Should These 90's Toys Be Brought Back?

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- Today, the nineties are calling. - (Talkboy playing) Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning! - Thundercats, those Apple versus PC commercials, sitting inside Pizza Huts! I loved all of those things, but they're gone now forever! And time's coming for the things that you love, too. - Yeah, like shopping malls, parking meters, charging cables. Actually, all this sounds like forward progress. - Yeah, but not so fast because there's plenty of junk that we need to reintroduce into our lives, if for no other reason then for nostalgia. It's time for To Be Discontinued More Products Edition. - All right! Let's get right into this. What self-respecting kid did not wanna be Kevin McCallister in the 90s? Now with the release of the Talkboy in 1992 and the Talkboy Deluxe in 1993, AKA the very voice changer that he used in Home Alone Two, you could be him, kinda. - [Announcer] Now, you can be as clever as Kevin with Tiger's new Talkboy tape recorder. - [Link] Yeah! - Hey, stop drooling on me! (Talkboy rewinding) - (Talkboy playing) Hey, stop drooling on me! - Tiger's new Talkboy tape recorder comes with audio cassette. (Link laughs) Battery's not included. - We got both of these together for $184 on eBay. - $115 for this one. $70 for this one that does not work. So mine doesn't work, man. I feel so left out. This was actually requested by John Hughes, the director of Home Alone Two, to be made for the film because he had this idea that he'll have like his voice recorder, the Talkboy, and so they made it. So if you actually look at the toy, it says, "Copyright 1992 20th Century Fox Film Corporation." So they made this thing for the movie. And then, of course, because Kevin McCallister did it in Home Alone Two, every kid in America was like, "I gotta get me one of those so I can get my sister's boyfriend embarrassed!" - Yeah, I mean. (crew laughing) It's basically like a camcorder, but just for audio. - The Rhett and Link radio hour. - They tried to make it and you put your hand in here and then you just start getting incriminating evidence from burglars and also trying to make reservations at the Plaza Hotel. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So let's see if I can do that. Just gonna record this here. Howdy do, this is Peter McCallister, the father. I'd like a hotel room, please. So you play it back. - Put it in slow mode. - In slow mode. So let me play it and get it to that point. Here we go. - (Talkboy playing) Howdy do. This is Peter McCallister, the father. I'd like a hotel room, please. - Dang! It's just like the movie, man! Where do I get one of these? - That's pretty great, dude. - Mine doesn't even work! I'm so mad! (crew laughing) - Here, you can hold that one. I'll take the one that's broken. - I can do it, too? Here's the reason that I don't think we should bring this back and I hate to say it. There are a lot of just phone apps that do this exact thing. I haven't seen the new Home Alone and so I don't know if that happens, but if it were to happen in that movie, they probably would just use a phone and your phone doesn't have a microphone like that. - But hold on. A phone doesn't do that. But I don't think that does anything, anyway, so as much as we hate to say it, I think we're saying the Talkboy. - [Both] No, that's whack! (words whooshing) - Here, we have 1994's Sky Dancers, a graceful flying doll for girls and Dragon Flyz, an action figure designed for aerial combat for boys. I think the secret is they're the same toy. See for yourselves. ♪ Come to me, dance for me ♪ - [Link] Catch it, girl! Spin it! Oh, they're everywhere. - They're beautiful! - [Link] They're beautiful. [Announcer] Real flying dancers with magical wings and pretty dresses. Pull their magic star and the twirl and fly. ♪ Sky Dancers fly ♪ - [Link] Yes, there they go. Easily caught. - [Announcer] New flying Sky Dancers. Doll and doll with launcher sets, each sold separately. - What about Dragon Flyz? - [Announcer] They're new Dragon Flyz, posable action figures who pack a secret punch! - [Rhett] We're the same thing, but we've got bigger heads! - Dragon Flyz really fly! - [Announcer] Dragon Flyz on dragon launchers. Zenith, Peak! Fly them, crash them, against the evil Dread Wing! - [Link] Oh, he's ugly. - Now I rule the skies! - Dread Wing, you're a dead man! ♪ Dragon Flyz, flight is might ♪ - [Announcer] New Dragon Flyz flying action figures with dragon launchers, eat sold separately. New from Galoob. - Now- - The girls just gently catch them and the guys are trying to destroy each other! - You didn't see one of the boys going, "They're beautiful!" You know? (crew laughing) - But there ain't nothing wrong with a boy finding something beautiful or a girl crashing stuff. - That's right! - So get with it! - Yeah! That's the part