THE BOOK OF REVELATION // Session 16: Coming World War and Global Economic Collapse

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[Music] welcome back to the maranatha global bible study on the book of revelation my name is dalton thomas here in the gulen heights northern israel we are continuing our journey through the book of revelation specifically through revelation chapter 6. today we're going to be looking at what i'm titling the final world war and the coming economic collapse we're going to be looking at the over the next few sessions we're going to be looking at the judgment events in revelation chapter 6 probably two at a time and how they overlap and interact with one another before that if you're new to fai thousands of you every week are either subscribing to the youtube channel or downloading the app first of all thank you if you're new and trying to figure out who we are i'd encourage you to go watch our documentary series the frontier or sheep among wolves or better friends than mountains and get acquainted with the core of our message and mandate which is local on the ground ministry in the middle east and on top of that if you would like to consider supporting this work in the middle east there's a very cool and simple way to do it you can subscribe set up monthly payments for only five dollars a month to donate and all of the funds that come in under that are earmarked in that designation for the five dollar a month campaign is going to go to our teams on the field working in iraq iran syria turkey lebanon israel etc etc we have teams all over the middle east are some of the greatest people that i've ever met in my life toillessly laboring tirelessly toiling and laboring and my job as the the founder of the organization is to raise the funds that they need to do what they're doing on the field and it and to be honest it's quite a hard slog and so those of you who are tuning in to watch these bible studies or watch our films and enjoy them if you'd like to get involved with fai in a deeper way and support what we're doing on the ground in the middle east consider donating five dollars a month it's a little thing that goes a very long way if a lot of people do it and so we're really praying that the lord would grow this base of five dollar monthly giver so that we can expand what we're doing in the middle east if you're curious about what the money goes to at the end of every year we put out a financial report but in the meantime between now and the the end of the year when you can see how we spent it in 2021 you can go watch our films because that shows you how we spend it and the money for the films by the way does not come out of this bucket this bucket is going to our teams on the field in the middle east with that let's jump into revelation chapter six we're looking at verse three we're going to start there in our last session we looked at the rise of the antichrist the formation of what we call the the new world order or the final world order we should call it this new world order will be the final world order there may be some world orders on the way but this is going to be the last one when the antichrist rises this will be the final great conflict of all conflicts this will be the war to end all wars this is going to be the big shebang now we looked in our last session at the nature of the seals namely that they're future events that they're sovereignly intentionally devised designed events that jesus executes on the earth we saw that there are sequential events meaning they're named one two three four five six seven for a specific reason we can see that these events the first four events are mostly human events taking place under the sovereign administration of god and we see that after the fourth event everything else is very much more sovereign divine interference we should say in the unfolding of the great tribulation events the first four however stand distinct because there are four horses after the first four the first four seals are four horses and then after the four horses we don't have any more horses everything after that is specific judgment events that unfold and barrel into other judgment events that culminate in the return of the lord the destruction of the antichrist the salvation of the jewish people the gathering together of the church we see the final judgment restoration of all things the vindication of all the promises of god and the birth of the new messianic age so we're at the very very beginning of that thing in our last session we looked at the rise of the antichrist who comes on a white horse who comes with a form of peace and he comes out conquering and to conquer and there's a dynamic where he establishes through political and military aggression he establishes a form of peace and that peace will be violently shattered with the tearing of the second seal this is why we looked at in our last session we talked about the the challenge of pinpointing is the tearing of the first seal at the beginning of daniel's 70th week or is it in the middle of daniel's 70th week does it happen three and a half years before the great tribulation begins or does it begin when the great tribulation begins i think there's good evidence for both i lean towards the first seal being the beginning of daniel's 70th week you can watch the last session to see why that is but i want to talk about something before we move into this it's that we see repeated both in the first and