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so the big question is do you need to buy some brushes to make good quality art well this week i try some new procreate brushes and i'm going to show you what i found out make sure to stick around till the end of the video to see the results [Music] hey all welcome back visualty me asked me if i wanted to try is procreate brushes and it was kind enough to provide them for free so i gave it a go with an experiment trying three different styles full disclosure this video is not sponsored so this is just my honest opinion now if you're not new to the channel you know that i am the laziest artist on earth and this means that i'm always using the same set of four or five brushes i am so lazy that i don't even look around for brushes i just use the ones that comes with procreate which is okay they are great brushes so here's why i'm taking this opportunity to see what am i missing out and try something new in this case visual diminished brushes but before all of this i have a quick announcement to make i finally managed to open my print shop so if you do like my paintings and you'd like to get one for yourself or more you can now and you will also support the channel i'll leave a link down below in the description now getting back to the main topic so i went through the brushes to see what inspiration would come up and there were so many we have a bunch of folders here let's see dream paints let's see what this does i like the texture oh this might come handy for gradients textures oh i can see how you might want to use some of these to speed up the process sketchy inkers some interesting line drawing handmade paper what is this oh textures i actually used to make photos to use as textures but this can definitely speed up the process layout body it's really weird i don't see myself using most of these i mean i can see how you might use them dirty overlays i think i want to try something with these with those what do we have here perspective lines [Music] i mean i guess if you don't want to set up the perspective tool and all that chain or another chain and try to imagine how to use them i mean for how i paint i don't think like i think i would just do this by hand but maybe they can use they can be used as a guideline to fasten up the process altons what does that mean this may make such a fine comic style illustration so then i grouped some of my favorites in three different folders to be used for each style as for the subject of the experiment well everybody knows that i love cats so it kinda had to be a cat so very quickly i did sketch my cat here you go here's my cat so my camera died yesterday while i was recording so i had to stop but in the meantime i got a christmas tree so what i was talking about oh yeah three different styles so in the end these are the brushes that i decided to split in three different folders these are for the first painting with the first style these are mostly taken from the dream paints this is for the details the misti is for the gradient the toothpaste and the vector highlighter are to give some texture to the paint and this is the anime paper ate from the animate paper folder and it's gonna be used for some textures so for the first style i didn't want to get too much out of my comfort zone because i'm so used to using the same brushes that i literally had to face in using different ones so i started with something similar to what i usually do maybe with a sprinkle of texture to try something new but still very much in my style [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now the composition is pretty simple and what i used here is an analogous set of colors which means that all the colors that i used here are very much close by in the color wheels so they are all in the warm spectrum from the yellow to the red dish of the cat the only accent that goes a little bit more distant to these colors are the eyes that are closer to a green tone and that's what makes them pop off compared to the rest you can use this kind of combinations when you need something that you want it to look very harmonious because analogous color combinations are usually very calm and relaxing to look at they are very harmonious [Music] [Music] um [Music] i did add a very small tint of blue in some parts of the cat just to add a little bit of ambient light [Music] in the second folder for the second style i wanted to have something way more texturized so what i took are some of the brushes from the timmy textures the x-ray shaders are really really nice and they have some texture and the nebula glaze to add more texture some actual textures of paper from handmade paper folder and some dirty overlays to add the structures to the painting with the second one i wanted to really try a cute flat style similar to what you see in a lot of motion graphics animations so i gave it a go with some texture brushes because it's really really flat and there's no much shadows basically all the layering is done with colors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and mostly values i also use specifically a range of two complementary colors because green and red are complementary so each one stands on the other side of the color wheel and this creates a really contrasty effect this way the cat pops more with values and the colors [Music] do um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i really love plants and the look of plants so using the green in the background i could actually add some plants to make a nice composition for the background [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now from the third style i took a bacteria pen to do most of the line drawing then the out tones and finally some dirty overlays to make some finishing at the end for final one i really wanted something completely outside of my comfort zone i'm definitely not used to deal with such a different style and brushes and in fact it proved to be a little bit more of a challenging one but hey i'm really okay with how it turned out for this one i had to take a little bit of inspiration from the old style comics from the 70s or the 60s which i really like i mean i'm not very used to drawing this kind of art but i do think it's really pretty and it was definitely fun to draw it's very flat because it's in our comic style [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you can see that i use pretty much complementary colors here as well as the cat is pink and well the background is blue which is it's complementary color and the gradient is done with the halftones which i must admit i really like [Music] so here are my three cats with three different styles and three different set of brushes i will post them over on my instagram that's pretty much where i post all of my art so you can find me there conclusions so what do i think about using different brushes well i'm still firmly convinced that the success of your artwork is not a matter of what brush you use but how you use it and all that jazz your art depends on your knowledge and your experience so don't go about thinking that you're stuck because of the brush you hear me so yeah i'll keep doing the majority of my artwork with a good old round brush in my lazy comfort zone but this experience was actually really fun and of course i learned something new so i do think that there are some situations where using different brushes it's useful i do think there are some textures tools or stamps that can improve your workflow and make it faster and actually they are very convenient like i'm sure no one is expecting you to draw all these dots by hand as for these brushes well you saw how they work they were quite cool and fun to use so in the end i do recommend them so thanks again to visual timmy for sending these over to try out and if you want to grab them for yourself you can use the link down below in the description and by using that link you will support the channel as well as i will earn a small commission plus i'll leave a coupon you can use to get the 15 off and that's all for today and as always i hope this video was useful let me know in the comments below smash the like button if you liked it click the other button if you have to and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Ariabba
Views: 463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procreate, brushes, procreate brushes, digital brushes, digital art, art brushes, digital painting, cat, drawing, review, art tutorial
Id: JFC5YdMr-0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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