so someone should have said this or otherwise the're idiots but super car fragile next shy we're going to hello not on there name something that has the word super in it superlative huh good one what the hell is that that's too nerdy there it's too nerdy man wait can you definition I don't have to no I'm not saying it's not a need it's not a need it's for my curiosity yeah I'm feel I'm feeling superlative today all right guys it's not it's not in the top six people are just dumb there why would people say superlative okay so I've got two right now so I'm going to say the one that I think unless America don't like equality super woman what you're off G today that's fre for fre strike three all right easy easy easy we talk everyone cares about Superman but no one cares about superwoman I care about Superwoman on we say at the same time One supermarket there we go Supremacy there we go we're so same like wait wait so you said Supremacy that look at wait I'm down I'm done I'm done doing you feel me feel me I'm done BR a guy that said Supremacy in their team they winning no you said Supermarket what you want Supermarket is on the list that's the fa top answer what's number two so number two was Super Bowl American um superintendent yeah superintendent you got that one all this one this one I'm surprised Superstar yeah so DB what the hell superar he said super and the last one was suiz oh of course Americans know about suiz I can now say that three short kings are the winners let's go no question let's go well done free short kings are you ready for the final yes all right here the rules the winning team picks two members to try to score 300 points by answering five different survey questions one teammate answers first while the other is secluded backstage then the second member has to give a different answer to each question if their answers combined score more than 300 points they win all right free short Kings who are you nominated uh well being honest guys seeing as there's only two of us able to take part in this and I'm not actually a short King so I feel like it should be the two short Kings who take it home for us as a team thank you 6'7 I just wanted to like come out and say I'm not I'm not sure yeah how you I'm actually 6' five yeah so don't who who's who's more who's more of a niche thinker out of the two of you I think all right okay okay I'll go second all right do do I cut so who's answering get out man time to go what are you doing get out time to go all right so who's answering you yeah this is weird all right but it's like it's like Titanic a AJ shabil you ready yeah okay other than letters name something people get in the mail yeah who who aples name something people do with their armpit uh shave name a word you can use instead of woman uh ladies name something that has to be licked uh a lollipop name an animal a snake can swallow a Hole uh Rat okay it's not funny not funny everything yeah five question that's five I think I done pretty good you did well done brother well done well done you got us you got us yes thank you all right I D yes can I reveal AJ you got whopping 223 points come on D come on come on D so you need to get 73 points but you can't say the7 77 that's what I said though three two one other than letters name something people get in the meal uh post next question name something people du to their armpits uh clean name a name a word you can use instead of woman female name something that has to be licked chill out I slowly all right last one name an animal a snake can swallow a hole this okay they have you not seen a jaw it can go yeah yeah yeah you went you you went there is that is that good yeah very good you dodged every single one I went for okay good Elite so deji I asked you other than letters name something that people get in the mail and you said post post let post um that's worth Five Points yeah next question I asked is name something people do to the armp you said clean them yeah yeah six points six six points 77 is a bit far now I said name a word you can use instead of woman you said female that's worth 18 points wow it's getting close I don't know if we going to get it I said name something that has to be licked you said I slowly ice cream cone ice cream SL I slowly falls under the category of ice cream I think exactly yeah Okay cool so let's we're good2 points2 all right we 16 points 16 people saying D okay say say I said name an animal s swallow hole and you said there you got 1 17 301 wait wait wait wait what wait what's see it it's not even on there all right guys this this has been beter Squad I think you should just play the trailer cuz um today on beter Squad we're doing the real life Guess Who I Am The Guess Who world champion they call me the man of the sixth Cent they going to see I've never played guess who before let the games begin I'm going to ask you a racist question here yeah does your person look like they'll be a good swimmer would your person wear makeup would you say your person has a dick bigger than 4 in how know that
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 2,822,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beta Squad, Beta Squad Family Feud, Family Feud, Beta Squad Family Feud 2, AJ Shabeel, Deji, Chunkz, Niko, Kenny, Darkest Man, Sharky, Family Feud 2
Id: 15S9PKgnX9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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