Shrimp and Crab Stovetop Boil

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hey what was it what's up everybody I am here today to do a quick crab and shrimp boy it's a little bit different from my fault pen so I wanted to bring you guys along as you see I am on my cell phone because I hadn't planned on doing this video but I'm gonna do it for you first let me say what's up to all my longtime subscribers my readers eaters my boobs and my boo yeah yeah delay and hey to my new subscribers and so glad that you have joined me on this journey they are helping me get to it that this is that I'm all upon helping me get to a thousand subscribers I'm so excited I love you each and every one of you so so much I'm bending down and I don't know where to look but anyway we're gonna do this boil if you have not already like comment share subscribe hit the boat hit the be notified I'm not gonna be crazy on this one because I was so tired on that Thanksgiving video and I'm tired now but I be just wanting to bring you out of these videos tired of night so please just forgive me if I'm rambling and being all off kilter okay and I found out today I was uh I just happened to hit the like button in it work and I almost outfit my life had been messed up YouTube had to get all involved I couldn't I go live at all even though I had over thousand subscribers or whatever go like and that is very one of the main reasons that I wanted to get to a path and subscribe okay yep alright I was out looking in my own safe feet either anyway let's get started right here what I have is my big ol just roll pot this thing is huge I like to use this on when I'm doing the boil on the so because I can kind of get everything in here I'm gonna put this on like a medium-high you guys what you want this water to do is start getting now bubbly and rumbly and let me show you what you're gonna put in there what I put in my pipe for my boil if you have one of those classes got the basket in of your lucky person I don't have that kind of my pot at this present time this is my all-time favorite yeah we're gonna use it okay so this water that we're going to be bringing the ball to a boil I'm gonna put one of these smaller packs announcer this is a five ounce bag and this is a crawfish shrimp and boil now make sure you have some aeration going on some vents on it things of that nature because this stuff will get hot and get your nose all ago okay so we're gonna put this in this water I have this part kind of maybe like halfway fool because you know as you act they're potatoes and you add the coin and all of that stuff it's gonna get you know to rise and up but if I need to I will rise you know I like the water to get about right here and that gives like a good amount of space for me to still have room to get some ball okay so that's that quad fish shrimp and crab boil I do that powder and then I do this this McCormick shrimp and crab boil it's a packet okay that stays in there the duration now I'm already about that start sneezing that was that's don't happen yeah this stuff got some seasoning in it that do not climb okay this box comes with two of those seasoning packets in it and I just don't one of them in its got all kind of great stuff in here you know let's see I don't have on my my eyes but it's got a lot of good stuff in here clothes coriander seed and I'm kind of deal we and I kind of stuff in here so this is a good package to add today okay I'm gonna also add two sticks of butter butter is gonna help with your crap I mean with the shrimp and your craft to slide away from that shell so you want to put some butter in okay as you can see I'm doing a pretty big boil I'm gonna have potatoes corn sausage crab legs and shrimp okay and I'm about gonna add it just like I said in there I'm gonna in opposite of I'm gonna do the corn first usually takes the longest okay but I'm not gonna add anything till I get this like I want it okay ginger and I like to use the fresh ginger but I couldn't didn't feel like going out and finding it so I do have this this miss ginger and I'm gonna put about two tablespoons in there my gentle tablespoons okay sometimes I'll just pour down off in there it's about to be gone I could just use this whole thing up and just buy me another one let's see I'm gonna leave in there but ginger is a very distinctive taste so you don't want to go crazy with the ginger but I only have a little bit left so I'm just gonna put this on down up in here and and move it on out of the refrigerator okay don't take mom towards men and do liftable okay okay oh my let me show you what I have I have a sweet onion a medium sweet onion that I have coarsely shot I know I have to kind of work with this phone because I'm looking up at you guys but nothing with what I'm showing I have three lemons that I put in you know fours so that's my twelve pieces and then I have some fresh garlic about hmm maybe you see about nine cloves or something like that all right and I'm gonna put this down in here and I'm gonna be trouble I'm gonna be careful because it's already starting to get