How to make Shrimp Seafood Boil like Boiling Crab Whole Sha-Bang| Camarones estilo Boiling Crab

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to our Channel so today we have a different type of video for you guys as you guys could see with the background this is New Year's Eve and Chavez gonna be making our new 29 talk to me making our New Year's Eve dinner it's already 9 o'clock so he needs to hurry it up the other thing a coma said is the epicenter gitanos I said onion Wavell entonces if you guys would like to learn how to make this recipe then keep on watching this is very popular by the way and I don't know if they have it any other state other than California but over here in LA around the area it's very very popular yeah so boiling crab is one of our favorite favorite restaurants yeah and would you like any other like little restaurant that copies boiling crab doesn't taste at all the things but this recipe that Java came up with which he got on YouTube from different types of videos he made it himself so si le so receptive muchos we there's a YouTube a la Sol Sol hasta que su pierna a while que boiling crab sabe esta receta yo Aleta evil Ito was it no me see so I don't cha Lu Chu Chu Viva also leave us but also San Tomas Quattro alright cool so I'm gonna use 4 pounds of shrimp these are jumbo shrimp huge by the way that is huge and we get them without the head yeah you could get them with the head without the head I mean there's a secon whistles can get kudos and almost no matter in your Costa del Sol de la Rosa yeah no no no no what is our seafood market that's around like they're it's vendor one day I think her clothing pork no whoa I just went right now and there were literally closing in it and I started knocking on the window like please let me get some more you know yeah so we're gonna use four pounds of that it's gonna be like the whole mix right here we have the Cajun spice which is a Cajun seasoning we have lemon pepper we have all day mmm old me we have some cayenne pepper and pepper and we have some paprika by the way clam pepper is pretty spicy so finally this is the most expensive one this is 20 bucks by the way just be aware and then we have um I think I got cojones or heads of garlic and they were pretty small so I mean though the more Carnac the better I mean I like a lot of what you are also yeah y'all ready for fairness or what no I don't know people apparently the US it's an only one Salmonella salsa is no such anymore so and we also have this huge thing of water I mean you could get unsalted butter I got salted cuz I like mine salty so you could get unsalted talk to you so know somewhat romantic yep when I died mantequilla since I'm a little bit back on side por que nos gusta la la la so yeah when I start much oh they're so yeah this is gonna be your your sauce pretty much to learn that's gonna be this awesome make sure you get a lot and we also have some brown sugar yeah so we'll show you guys what you'll need that for as we go along yes thank you so all right so we're gonna start off by doing the occasion cajun spices can't make sure you get yourself one of these these are our tablespoons coupons whatever you got these are okay so we're gonna use tables all right so for the amount of trip that we're gonna make which is four pounds I would suggest that you put to taste take two tablespoons of each right so here we go just be aware that it's pretty salty so it's up to you how much you want to put but I mean this is how much we put whether you're going so we have two tablespoons of Cajun seasoning I got this one at on smart and final first Street you know my favorite yeah then lemon pepper I got this one a smart finals wall this thing was super expensive by the way mm-hmm 20 bucks I mean I think that's too much but it's bomb it is the one like I'm gonna be generous and put extra there's two tablespoons are you guys and of course of whatever spicy want like you can put less of warm yeah it's up to you I mean you think hey you know what this I don't like this don't even put it but it's just I'm gonna taste the same right all right so we're gonna put we only put one tablespoon source because it's spicy yes prices and the kids eat some too so yeah so that's that and then we're gonna play well again then we're gonna put one of her feet right [Music] all right that is two tablespoons of lemon pepper 2 tablespoons of Paige's seasoning 2 tablespoons of water all day one tablespoon of paprika 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper all right I'll let you want spice here okay and then now we're gonna mix it good oh there it is see that that's beautiful that's all flavor now we got we're gonna chop up our garlic so get yourself a good knife I got this once more and final okay I got everything this one final I'm gonna chop it up just chop it up you don't have to chop it fine fine fine but however you want to do it just know that you're gonna eat it and people don't like sometimes big chunks of yeah started be aware that it's up to you however you want to do it [Music] so that's not fine chop but there it is you know you know the chocolate too much [Music] all right there it is you could actually buy the card I've already already filled and everything so that you don't have to so now you don't have to feel it coz feeling it is hard yeah I think it takes longer the filaments we to cook all right so that's that boom alright guys so here we have our pan already and it's already getting hot so we're gonna have our butter and just be generous with the butter that'll not because this thing is for sure gonna be your sauce let's check it out [Music] look six words how physics works push it a little bit so Donna see that's the butter is gonna be your song so if you have a little bit of butter like you have too many chefs like us doesn't have enough yeah you have to be really happy butter I can't stress it enough all right and like I said it's up to you guys if you guys want to get a salted or unsalted but that's for us we like to salty so and we're also gonna have the lemon so I mean it's not gonna be that salty enough there it is guys I know this looks unhealthy AF but it's not a healthy meal good yeah that's not that's not a keto you think it okay [Music] alright so once the butter is melted you had your garlic alright guys so just how's the whole thing so once you have that dude your husband let's go bomb unless you hate garlic all right so once you had your garlic you make sure you let it um let it boil a little bit not boil but let it simmer and let it cook so that way you could get soft you better go get something on that