the second and other verses as well are judgment events as well and that is the the concept of something being granted or something being taken this implies sovereign administration over this thing so for example we see in verse 2 i looked and behold a white horse that's right at a bow and a crown was given to him okay then we see and that the the writer in verse four was permitted to take peace from the earth and a great sword was given to him so we have giving a sword taking peace giving a crown and conquering so taking authority so there's there's a twofold dynamic that takes place that i want to mention before we go on there's a number of verses to talk about this daniel chapter 7 we see in uh revelation 12 and 13 daniel chapter 11 daniel 9 there's a number of other pastors daniel 8 that describe the antichrist as being god is the one who gives him authority who grants him the right to exercise this degree of authority on the earth in the final generation okay god's the one who does it but at the same time revelation 13 verse 2 says this the dragon satan of old gave the beast the antichrist gave him his power his throne and his great authority power thrown in authority okay so a crown is given to the writer on the white horse in chapter six and power throne and authority are given to him in chapter 13. which i think are synonymous the giving of power and authority okay so what's important about this is to note this that there is a divine element god is giving things and there's a satanic demonic element where the where the enemy is giving him his authority so on one hand god is administering and executing allowing orchestrating setting in motion through his sovereign intentionality the rise of the antichrist giving him authority over the saints it says in daniel 7 that the saints will be given into his hand who who holds the saints the lord holds the saints he's the one who who is in charge who is in charge of us our lives it says indeed something that he's going to give us into the hand of the final little horn the final beast he's going to give us over into his hand there's a sovereign loving intentionality here that he's going gonna give us over and give the authority of the antichrist to spill the blood of the redeemed it's it's it's shocking when you say it in certain ways in certain you know vocabulary you say like wait the lord's going to give us his beloved cherished bride over to the antichrist to suffer to be brutalized yes do you remember the core essence of our of our faith is that we follow a slain lamb and a crucified messiah was led to the slaughter and didn't defend himself and kept his mouth shut and just bore the cross jesus didn't go to the cross so that you would never have to bear a cross jesus bore a cross to show you how to carry one now his cross bearing absolved our penalty for sin in full but it does not absolve us from the core mandate to walk as he walked and to be a cruciform people who have his personality mated into us our our cross does not add anything to his cross it makes much of his it exalts his it puts his cross on display and there is a dynamic at the end of the age when the evil one gives authority to the antichrist and when god gives grants authority to the antichrist remember what jesus said matthew 28 all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me he has it all so he gives some of his authority to the beast the antichrist to crush the saints to break them down why we'll talk about this a lot more in detail because martyrdom is a massive theme in the book of revelation by our cross carrying we magnify jesus cross bearing we are going to display not just declare but we are going to display the gospel to the nations of the earth at the end of the age by walking as he walked and being a crucified people who are wholly dependent upon resurrection power that said let's begin to work our way through this the white horse rises a new order is established on the earth conquering is taking place verse three he opened the second seal and i heard the second living creatures say come come draw near open your eyes open your ears open your heart come behold and i looked i looked and behold as with the last judgment event there's an element where john says i looked but and john is commanding us behold though he says i looked behold come look with me in other words behold what john saw see what he saw he sees what another horse bright red its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth so that people should slay one another and he was given a great sword let's define this summarize it and then work our way word by word through this the opening of the second seal emphatically describes the final world war the beginning of the final world war now the final world war will be a series in a succession of military campaigns and military clashes between nations and peoples it's not as though it's just one battlefield where it all takes place like world war one or world war ii you had lots of fronts opened up all over the world you had multiple battlegrounds that were decisive in determining the outcome of that war but we call world war ii world war ii we called that because it was the world was at war now the battle of the bulge was a very decisive part of the war there was battles that took place in north africa that were very significant consequential they were part of the big war and the same dynamic is going to take place in the final war to end all wars we're