Everything You Need To Know About Munin + More!

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hello everyone welcome to the video my name is coslix today we are going to be going over everything you need to know about munin if you like this sort of content make sure you hit that like subscribe comment down below and let me know your thoughts about the new legend munin i'd love to hear it if you think she's good bad whatever anything about her it would be super cool to just read down below let's get right into this by the way it's got some gameplay in the background so if you like my professional gameplay hit that subscribe as well i got some more videos if you want to see some more so yeah so noonan is coming out soon her weapons are scythe and bow a scythian bow weapon combination is really good but it can also be very difficult to master you're gonna have some difficulty killing but also gonna be very easy and nice to win neutral with so it's gonna be very exciting for those players her stats are also kind of weird she's got five attack four defense six dexterity and seven speed this makes it again very easy for her to win neutral she's got some great weapons designed for winning neutral consistently but with the five attack and four defense it's gonna make it difficult if you're losing a match it's gonna make it difficult to stay alive or the kill it's just yeah if you win neutral you're all good but she's gonna be a tough legend to maine in my opinion her sigs i'm gonna display on screen right now so these are gonna be the six signatures i think the whole sid kit in general is very very good i think it's very well rounded and the cigs have different purposes and flow pretty nicely with the kit obviously i need to try her out in game myself but like from my experience on new legends and looking at cigs i think her kit is pretty good she's also releasing with three skins and these skins are a little bit weird so i forget the names of the skins exactly but the skins are gonna be on screen now the skins are weird so mewnin if you read the lore i don't know much about the lord because it also hasn't come out yet but she has a partner hugan is it he or she i don't know i apologize if i butchered that completely but hugin is like the brother or sister of munin and hoogan has its own skins and lock-in animations so mutant has the default skin obviously and then there's one other mutant skin then there's going to be one huge skin and then another huge skin you can tell the difference if it's munin or kugan based in the lock-in animation and also huge has these glasses on so just look out for glasses that's you again if there's no glasses it's meaning etc they also revealed the colors of both munan and hugon so they showed that off on stream so i'm going to show it to you guys right now it's a little bit on screen colors look nice in general uh nothing too crazy pretty standard what you'd expect but i think it looks pretty cool i love the design of this legend i honestly think this is the most unique and coolest legend concept and idea they've had in a long long time i love what brawl is doing with munin and i really like the hype going into this and i know all of you guys are wondering this because i probably put in the title or something maybe not but release date when is munin and technically huge coming out they still haven't given us an exact release date they said this month for sure okay so it's coming out this month they said soon with a little tm trademark they still need to add the halloween stuff into the game we're gonna go into those halloween reveals in a minute however like they're not gonna add the halloween stuff last minute so i'm guessing the mutant patch is gonna be the same with the halloween patch if i had to bet money i would say that this patch is gonna come out next week or the week of october 20th so either next week or the week after i cannot see this patch coming in more than two weeks in my opinion so within these next two weeks we should be seeing a lot more information on this patch especially this already so much i doubt there's a balance patch but there's already a lot going into this and like for them to reveal this much and it's not even the week of the patch like it's kind of crazy this is going to be one of the biggest patches in a long time so apart from munich and hugh again they also revealed a little bit on the brawl halloween reveal so for bra halloween you know that these seasonal events are very common brahl has had a halloween event for probably five plus years now but this event they've got two new skins i think are absolutely amazing especially this one they've got a new rayman skin so yeah rayman hasn't had any skin since the release date of rayman so this skin is honestly super awesome it's with like the day of the dead theme and everything which i think is one of the best themes for skins in the game and it's honestly so drippy especially that axe like this rayman skin is one of the skins to get like it is so so nice he looks so like innocent because of the green man it doesn't look too intense it's just such a good skin i definitely recommend it they also showed off an art on the skin i didn't actually look at the urban skin as much as i should that the rayman skin kind of steals the show in my opinion but both the skins are on screen right now obviously so you know what let me down below let me know down below what your favorite skin is i'd like to know and why and one last thing they revealed with this halloween event is there's actually a new halloween podium that you can unlock obviously paid to unlock it but still you can get it and this podium has a little thing special on it it has this little skull on the center it's a day of a dead theme again similar to the rain man but the skull on the center actually moves depending on the situation in game so if you win the game that skull might be smiling if you lose it might be frowning or crying i have no idea but i know that that skull moves so this is like an animating podium pretty damn cool if i do say so myself i don't know if i'm gonna be buying the podium i think i'm almost for sure gonna be getting that ring man skin and i gotta look at the mutant skins as well i am not a scythe nor bow player so this is not a legend designed for me but scythe and bow are some of the most common most popular weapons in bro hollows so definitely a ton of you guys watching are going to have a good time with this if you enjoyed this video hit that like subscribe comment down below i know this is the short one but i just want to let you guys know what the news is happening i wanna i don't know i wanna provide content that you guys wanna see so if you made it this far i appreciate you watching this video and i'll see you guys all in the next video love you so much thank you peace
Channel: Cosolix
Views: 20,769
Rating: 4.9201598 out of 5
Keywords: Brawlhalla, Cosolix, Ranked, cosolix, Pro, brawlhalla, brawl, fight, ing, game, fightinggames, free, lance, Lance, roland, Roland, Ranked1, Rank, Lancer, Howto, How, to, Rayman, Switch, Xbox, Release Date
Id: A_6uys4Hzd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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