of the 90s we don't wanna bring back. - That's right. - But I do wanna send this thing into the stratosphere. - Before you do, let me say that Sky Dancers were recalled in June of 2000 and then that's when they were discontinued because can you guess? Eye injuries, scratched corneas, incidents of temporary blindness. - You're not supposed to do this? - Broken teeth, a mild concussion, a broken rib. - I'm going right in the mouth. Pull one! - And facial lacerations that required stitches. - Okay, I'm gonna pull my face away and pull the string. Okay. Okay, I got it. - Give it some gusto. Woo! - Okay, now I understand how it works. - Can I be the girl that catches it? - Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna send it right to you, baby. She's beautiful. (Rhett and crew laughing) Why so rough? - She's gone. All right. - [Rhett] Okay, I'm gonna pull with my right hand and really get it going. - There it goes. Can I try this one? See if you can catch this guy. - Okay. - First of all, get ready for your proctology exam. - You think we could just get the guy to just sit right on it? Yeah. He won't mind. - Important, safety. - Don't read that. Yeah, pull that right off. Throw it in the trash. Whoa! Killer! - Bring that back. No. Well, hold on. We haven't decided. I just meant can I have that again? - That looks so fun. Let's do them together. I think yours goes higher. - I just wanna see if you can catch it. I'm gonna go back. - Oh, you catch one. You catch the lady. Three, two. - [Both] One. (toys buzzing and banging) (crew laughing) - Hey, man. These things- - I'm having fun. Now, can I do the big one? - Yeah, you can do it. - Whoa! You see? Okay. If we have slowmo replay, dude went like this. - We do, we do. We definitely do. - He was like this and then he just slowly elevated, turned, and just sat right here. - He was like, "I wanna ride backwards." - Okay, Link, let's make this interesting, okay? And this is why they were recalled. Okay, ready? Both hands up. You're gonna catch it and if you catch it, we're bringing the sucker back. Okay? - Okay. - It's all up to you, Neil. (toy buzzing) - Oh! (crew laughing) Dang, that freaking. (Rhett laughing) That thing got a zing, man. Reminding me of the only way I got on base in grade school. - I was a bean ball. Okay, I guess Sky Dancers- - I am talking about baseball. - Sky Dancers and Dragon Flyz. - No! No! - That's- - What? - You didn't catch it. You didn't catch it. (crew laughing) - That's true, but they're so dangerous. - Yeah! - All right. You're right. - Sky Dance. I am? (crew laughing) We gotta make a decision. - I like that it- - I do, too. - Dangerous. - Sky Dancers and Dragon Flyz. - [Both] Bring it back! - Hey, get the last quarterly collective item of the year on Mythical Society. It's the talking Rhett and Link plushies. - (plushie talking) You know what time it is. The way to a woman's heart is through a worms anus. Feel good! Good Mythical Morning! Be your Mythical best. - Sign up for third degree quarterly or annual by December 31st to be eligible and to actually get these things. for details. - Get them! Okay. The Conair quick wrap styling kit from 2002 is a tool for beautifying hair with colorful string. Let's see the commercial first. ♪ Quick wrap from Conair ♪ - [Link] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Rhett] Oh, it's a girl band. Hot! (laughing) - [Announcer] And you can quick wrap at home. One easy tool wraps hair strands with colored string. - [Link] Oh, gosh, because getting gum outta your hair wasn't hard enough. - [Announcer] Two spools of string, battery, beeds and charms are yours for $24.99 - [Link] $25 and it comes with the battery? - [Rhett] You get that battery and only one? - [Announcer] Like this, watch. The string in the strand go into the threader, then through the hole. - [Link] Okay. - [Announcer] You hold hair taught as your friend pushes the button up and pulls the tool slowly down the string. - [Link] Look at that! - [Rhett] Watch your friends hair come right out their scalp! - [Announcer] Then put on the pretty shaped beads and tassel charms. ♪ Zap, it's a wrap ♪ - [Link] They're definitely a band in real life. ♪ You never get to wear ♪ ♪ Zap, it's a wrap ♪ ♪ It's quick wrap from Conair ♪ - I'm still learning what a bop is, but I think that that jingle definitely qualifies. - That was a bop, yeah. - Yeah. All right, now it says, "This is not a toy. Close adult supervision is necessary when this product is being used on Rhett's hair." - There's at least one adult here. - You ready to do that? - Yeah, I don't really want you to do this on my hair because- - What about this guy? - You know what? I don't wanna lose any, so why don't you just adorn yourself? - (singing) I'm gonna put on a wig because then I can to do this to me. - It's so realistic. - (sings) Without it hurting! - Okay, here's what we're gonna