going to see a series of military campaigns that are going to set context for the taking of peace from the earth this final war is going to be a shocking war in terms of its magnitude in terms of its scope in turn in terms of the the the depths of human depravity that are going to be unleashed upon the earth which is a hallmark uh characteristic i should say of these four judgment events the first four very much is god sovereignly allowing men to express all that they actually are when it says that he it was granted it was permitted to take peace from the earth what it means is men naturally if it were not for the restraining hand of god keeping us from killing each other we would butcher each other i don't think this gets talked about enough in our pulpits and in our churches and our communities the this the restraining hand of god that keeps men from acting out that which they fundamentally are we tend to think of you know humanity is mostly good but every now and again we do bad things what the book of revelation teaches us is that god and his kindness is restraining mankind from doing our worst which is actually doing what we are behaving in the way that we actually have capacity to he's keeping wars at bay right now what you should know about the lord right now is that actively he is restraining wars he is restraining bloodshed at every turn men are trying to fight each other trying to slit each other's throats and the lord is restraining and a big part of the final world order and the final war is the lord taking his hand off and saying i'm going to give you what you want and show you who you really are i've restrained you i'm going to take my restraint off it's like if you've ever read the book or seen any of the the film or the remake of the film lord of the flies you know it's a pretty powerful uh parable uh story of these children that end up uh plain wrecked shipwrecked plain wrecked on an island and they have to set up an order in a structure and you watch where the kids are pushed to without the supervision of adults the beginning of the final world war is going very much a dynamic a lord of the flies dynamic where the lord takes his hand off and says do your worst to each other you want it go for it you want to you want to be all that you can be you want to be human you want to be fully free and fully human and cast off my restraining hand go for it i will permit i will allow a messianic figure to emerge in your midst who embodies the violence that is within your very nature because of the fall in the garden those thousands years ago i'm gonna give you what the desires of your heart here there's gonna be one that will rise up and we'll test the hearts of all men and when he rises i'm gonna give authority to him and i'm gonna give authority to the second rider on the second horse to take peace from the earth and i'm going to give that rider a giant sword with which to stir up war the beginning of the final generation begins beloved i want to say this emphatically and clearly so that we understand this the beginning of the end will be the emergence of a political leader bent on conquest who stirs up after his rise the most brutal bloody war in all of human history that will eclipse all wars before it which is very staggering considering the statistical impact of the wars throughout human history this will be the greatest war of all time let's talk about this this term the great sword for a moment this great sword speaks of a kind of depraved violence that the earth has never seen before in the days of noah we see that violence and iniquity and bloodshed covered the earth we see in many times throughout scripture that there's vi there's seasons of violence or violence is just it's it's grotesque it's horrific it's it's mind-numbing my kids right now in in school are learning about the roman empire we're you know reading some of their books and the descriptions of the roman empire wow it's brutal absolutely brutal what they've they did to each other what's going to be allowed what this great sword represents is a kind of atrocious violence that is is going to it says in the book of luke men's hearts will fail from fear when the when this war breaks out now let's contrast something here from chapter from the first seal to the second seal this first seal he's carrying he has a crown he's carrying a bow he's establishing a kind of peace i mean if you have a crown it means you have political authority right if you have a bow it means that you have military authority but you're not necessarily using it okay and a sword means you're ready to clash the imagery is very intentional and it's very meaningful meaning the difference between when the antichrist emerges he doesn't come out swinging with the sword he comes with a bow i mean he comes with threats he comes conniving maneuvering manipulating there's state craft there's shadows there's things happening behind the scenes but in this war everything's out in the open there is a bloodbath that happens when the second seal is torn now the question is does this does this take place at the beginning of the final 70th week does it happen sometime in the middle between then in the middle middle or does it happen at the middle we don't know what we do know is this when it's torn warfare and bloodletting blood shedding is going to cover the earth peace will be taken from the earth he will use he's going to have an a bow without arrows the antichrist but the the impact