Show of the Weekend: Ellen vs Luke's Evil Within 2 MAZE OF MADNESS

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hello welcome to show of the weekend I'm Andy and I'm James and do we have a show for you right here bass recovered and well here today when does that ever happen guess we'll leave you to it right no it's fine a whole quiz lined up but you know just forget that the new theme song with the rat breakdown had a cowboy spectacular plans send it back not doing any more back again we'll just back back please tell your friends please God tell you describe Ellen yes what have you been up to Oh Rosco I have been playing on my switch no but it sold it but we've covered that to death and instead I'm gonna chat we is there not more to say quite a bit more I think we should talk about another game that has recently come to the switch which is a star to valley I have slightly missed the boat on this game because it's your house it's been huge like PC and it's come to consoles and I was like I'll just play for a bit like to you know get an idea of what it's like and two hours later I was still playing it but the game was good as well yes very good I like the fact that it is that little bit different from like regular farming games I like the art design of it I stab eautiful a very long time making my character so I wanted to make as close to kind of me as I possibly could yeah but is the hair they got very distinctive hi is that for the customer character created even though you're making something that's like yeah as you say a pixel high it is incredibly deep yeah and I create the mistake of calling my farm rose farm not realizing that they don't farm farm that makes Rose farm yeah I really enjoyed exploring the town I mean some of the quirky characters [Music] and have been to meet the wizards I don't remember oh is it yeah I learnt how to fish and it's efficient although I will say like they gave you a fishing rod and they were like not very clear on what you actually had to do to fish so I had oh yeah but like they're not completely clear on what all the buttons are so I felt it was a little bit trial and error but I I caught sardine call that one it's what you can catch with the rubbish rod that they give you first for free oh yeah no bait I think I did pretty well nothing you didn't do well with what you've got oh I wrote at normal yeah great so you did a really good job catching some great Renault okay had no target sounds like fishing went great yes and you did swell I'm looking forward to digging more into it I think is really good having it with the portability however mmm I came across a little bit of a bug a little bit of a problem with it in I was playing and then my speakers started crackling which I thought was just my speakers yeah but then when I'd finished capturing what I wanted to be able to show you guys what I've been up to you I actually took it into my back I was like I wanna turn up continue playing this game because I'm enjoying it and the sound continued from my switch and I was very worried that I've broken my switch [Music] but then I quit it started up Zelda and it worked fine the sound there was no crackling I went a goo-gooing and other people have been experiencing this problem we a bit of a shame it's a bit of a shame especially because the music in that game is so lovely yeah the music yeah brilliant really fits their art styles so yeah like kind of a little bit retro Reba also with like a modern twist which it all fits in the theme is really nice if you quit it and then restart it again that it goes away but eventually comes back again so please please it's possible because I want to play it as much as possible without having to quit all the time because the other thing is that saves take a long while and they warn you this yeah on the loading screen every time a new day starts it saves your progress which takes a while and it's - most of every day yeah you have to make most of every day but you also have a limited amount of energy per day right so you're kind of restricted to you have to go through this safe progress every once in a while it's a little bit kind of like okay I'll be interested to see when it comes to the switch how Skyrim does with loading times because on there bad already like that right let's go into the outside world loading the whole of Skyrim and then eat breakfast and then wash up yeah paper yeah yeah when you were playing the game whenever I play a Harvest Moon game always end up going to sleep at like 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. just because you like I've done farming just want the crops so I'm just like I'll go to bed Nomad dunk and I wake up and like just basically I'm up for an hour just water water water water water balls yeah and then dunk bed I live a joyless life in Harvest Moon would you say the or stardew valley life is joyless I started off like that mmm and then I kept getting messages in the mailbox being like come to the blacksmith come to the shop and you can buy more seeds would sleep that way very nicely organically forced me to go and like explore the area my out sheer curiosity and I had to go to the museum but the museums in the library and they don't tell you that that was one little thing that I was a bit confused by the reason why I did stay at my farm for the first few days is because I was like right farming's him so I got to like focus on the farm for a little bit and then I'll have a look how died opened up my little menu yeah a little Journal because there is a cursor