Shrieker Guide: Darkest Dungeon

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welcome the hidden squids gaming this giant winged bird creature it's a raven may give you an absolute headache of a time occasionally snatching your trinkets stressing your people out and for what depending on the event you get you might be killing the Shrieker for a trinket you might be getting your items back and those are typically to doling to options you're gonna get and both situations you can just kill the nests and ignore the Shrieker there's multiple ways to handle a streaker and there's different events that trigger the Shrieker there's the thief in the night event which is where you get your trinkets back and then there's the Shrieker prize event or you get a special trinket from the Shrieker until you have all the unique ones we're gonna go over every way so there's killing the Shrieker ignoring the Shrieker and getting the gold which is in the nest the easiest is gonna be talk about the gold first real quick killing the nests can get you about 10,000 to 17,500 gold and the champion level which is not too bad for how typically quick the fight is it's about usually 3 to 5 minutes if you don't kill the Shrieker which is if you're gonna kill the nest you're not gonna kill the streaker there's just not enough damage or time to do so if you have killed both let me know which party composition you use because that's really awesome because you have to kill the nests first and then the Shrieker now we're gonna go over the concept in the stats of the Shrieker just so we have a general overview of what we're fighting the concept is it's gonna blow as much stress damage and damage at you and then it's gonna leave at the end of the fourth round which means you get four full rounds to try to hit into this thing or the nest itself whatever one you choose the health is 150 for the Dodge is 63 and there's a speed of nine you are not going to want to damage the Raven since its blight is too high and it's bleed resistance is rather high as well and also only having three rounds of d-o-t damage isn't really all that great the stunning the Shrieker is possible but it's really not recommend doing so in any of these strategies because you're usually just looking to burst and the streaker also gets up to three actions so they're gonna burn through those tonnes easily and the only ability that really physically hurts is Peck because it's critical chances pretty good the ability of the Shriekers is to premise calls raw damage which is pack or stressed damaging disease with call the murder call and regurgitate these also debuff you for rather more stress or less accuracy which obviously just builds upon the huge a Dodge therefore if we're gonna kill the Shrieker we're gonna need about three reliable things in your party composition you take it you're gonna need more accuracy you're gonna need dodge reduction on the Shrieker and you're gonna need massive verall damage like I said d-o-t is not for this fight first one we're gonna go over its just accuracy I believe the gesture is a very strong choice along with the man-at-arms the gesture can increase accuracy critical strikes and speed which is nice the men arms can do very similar things as well the gestures finale may also be something you want to look into because of that massive damage at the end now I'm going to warn you you get to use two turns of battle ballad then you have to solo if he's in position three or four which he will be for battle battling and then you're gonna have to use finale which means you're only gonna get plus twenty accuracy which is normally alive but if you don't get a good debuff of dodge twenty accuracy against sixty dodge it's gonna help you a little bit but not as much as maybe getting to 30 or even 40 by the fourth round won't be for you but I'll still be thirty by the fourth round which is excellent however that finale damage is amazing and if you do get a dodge debuff with another character bringing down that hammer for an it may be like a possible 50 damage is really nice way to finish off the Shrieker HP pool of 154 isn't that much next we're gonna go over dodge reduction I think you absolutely need a dodge reduction 63 dodge is just too much to let alone and also there's really not enough trinkets for other accuracy buffs and dammit we're all damaged in the game to really ignore the Dodge I have done it a couple times I've just found it easier if you take in a vestal who can do illumination the first round because usually a party hasn't taken a lot of damage an illumination doesn't work the first round you can go to the second round if it hasn't worked by the second round you're probably gonna be healing for the last two if one of your character has probably got critically struck the Shriekers are pretty RG dependent fight due to the fact it has 63 Dodge and you need a debuff to work the debuff resistance on the trigger isn't particularly high but sitting at 70 percent is still pretty high because even if you have 140 percent chance that's only 70 percent therefore you might want to get a trinket that can add like 15 or 20 percent debuff chance just don't you know make that like a 90 percent is at that point if you had two in a row that's just bad luck what can I say finally we get to this raw damage idea and it's not like a hundred and fifty HP is really that hard to get through but it's when you have two members priming your party I'll call it we're buffing because you have one guy increasing your accuracy increasing your speed and they have the other one doing debuff resistance that leaves two characters to do 150 damage which is pretty strong because if you take that over eight turns each one has to do about an average of 20 damage per turn regarding no one misses which you're probably gonna get a Miss on turn two and if you don't do the strategy I'm gonna recommend right now you're probably gonna miss one we're both on the first round I really like lepers because in the first round you can increase your accuracy about by twenty five accuracy on both lepers which is really good to see a twenty five accuracy and then if you get the minus thirty dodge that the Vestal can do with her illumination ability you've essentially gained fifty five accuracy in the first round which almost negates everything I'm already going now this is not to say that lepers may not have their limitations during this fight the Shrieker will move forwards and backwards occasionally and thus the nest may go to the first two rows and both are large creatures so they both take up two spots if both of your lepers were to go when the nest is in the front you would lose a whole turn of damage and there's nothing you can do which is why I maybe recommend having your jester solo and then finale on turns three and then four however if all six of your leper attacks get to go this is where you start somewhat chancing on RNG critical because you really need the leper to get it critical but once they do it pretty much depletes a third of the Shriekers health so in six attacks sitting about 40% critical at that point I think you'd be pretty comfortable in probably getting a critical strike or two and even if you don't get a critical strike it's still gonna hit for probably 20 to 40 damage and if you critical like I said some be between fifty and sixty which is essentially a third of the Shrieker self and at that point it's a pretty easy cleanup some other honorable mentions on raw damage could be the high boom in with point-blank blast or Hellion she can be get pretty strong too and she can also have a good versatility of the rose if you haven't her front just in case that nest does come forward she could iron fire and Swan the back and really help you out there any trinkets to make you hit Eldridge harder is also advised because the Shrieker is eldritch so any of the Rings that do more out damage where any quirks really help out a lot here as well it also might be possible to have the Highwaymen do the repost and then do the point-blank because the Shrieker does have some AoE abilities I hit the whole party but it's not many if the Shrieker doesn't target the Highwaymen you kind of waste I turn over post it's not really a waste cuz you just do some damage but the highway mends a more gutsy call but if he focuses the Highwaymen a lot it's really nice and you'll see in the one clip here that I get some lucky proposed criticals doing these three things I think you will have more consistent success against a Shrieker if you find yourself just going in and just not even killing the trigger just killing the nest there's nothing wrong with killing the nest I just like killing the Shrieker because it just drives me crazy therefore increasing accuracy decreasing the dodge on the Shrieker or the raven and having just massive verall damage as i think the only way to get through the Shrieker reliably there are other parties that can do this share the parties you like to take in I just think a vestal and a jester or an absolute must and then I almost always taken a leper just because of that chance for that big juicy 5260 critical the Shriekers not so bad once you get a team I can reliably handle it however it's really never one of my favourite fights thanks for listening thanks for watching like and subscribe below a momentary abatement
Channel: HiDdeN SQuiDZ Gaming
Views: 45,134
Rating: 4.9370904 out of 5
Keywords: hidden squidz gaming, hidden squidz, darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon gameplay, darkest dungeon shrieker, darkest dungeon how to beat the shrieker, darkest dungeon kill the nest, darkest dungeon guide shrieker, darkest dungeon tips, darkest dungeon walkthrough shrieker
Id: a6ZIX_q3pSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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