SHTF 2020 Post Election Riots - My Top 10 Prepping Items

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hey guys welcome back to hands-on channel i thought today we would talk about the coming storm uh i believe there's a storm coming and it's coming in the form of a political election in november on and you know in november of 2020. so i want you guys to be prepared for that and you know there's not a lot you can do to change how things are going to go politically i really do truly believe that uh out of all the elections we've ever had out of all the election meddling out of all the attempted uh uh thefts of election and that you know they've they've basically been caught uh registering dead voters for years and i'm talking about the democrats this is pretty common knowledge if you're following politics they have been cheating in elections for years making sure that ballots end up not getting to the to the polling place where they're going to be counted and all that stuff you know all sorts are all manner of of basically uh uh voter fraud and they've been doing this and getting away with it for decades and decades so the latest thing of course is the mail-in ballots everybody all these democrats are wanting everybody to mail in why do you think that is you know one of the best memes i've seen in all of this stuff if you trust the post office so much you know put 500 in an envelope self-address it and send it back to yourself you know that that'll that'll show you how much how much faith and trust you have in that because most people aren't going to do that most people that are intelligent when they have to send payment through mail they send it by check or something like that they don't send cash money because people can get into your mail and steal that money so obviously that's not smart so anyways the democrats are setting the stage right now i've heard pelosi and hillary clinton and several of their leading democrat you know cult leaders i've heard them talking about how basically they're not going to accept the results no matter what happens so well unless by you know if biden wins they'll accept the results obviously they'll love that and they'll they'll deny anybody that tries to say oh well wait a second there's voter fraud going on we need to investigate this they'll say no no in fact they've already mentioned that they've been talking to military leaders and stuff and they're planning on if trump won't leave office they're going to come in there and take him out by force and all this stuff so we can clearly see the democrats always kind of give you a little bit and piece of what they're planning to do in the future we've seen this over and over so i wanted to get down to 10 things that i think are very important for you and your family to have stockpiled uh before november and these are just uh 10 things that i thought long and hard about that i think are the most important things i'm probably leaving out a few things and some of you guys may disagree with my list here but let's get right into it number one food and water stockpile and i'm gonna say now minimum six months supply if you don't have a six month supply of food for you and every family member in your house and water then or a plan to get water so if you're on a well you need to have a generator to pump that water up out of the ground in case the you know in the event that the electric grid goes down or something like that so always have a backup plan to all of this stuff your food you need to have good storable food that's going to put you know nutrients in your belly canned vegetables are a real good thing to stock up on i've talked about a lot of this stuff i'm not going to go into details on this or this video be forever but i've already done videos on each individual most of these individual things so number one food water stockpile minimum six month supply don't fool around with that i think you really you're going to need it you may need it and if nothing else it may just be the economically smart thing to do because you're buying it at today's prices rather than whatever they may be once the riots and chaos ensues after the election results and just so you know just to go back on that for a second my gut tells me trump's going to win and i know a lot of people think that you know especially on the left think that oh the deplorables there's no way they're going to vote for trump twice he's been such a terrible president but he's actually had quite a few accomplishments if you care to you can go look those up and you can see he's gotten a lot of stuff done he's deregulated a lot of stuff so i'll just say it he's got my vote so because it to me it's a vote it's a vote against communism to me a vote for trump is a vote against communism because biden represents communism number two guns and ammo so you're going to need guns and ammo or boomsticks or you know i don't know what youtube will let me say anymore but you're going to need guns and ammo to secure and defend your stockpiles and your property in your family and stuff so i'm not going to go into depth on that everybody has their own personal preference on that i would say make sure you have plenty of high firepower and you can you can basically fend off a mob okay number three network of trustworthy like-minded preppers this is a hard one because for one preppers in general are not very open and they don't go around talking about it and bragging about it to everybody because that would kind of defy the gray man theory and if you don't know what the gray man theory is it basically means that you're trying to blend in you know you're if everybody's wearing a gray shirt you're wearing a gray shirt because you're a gray man you don't want to be wearing a bright pink shirt with your favorite sports team on it or whatever unless everybody else in the city is wearing that sports team shirt that's how you become grey man as you do what everybody else is doing at least in appearance so most preppers don't want to really give that up you know they don't want to they've worked long and hard to blend in and the last thing they want to do is stand out to somebody because that makes them a target and if you're smart you'll think that way you know because there there's always a point in uh major catastrophes where it comes down to the haves and haves not have nots and when you've got a stockpile of food and everybody in your neighborhood knows it eventually they're going to come and knock it so you want to be secretive about this but also at the same time you need to network with trustworthy like-minded