in the game yes which took me a while to work out ya know it was like there's this flashing exclamation mark and I don't know what button that press to get to it and then I realized oh it's the right stick and I go over there it would have been like look here are all of these little quests for you to go on so you get money and I was like unknowingly completing quests yes not claiming my reward because you have to go into that little many other things to get the money just because I didn't know that little button I spent the first like four days or so just being like I'm just gonna stay at the farm and not do anything yeah so it was like 20 minutes of just being like and then I was like oh it's a huge game and I'm completely not looking around yet I was worried a bit being a time sink that would keep me locked to my console or to my laptop or whatever but no even manacles are shattered yet you hoist stardew valley aloft yeah [Music] well Ellen I hope you enjoyed the pleasant pastel shades endearing music lovely charming pixelated graphics of stodgy Valley because we were about to take it extremely abrupt tonal shift into the evil within to Ellen I could ask if you're ready but you're not you're not ready and he's got Lily this Chase has been entertaining but even the greatest entertainments must come to an end it's always a good one when the laptops here the evil within to is another dose of psychological horror that sees you Sebastian Castellanos plunged into a virtual world within your missing daughter's mind the world is filled with Horrors some of which I listed at e3 when the game was first unveiled one of those Horrors was what I believed to be a spooky penguin covered in milk but no but that no end of commenters were quick to assure me was actually a crow so Ellen first question does this look like a crow or a penguin to you it's the bent of the wings I mean I guess but it's like the it's the roundness at the top of the most birds have that roundness at the top of it anyway I just wanted to get that out the way that was question mark Sebastian's nemesis in this creepy reality is Stefano Valentini a grisly photographer who themes his nightmarish horror experiences around his love of still life photography Ellen you were a supernatural being devoted to creating endless horrors how would you theme them a giant up and down and then it's all set in a weird version of London I know the streets of London like their back of my hand sure if you want to and well done on those warm-up questions now prepare your soul for terror as you are plunged into Luke's evil within two labyrinth of unhappiness named lighting that's right already the horror you have three lives oh yeah this again you will wake in the middle of a street it is very dark through the gloom you can pick out the silhouette of prim houses evenly spaced along the road as your eyes adjust you see that cars are parked in driveways discarded toys litter the lawns and yet no lights are visible as you take a step you feel the tarmac beneath your feet is bizarrely ruptured wind rushes through the trees or is it something else that stirring the overgrown bushes the board of the nearest house the one with the door that yawns open you feel an overwhelming instinct to hide do you a run towards the nearest house in search of safety or be stay rooted to the spot maybe everything will be fine well first I'd be thinking about writing a strongly-worded letter to the council about the people letting their hedges grow over I think I think I'm gonna I'm gonna brave it and take a look in the houses your choice is made yeah the choice is made yeah you've chosen option a you noisily grope your way up the lawn stumbling as you're quiet as it comes with the sides you noisily grope your way out the lawn stumbling as your large feet catch in the knotted grass behind you from the bushes a gasping rattling sound grows louder as you scramble up the front steps the front door of the house slams open in a gust of wind and a wave of freezing air bursts forth do you a lunge through the opening into the cold darkness of the house or be turned to investigate whatever is outside I'm gonna Vesta gate because it's probably gonna be a rabbit or something you were around to face the hedge a dark shape Springs from between two thorny bushes it is only a cat with asthma yeah it's rattling wheezing the owl brings a cheer to your soul gain one life and turn to head into the house through the door and into a long corridor you hear a loud slamming behind you whirl around that the door has vanished leaving only a wall covered in moldering wallpaper that looks a lot like the kind in Andy's house except his is less moldering you turn again to look down the corridor and see a looming figure is visible at the end there was a high whining noise as in a smooth movement it raises something to head height do you a curl up in a defensive ball or be charged forward in a reckless attack I'm going to curl up because you curl up in a defensive ball it is and here aloud click as a camera flash goes off how clever of you to deduce that it was what the figure was holding and to shield your eyes cleverly deduced Ellen well done you unfurl to find the figure gone and proceed cautiously along the corridor you move quietly as possible along the dank passageway you're aware that the temperature has dropped even further to freezing levels but it doesn't seem to bother you the walls appear to be narrowing though which is a more shall we say pressing concern the light grows dimmer as you tumble forward