Show of the Weekend: Luke's PSVR Beat Saber Dance Skills and the Great Luigi Quiz

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hey a refreshing nuka-cola quantum remember how Andy went to fight ghouls in the fallout 76 wasteland you might be forgiven for thinking that man is the real monster in fallout 76 although that's only because you haven't seen any of the real monsters yet yes fallout 76 is filled with horrible enemies for you to take down from traditional fallout foes like ghouls blood bugs super mutants and radscorpions to new beasts such as giant sloths and Grafton monsters well Andy found a whole batch in a burned-out red rocket gas station and brought it back for me music you're not no but then my ears did start to peel off about ten minutes ago why do you think I'm wearing this hat holds them on what stupid hair right at the top of the shows is the first thing we're filming today we're doing a bunch of other stuff my hair's not gonna be quite right all day what wearing a psvr which I believe you've been playing some games on that did mess up my hair actually yeah yeah recently in London there was a PlayStation VR showcase and I went along to to witness the creme de la creme de la menthe of psvr experiences and I played some really cool stuff actually I won't talk about everything but just a few like favorites firstly beat Sabre I want to play this game so badly I was really upset they couldn't make it so you might you might have heard of this one I'd say it's probably the most high-profile of the games how to describe it it's like guitar hero in this a rhythm action game where things come towards you but it's unlike Guitar Hero and that you have lightsabers and in time to the beat you have to slice these blocks that are coming at you and yeah dude dude dude yeah that's it and it's all yeah and obviously because it's in VR it also involves like a little bit of like moving like these glowing walls kind of come sliding at you and like that it's got that good it's a really really good indicator of just how immersive VR is because while you're in there you're like I am drawn this is you know soundtrack is amazing it's just like super funky a very heavy but you know well watching easy he's yeah yeah I mean here's a clip [Music] that's how good you can expect to look in your head you're like kylo Ren at the disco you know it should be padawan at the disco I think the key to it is that it's super super satisfying when you hit the blocks they don't just go away they get sliced exactly where you've hit them you have to get them from a particular direction which sort of test your coordination quite a bit but when you do slice them even go in there you're like oh that's pretty good there's no time to appreciate it because the next beats coming up and you're like the thing is with that load those rhythm action games is that they make amazing multiplayer so like just dance or Guitar Hero you know one of the best multiplayer games of all time dance just don't revolution yeah they are so much fun as multiplayer and so much fun is a spectator thing and obviously when you're in VR you do lose that so I wonder how much fun it would be like long-term I guess like I really enjoy playing it I wanted to play it more but I don't know if I want to play it a whole lot more I guess makes sense I think it adds a lot of potential if you got like a nice screen screen and stuff and deadlines all the shot up and using it in kind of like competitions Oh spectator sport I think that would be amazing that's really good you have like just dance competitive stuff and I think this would be even oh man those Dance Dance Revolution people who were like yeah with their feet if you do with your hands it's cheating probably hard but the game that I genuinely can't see myself playing for a lot longer was Tetris effect well the tetris effect if you prefer which is this actual name so the tetris effect is a new tetris game it's coming out on the playstation and it has a VR supported mode so you don't have to play this in VR but that's how I was playing it the twist with this one is that that they haven't really focused on trying to the tetris gameplay which is the same as ever wasn't sure i don't even really need to explain it it's just the presentation is really different so there's no color coding with the blocks everything's kind of like sort of the same color and when you spin each block around it makes a little noise that somehow no matter when you press the rotation button is always in time to the music and the music is this like chill synth wave thing in VR it's like I was telling Mike about this and he was like what so you like at the bottom of the Tetris field and the blocks were all like crashing down on your head but like it couldn't be further from that is the most chill experience I've had is really being like a sensory tank but you're playing Tetris yes it's like do you know like if you close your eyes for long enough you start to see crazy stuff yeah I really I am really glad you said yeah there because as I was saying that I was like wait they're just relatable all the light so it's you're seeing on the inside