preppers if they're not trustworthy or and i'm talking about you got to even selectively look through who who your family members are your you know your extended family or whatever your you know maybe your in-laws are extremely liberal and they love joe biden well the last thing you want to do is have them in your group because to be honest with you they're the problem that mentality is the problem it may they may be great people and you know you may want to help them you may be compelled to help them even though they have created the problem uh i would ask you what are they going to contribute you know i mean if they're if they're you know i don't know if they're so valuable that you have to have them for whatever reason you know i don't know there's going to be some hard hard things hard decisions to make some of your best friends or whatever if they're you know anti-gun or they're anti-donald trump and they just hate everything donald trump they hate everything america let's say that forget trump let's just say they're un-american and they don't like america and they think it's full of racists and you know all this other terrible stuff that the media says every day if they believe that [ __ ] you don't want them in your group period so i think that's pretty well self-explanatory but you want to get like-minded people that are like hey you know i maybe libertarian minded is the best attitude to have because they don't seem to care you know libertarians philosophy is i don't care what my neighbor's doing over here as long as it doesn't affect me and i think we all need to kind of get to that philosophy because america is a country based on the idea of individual rights and self-governance not group think not collectivism so we got to break that mold we got to get out of that collective think and get back to individual thing so network all that stuff it's going to be hard i don't really have a lot of advice for you on that because basically it's just hard that you just have to selectively you know slowly learn and it's kind of late in the game for you guys to be trying to start networking now because it's going to open you up to vulnerabilities you know it's going to make you more vulnerable to somebody that's trying to sneak into your group and undermine your your stuff your your supplies your whatever your your plan so number four uh back up power supply and fuel to run generators and equipment and really the reason i'm mentioning this is because in several of my other prepping videos i've had people come in the comments and say oh yeah what are you going to do when the power goes out because they're all everybody a lot of people think that there's some plan to take the power grid down and honestly i don't know there may be a plan to take the power grid down and that's one of the reasons i have a generator and actually have two generators actually i have three generators one of them's out of commission right now but i have two running generators a little harbor freight tailgater and a larger uh i think it's a 5500 maybe it's a 4 500 watt it's not the biggest generator but it's big enough that i could run my well or my freezer or you know not all of these things at the same time but i could selectively choose hey what am i gonna what's most important to me today so and there's things to do like with your freezer and stuff uh you can watch other videos there's things you can do like uh i'm in a hot state so here in a hot state i would probably run the freezer most of the day if not all day and then at night maybe i could get away with unplugging it and maybe that cold depending on the insulation level of your freezer that cold may be cold enough to hold throughout the night and then you can plug it back in the next day and do that save gas switch it over your refrigerator whatever you have to do you know you that's that's the thing you know it's kind of you have to kind of become macgyver you have to be able to make things work with junk and with things that wouldn't normally ordinarily be uh used for that purpose so i think it's important to have all that stuff fuel uh if you're gonna run any equipment motorcycles lawnmowers you know you probably won't be mowing a whole lot but again if you don't keep up appearances and you don't you know kind of gray man theory it so again let's say all your neighbors are not mowing now all of a sudden after this bad thing happens and then you're the one guy out there mowing well that's going to make you a target it's going to make your yard and your property stand out so you want to blend in you want to you want to make your you know your your preps your fortifications your what you're doing needs to be a secret except for the to the people that you have in your network so make sure you have all that stuff number five cash money don't have it sitting in the bank you need to have some cash money i'm not saying go clean your bank account out because you still have to have money in the bank obviously but what i am saying is have a good supply of cash money as much as you can afford maybe you know maybe don't carry it around on you all the time have it in a safe place somewhere or bury it in a mason jar in your backyard or whatever but and don't tell anybody you know it's again it's just the gray man theory you know don't let anyone see you doing that sort of stuff so have that gold silver lead or other precious metals and barter items you know at some point even even gold becomes useless cash money gold all that stuff becomes useless when everyone's starving suddenly food is the currency so if you have a good stockpile of food you're probably going to have some different things to barter with and i've talked about in some other videos some different ways you can buy like bulk rice and break that up and store it in like a you know recycled two-liter bottles that you save and clean out you know or one liters or whatever bottles you you drink out of or whatever plastic bottles i don't know if you'd want to use water bottles because they're a little thinner but the thicker plastic bottles are excellent for storing rice and it gives it a nice size so that you can like you can trade that off to somebody you could put that in your backpack and go you know take off on a hike and go find somebody to trade with it's just it's water resistant there's a lot a lot of real good reasons to do that so think about that food in a way that you might use it for bartering also in the future okay next up we're going to talk about number six communication equipment such as like ham radio cb radio walkie talkies