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right before the video begins make sure you subscribe I'm feeling 20 22. oh turbo tunnels you know what I'm gonna nice oh God what car was that oh God I'm yellow I'm so sorry KJ why all right I've got shape shifters on so I've become big stuff oh it's confusing remember I'm the one in the middle kill the fake mix though let's go no let's go kill him together you want to die already didn't take long fellas oh I'm alive I I still I still role play Man kill him kill him oh no I've killed him he's dead he's 70 bro I actually destroyed Josh oh I'm actually Harry just to warn you there Harry don't cross that I don't like it no I need to see you bro okay I'm pulling away from Josh oh this is weird wait this is weird I don't feel like this is right I don't know if this is Rock okay right um oh okay just hold this hold drive just hold Drive okay this really I'm in a hole oh my God just keep holding Drive bro wait I'm lost oh my god did we choose the wrong tunnel I don't know what's just happened but I've made it out whoa steady steady whoosh horse Treasures in his own world Jesus he's pretty sick but like at the same time it's pretty cool yeah man's got a dick in her belly what do you mean by that it's not the lyrics [Music] I'm back in the tunnels again back in the mines just press it I'm just pressing Drive yes wait JJ what position you're in I'm fourth somehow oh my God where's bog where do you think I am [Laughter] oh this is a fun race this was this is all right sensational [Laughter] [ __ ] Pokemon yeah yeah oh no I'm sorry Harry okay big stuff oh you filthy filthy animals [Music] [Laughter] yes both oh my God that's where you're going wrong you're picking different tunnels what what do you mean if I was just going straight why is the right one there of it it's never the right one oh [Laughter] bug's not gonna be lost can he finish though he's not finishing this nowhere near you might as well give up give up give up just give up it was cute that you tried though oh my God yes you're not finished I'm nowhere near finishing yeah [Music] what would happen if they like put dicks on it yeah f2f inomorphic oh f2f means face to face we're literally just driving to one end and back at each other okay over the jugular oh [ __ ] no but they deleted lime green is that what's happened here I don't think so I can't pick lime green I had her bright green I'm gonna put money on Minter I'm gonna put it on I'll put it on Bez I'll put a thousand on myself because I'm confident yeah wait really JJ yeah bro I got this number one what color am I am I inside of someone am I in Simon's Car I'm not even black wait there's green blue oh this could be mad I'm inside time wait what wait what is going on oh my God this is oh my God goodness he was proud of him from behind oh don't fall don't fall don't fall don't fall I actually can't oh my God bouncing catch him catch him catch him um there's no checkpoints are there holy no it's just one okay so this this is a bit of a scary one isn't it it's a sticky one still I'm oh my God I'm so far lost come on oh God oh no no not too fast all right now we turn around oh no he's that [ __ ] oh boy yeah I feel like a military car just make it just make it this I'm dribbling no I was dribbling a ball no no actually oh [ __ ] you oh please [Music] bowling balls got boys go on say it say for the Boost [Music] what's this oh we got that we've got to be considered you actually nice to me we can send them oh no oh no [ __ ] yeah we've got a Scooby-Doo [Music] um whoa I've been sick [Laughter] no poop please Simon please [ __ ] off that's not even funny what do you mean I'm trolling look at me I hit him again no I hit him again he's in the church okay who's this [Music] move on go go go what is this thing no you know what I'm staying as that vehicle now watch watch no he's talking about the flip vehicle oh yeah what is this [ __ ] bro all right JJ commit suicide again I got a checkpoint oh what is this um how do you do that teach me you already have some fun Vic are you all right um I got stuck and now I don't want to go move man I'm trying to move but I'm trying no no there we go push push push I can't you're not no wait wait I can't wait oh Harry yeah I'm not I'm not having a good time oh he did nothing oh my God I did nothing and I [ __ ] myself it's a very good chance to get flattened oh my God everything's so big [Applause] [Music] hello crush him Harry oh my God who just flew someone said to me I died oh Josh moved by JJ did you die I would be nice I would be nice bye [Laughter] man oh my God ow oh you don't jump oh my God volleyball yes are you in the good cause now yeah I'm quite close to you I think I can see you I'm the bump behind you nice hello Harry's buttered he's in a go-kart yeah he literally [Laughter] oh [ __ ] off jumping flying car I might have to try it you know might try it for the culture Flying Without Wings that's just doing it hello hello what are you doing are you flying us up me yeah I tried but I hit something bye JJ what's his jump is it left click hello I'm struggling with this car going down to get like good speed how's your parachute hey we have a whip oh the spikes okay so she hasn't spoken oh no no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] it's the last it's the last time I made him crash it on and he goes off the map no no no no no no let's go against me because he's really trying to bless him come on you don't have big cakes for gloves I think Harry ate this I like the thought of GTA then we play our restaurant I will just kill myself [Laughter] honestly uh you know what yeah it's anyway it can be oh my God I regret it oh I'm