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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another more assignment video we are doing another click bait challenge okay so i've got some some titles maybe you're right yeah yeah yeah i'm good i'm good useful overview on that okay we've got some titles okay we've got some titles from previous sidemen videos or like individual channel videos and uh this time you're going to be in teams so the way the teams are decided is who had the most recent poo how long ago was your most recent poop 9 a.m this morning okay 9 a.m any sooner or later mine was okay mine was about 5 p.m as well when i was before i was well i was perfect moments before i started training okay well i was before my wife just tried like 20 times mine was before my jj when was yours mine was yeah before my run yeah well we don't know where that was what was the point so uh so i start my run at seven p.m yeah so okay so it looks like it's jj josh and vic are gonna be team one it's crazy because we've already won this challenge okay so we have late poopers versus bowel problems that's your team names bowel movements come on come on no bowel problem movement all right we're gonna play rock paper scissors uh jj as you were the ladies okay toby what would you like to go well done toby what about it so bowel problems which movements would you like to go first or second what do you think boys we'll go first we've been going first exactly stay true to trends one of your teammates just gone bro you're just standing there what's it gonna be i got okay your first one you have to guess whose channel this is on okay all right so it's not the sidemen it's one of us okay yours is double ended dildo as a title someone has titled their video double ended dildo what one of seen it if they get us wrong can we have a steal double-ended dildo no because i know that one i'm gonna put an early daughter at least it could be better it could be better because i'm i'm the idiot that would put double in the dildo in the title but i also think there's another early door shout for josh but how how did this final title it will be a gta video or something or or gary's mod something like that just to clear up how this works by the way if you get this right yeah you will get two points right i will if you get it wrong i will give you a clue as to what game it was right and then if you get it right then you will get one point well i'm gonna say i'm just confused like listen this isn't your question what are the what are the questions no no what other things are there besides a double-ended dildo what would you like what okay bro yes we've lost it we've lost jj jj please cover the reflection in your tv all right i think you i think you made you i think you no i think because josh just explained it so so passionately i want to say i want to say that i would because i think it could be circle plays um let's go for it the one the one exclamation mark as well i feel like i would have spammed three back in my day i would have put three okay whereas josh is very clean with it edgy mccain i like it yeah up here i think it's like a place we're going with zucker play salmon that is your your guess i guess yeah that is incorrect oh so you get another chance and you go down to one point the clue is oh i think it could be better is you it's gonna be you isn't it it could be better me josh and simon used to upload a lot of trials evolution i don't think simon's putting double in the dildo in his title i'll be honest i don't know do you want to jump between the mix i think it's better mate i think it's our safest bet all right the boys have said better you have a better angle the answer is and jj is there as well why why is this can we i think that what that bike was definitely to do that's what we team late poopers yes now all right yours your title is iron pants sucks questions i know it's definitely not me it's not me and pants i mean uh vic minecraft no bro that title you mad bro i don't even swear on that channel the censorship i've never done that censorship it's a tope drizzle oh yeah i think it could be exclamation marks and there's two stars i i would i would bat with that i would go simon maybe he's created a superhero character called iron pants no but i don't think he would put sucks a dick yeah he did he didn't you know he wouldn't he but sucks the nostalgic yeah yeah it's gotta be toby yours and pants simon simon let's say something here you go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i want you to roll lads i'm going i'm going with josh's josh's gut feeling here we go we'll get another go all right so who you are for josh we're going to toby we're going to go we're locking the table yeah okay that's wrong the game used to edit for you as well why [Laughter] well i would let everyone see that you let everyone see your day i don't think i've played it well it's it's time it's time it's simon oh it could be two 2014 old side of my house but i have played that game of time who are you guys going for it's