of his emergence with the bow without arrows the impact of it is a great sword being swung at the nations of the earth and peace being taken from the earth which is a very very important very important phrase for us to to to hone in on here for for a considerable part of this session is this whole issue of peace being taken from the earth peace you know i wouldn't describe 2021 as necessarily being a very peaceful year on the earth uh you know just just let's just just take where fai is working not even all of the other battles and conflict zones or fais and just where fbi is working i mean my daily like interaction with all of our leaders on the field is over war and conflict it's do you think this actually gonna happen you think they're gonna attack the whole rumor of war thing is a massive dynamic and our world is a spiritual family on a daily basis people it's it's man you know i mean i wouldn't define it you know you're maybe maybe living in i don't know canada or something and you're saying oh yeah it's pretty pretty much peaceful canada canada is pretty peaceful right now i i think but the world is not at peace right now peace is going to be taken from the earth the way peace was taken from syria 10 years ago in 2011 2012 when the revolution broke out i would actually argue or suggest that the syrian civil war is actually a very very good picture of what it looks like when peace is taken when a great sword is given when there is uh you know political military power exercised and used in a way that is catastrophic you know the syrian civil war is just staggering how many people were killed in it now imagine that on a global level you know we've seen these images of damascus and aleppo and idlib and these different places the the syrian regime just absolutely destroyed well imagine that on a global scale now the great tribulation is going to be a jerusalem-centric middle eastern conflict theater of war predominantly but it's going to spill over and it's going to touch europe it's going to touch africa it's going to touch asia it's going to touch the west it's going to touch the americas for sure but the center the eye of the storm will be jerusalem and it will be the middle east now this whole context of taking peace from the earth is very significant because it means then that the conquest of the rise of the antichrist in the first seal establishes in this new world order a kind of peace it establishes a form of peace that is shattered when it is taken meaning this if he came and he his emergence has rise which is probably i think the best argument for why the first seal is not the great tribulation why the first seal is not the abomination of desolation why because his emergence brings an a a perception of peace an experience of some kind of peace now when the antichrist emerges at the middle of daniel's 70th week peace is over there is no peace at that point he goes forth in violence and in fury devoted to the destruction of many it says in daniel chapter 11 40 41-42 he's devoted to destruction daniel 8 12-14 describes he goes forth in great violence attempting to annihilate the jewish people and annihilate anyone that opposes him so that's why i think the first seal is most likely the beginning of the 70th week of daniel which establishes a form of false peace that leads to catastrophic war that shatters that piece let's look at a couple passages and compare compare them now i believe the context for the breaking of this seal is the counterfeit world peace that's described both in daniel 9 and in first thessalonians 5 among many many other passages i believe that this will end with the opening of the the uh what do you not the opening the uh i'm sorry i just lost the word just fell out of my head with the establishment with the the the setting up of the abomination of desolation this will culminate and i believe that the taking the peace from the earth is going to culminate in the abomination of desolation taking being set up which at that point it's going to be something else entirely meaning this i think we there has been let me try to to simplify and to separate threads here there is been a pop cultural idea largely because of the left behind books largely because just the false doctrine of of pre-tribulation rapture that even if you don't believe it even people i found that a lot of people who are even post tribal pre-wrath are just not involved in the rapture thing at all they they have a kind of assumption that the the end of the age scenario is going to kind of be like uh peace peace peace peace peace and then abomination desolation and war and then that's kind of it but before that there's not like wars that's not how the bible describes it a couple verses daniel 11 describes a series of military confrontations that take place before the abomination of desolation is set up in verse 31. verse 21-31 describes in detail a number of collisions and clashes that take place matthew 24 verses 4 through 8 and 9 through 14 describe wars and rumors of wars before the abomination of desolation is set up that means clashing is taking place globally and in the middle east before the hard labor so the peace the perceived peace that's taking place that's shattered the shattering of the peace doesn't doesn't necessarily need to take place in the middle of the 70th week of daniel it doesn't necessarily need to take place at the abomination of desolation in fact i would argue that it must necessarily not be taken