am fm weather radio you know just the simple stuff if you just got if you can't afford anything else get an am fm weather radio so that you can at least know what the weather's going to do in your area and you'll get little news flashes on there you know and usually local news is a lot less politically motivated than the national news so hopefully if you're in a place that's not too far gone to the communists that you'll still be able to get some decent news on your am radio so i'd say that's the number one priority just to stay connected to some degree because what if the grid goes down and your internet's down you can't get on here on youtube videos and come to the hands-on channel or whatever go to any news site on tv or you know whatever you can't do any of that anymore because the grid's down so an am fm radio a lot of these radio stations will have a backup supply and if nothing else they'll broadcast emergency broadcasts on there so you know it may say something like john has a mustache or the chair is in the corner or the chair is against the wall or whatever it says so uh you'll you may you may hear some little code words on there you never know so uh this is a really important one coming up next number seven waste management plan for long term grid down event so what am i talking about waste management well you're trash and worse than that your poop you're gonna have to figure out what to do with that because as we've seen anybody that follows the prepping movement or anything for years and years we've seen all this stuff especially in these major cities i think it was chicago one time maybe it was new york city but one time they had a major like hurricane or something and it knocked the power out for i don't know a week or something it was it was pretty bad when you're in a big metropolis like that to go without power for a week because all the plumbing everything runs on that on that deal and they were having people going out in the hallways pooping in the hallways that right there tells you the mentality of city dwellers not all of them are like that but a lot of them are they don't think about this sort of thing and of course if you do that for very long the next thing you know you're going to have diseases you're going to have flies you're going to have maggots you're going to have rats you're going to have all kinds of nasty critters hanging around your poop and once they start devouring that stuff and spreading it around then you're going to have all kinds of other things other diseases you know probably way scarier than the coronavirus so you might want to pay attention to that stuff what are you going to do with your human waste there's a lot of things you can do you can get a composting toilet you know if you want to go real low tech you can get a bucket and a shovel if you've got property if you don't have property then you know you're living in a in a condo or in a city somewhere in an apartment well again as i've said in the video in the past i think you've already made possibly a fatal mistake so you might want to remedy that and try to figure out how to get out of that get out of that cesspool uh but anyways if you've got a yard you can go out and dig a hole foxhole you know take care of that take care of your business and bury that stuff you know i mean it's not real scientific you know it's not it's nothing nothing real fancy but you know you want to stay away from your wherever your house is you know you wouldn't want to go right outside the back door and do it you probably want to go like you know at minimum 50 paces away or something like that you know so have a plan for waste management otherwise you could get sick and die number eight and you're going to have to check with your local laws on this one because some states it's actually illegal to do this so be aware of your own local codes and laws on this one number eight home fortification so you're gonna have to come up with a defense and security plan for your home it needs to be well thought out every member your family even non-shooters need to be taught this plan and they need to have a you know some sort of a plan if things go awry what if everything goes bad what room do we go to what you know what location in the house do we meet up at how do we do this you know you need to have all of that stuff and i know it's scary and it's not something that many parents want to talk to their young children about but there's probably delicate ways to do that and i suggest you find a way of doing that without scaring your kid you know because you don't want to give a kid nightmares or something like that about something that hopefully won't happen hopefully everything will be you know hunky-dory and the election will go off without a hitch but honestly in my gut i know it's not true i can see all of this stuff around the country this is a practice run for the election this is what's going on they're going to try to take over the country so by force if they have to with their you know army of antifa and blm which is honestly kind of laughable because uh in reality they don't pose much of a threat especially uh once you break up the mob so number eight home fortification defense and security plan in case those peaceful blm antifa protesters come to your hood i mean you just need to know what if you end up being the mccloskeys that couple in st louis that got you know kind of pinned down and they had to you know pick up firearms to defend their property what if that's you how are you going to do it you know you need to think about all this stuff before you don't want this crap to go down and have this thing happen and you have to figure it out on the fly you want to already have a plan and know exactly how you're going to defend your your home and there's nothing illegal about defending yourself your your safety your home those sorts of things now again you got to watch each individual state they have different rules the castle law and the make my day law and all these stand your ground all these other different states have different rules and stuff so you need to know your local rules about that but according to my understanding of the constitution we have the right to self-defense and it's you know it's it's written in plainly in the declaration of independence where it says we have the right to life life liberty and the pursuit of happiness so i think it's pretty clear so uh number nine emergency bug out plan for you and your group this and when i say emergency bug out plan i mean do not bug out unless you have to bug out unless your neighborhood is