and if you keep your eyes closed they tend to sort of evolve and sometimes they like look like stuff right this is a little scenes play out I'm sure this is common and not a red flag putting that aside it is like being in a flotation tank the Tetris field if you like it's like it's at the end of like a hallway or a corridor like it seems to be quite far away from you but all around are these like sea creatures made of particles and it's like being in a big ocean in space and whenever you get some lines or going to Tetris everything goes and all of the animals gonna oh like they will turn into particles and you're watching like I watched this manta ray just like float underneath me or like well like for all I know I could have been playing the tetris effect for like 10 hours and I think it and you know I only see that much a few [Laughter] groaning aware headsets an old man and I regretted nothing yeah I really really love Tetris I still enjoy a game of Tetris a mess selling game of all time yeah and I think rightly so it's just the most sane thing like for me Tetris isn't a stressful puzzle game it takes you a little bit out of yourself you can so like do it on autopilot I just find it very relaxing and this is basically taking that and running with it it's called the Tetris effect after the phenomenon the people experience where they've played a lot of Tetris where they see games of Tetris happening when they close their eyes or when they're trying to sleep or sometimes even in their waking peripheral vision which is a well-documented thing like I've certainly experienced that it's a little bit like the thing disclosing to many phenomena I'm trying to look for the pattern in them and I'm like no so that's really cool and then the third game I played was called cause it called Astro something robot Astro children's school last robot rescue mission I have seen an advert for this on nearly every single pre-roll yeah advertised Robo rescue mission [Music] got a rescue the Astro bot or help us robot rescue someone else I'm not clear on the set up we weren't singing great he makes everyone else look like trash anyway that was first born it repeats 50 times let me go to verse 2 Astro Boy okay look I don't know whether you're rescuing a bot or whether the BOTS rescue it doesn't matter the point is it's a platformer that you play in VR as soon as you start playing it the first thing you'll want to do is try and rotate the camera like you're playing merry Odyssey or something like I want to spin the camera around and I want to see the other bit robot but you can't do that and initially that feels really really jarring you have to do the VR thing I've actually like you're the camera beam and you guide Astro bar through basically like a series of platforming things and there's some fun stuff in that you interact with it as well like there are some bits where you have to like use your head to bash some like some things out the way yeah it looks to me like moss but with a robot it it's kind of like it's kind of like moss but I would say it's got less of the sort of beautiful storybook atmosphere and more of the like pure yeah Mario plus in terms of yeah it's like more yeah yeah but in it but in terms of like you're basically watching it's more platforming than puzzle solving yes definitely it was really really good it's actually been reviewed really well as well like it's gone down critically quite well I only played it for a few minutes but I can I can definitely see the appeal the footage you're seeing now by the way it is from Ian a Eurogamer he sort of played to a whole bunch in this game so you should definitely check that out on on the channel I wasn't able to get any of my own footage for any of any of these games so this is all like official stuff you'll see trailers yeah trailers or stepping stone for your gamer yeah or road with yet but yeah it sort of reminded me that um how like good VR can be and the VR isn't all the Planet of the Apes thing that we did it's that being really in the game yes that's like marketing speak it sounds like no but yeah you do feel way more like in the worst yeah but what is that big word bit games like for what to a better work but I don't for me VR is really really immersive that's not in question it's so immersive I think the problem with VR is that it's so immersive that it's almost exclusionary like it's not yes it liked anyone else in the room yeah to anyone else in your home to anyone else online almost you know it's like it's it's a very very you know that's what is really really great for so of those three games I think like weirdly even though that it's the one that wasn't built for VR Tetris effect is definitely than we're like really really want to play just because I found it to be so overwhelmingly chill you just need to switch off from the world and just play some puzzles and it's nice sometimes you just need space manta ray it's exactly sometimes you need something as simple as watching a manta ray explode into light your virtual body now I am become the Ray so Tetris effect is coming out on a November but yeah so that's that's pretty soon and that's one that most