not about shout outs it's probably cutting it though surely go over your gut buddy i should i should shut up who cares don't it's a funny it's a fun little quiz it might be for you what [Laughter] simon i said simon okay who are you going for he said i'll go with simon yeah yeah that is wrong the answer not careful sure oh my god harry wow what's up is it a brand deal the [ __ ] is that was that when he was a mobile gamer no no that was like a little mobile game i remember it was i remember after that was when it was off the flappy bird i was like it was like yes bird or something yeah because road to shore plays started banging mobile games and they and they popped cheers we should have known it was harry still neal neal all right donuts here still no no the next one for team baumu vow problem movements is falling babies okay them bam this could be anyone man yeah this one's hard i mean clearly all of them could have been anything i don't think i'm gonna roll up vic early doors it's not big i i keep noticing you looking look down though so i'm trying to josh is grinning josh is having a real big grid i'm just enjoying your conversation is on the back and the baby falls out the little seat at the back i don't know if i just made it nah i played a lot of happy wheels i don't bear happy boys yeah they're um [Applause] ethan what do you want to go i have a shop mate it's not that deep i'd like to edge one for circa please i'll agree with that i'll back i'll bite that all right is it that one it's wrong the game it's prop hunt oh so it'd be one of those little babies that you could hire does and it would have dropped i'm going to say something i want to go ethan december 2016 was better winger still active probably yes there we go yeah i might have been on the grind back then a couple two videos a day come on let's go looking in better winger yeah let's do it well shouldn't rule them out so early ethan thunder's a banger oh my god that's one of vic's better better thumbnails you know you know what i think it's me i think i she was you can't is anything bro all right jj who do you think it is i think it's me i think i'd put this vic i think leo let him get first go first shout out you say gang yes i kind of agree with you but let him go first here as well all right all right yeah we'll we'll go with jj we got you go on you go it is not jj oh the game is okay jay come on the game is it's not gang beast is it i bet it's not gang beast black ops three oh god [Laughter] it's either you josh or simon it's just go simon i haven't been yet though but simon does his quizzes in different orders isn't it on purpose go with simon yeah i'll have to go with simon yeah with simon the answer is better the camera i think it's ethan oh your title is waterproof anuses oh youtube was different back then it was different it hit different as well i wouldn't i would don't think i'd say anus i'm going to put that out there i don't think i would put anus in the title so i think you can really make it yeah it would have been something to do with bum brother anus anus is a bit more anus is a bit more mini minter or circa wait i'm confused waterproof anus what does that mean now we're all like big big adults yeah this is really weird oh who are you guys i want to what say a clue you see there's like a uh end of a quotation mark after the the estimation mark who does that there is does everyone do that only a few people to do that i think all of us have done quotes yeah everyone hasn't i'm swaying towards a circle i've said too many do you know what toby run it yeah we'll go we'll go and if it fails we'll go josh yeah berserker don't let that tone yes we're going for a second we're going for it it is not circa the game it's gta oh gta 5 in 2014 this is early doors slime and i reckon i think minnie mintermate it's got to be mini minter yeah i'll go okay it's got to be many minutes yeah yeah don't be a toby towel yeah let's go with yes i think it must be right hopefully yes please even by the way just so you know i've only eaten half of the pizza and i'm putting it away that's my boy because he's on my ass all the time for getting fat i'm just i'm keeping my friend in shape could you say how you're on his anus you saw the picture of him you lot he was a unit wait wait wait wait before we continue how are you why are you still wearing that hoodie bro we've been we've been over this before let me let me wear my hoodie let me wear my hair oh you need to burn that do you know what i look like it looks like one of the teletubby outfits with the window in the middle get over here man please oh you finished them fatality just come to the fridge yes he has done that yeah to be fair it is the late i heard the teletubbies weirdly there's actually two people with the exact same title oh oh that's that's nice that's falling on us don't worry don't worry yeah you just have to guess one of them don't worry about problems there the next one for you will be the same okay damn it all right your one is that oh [ __ ] okay it's one of the minecraft