compromised unless you cannot hold the neighborhood unless there's something so catastrophic that you just can't face it do not bug out because you're almost always safer uh in your own uh you know on your own turf you know the ground you know that you know the rooms in the house you know you know you're gonna be safer there and you know where your your stockpile of guns and ammo and food and water is it's hard to transport that sort of stuff around and also if you do have to transport it around now you're a rolling target instead of a stationary fixed target with you know hopefully brick walls and you know all this other stuff that's around you and a good defendable position that's been fortified so anyways you need that plan so that your group will know where to meet up in the event that things just go really really bad like maybe you got one guy in the group that he's got some he's got a big chunk of land or something and he's like yeah if things ever go bad y'all all come out here we'll hold down the fort here until we can go and retake your properties or whatever you know that'd be a great guy to know for sure and you got to be able to trust that guy he's got to be able to trust you so and again it's it's one of these deals that if you're going over there and you're living off somebody's place man you better be doing 110 percent to help them out and to go out and help them with their livestock help them mow their pastures whatever the hell it is if they want you to take a you know a bucket and go out and pick stickers out of the yard then you go do that because those people are your savior and you owe them your life if that happens so pay them back in kind you know with with kindness and and and work and stuff like that don't be a lazy person laying there expecting someone to take care of you because that'll get your ass kicked out of the group real quick so and you'll end up in a bad spot okay so number 10 last one on the list here an off-road capable vehicle preferably something you can sleep in and it has a four-wheel drive that's just my preference you know i've got the great white buffalo it's my 96 suburban k2500 it'll go almost anywhere is it a mud machine no is it a monster truck no it's a pretty pretty regular street truck with with all-terrain tires on it and it's got a nice high ground clearance that's one of the things i like about that truck i don't even have to you know just for like normal stuff maintenance stuff i don't even have to jack it up to change the oil i love that it's got just enough ground clearance that you can get over most obstacles without too much trouble so again you know use your own discretion maybe you're a toyota fan you know go out and get a forerunner or something like that the reason i think that the suv is a good platform is because while they're heavier and they're harder on gas you can sleep at least two people in the back of that suburb easily i could easily get my wife and i in the back of that suburban have something nice and big that you can sleep in and not only that you can sleep in but if you have to bug out that you can put all your supplies in you know i've mentioned it again in another video not sound like a broken record here but i've done a video on the ultimate bug out vehicle and i still stand by that video uh go check it out but you may want to consider a dual sport machine like a you know a drz suzuki or klr kawasaki or a a honda xr whatever there's a whole bunch of them if you guys have a machine like that many times they can go places that a big four wheel drive suburban could never dream of going so you know uh you can give let's say that the highway is gridlocked and it's been gridlocked to the point where everybody abandoned their vehicles and you know maybe some people are still sleeping in their vehicles but they're all parked on the highway and it's turned into a parking lot well with a motorcycle you can go in between vehicles you can go on the side road you can go on the shoulder you can go on dirt and gravel roads easily you can make your own road if you have to so those are the 10 things that i think you should have before november and again i appreciate the feedback that i usually get from from most of these videos that i put out like this and i would love to hear what you guys think that i forgot or hear your feedback on my 10 different things maybe maybe you think some of these things are silly and you don't really need that or whatever and i welcome your criticism we're all in this to learn and i'm not an expert on on you know end of the world scenarios any more than anyone else is because you know we haven't been through this yet and i'm not even saying that it is the end of the world but boy howdy i mean it does feel more and more tense every day more and more chaos you know more and more i heard the latest thing that uh uh where was that some town i'd never even heard of before in like wisconsin where they had some you know another supposed racially motivated shooting and they were rioting uh i don't know what to think of all this guys i mean you know i have family in law enforcement and i support law enforcement you know i know that there are some bad apples in every group you know and there are some bad guys once in a while that come along but uh at the end of the day when the cop tells you don't open the door don't get in the car and you continue to do that that's called suicide by cop so don't commit suicide by cop you know uh we want to we want you around so if a cop is telling you to do something you should probably say yes sir okay i won't get into my car because you know to that cop he may think that you have a firearm in there and you're going to turn around shoot him in the belly or something so i mean those guys have families and wives and kids and stuff too so uh you know they want to go home every night and i don't think that's unfair and we had that other one down in atlanta where the dude took the taser i believe it was atlanta somewhere down that area the dude took the taser and turned it on the police and stuff and beat one cop down on the ground about knocked him out i think he gave him a concussion or something and supposedly that's racism no it's not racism unless you look at things through the lens of communism so guys we're going to conclude the video there and as always i stand for liberty and i hope you do too we'll see you next time
Channel: The Hands On Channel
Views: 20,591
Rating: 4.3461189 out of 5
Id: gRKjen-thzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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