fine I landed it Bayonne Bayonne I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive about I've jumped over wait really yeah I tried to adjust he did uh on the last one [Laughter] there he is there's a little giggle I'm sorry all right motorbike oh this is a full send yeah this is definitely a full set guys crew again wheelie myself Harry's not happy he's not oh [ __ ] JJ thank you oh my God that was scary that was terrifying oh god oh no don't head by it did you just send it in this what oh my God Where'd I see yeah oh my God Toby drove over me I'm just trying to crash into it stop playing what the [ __ ] hey harry someone's someone's nip who's this they are rapid you know oh my God I'm actually just stopped I'm stuck really yeah I just drove over JJ oh my God he's not had any luck big cars yeah he threw it in the truck yeah the tactic you're doing is not like that great the truck you should have got in oh here we go hello I'm in a future car [ __ ] is that there's two men in my life nothing hey how many more of these are there uh I'm on the last one now yeah I'm on the last one too [Music] I can't get out of here without restarting I can't [Music] oh my God this makes a noise every time well I just got the RC car yay thank you hey that's been cute what the [ __ ] why [Music] is that the tough time I'm gonna go to the toilet whilst this happens let's speed up these brains this is a mess back there [ __ ] this man can you eaten well but I don't know anymore man wait what's after the RC car the space where bang finished but you know what I'll take that I'm still not lost I've got to quickly run downstairs to drop something to concierge oh about Simon nice dumb uh should we start with that one maybe it's not I have no choice good might not come last come on let's go mate oh uh oh owr Deadpool F1 track oh talk to me Terry's uh Spirits have lifted very quickly disease F1 track are you for about 20 seconds I've got off of the race starts and I'll be back in yeah I think I think we start right now because Ethan's downstairs boom I'm ready let's go let's go let's go everybody okay let's go let's go hey this is bad if we lose you know it will happen one of us will lose 100 no I got Pole Position skip wait where is he which one's he oh I don't know where we go when's the Boost oh um he's still on the grid move now don't push me I move I you're actually ugly move good I'm trying to get as much distance as I can from Ethan is back there's no way he's putting this back he ain't pulling this back there's no way to put this back oh my God me too I made it back there's enough time oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God there's four laps that's just a challenge no I'm in six please not me done no I'm flying I'm flying Lads I'm flying yeah don't worry bro YouTube pit stop for him [Music] oh Harry is that you he's actually catching arm and Colin in P3 for his I'm trying to yeah Harry's F1 2021 practices these cars actually handle what more than I'm used to behind him Harry's used to F1 cars big big Harrow oh is that Deadpool Deadpool noise I'm catching I'm catching I'm catching here we go what's the curse boost wait let's wait there's oh my God oh my God oh my God there's um what's DRS biscuits basically when did you get it right oh yeah I've called someone I think they're just around the corner oh Ethan is on me stay away good racing mentor I can see him bro I'm done Ethan's the best place it means I'm gonna fight are we I think we're clear right yeah I see someone that's Harry that's right I've already nearly done oh Zach you guys a bit wide can you catch up already Vic so I can then get yourself oh my God nothing is literally I'm on a prime wing damage no it's sick I'm in sick on my tires bro man's got a pit I've got wing damage everyone's tires oh God the Spec's way too powerful oh no oh no no we [ __ ] ourselves train has been derailed I've been overtaken unreal yes you've been overtaken oh my God I'm lost all right you're Hamilton I'm bottoms [Laughter] no absolutely not what are you two on the same team what's going on Simon so he can feed your I don't know why you're on the same team I mean because I don't think that you might get damaged Wings championships I missed a checkpoint I missed the checkbook yes oh my God Eva's gonna catch up with me I can't believe this I can't believe this I'm inside no [ __ ] off when I see someone I saved someone it's Harry oh no I've just driven off I'm just driven off yes uh I've lost I've lost yes oh God yeah yeah yeah well I can't do anything man because fast so maybe Toby's doing quite well though you're driving well you're driving well I'm ready to play for bro that one wasn't on theme radio yeah it's the stabilizer oh my God hurry oh no I'm coming back but why didn't you pit stop because how much time does it take bro it just slows you down by that three seconds oh well I'm an idiot then I'm idiot I am stupid right he didn't get traction on the way out oh my God you're a [ __ ] beast though you drive like an animal I'm watching Harry I'm bored with routes you're here don't blow the road to shore I've got no [ __ ] where are you coming Maybe I do not [ __ ] if we take those Ethan you're [ __ ] sick you started like 45 seconds behind hurry I wondered how long I've got no front Wing don't laugh at me oh [ __ ] off Josh I don't care I don't care wait I'm not even gonna [ __ ] finish [ __ ] [Laughter] in real life when we're all in the F1 racing you know [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 6,937,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: r2sCa_y6YeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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