videos from back in the day oh [ __ ] [ __ ] it was it's youtube i remember this lobby fam well wait wait so wait wait who starred it before what who's here who started before who was the answer when they started they started out it was oh no it was harry it's harry but harry wasn't in this recording you guys got on on the hi ethan it's it's you ethan or simon it'll be two of you yeah it's two out of three of you say what no no it's not me say even the game it's minecraft what's my card yeah 2013. so you still you get another guest right now i'll still be signing people yeah you should know if it's you i don't know if it's me that's a long time a long time ago bro seven years ago holy [ __ ] the simon went around when this video came out literally it was yeah true true oh here you go you shouldn't know just what's your guts tell me my gut's saying simon there's a lot of responsibility let's do it don't lock it in the water if we didn't care about this dress come on you go for me yeah toby i knew it oh i was going to say i was going to say i'm being sold i thought it was toby i was going to get one point even when i knew it i knew it was me and josh and how does that work mine is with toby ethan jj and cyber the authors is even only he doesn't quit that's good come on i can't remember all right team bow problems yeah we could run away with it here again there are two winners there's two people as the answer here point for each what no your your title is sex with handlebars yeah i was gonna say i'm getting energy here i'm feeling my own energy in this title i'm feeling it it'll be gta on bmx's i guarantee you that's what it will be i've well let's well let's go with i think go with you then might as well ethan let's go over ethan yeah we're going to do no you don't don't say it like that simon wait it's simon wait say it say it normally are you locking in ethan uh hopefully yeah let's do it hopefully i'm locking in well the game was trials oh [ __ ] but it was either one the big two points two points oh oh our bowel movements were everywhere he was here we didn't go simon ready ready nice all right team late poopers your turn yo yo yo josh vic this is on me i got this all right oh wow all right okay i got this so jj you have to read the title out okay i will straight away no hesitation okay [Laughter] you know what i think this was ethan you know why because he was deprived back in the day oh he needed people to [ __ ] him nothing else would okay you know what it seems it seems solid because nothing else would not even just like women just nothing else nothing would even stood there next to the fridge like please just rub it just just sit on the sofa a bit more come on with a bit more intent all right what are you guys saying oh all right late poopers no wait bow problems now comments bar problems your title is oh my god [Music] time for a new penis he's the only one that would go like lowercase and put well the game is dead space 2 so you know what an incredible series that's a two-pointer as well though we've got this in the back in the bag sure come on all right next one you guys need this you guys need this it is there's late poopers i'm mexican upwards inflection's nice it's me what oh could you put uh vik well the game was shell shot yes yes yes it falls through the top once again bro bowel problems don't wash my helmet don't wash my helmet hmm sure that's kind of dirty it's right it's a lot of sexual there's not a sexual frustration you can tell exactly and then you jump offline and just beat your [ __ ] turkey i want to say i think i did wow i want to say we haven't had a circus solo one for ages we had two circas on the top jizzle and the thingy one but we haven't had a solo circus i think this seems like a zircon joke to make as well like yeah it does yeah that's a very like old-school josh little like sexual joke i'll back him up lock it inside the circle please come on well the game was gta and it was not what no oh yeah see how i switch it up you see how switch up yeah i like that i like that i started doing the company i said i saw gun fingers all right all right all right so it's a one pointer now all right one point watch my helmet vic was helmet could it be you make that joke who [ __ ] you might be on to a winner yeah vic's itching [Music] is he playing boy throwing the kids boys what answer would you like to lock in write it up let's go with vic please hey jj we're filming well i mean lock it in isn't it log it in vic please you've gone with vic and the answer it's not vic that [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i got it i got it they used to bang views you know what it's about thumbnail look at the thumbnail mate it's just so it's a bloke watching his helmet diagonal glass though i like that yeah a little glossy little yeah come on all right come on all right this is big this is the lake please take the lead come back come back come back i might not have got your scores right but this is the time now there's 10 points when they get it first time here we go your