at the abomination of desolation why for numerous reasons but one is because jesus said before the abomination of desolation there's going to be wars and rumors of wars which means this if there's war it means peace is being taken from the earth jesus describes in matthew 24 verses 4 through 8 pestilence sword famine earthquakes mass death toll daniel 11 describes the same sort of dynamic leading up to the false peace now listen to the way paul describes this in first thessalonians first thessalonians 5 for when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman they shall not escape who is they the people who don't escape and the people this it's a sudden destruction comes upon them who the people that say peace and safety which means this the people that establish the antichrist his coalition his forces who established this peace they're going to declare a kind of peace but here's the thing guys you don't establish peace in the middle east of any kind without excessive force without the use of incredible violence i do not believe that the final world coalition revolving around the antichrist's tyrannical leadership is going to take place because he has good ideas because the color of his eyes he's not going to emerge and people are going you know it's a good idea let's listen to old peaceful magee no when the antichrist is gonna arise with conquest he's gonna arise as a military leader in daniel chapter 11 21-31 it describes that he's going to have clashes with the king of the south he's going to there's going to be confrontation taking place in the mediterranean there's going to be naval clashes there's going to be on the ground clashes there's going to be diplomatic clashes so the peace is not don't think of in terms of a massive middle eastern regional kumbaya it's a kind of peace that takes place like in syria for example after the assad regime takes control of a particular locale you know there were places in europe in the middle east that had a kind of peace after they were occupied and i would argue this at the kind of peace that people are going to be saying peace and safety peace and safety is going to be because of preliminary military campaigns and conquests that lead to a form of occupation or diplomatic national relationships between countries with the coalition of the antichrist through intimidation and statecraft that create a sense of peace a sense of peace you know the will this peace be felt more destructively and delusionally than in the state of israel itself state of israel is going to be in a we read this in many places in in the old and the new testament but specifically ezekiel 38 and 39 describe that israel will be dwelling in unwalled villages in peace and in safety when suddenly the antichrist invades now the antichrist is going to invade it's gonna for any of you who have been around war i've been around more war than i would like to be i don't want to be around any war but we've been around a lot of wars and i know this that when you it the human and dynamics and war are i think overlooked for people who've never been around war in order to establish the abomination of desolation in jerusalem you have to militarily occupy jerusalem which means this it doesn't mean the battle for jerusalem is going to start at the beginning of the tribulation it's going to begin before that because it means that he now has the ability to walk into the city and establish the abominable act and desolate the city because he he's now in jerusalem which means this the violation of israel's borders in the final war is going to happen before the abomination of desolation is set up which means this this war to end all wars this sudden destruction that breaks out on the earth this peace and safety that's shattered because israel is going to be saying peace and safety the antichrist is going to be saying peace and safety the harlot babylon's going to be saying peace and safety the only people who aren't going to be saying peace and safety during that time are the saints the believers on the earth who are under the heel already of the harlot babylon and under the heel of the antichrist in a more formidable way later which is a very interesting dynamic in revelation 17 and 18 we see that the saints are suffering during the first part of the tribulation predominantly at the hand of the harlem babylon which the antichrist burns and attacks at the beginning of the tribulation which means this if he initiates the attack on the harlot babylon at the beginning of the tribulation it means that there's already clashing taking place before the beginning of the tribulation which is the final 42 months compare these two phrases when they say peace and safety sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains fall upon a pregnant woman peace and safety sudden destruction look at verse four and chapter six its writer was permitted to take peace so that they should slay one another with a great sword great destruction peace taken peace they'll say peace and they'll get sudden destruction the antichrist comes in the first seal to establish a kind of peace and then a great sword peace is taken from the earth let's look at this passage from daniel 9 verse 27 which if you haven't watched our sessions on the book of daniel our global maranatha bible study we encourage you to go do so we go into this in detail it says in verse 27 then he the antichrist will confirm or strengthen or affirm a covenant or the covenant