to the spot where you first saw the figure so dark now that you don't see the door in front of you until you Bosch straight into it you can hear a low grinding sound coming through the door the walls feel very close now do you a open the door and face whatever is on the other side be searched quickly around for clues or see stay in the corridor I'm not going through there you must be joking I'm gonna look around the corridor see please please yeah do you poke around in the darkness at your feet and in a sliver of light that comes through the bottom of the door you see a scrap of rectangular paper you can't read the language but three shapes stand out what looks like a sort of M and s and a C you guess you feel you may be on the verge of learning more but the walls are pressing in tighter now you struggle with the doorknob but eventually manage to turn it enough to open the door which swings open to reveal a large open gray expence concrete stretches as far as your eyes can pierce the gloom the horizon pitted with the shadows of giant industrial buildings belching smoke into the swirling night you there in two buildings stand out one must be several miles in the distance but you can tell immediately at some kind of cannery or fish processing plant the other is closer a gargantuan brick edifice lit with an orange glow and the source of the grinding sound you heard silhouetted human forms can be seen at every window you hurry up to the wrought iron front gate for a closer look built into the railings you see two smaller iron gates besides each stands a disjointed mannequin mannequins enter creepy mannequins horrifying to look at the mannequins turn to fix you with their unfeeling stare the mannequins begin to speak in a tongue you've never heard as the mannequins ramble on the speech becomes clearer somehow hello as if they are molding themselves to your native language as they settle into silence an intercom built into the wall crackles into life ah welcome to M canals abandoned mannequin Factory only one door left or right will see you safely pass within one of my mannequin guards always tells the truth the other always lies questioned them at your leisure you hear a high electrical whine from the house you just came from looking back you see the outline of the shadowy figure that held the camera for with unnatural steps he starts to walk towards you there's nowhere to run you turn to the mannequins as your mind races for a solution solution to this how many questions can I ask as many as you want no the man is approaching and steps echoing louder now okay was that man carrying a camera who are you addressing this one this bearded mannequin okay you know I'll CA you guarding the door that is to safety yes okay go through that door you're going for the left door you run through the left door yeah which opens into a large atrium mannequins line your path each beckoning welcoming Lee towards a large loading bay which leads out through the factory and into a dark wilderness yeah a flash of light illuminates the vast room and you realize your foe is still hot on your heels clearly they were quicker at solving the mannequin puzzle than you in a panic you fall and slide out of the factory on your belly picking yourself up you run into the woods mannequins dismissed for hours you scramble through dense forests illuminated only by the regular camera flashes coming from your sinister foe still giving chase abruptly the woodland opens out onto a long strand of shoreline a dark lake stretches infinitely out into the distance ahead of you broad patches of glistening ice across the water reflect a faint wintry moon you turn in time to see the photographer lurch from the woods you see it is a tall man impeccably dressed yeah leather gloves gripping a dented camera with malice in his eyes and the demonic grin he breaks into a sprint eager for the final showdown do you a give up the fight leaping headlong into the frozen lake or b-block his first attack with your left wrist then shatter his jaw with a devastating right hook mommy wants to go mate if you want a picture I've got the phone do selfie it's much more informal it's really nice I think he doesn't understand what you're saying oh I'm gonna stand my ground even though there is a very big chance that the lake isn't actually like a frozen lake and it's all like magic yeah that's true true I'm gonna turn around you've gone for option B yeah block his first attack with your left wrist then shatter his jaw with a devastating right hook and then this is the end game you've chosen option B you try to do exactly that but you cannot you have no wrists no fists because you are and always were the penguin from the trailer and viewer the clues were all there you noisily grope your way at the lawn stumbling as your large feet catching the knotted grass the temperature has dropped even further to freezing levels but it doesn't seem to bother you you struggled with the doorknob but eventually managed to turn it enough to open the door you fall and slide out of the factory on your belly one must be several miles in the distance but you can tell immediately at some kind of cannery or fish processing plant why didn't the cat attack me cats don't attack penguins there's not a thing I found it weird that that's what you're fixating on as evidence that you haven't got a penguin but I'm Ellen's mind is shattered she knows now the horrible horrible truth that she is and always was milk penguin it's a crow says the penguin willing to accept it in reality oh also did