hot I don't want to burn myself I just want to get this down in here I so you see how these delicious tastes that we're building Oh Hank that's nice hey John if I get very hung okay know what we're gonna do is we're gonna let this come to a simmer and boil okay we want to get these tastes to marry together right now okay this is where I taste and see Oh taste in skew if I like with the flavor and if I want to add anything else so let's try I'm a it's already hot let me tell you something this is hot and this is hot too but together ACOD that's the clownfish one that's not the crap one is insane this time his eyes like I'm gonna put a little bit more of this in here just a little bit it's hot enough already but I want this to marry together what this would be a little bit Ritter no come get on much let's get rid of that can definitely taste the ginger in here tastes so good okay I'm gonna let this boil for about five minutes before I start adding my potatoes let me show you my potatoes I have some baby red potatoes and I kind of go through before I even put them in the water and I kind of put holes in them because one thing I hate when I give me a crap bag you know from a restaurant something like that I hate that the potato is just you know you have to be careful to when you're doing this it's just white on the inside I know season and everything else is seasoned got the taste on there but the potato just be pretty much okay so I'm gonna let this come to a boil like a little Russell before I start adding ingredients okay so I okay hey y'all so while y'all walk off of camera while I was off camera I put some obey garlic and herb in here and I put some Worcestershire sauce about 1/4 of a cup of Worcestershire sauce in here and I think that's all I did off camera and now this is getting like foamy you see how skin foaminess and it's about to boil okay so now I'm gonna add the hard step that takes the longest I'm gonna add my corn my potatoes my red potatoes and my sausage okay big cup for you guys you see how full this is so I kind of go down in there just like that with my car coriander Cortland Korean Court Corps Lander Cortland I think it's a coil and I got it coriander is a seasoning it's good so put my potatoes in here then I'm gonna put them in some corn some corn niblets in here it made some niblet comedy's all niblets these are gonna take the longest so you start like this okay we're gonna crank up this heat I'm gonna put about 12 corn in here release this is going to bring the water temperature down too so that's why I cranked it up okay the coin is still cold work out about 12 in there I just put one more to grow on oh so okay that's gonna bring the temperature down right because we put the cold corn in here so I have turned up my heat as well because I like my sausage to get a good little cook on it I'm gonna put it in my core lamp so I can do the same way into slide it down into the water so I don't burn myself okay all right now I'm gonna let this cook for 15 minutes next will be my crab legs then will be my shrimp hang with me I'm added by my crab legs let me look at y'all I'm man by my crab legs okay I got a couple of clusters at the store at once store Fiesta and because the ones that were out look like crap he told me he was gonna give me some frozen ones okay of course that means they're gonna weigh more because they're frozen well you should have been doing something on the register D taking some off okay forgot how am i cleaning me wasn't hardly nothing for $30 told my head I'm gonna give me some more I can eat those by myself went to another store Tom Thumb and I think they were about $12.99 or pound and same thing they would counter you know here and there with the clusters not a lot of clusters whatever so I said well just give me some good clusters and so he pulled out a bag and I said what's that and he was like oh this was a clerk some clusters that I had for another lady she just didn't come back to get them and it's probably about two and a half pounds like what you want so I really want paying them North End I was like well the buddies did some clouds in there I mean you know some clusters in there cuz this is like a lot of pieces now it's some clusters in it y'all know he didn't last me and I grew up in there I'm sayin so I'm gonna go up in there and I'm a plan cuz I got more little just individual leagues then I do clusters and I got a attitude really anyway yeah we're gonna let this cook for about 15 minutes I'm gonna crank up the heat and let this cook about 15 to 20 minutes you guys and then I'll be back and we're gonna put out crab legs in here let them cook about six to eight minutes then we'll drop the shrimp and we'll let the whole thing cook about ten minutes I might think that shrimp gonna be over there but we won't because what I'll do is when the shrimp get in here I cook the shrimp for like five minutes and then I cook the whole thing down put a top on here and let it continue to cook like that and I found that my shrimp don't get chewy like that so will they bake when we're gonna do the