title is my orange famous wait in my car's orange and edit there's uranus car what do you mean maybe what were you always orange in gta yeah i'm already oh well then it's got me i i i i'd go with that logic because i think this is a dead giveaway i would also go for them what if it's well the game was gta 5. yeah yeah but it was just it was josh your title is no nipples oh capital letters no nipples capital letters as well and then lowercase because i'm not gonna lie i'm i'm upset at that last round my competitive edge is coming out because that one was quite easy it's very easy oh the ksi one was easy [Laughter] himself like that should be easy stop beeping fam it just makes so much noise ethan's gonna go and fight a boat he's gonna start punching it no who switched it up who switched up their titles to be capital letters every thing ah there was one youtube titles weren't all in caps can you believe it yeah i'm thinking simon you know i'm just getting inside jacob i don't i don't think it i don't think i i don't know why i think it's me yeah i was about to say well let's go with you then let's go with you if you've got that feeling we'll get that sexual healing okay we're locking toby we're locking toby we're locking toby can we lock and told me please [ __ ] [ __ ] all the game miles so was it jj that he was laughing oh come on come on come on say something now come and say something now i want to hear from jiddle i'm busy you're busy oh bro i'm not about that double-ended dildo bro i thought they was gonna do a [ __ ] liverpool then i thought they were gonna do the comeback all right lay poopers anal beads oh [ __ ] oh oh a lot of people said this i swear yeah well done as their title feels like it was a right i think it's a cards video or a cards video cards anal beads i vic looks incredibly wide on the camera [Laughter] i look massive yeah i think it's ethan we're recording ethan look how massive i look yo do i look massive [Laughter] you know that mean when it's like the wide putin walking all right who are you going for ethan i'll simon i feel let's hear your answer what do you think vic jj i think it's ethan i said ethan i'll back up i wasn't playing it back in 214. geez me or simon leo simon simon would i say nlp it's maybe why would you say in a weed because they might be tank in the video they look like anal beads all right what's your answer i was using numbers what's your answer just when it's debated with you you have to answer yeah you have to firm it [ __ ] it it's me so [ __ ] my anal beads i thought it wrong again though it's i think you see you're not going to get this i just want to play clubs you know what the worst part is i actually had all with already given you a point because i was like you've literally said it simon it's a hundred percent simon so i gave you a point now i doubted myself that's really sad and i said that yourself the next one is the final question so the way this is going to work what this one counts 10 points it doesn't no because i don't want to get destroyed in the comments wait this one works because there is an odd amount so i had to figure out something to do what you're gonna do is you're all just gonna vote right and uh jj like jj josh and vic you will get a point per person you get right oh so we all get it right i get it wrong somehow the same with their team as well what do can we do the score difference no no no no no no no no no no we're we're losing we're losing yeah and i do not want any i want zero deliberation all right okay where do we put our answers in general uh i will i will literally just say who votes this person who votes this place okay okay so the title is knee deep in plunge okay we're going quite quick for this one gotcha because there's no talking so put your hand up if you think that that is toby okay wait lads wait that's my team my team my team okay so harry and toby have both gone for toby okay uh put your hand up if it's for ethan put your hand up if it's for simon i mean put your hand up if it's for vic definitely not passing it put your hands up if it's for josh put your hand up if it's for jj all right that is all the votes we pray we pray come on jj we pray harry did you vote me yeah because he watched you raise your hand i'm hoping jd thought it was cool because in between us you played the game where you saw girls you got excited well the game oh wait excuse me it's not me now less confident now jj just to tell you the score right now bow problems are on seven oh late poopers are on five so you can draw it up or something so if it's jj you guys get two points and there's a draw anything else and you lose it could be me it could be me the answer is it's jj it's josh yeah why is it me yeah are the winners just a couple winners over here well done no oh yeah boat beat yes celebration yes [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 3,957,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: WERwy6TH3L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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