most excited about love me some tensions yes good well we all know another thing that you love very much and I've always loved its Luigi I've always loved to eat always we've been very open and Luigi's Mansion is coming to 3ds so I'm gonna quiz you on it Oh I know absolute classic Luigi's Mansion is making its way to the 3ds next week yes our favorite cowardly cowards biggest game is going handheld after its initial release on the Gamecube many years ago Luigi's Mansion always loved him it's good yeah you but we've always known ooh to be a huge had a kind word I'm the man luigi is your favorite so I've got your sniper Luigi yeah no I'll let you know what time that you use your bold directorial vision now the premise of Luigi's Mansion Luigi gets tricked into going into a haunted mansion by being told that he'd won a dream home for a competition he'd never even entered this is actually a genuine thing that scammers do to get you out of your house so that they can burgle you so don't ever fall for it like Luigi yeah I mean Luigi got a house into the bargain Bullock yeah what big adventure or prize will get you out of your house for a few days so that someone definitely not me could maybe go in and steal all your stuff yikes okay I'm hoping you scam me baby no it's fine just curious well let's see I've never really won a big competition unless I tend to do quite well in a raffle I know it's luck obviously we felt like the universe is on my side when it comes to like a tombola yeah but what what what prize what prize well it's a surprise what would get you out of your house for like say well a de tombola it's usually like a fruitcake or something so you like a fruitcake yeah okay I leave in my house I don't know I don't know how reluctant you are to leave the house yeah a competition that you never entered didn't comfy oh you mean lie so if I got a form it's like you've won a fruitcake coming yeah actually yeah that would mean so it'd have to be so good but then if it was like you've won a million pounds I'd be like well I haven't know how excited an end to the competition so we'd have to be something that I plausibly could have entered but have forgotten so if it was like hey you've won the Domino's pizza draw you automatically enter when you order a Domino's Pizza I'll be like hey I semi-regularly order a Domino's Pizza who doesn't we also really don't know is right is that because you order too much did you get - surly with the delivery person but now the owner you have like your face okay yeah yeah Domino's Pizza right good to know now Luke we said before yeah you know we all know that you love and have always loved Luigi always so brother to me I'm gonna quiz you on some Luigi facts oh okay yeah okay well it should be easy cuz I've always been a big fan so I've got some quick questions yeah what is the main difference between Mario & Luigi's staches oh okay so I'm trying really hard to picture them because it's like it's there anyway because it took me a second to be like oh yeah so it's like it's Mario's one goes that goes like up with like bushy bits pointing down but like doesn't Luigi's goes like out and down to begin with and like sort of then up or am I thinking of like while I we do two pointing why is it so hard to picture Louie know Luigi's goes Luigi's goes up Luigi's goes up marries go down no the other way around the way around Mario's guy's nose goes up Luigi's good no boys they both go up but it's something else but you were right about something about Mario's oh is it the bushiness is it like Mario's got like Mario's moustaches made of like little clumps of hair Luigi's guys and Mario's goes okay all right Luke yeah yeah what's the year of Luigi 2013 I remember it well can you be specific on dates it was probably I'm gonna say like the e3 Nintendo's e3 thing that yeah that's a bit of a guess I'm gonna say June 20 was at the end of the fiscal year were they like hey we've had a bad fiscal year maybe things be better now with the year of Luigi's was it like the tax year beginning April or something close it was in March so we went from March 19 2013 to March 19 2014 why was this the year of Luigi it was the year of Luigi because Nintendo said we Luigi's gone wildly underappreciated which I'm not sure is true maybe he was very shifted about right but um okay so you can never appreciate Luigi enough sorry hey brother okay so they are you Mary it's time we celebrated Luigi and that year a bunch of Luigi stuff came out a bunch of Luigi games none of which I think were terribly memorable it was actually also a big number oh wait hang on 2013 it would have been the 20th anniversary 30th anniversary of the oh gosh Mario Mario and Luigi debuted in the very first like Mario games sooner Mario Brothers not Super Mario Bros maribor's in the arcade where Luigi was a palette swap okay so yeah 30th anniversary you have to give me a clue there how has Luigi change over the last 30 years well he's got a bit taller he can now jump higher for some reason that's a thing that he can like jump a little bit higher than Mario and thank the knee yeah of course of course it's got the more different power-to-weight