Everything you NEED to know about Procreate

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I was playing with makeup and my hair looks like something I pulled it over Swamp we're just gonna ignore that hello hello it's echo also this video is sponsored by skill share so I've been using procreate for almost two years now and I wanted to pass on some of the knowledge I have gained in those two years experience so I want to get second and go through everything I know about procreate from the ground up as in-depth as I can I'm also gonna put a bunch of more specific questions in the description along with time codes so if there's something specific that you're looking for you might be able to find it there procreate is very intuitive software because once you learn all of the basic foundational tools that are kind of just set out in front of you you start to realize that there are more complex tools underneath those even now having had procreate for so long I still learn new things about the software and they're constantly adding new features to it as well which makes it a very useful piece of equipment okay so let's have a look at procreate so this is my iPad his name is Hippogriff and this is my artist glove and my Apple pencil I used to have a pencil grip here but I lost it so I just have a rubber band wrapped around here fun life hack so let's get into procreate when you first open procreate you are shown all of the artwork that you currently have this is also good for photo editing just want to throw that out there to make it a canvas you click the little plus in the right-hand corner and then you are shown a list of different file types and sizes that you can create if you need a specific size that isn't in this list you can actually just add a new one and create your own custom size for now I'm just going to make one that is screen size and then here we have our canvas before we get into that I'm gonna go back to the gallery so when you have your new artwork if you want to rename it all you have to do is click the name and then we're just gonna call this test you can also create folders called stacks by clicking and then holding down and then just dropping it on top of another artwork and then as you can see here this says stack and if I click it it brings me into these two new canvases let's start with some basic navigation in the upper left hand corner you have things like actions adjustments and various selection tools as well as the gallery button which takes you back to your stack in the upper right hand corner we have the brush tool the smudge tool the eraser the layers and the color palette this panel on the right hand side controls the size of the brush the opacity of the brush and functions as an eyedropper tool if I click here it will result the white just like that this is also where you will find your undo and redo buttons you can move this toolbar up and down by pulling it out and towards the center and you can switch it from right to left by going to actions preferences and then toggling the right-hand interface personally I prefer to have it on the right-hand side now that we have those basics out of the way let's go ahead and move into brushes procreate is preloaded with tons of brushes for various different effects there's everything from calligraphy to watercolors textures elements like snow clouds and water there's also lots of fun ones to play with if you ever want to reorder these all you have to do is click drag and drop personally I use sketching inking and airbrushing the most so these top 4 inking brushes are actually custom and if you want to make a custom brush you just click this plus and then you were given a ton of options in the brush studio the brush studio could be its own video entirely so I'm not going to go super in-depth with this because creating custom brushes just using the brush studio is a lot if you want to download brushes from the internet this is also where you would import them show you the basics we're just gonna do a simple little bunny sketch so in order to undo you can use the undo redo buttons here on the right hand side or you can just tap with two fingers this motion has become so second nature to me that I actually sometimes tap on my sketchbooks is a very common artists problem so next let's go into the layers menu and we're actually going to change the background color so every canvas comes with one layer and a background color to start and then to add more layers you'll just click the plus button to delete the layers just swipe them to the left and then you can hit delete duplicate or lock if you wanted to do something like rename this layer all you would do is click it once and then you'll be given a small left-hand menu and this will include options like rename select copy fill layer clear alpha lock mask invert and reference and we'll go through some of these later in the video right now I just want to change the background color so if I just click on that background color layer I can take this down to a light gray sometimes I like to work on a slightly gray background be that way I can tell the difference between something being white and being transparent we're gonna go into the layers and we're actually gonna rename this one line art so now let's talk about color let's say that I wanted to color this little bunny character white I would go into the color menu up here and then I would select the color that I want to make this bunny and there are a couple options for me to do this I can use the disk interface classic interface which is my personal preference