with many for one week of years seven years a week of years but in the middle of the week of years in the middle of the seven years he'll bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing or the extremity the extreme end of abominations he will make desolate or shall be one who makes desolate in other words to paraphrase he's going to do an abominable thing that desolates and decimates the city of jerusalem by bringing the end to the sacrifices of the temple which takes place at the middle of the final 77 years but at the beginning of the seven years he shall confirm a covenant now the english translations differ on this is he confirming a covenant the actual hebrew is going to give you a different vibe here the confirmation of the covenant you know the new king james has confirmed a covenant again all the translations are a little bit different and this has been interpreted kind of in pop culture prophecy circles as being he comes in and says let's make a peace treaty and everyone goes yeah yeah peace treaty and everyone signs it and then 42 months later he goes ha ha suckers it's actually not a peace treaty and then he attacks israel i don't think that's necessarily what's happening here and it's important to note why when the antichrist emerges in daniel chapter 11 which is before the abomination of desolation he go he's in conquest military diplomacy political aggression mode already okay and he comes and it says this that he he he's bent with hatred towards the holy covenant in daniel chapter 11. he hates the covenant but he comes in with statecraft i believe at the beginning in daniel chapter 9 verse 27 and he confirms or affirms or strengthens the holy covenant the covenant the term covenant is only used in the book of daniel only used and it's used a lot by the way it's only used to speak about the holy covenant the covenant that god made with the nation of israel that's the only use and the only way that that word is ever used in the book of daniel it's possible that he's using it here in verse 27 as some sort of generic peace treaty but i think it's a it's a grammatically linguistically theologically intertextually it's a stretch at best to say that this is the establishment of a peace treaty i believe what is a more uh straightforward reading of the text is that he will affirm or recognize or acknowledge israel's right to the land on the basis of covenant for a season which is why there is a form of peace and security in israel at this time before the sudden destruction clamps down why is that important because as we look to the future as we await the emergence of the final beast the final antichrist we're not looking for a suave diplomat who's gonna come out of luxembourg in the eu and he's gonna come and say hey guys i got an idea peace in the middle east and everyone goes hey that's a good idea no one ever thought of that let's do peace in the middle east no he's going to come as a middle eastern leader who will emerge with statecraft and with intriguing with conniving and manipulation and threats and intimidation and bullying and he's going to clash with other middle eastern leaders for a period of three and a half years before he attacks jerusalem and before he attacks the harlot babylon which begins the hard labor of the final tribulation now that's significant because i believe that at the beginning part of the rise of the false messiah figure who comes in riding on the white horse with a bow and conquer and in conquest is because he's bent on the conquest of jerusalem but he understands that in order to conquest to eliminate opposition to control of jerusalem and to occupy it for a season he will need to confirm or affirm or acknowledge or recognize the holy covenant recognize israel's right to the land and israel's control of the city of jerusalem this will be like the ultimate form of statecraft which will be shattered when this false peace it's a false peace and i think this this this is the best way to combine all these passages and the intertextuality between all of them all the passages say the same thing whether it's ezekiel 38 39 daniel 11 2 thessalonians 1st thessalonians 5 revelation chapter 6 there is a there is an establishment of a false peace on the back side of the rise of the antichrist that revolves around israel feeling at peace now i live in israel and i i i know i'm not israeli i'm not jewish but i understand the threats that the people on all the borders of israel feel on a daily basis about their neighbors who hate them so much and i know that for there to be a description like the one in ezekiel 38 and 39 like the one described in in first thessalonians if in order for israelis to feel safe and to live without walls like i i live in a a community a village a settlement in the golan heights and my neighborhood is surrounded by walls fences gates every community every kibbutz every moshav in israel has gates and fences around it there aren't just open areas in israel that don't have fences everyone's living in a walled village literally today in order for those walls and those fences to come down people say you know we don't need the fence anymore we don't need the wall we're dwelling securely we have this peace agreement they affirmed our right to the land that is going to give a false sense of security that is going to be brutally viciously violently shattered when the peace is taken now for jerusalem the peace is going to be taken in the middle of the week we