ratio I think it's in that Super Mario Brothers too like he could with his feet he can be like man like that and it sort of slows his descent I think I remember yeah and of course he's become a lot more cowardly lot more afraid look of these games which is not a real game released in the year of Luigi okay dr. Luigi Luigi's Mansion dark moon very own Luigi dream team new super Luigi u I think well that really what this really illustrates is that there are a lot more but actually like they churn them out a varying quality man I thought I have this because Dark Moon is one I know of that for sure what were the other ones again dr. Luigi Luigi never heard of that Mario and Luigi dream team and new super Luigi u so Mario and Luigi dream team I'm pretty sure is real I think it was one of the RPG ones I'm gonna say new super Luigi u is not real even though I've never heard of dr. Luigi or start to know eg the answer is you could get half a point because new super Luigi u was technically a level pack for the new super mario you and there was also an unlockable Luigi themed version of Mario Brothers titled Luigi brothers was also included with Super Mario 3d World and there was a year of Luigi sound selection Luigi's various screens and of course now he's dead yeah this is the real tragedy Luigi's Mansion it's not Luigi's first starring role what was it actually what was Luigi's first starring role in terms of him as the playable character I believe that would have been bad edutainment game Mario is missing yes it was indeed in fact I played that on PC and I think it was the first Nintendo game I played so i weirdly played my first nintendo game on pc which is like yeah weird man you were not getting the Nintendo seal of quality experience yes it's a tricking you into learning things game oh no I didn't learn anything except except that it was the BG's first starring role I hope you found it better in real life yeah that's better in Mario who's missing according to Andy in a previous show be the weekend quiz why is luigi better than mario is it because luigi has to fight harder to overcome obstacles whereas it's also easy for Mario and Mario's not scared of anything but Luigi is afraid of everything and so he works harder for victory I mean that's true but it's out just argued why Luigi is excellent actual one I believe we have a clip so there we go all right Luigi made his film debut in animated movie Super Mario Brothers the great mission to save Princess Peach exclamation mark in 1986 but yeah maybe she was not sporting his usual colours what was he wearing instead okay alright so I've never seen this movie but I have seen like I have seen like some screenshots of it and I think he was wearing like also like white and like blue or something like all like I think he's definitely gone white is it like yellow and is he wearing like he's almost like Wario colors or is it like blue and yellow yeah okay Luke yeah we all know that Andy is a huge fan of Luigi's Mansion particularly the music which is brilliant yeah let's hear some now chilling Andy also set up some music challenges he's showdown of the week yes he did around which we triumphed in thanks to your ocarina skills smashed it because the xylophone was chosen twice one instrument was left unloved Luke I asked Andy to bring in his swanee whistle Oh God and it's up to you to play the Luigi's Mansion theme yeah Andy we'll come on yeah and judge so please Andy join us okay judge Andy okay Sophie singing it sometimes he goes okay here we go let me just find middle C there it is we'll see in the eighth notes no no [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] well I think we've learned oh he's really kidding Wow I think I think we learned a lot I think we definitely have yeah yeah I think we should head on down into because last week we shared some of our most regrettable choices in games and luckily dark truths about Luke for those of you who haven't played pray it's very heavily inspired by Bioshock and in Bioshock you had the moral choice there of the little sisters and it was whether you harvest them completely like Luke did the heartless heartless manly record I didn't know that you got any Adam if you spared the Little Sisters yeah know that jeez many commenters including ng monochrome were taken aback and had some suggestions for you Luke oh you didn't know you still got a reward if you spared the Little Sisters here's an idea Luke maybe don't harvest each and every single one you encounter and that way you'd find out what the deal is you monster look I didn't know there were two options but I needed the atom you still get him you just get out of it I didn't know that Google it elsewhere we played Super Mario Party on our Friday live stream with things getting a little heated between our chosen characters am I too loud our trophy the thinking woman's peach Congeniality just a commenter thought that I've made an excellent decision Ellen chose why Luigi and that now means that she has become the people's champion whoa now hang on Beach is the best real talk peach is great yeah but why Luigi yeah but I think there's another reason you chose a melon