there is also a harmony option which is good for finding complementary colors there's a values option if you prefer to work with hex codes and then there's also a palette setting palette ever useful if you need to have something that has like a consistent color for example this palette is actually the color of my personal character so I'm going to go back to classic I'm gonna make the color pure white and then if you just click and drag this over and then drop it it'll fill the area depending on what your art process is you might not want to have your color and line art on the same layer so we're going to add a new layer and we're going to call this color now if you set the line art layer to reference procreate will reference this layer to drop color what that means is that if I'm on the color layer and I drag this white over it will still color within the lines while keeping the line art and color on separate layers have in mind you can only have one reference layer per artwork so there are two main ways that I can go about coloring this money I can drag and drop the white into his face and each individual eye or I can go to adjustments and recolor then wherever this plus is it will fill in that area then you just click click and you're done this is essentially the paint bucket tool now let's say you wanted to draw with something more like a pencil or charcoal something that has a rougher edge when you go to adjustments and recolor you'll see that the color doesn't completely meet up with the edge of the line when you have something with a rougher edge you might have to adjust the flood now this controls how much the color bleeds into the line it can go from barely touching it to completely flowing over but if you do thing like that then it actually fills in the shape you can also control the flood from the color drop so if you drag your color in and don't lift up your pencil and then drag left and right you can control the flood percentage something else that I personally like to do when I'm working with a rough edge it used to go to adjustments and Gaussian blur and just to blur it out a little bit that helps it kind of like blend behind the line a little bit more seamlessly so now let's talk about the adjustments menu with the adjustments you can control things like the opacity Gaussian blur which is kind of like a uniform blur motion blur the direction you control by drawing a line pretty intuitive further you draw your line the further the blur is perspective blur you place your center point and then just draw a line outward and then it's exploding from the center sharpen makes things a little bit more crispy noise is something I don't even know how to explain it makes the image noisy liquify which is very good for pushing and adjusting shapes but say that I like the way that I drew this heart but I feel like it's too long I can kind of adjust parts of it using liquify tool and then it's a much better heart I can also pour alright roll left pinch which pulls everything in word expand which pushes everything outward crystals which adds all of these crazy fractal shapes edge which can kind of sharpen your lines a bit reconstruct which is kind of the undo of the liquify the adjust slider which is like before and after and then also reset you can also mess with the pressure distortion and momentum liquify is a very helpful tool you're gonna want to get closely associated with that one next we have the clone tool which was recently added I believe in one of the last updates so this is your reference point let's say that I wanted to put that right here at the base of this heart then I can clone the heart up here this is very good for copying textures and covering blemishes and things like that at the bottom of our adjustments menu along with recolor we have all of the different color settings we have the settings for hue saturation and brightness the color rebalance the curves and then also the recolor menu huge changes the base color saturation is how rich the color is and brightness is how light or dark the color is color balance is a little bit more useful when you're editing photos but it controls whether your image is leaning cyan or red magenta green or yellow blue and then you can also control the shadows mid-tones and highlights here on the right hand side curves is another one that I find most useful when I'm editing photos I mainly use this when I want to add contrast to my photos and then naturally recolor which is essentially the paint bucket tool so at this point we're going to be going over the mask tool so here there are some straightforward selection tools we have automatic freehand rectangle and ellipse automatic selection is kind of like a magic wand tool it will select everything you click to the best of its abilities this is another one where you can click and hold to select a threshold so if you want to get closer to the edge of this line you just hold down and move your pen freehand allows you to draw your selection area rectangle selection creates rectangles and the ellipse selection creates ellipses if you want to use the ellipse tool to select a perfect circle all you have to do is touch the screen and then you have a perfect circle and there it is you can invert your selection by clicking invert copy and paste will copy and paste your selection onto a new layer feather will kind of blur the edge of your selection so that it's not an extremely harsh cut if you have a specific selection that you need to reference over and over you can click these save and load and then if you click this little plus it will