crab okay okay hey you guys it's been about 20 minutes so how I'm gonna check this to see if I'm ready to put in my craft I'm gonna go and I'm gonna check one of these corns on a cup see if I like the tenderness of the back you know check a kernel make sure it's nice to heart you know then I'm going down in here and I'm gonna dig me up a potato if I can't naima see how that is these are some small ways you guys so you see it's already tender what is going right in there as a matter of fact I got a little piece right here I'm gonna taste it yep okay so the next thing we're gonna do we're gonna put our crab in here I mean looking don't be judging my little broke up crab me we'll find some good ones I do have some Club the do have some I'm gonna dump them down in here I like to make sure that I get that top part down into the seasoning because it helps to season the whole clock okay so we're gonna definitely be going right on down I washed these and cleaned them up already putting them down I'm in there pushing them down and I'm gonna let this cook you guys once I get my shrimp in here i'ma leave everything in there tonight I take a shower and then it'll be ready spread deep down I'll stay in there then I'm gonna put all these little pieces in here a leg here a leg there here leg everywhere I gotta add a little about it but I'm gonna eat it like this I don't know I'm tripping be eating this spice and stuff late I'm gonna head to my front of the night but I mean I've had down one thing on my turn today it is 8:45 and I haven't had one thing to eat okay so we're gonna get on this in here you guys I'm gonna stuff these on down up in here and I'm gonna get all these little pieces off the counter there's one stick one stick one stick one does and I'm gonna force these on down in the wine hmm yes baby yeah i'ma show y'all how I play them up eat mine okay so I'm gonna put these the rest of these in here I'm gonna let them cook and I'm gonna throw my shrimp on the top I guess I left I've seen your thumbs [ __ ] Mountain time why not you know you've been with me all the way nice finish be back in a little bit okay yeah we're at the home stretch we're gonna add our shrimp right here look at this beautiful thing would you I'm so sorry that I started late for my family but they're gonna enjoy it once they get to it so late night up eating 4's okay I'm just gonna play with this and push it down in here you know the shrimping I'll take nothing by five minutes and we show you on my butter that I make to go over the top once you get what you want on your plate and get what you want on your plate then I make this bud and this is just something I made up you guys it's just two sticks of butter some I'm gonna put some minced garlic in here but this is two sticks of butter some parsley flakes some paprika and what is way over here some Creole seasoning and a little Worcestershire sauce but like I said I'm gonna put some some minced garlic in here as well and I'm just gonna make you know let this come to a boil and get all good and gooey and I've got the juice of one Lord two really big lemon in here too and then once we make our individual plates we'll take this sauce and we'll put it all over the top of whatever we decide that we want on our plates so when I come back next time I will be plating and I will show you you guys have this beautiful crab leg boil turned out okay I'm so ready it is your guys is yeah and I am ready to go to bed but I am going to tear this up before I do it's late to be e me but who cares I haven't eaten all day when I say nothing I mean zero nada nothing been taking care of my mommy today found out that she's gonna need surgery so I'm exhausted again I know you're tired of hearing it but when you start being a caregiver for your mother you're already caregiver for your child that's a lot but this is my crab and sausage well I've got it grab a shrimp boil crab and shrimp boil you what you think whoa let me tell you something no I think but it's food about to exceed of inertia job buddies Lord no just thank you for another day God that we didn't even have to be here we thank you for grace mercy favor God and we thank you for in advance for healing for anybody who needs healing God your remember Jesus we pray thank you Amy I'm gonna take a little sit there you go so sage sauce like mmm those so dips the flavor is delicious I hope you try this one see you guys on the next one I love you don't get your like I'm shirt and subscribe and remember your food in all the way live until there's being reached attack see you my readers see this I love you guys thank you for watching see you next time bye bye
Channel: See What Rita's Cooking
Views: 410,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seafood boil, seafood, crab legs, shrimp, sausage, corn, potatoes, garlic butter sauce, cooking tutorial, See What Ritas cooking, cooking videos, cooking show, garlic, lemon, old bay seafood boil, Old Bay, crowd pleasers
Id: QDXaCkugjhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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