you did you clock that the photographer was a marine biologist because he had a Master of Science as it said on his business card the thing to focus on thing to focus on is you didn't lose any lives and I can tell you there were a lot of ways whose lives in that you didn't make any bad choices apart from the last most important choice let's say that in the end you didn't manage to land the punch but as as you went for the punch you realized that you have a sort of flappy wing and when I'm a penguin I'll be fired in the lake it's family instinct what happens if I lose and do I just get captured by a marine biologist and taken to London Zoo or something I I think he actually is just there to photograph you so the ending that I got was your monstrous is now well Ellen thank you for taking part in my quiz let us know in the comments if you figured out that Ellen was a penguin or whether you were surprised to see this well guys that's all we have to say about leave within two Thank You Ellen taking part I hope you enjoyed that but now let's find out what you guys been saying in the comments last week we looked at some of the best third-party games that have come out or a schedule to come out this year for the Nintendo switch among all that information comment to vets all noticed an interesting link between the games and the Nintendo fictional universe wait if link and doom guy are the same and Bethesda has a multiverse thing for Elder Scrolls that makes it seem like fallout and Elder Scrolls of different parts of the same multiverse does that now mean that since link is part of Elder Scrolls Canon that everything Bethesda publishes is really a universe of Zelda yes but they are Ellen Luke remember what you promised fine elsewhere in order to get me to shut up about link being doom guy which it totally is no Ellen let me play with the dinosaurs in Ark survival evolved but lots of them weren't playing nice oh we just spawned really close to where we are commenter richard clark noticed a lesson to be learned while playing this game this game teaches us about dinosaurs specifically that they were dirty spawn campers think you might be onto something there ok let's try again [Laughter] still and the mCP has some tips for us on how to survive more than three seconds before being killed by a dinosaur or a fellow player as soon as you spawn you need to scramble the materials together to make a door you then open the door get on the floor everybody walk their data sir okay walk the dinosaur I like you but what are we talking here are we talking quadrupedal or bipedal stroke it's just song from the 90s Oh finally Jane did an excellent job covering for Ellen in show of the weekend taking on my quiz about shadow of war I would accept her power on the condition that I can control everyone's minds and then I would mind control all the bad people like rationalization backstory there was to go out to control everyone's mind yes Jane did do an excellent job stepping in for me although I am now slightly worried about her using mind control on us all yeah plus some people noticed a marked difference in our setup yeah as chocolate Rob noted hmm camera feels wonky for some reason like the leveling is just off somehow oh well I'm sure it's nothing and Akbar Abraham remarked Luke must love it that he can look right without turning his head down and feel expectant Stein said strange to see someone to the right of Luke on show of the weekend who isn't so much smaller than him that totally threw me off you're right all right again it I'm sure hilarious hey I have more comments I could keep going tea bags are on the top shelf feeling better after that cuppa Ellen you got to do what you've got to do to be camera-ready I'm just gonna watch that clip to get there to get emotion it's heartbreaking [Music] just what's done okay I mean always cheese you are yeah flamingos flamingos Chopin Boylan [Music] [Laughter] flamingos are getting heavy I do like flamingos I do like Lord of the Rings okay give me a minute and I'll be alright to continue hurry up you don't want to leave it too long especially on weeks when there's a wood chipper outside quick so think okay and that in a nutshell is ghost and that in conclusion a I called it I called it wood chippers my greatest fun why why stop it no wood chipper flashbacks trees yeah well thank you for watching guys yeah thank you and to make the trees happy again you might be making promises you can't necessarily key better babe we don't know that trees don't like it no no so yeah give it a go give it a try thank you for watching guys there's loads more so we came to watch you wanna go through some of the old back episodes yeah whole playlists been all very timely it's just nonsense you've seen yeah you know the deal but thank you for watching guys and check that next time when hopefully Ellen would have realized it's happening she's realizing like penguin noise on three on [Music] [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 193,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: show of the weekend, stardew valley, stardew valley switch, stardew valley nintendo switch, evil within 2 gameplay, evil within gameplay, evil within 2 trailer, the evil within 2 release date, stardew valley gameplay, gameplay, ps4 games, xbox one, outsidextra, outside xtra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, ellen rose, luke westaway, andy farrant, jane douglas
Id: RhNlLd37XM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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