save the selection to a little menu down here that you can constantly come back to and then clear just clears your selection so let's use the freehand mask tool to select this heart area because the line art and color for this area are on two separate layers I need to select both layers in order to select multiple layers all you have to do is swipe the layers to the right this is also how you would group layers if you wanted to keep everything nice and organized so now that I have the selection let's say that I wanted to manipulate it a bit if I use this selection tool I'm given a fair bit of options from here I can move the figure I can resize the figure uniform will keep everything proportionate while freeform will let you manipulate the sides individually distort let you manipulate each corner individually which is very good for perspectives and warp will give you a grid that you can manipulate the selection way if you preserve the magnetic setting then everything will scale proportionately you can see up here in the tiny tiny text it says snap to 100% scale snap to 120 so you can keep everything to a specific proportion flip horizontal flip vertical rotate 45 fit to screen which will fill the canvas and then also the reset you can also select automatically by just making sure you're on the right layer and then clicking the Select tool now let's move on to the actions menu under the add toolbar you can insert a file insert a photo take a photo or add text as well as cut copy and paste insert a file is useful if you want to pull in Photoshop files or PDF files insert a photo will pull things from your camera real take a photo will access the iPads camera and add text is one of the most useful features that they added in the new update when you add text it pulls up a keyboard so you can type what you want and then if you want to change things like the font and size all you have to do is click Edit style and then this opens up a whole new menu and then you can use any of the many fonts you have collected over the years this is also where you would add fonts using the import font button you can also share fonts with airdrop which is really cool under the canvas tab we have various canvas settings this is where you would go to crop and resize the canvas if you decide that you want to change the size of it do a bit of a rotation next we have the toggle for the animation assist I mostly use this to create gif images when you're making animations with procreate each individual layer or group will count as a frame so right now it's counting the black line art the white color layer the red color layer and the text as individual frames so if I hit play it will just cycle through the layers if you have multiple layers that you want to be a single frame you just have to group them so I would just select these group them and then that becomes a single frame if I duplicate this and then go into the line art can add a new mouth and maybe some angry eyebrows and now because I have two groups each group will be converted to a single frame and if I hit play it will filter through those two groups settings controls the frame speed so I can slow that down onion skin allows you to see a light overlay of the frames that come before and after the frame you're working on onion skin opacity controls how intensely you see those frames color secondary frame will color the onion skin so it's a little bit easier to differentiate what you're working on and what is coming before and after by default it's set to loop so it will just go through the frames over and over and over if you set it to one shot it will just play through once if you said it to ping pong it will go from end to end and that is our very small animation let's go ahead and turn the animation assistant off so that we can move on to the drawing guide when you turn on the drawing guide by default it is just a basic grid if you're drawing something a little bit more structured like backgrounds or buildings or something more architecture based using the drawing assistant helps a lot so I'm going to hide these groups and add a new layer and then we're going to set that layer to drawing a fist so now whenever I draw it will snap my lines to the drawing assist grid now along with the drawing guide toggle there is also edit drawing guide if you go into this menu you control the colors of the lines and you can also control what type of drawing assist you need so along with the 2d grid there is the isometric grid the perspective grid and the symmetry grid when you're working with the perspective grid you'll need to add one two or three perspective points this will also create your horizon line and in order to do that all you have to do is tap one two and maybe three times from there you can move these points around your canvas to set your grid I click done add a new layer set to drawing assist from there I can use this grid to create more dynamic landscapes big tall buildings have in mind that if you turn off the drawing guide you will still be connected to it even if you can't see it because this layer is set to drawing assist if you want to draw on this layer more freehand you have to turn off the drawing assist next we have flipped canvas horizontally flip canvas vertically and canvas information this will be very useful if you're the kind of person who flips your art a lot canvas information pretty straightforward next we have our share options this is how you would go about saving your artwork outside of pro career personally I upload a procreate and PNG file of all of my artwork to my Google