you're not chewing on some hard ass party so don't let it boil too much though because then your butter is gonna clarify and once it clarifies that means like it kind of breaks with the solids the milks on it and you pretty much have a lot of oil okay guys so it looks like it's ready all right so once it's ready you leave and leave at simmering for about four minutes five minutes all right then you had your mixed take it out yeah you don't have that at all you got it off if you want but I had it on with this I want that flavor [Music] first I'm like it's growing you guys I just want to eat it already so that's pretty much your sauce right there to get it that's all the goodness you guys alright so once you got that you want to add your brown sugar so you add a tablespoon of brown sugar why don't you have a brush room look at stick yes so the sauce goes stick yeah mm-hmm so just be generous with it boom you had it you know what that's too much just a little bit so now they should get sticky so this is gonna make the sauce kind of sticky so that if you get stuck to your shrimp yeah I said we've seen a lot of people do it without it and it just slides like the shame but just comes out with yeah it's like a spot-on pretty much you know but you want to you want to let this kind of simmer until it's a little yeah I'm gonna have to get a little thick you know slim fit so your sauce is gonna just show right there right and so it's kind of thick not too thick but just you know enough sorry it could cut the shrimp's like super long and then after that we're gonna add our shrimp and then alright daddy so now that we have our sauce look at it I'm gonna show you how to take it it's not too thick but check it out it's like thick enough you know yeah it's not like super watery if you get what I'm saying so now we're gonna add lemon you could have at the limit now or you can add it after when you put the shrimp but we're gonna head it right now so that way you could get it mixed with all that can so we're gonna add a bottle five lemons no their lines on these right lemons lying potato potato yeah so we're just gonna add them these are small so I got like six of them that's why it won't be too salty but so I have a bomb-ass flavor trust me you're gonna love it you're never gonna love this recipe you guys I attach our like dude it's better than boiling crab literally like I was literally gonna I was thinking of selling this instead of cakes well like I want to make like a lunch truck you know like a lunch truck with this it's so good but then we'll have time like to sit down and dirty their fingers all over like in public you know yeah but then again they think about it again I'm honking - I'll get on peeler but then you think about it yeah so if your first time you know why yeah he's been thinking about it too much all right there nothing nothing make it a lemon in here all right cool there it is right there I know that's watering - yeah you guys gotta get gonna be right here I mean all right cool so there it is he has continued sin if you guys like if not add some more lemon there it is check it out oh my god Wow oh my god alright so there it's already done we're gonna add our shrimp I'm just gonna throw them in there I already know that cap for this it's gonna be for Council cuz I got eight months and I mean this this pan right here and literally just holds about four or five pounds so I'm just gonna fill it up to the point where I know it's you know be careful when grabbing them because the or shark their tail sharks [Music] all right so now that you got em in there just turn them you know I'm putting them under the sauce so I way they could get it you know they could cook and they could make the sauce go get in them you know with a nuketown and and they cook pretty fast be careful not to overcook them though because once you're over couple and their heart appeal I'm saying [Music] and [Music] beautiful alright cook them and then we like to show you guys don't make a mess like a little bit alright so check it out it's already getting thicker sauce is getting bigger together that's just how it is uploading tell me nice and then that's exactly how it is that boarding capsule I mean trust me this recipe you're gonna love it you're not gonna carry another yeah now you want to add like a load this or five files or sausages on the side that that's on you but we're just show you how to make the main main main yeah the main sauce with the shrimp and it's so good now pretty sure you could do it with like you can throw a lobster and then whatever you know so this is for a seafood boil when you're craving it you know all the youtubers have been doing with violence now you could do it from home to girl eat along with the youtubers know they're doing their mom mom but you gotta love it though I can't even stress it enough I can't say that enough right I got that Liz Lange can't ananias yummy goes there you go guys it's ready it's ready for you hurry I'm hungry alright so we're gonna take it out we're gonna throw it in our shadow a lot in our container and our pan I don't know we're gonna throw it in something that holds it check it out folks try to bring him solve yours your Ness check it out so we're gonna serve us up from here but there it is that's that's pretty much the whole thing [Music] your seafood boil you guys your whole shebang Bom Bom Bom and every drop Council check out this was so good I can't even describe like my mouth is the water like right you guys so this is the finished product here's our shrimp and then you pair it up with your white sticky rice oh yeah lemon and salt and pepper oh there you go I'm ready to eat yes you guys so if you guys like this video please don't forget to give us a big thumbs up comment down below if you're gonna try it if you do try it make sure you tie doesn't show us ya know we share this recipe and video with all of your friends and family and we'll see you in our next video also if you guys would like to see more cooking videos from us please make sure you let us know
Channel: Serranos Cakes
Views: 1,654,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seafood boil, shrimp boil, boiling crab, cajun shrimp, louisiana shrimp recipe, easy recipe, seafood boil mukbang, eating show, mukbang, cook with me, camarones, camarones estilo louisiana, receta facil, receta de camarones, cocina conmigo, serranos cakes, smart and final, white rice, sticky rice, salt and pepper, how to, tutorial, power couple, cooking vlogs, spanglish
Id: F2GP98-UKwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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