and James would our degrees is it just a coincidence that Ellen chose the tallest of the four characters hmm yes it is a coincidence you sure yes elsewhere I went on a it's a variety show of the weekend regarding my issues with shadow of the Tomb Raider it was a fun game but in terms it was a Tomb Raider and Lara was really annoying I've got this is this is this is really good saying things in a slightly American Way she says status instead of status times where NPC lips weren't moving when they were talking to you they must be like I'm saying like stuff to you I found all the artifacts but my artifact collection isn't complete either that's it I don't know when all the map says that I've done 100% of everything it's so broken Kieran Pugh felt that incredibly he hadn't heard enough can we get the unedited multiple hour rant of everything Ellen likes and dislikes about shadow the Tomb Raider please it'll be the best quality content I mean it will take a while I mean like how much time can you set aside cuz I've got a lot I still need to say yeah Karen you might want to block out your calendar for the year yeah but I'm gonna to break up a little bit with her Joe didn't you have some like quite bad glitches yeah that's the other thing this game is super buggy and I don't mean the fact that it's just got bugs in it because it's set in the jungle are you sure because Phoenix rise wasn't keen this game is buggy and not just because it sets in the jungle off-screen bro yeah well one I won't apologize for that joke because it was excellent and two I won't take your word for it Luke why well you know your protests last week don't blame the quizmaster just all the way to the studio today I was so relieved I said was when I was ruthlessly historically accurate well sogeking pointed up I had a good reason not to trust you Luke why would you not trust me Luke during Mario Party well I bought this poison mushroom way as well use it on Ellen Ellen's only a few spaces away Ellen I wasn't even playing that mario party game and i say you can trust Luke I know it's just you know might mask what that's crazy I've got to go and do car things like polish the wheels ow Luke yeah Mac yeah do you see Mike go off to clean his car yes polish a nice car like normal yeah yeah well normal Mike thank you for coming back as we're now here in art corner oh yeah I call that something something also that it can be polished it's some silverware and tableware here can Asante has drawn you well Barbara sure I'll quiz on undertale and they said what piece of furniture would you be and yes I did she's done an excellent job yeah getting a real be our guest vibe from that I look so dignified very it's probably the most dignified anything's ever looked while also like having a candle that looks really good it's a man that's really cool I like the I like the contrast between the sort of like adorableness of beef and the sort of blood you know yeah yeah I love their fights over Mario Party what I don't know you had a great time I think our friendship is so good oh man that is I mean first of all how good do I look the Frog let's focus on what really matters yeah it's your hair and peaches hair and your dungaree dress so but actually do you know what really draws the ire in this it's it's code Mike it's toad Mike it's toad Mike's face which is the most expressive and yeah yeah like why must we war please we're all friends here thank you very much sugar yes and thank you everyone who's sent us fan art this week yeah we see it all we love it it's so good thank you so if we've come to the end to show that we can Ellen join against the theme tune we can wait we can wait how'd you read the outro music [Laughter] okay they stick with the proto if you're still with us well done you are one of the most moral views thank you everyone for watching if you enjoyed this is most of all it shows we can watch someone knock it out and if you are in Melbourne in Australia or in the Melbourne area then why not come see us at PAX at the end of the month that's right last weekend in October we are going to be there we're all doing stuff all on panels across all three day and the Sunday we are doing show of the weekend live which is going to be super exciting pretty yeah that's gonna be really really fun yeah so hopefully I catch a bunch of you there and yeah so yeah it's gonna be good the schedule is on screen now and hopefully you'll catch you there um but if not don't worry there's loads more show that weekend to watch more videos we've got loads of good stuff loads happening but for now I suppose all that remains is for me to take a refreshing sweet why don't you give me some ominous music as I drink the rated radioactive drink [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 115,676
Rating: 4.979816 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, PSVR, Astro Bot, astro bot vr, astro bot rescue mission, beat saber, tetris, tetris effect, luigi, year of luigi, luigi's mansion, luigi's mansion music, show of the weekend, swanee whistle
Id: UbdI3O-pwVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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