Drive just in case anything happens to my iPad I will have copies of all of my artwork the first one is they procreate file type PSD is for Photoshop PDF jpg PNG and tip and then to share your image without collapsing the layers you can save as PDF PNG files animated gif animated PNG or animated mp4 personally I usually save my files as a PNG format next we'll move on to the video tab by default procreate records The Strokes of your artwork so if you want to watch your progress and see your artwork being created from beginning to end then you just have to click time-lapse replay now the time-lapse replay does take up a little bit more memory so if you don't want to spare that memory then you can just turn off the time-lapse recording if I turn it off now it will ask if I want to purge the video which will delete the video that is associated with this procreate file and then at the bottom of that tab you can export the time-lapse video which allows you to save it to your device if it's an incredibly long video it gives you two options one to shorten it to thirty seconds and one that is full length when I make my YouTube videos about drawings that I made in procreate this is how I record them and then last but not least in the Actions menu we have the Preferences tab the Preferences tab is where you'll find a lot of settings for the UI controls so for example procreate has both a light and dark mode the right-handed interface toggle controls whether your brush settings are on the right or left hand side project canvas lets you display your canvas on another monitor via airplay or a connected cable connection third-party stylus this is something that I have never used because I've always had an Apple pencil but they do have options for Adonit Pogo connect and Wacom Edit pressure curve this is where you'll adjust how procreate interprets the pressure that you put on the device and at the bottom of the first section we have the gesture controls this is a lot when you get procreate I recommend going through all of the gesture controls and reading through each of these toggles so that you can set up procreate to your own personal taste there are a lot of really useful shortcuts that are just kind of hidden in the gesture controls they can be extremely useful one that I've seen a fair bit of artists on Twitter use is the eraser touch toggle by turning on this option by turning on this option a finger touch becomes the eraser and then finally we have the rapid undo and the selection mask visibility so there's a slight delay when you draw something and then DoubleTap to remove it and this controls how long that delay lasts and then to explain what the last one is we're gonna just mask off a little area really quick and then you can see that this slider just controls how dark this election mask is and that for the time being is everything that I could possibly think you would need to know about procreate if I think of any other useful information I'll be sure to add it to the description oh look what's this it's today's sponsor so a fair bit of the things that I know about this program I actually learned about on Skillshare if you want to learn a new skill in 2020 or just get better as Gil you already have Skillshare is a great way to do that skill share classes are broken up into manageable sections so they're a lot less intimidating than a 20 minute procreate tutorial video like this they have a ton of class topics like illustration graph design animation and fine art it's also super affordable especially when you compare it to in-person classes and workshops an annual subscription is less than $10 a month if you click the link in the description of this video you can get two free months of premium membership recently I finished the class painting with colored pencils by Kendall Hill guess I hope I'm saying that right and I made this super nice picture of a cubone turns out I've just been using colored pencils wrong my whole life and now I love them I also finished a class called bullet journal in your way by Jessica when yo bullet journaling is something I've wanted to get into for a very long time and I figured the turn of the decade would be a good time to start trying to go into 2020 as organized as I possibly can have in mind this is being filmed in January of 2020 depending on when you're seeing this video the program may have been updated so there may be more features especially when Pro feet 5 comes out if you want to actually see me working with procreate then you can follow me on Twitch just search for echo is weird and trying to make 2020 my year of streaming I think that's all I have for you today thank you for coming to learn about this glorious program I'm gonna give you 700 awesome points for making it all the way to be into this video that's everything for now I hope that you have a lovely day and I will see goodbye this is like nasty swamp mermaid hair
Channel: Echo Gillette
Views: 466,844
Rating: 4.9750662 out of 5
Keywords: echoisweird, echo gillette, procreate tutorial, procreate ipad pro, procreate tips, how to use procreate, digital art, procreate for beginners, procreate tips and tricks, procreate drawing, digital painting, procreate how to, ipad pro tutorial, procreate lessons, digital art for beginners, procreate art, ipad pro 2020, procreate tutorial for beginners, procreate tutorial easy, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, art, tutorial, ipad art, tricks, tips, digital drawing
Id: jVyTE8iwlw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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