know that from daniel 9 27 in the middle of the final seven years the abomination of desolation will be set up but i believe that there's going to be a series of wars that will be part of the final war meaning you know you had military conquests at the beginning of world war ii which led into world war ii now i don't think the abomination of desolation is going to kick everything off it's going there's going to be a series of skirmishes and conflicts and sizable wars that will run into the abomination of desolation that will culminate in the climax of the battle for jerusalem which means this don't think about the first half of the final 70th week as a time of no war we need to think about it in terms of a season of significant war that establishes a kind of peace through the establishment of a new world order that leads to a very bloody conflict now in our next session we're gonna dive into the impact i'll mention it here and this will be what we'll do for the next few sessions i'll mention our next one and then we'll move on and then our next session we'll go through it in a deeper way but the opening of the third seal very much describes the impact or the consequences or the next phase of the rise of the antichrist the establishment of his coalition his world order the breaking out of war the taking of peace from the earth the allowing of men to butcher each other and a great sword being given to him what's the impact of it it's chapter 6 verse 5 and six global famine shortage of food and an economic collapse total economic collapse money will become absolutely useless you'll be lighting it on fire to keep you warm and using it for toilet paper it's going to be nothing in that day this is what we'll get to in our next session we're going to talk about the the black horse the third seal the impact economically where we're at today where we're going and ultimately where this thing is going to unfold leading up to the greatest depression the greatest economic catastrophe in world history and the greatest famine and food shortage in world history that will lead to the greatest death toll in world history of any other catastrophe and conflict in world history staggering it's kind of a heavy note to end on but we'll leave it there in summary before we wrap up the seven seals are sequential judgment events that are released under jesus's sovereign authority and intentionality to prepare the earth for the hard labor of the final tribulation before jesus returns that all takes place within a seven year time frame the majority of which takes place in a final three and a half year time frame this final three and a half year time frame is where all of this is going to hit hard meaning the antichrist will rise at the beginning of the seven years but the impact of his rise will be felt until the end and it's going to be increasingly felt in more violent and vicious ways as time goes on the peace that will be taken from the earth will be taken relatively quickly in the first three and a half years and that that peace being taken from the earth is going to increase and increase throughout the duration of the final seven years and the economic collapse and the famine and the food shortage and the death toll that's going to come as a result of the wars and the financial woes and because of the starvation that's going to grip the earth that's going to increase and escalate and intensify right up until the very end it's not going to relent it's only going to get more severe as time goes on which is a very important piece of information to have in all of this we'll end it there sorry to end on such a bleak note uh but there's really nowhere to go from here except to keep going and we're out of time so guys thank you for watching this again if you appreciate these messages consider giving five dollars a month it goes a long long way when a lot of us throw in on it and we're excited to see what the lord is gonna do because one of the reasons that we take the subject of eschatology so seriously is we believe as a spiritual family and as an organization that we are going to be called to minister and to lead into labor and to pioneer in the midst of these things so these are the days of small beginnings and the days of preparation to build muscle memory you know kovid isis the arab spring all of these things that have happened over the last decade or so we should use them as reference points as examples and opportunities to practice it's kind of like the pre-game show this is the beginning before the the heavy stuff kicks into gear don't waste the covet 19 crisis use this crisis to grow in your knowledge of the lord what the lord is doing and in the depths of your obedience and in our transformation into the character and image of the man that we love and worship guys thank you for watching this from the golan heights blessings and maranatha
Views: 138,707
Rating: 4.8458714 out of 5
Keywords: Dalton Thomas, FAI, FAI Studios, end-times, end times, eschatology, Turkish antichrist, antichrist, Middle East beast, Joel Richardson, islamic antichrist, pretribulation rapture, rapture, Amir Tsarfati, Behold Israel ministries, frontier alliance international, sheep among wolves, return of Jesus, beast empire, revelation 13, harlot babylon, great tribulation, bible study, maranatha global bible study, Donald trump, make America great again, covid19, christian, mark of the beast
Id: d2qBlGM7FQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.