do. So I pull this thing out of the bottom. - I'm really in my 90s garb, too. I didn't even mean to do that. - Hey, hey. - This is a little bit blonder. (crew laughing) - Okay, now what I'm going to do is I pull this out a little bit here, then down just a teeny bit. Friend. - All right, now, the Amazon description says it's "great for slumber parties or for primping for the next Christina Aguilera concert." (crew laughing) - Okay, Link. Here we come. (Conair whirring) - [Link] Is it? Is it? - [Rhett] Oh, yeah. I'm totally wrapping your hair! You're gonna be a bassist! - I'm gonna be a bassist in the girl band! - [Rhett] Oh and it just turned pink. - Think about how many pet dogs were traumatized with this being used on them. Oh, are we good? Oh, that's nice. - And then I'll take a little bead dilly dally. - You're gonna bead me? - [Rhett] I cut it, right? Cut below like this. - I mean, this is fun, right? Is there not something like this on the market now? - [Stevie] Guys, this is so cool! I kind of wanna do it. I don't know. - All right, Stevie! - Stevie likes. - Step right up! Are you gonna be in our band, Stevie? - [Stevie] Well, yes. - Tambourine. I feel tambourine coming on for Steve. - Hey, listen. (Link mimicking a tambourine) - Here's what I'll say. Every time I've ever seen someone with one of these strands in their hair like this, I just imagined that it took a lot of time and it took a professional and they went to some place at the mall or like a booth somewhere on the side of the street. But no, all you had to do was just grab this thing and spend some time with me for a little bit. - When you need me to load out all the amps? - And there's a thing about just having one, you know what I'm saying? - Yeah. - It's just like, it makes you seem like almost, you hide this, you know? And everybody's just like, that's just the normal roadie and then all of a sudden, boom. And you're like, I like to have a little fun. What kinda weird stuff does that guy get into, you know? - Hey, it's got a transformative power. Stevie's into it, so I say the quick wrap. - [Both] Bring it back! - Stevie, isn't there another product? - [Stevie] Yeah, it should be arriving by special delivery right now. - Hey, how's it going? - Hey, guys. - Excuse me. - Sorry. - Patty and Dirk. - Hey, sorry. We know this isn't food fused, but- - No, it's not. - We got you guys invitations to our wedding. (Patty clapping) - Yeah. - Right. - A little DIY, you know? Do it yourself. We just thought it was like- - Still happening, huh? - It's kind of intimate, you know? - It's so intimate. It's a dirty napkin, Dirk. - [Dirk] Yeah. Well, you know. - And actually, it says that the venue is here. So you you're gonna let them do this? - Yes, thank you very, very much for letting us have the wedding. - So nice of you. - On November 29th on Mythical Society, which I don't know what that is, but sounds like a cult, which I think is very cool. - Yeah. We like cults. - And are you guys registered anywhere? We should get them gifts. - Oh, it's funny you should mention that because I have another napkin. (laughing) This is like a few gifts. I don't know. So we need a new set of throwing stars because we keep losing them. - Other ones are rusty. (crew laughing) - Yeah. Also, a blu-ray of "House of a Thousand Corpses", which is a really good movie about a lot of corpses in our house. - Got our Cheetos fingies on it. Got a little smidged. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Our old copy is destroyed. - You guys are a pair. - [Both] Yeah. - We're in love, so a Dirt Devil, which is the most metal of vacuums. - Oh, yeah. - (laughing) Okay. - And then a food processor, like Cuisinart- - We'll do a Vitamix, if you can't find a Cuisinart. - Okay. - Okay, just leave the napkin here. - Oh, sure, yeah. Take that. That's for you. - Yeah, yeah. - Is that a new lip ring? - Oh, it's the same one. - It's his engagement. That's the engagement lip ring. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - This is cannon, Link. (Rhett laughing) - Don't you keep up with the lore? - Yeah, keep up with the lore, man. - I just rarely make eye contact with your soul patch. - Keep looking. Look at my lips when I'm talking to you. - Listen, we were also wondering, if it's not too much trouble since you guys are like famous or whatever, if you could ask Powerman 5000 if they could come to the wedding. - Yeah. - I could try, I guess. - I'll take that as a yes, definitely. - Powerman 5000, I know you're watching right now, so you're invited to the wedding. - There it is. There's your invitation. - On the Mythical Society. - Okay. What did you bring us? I assume there's something under this. - Oh, yeah. Okay, yeah. So here's your thing that people don't make anymore, which is very cool, very counterculture of you guys. So here you go. Bye, we're getting married. - Congratulations, guys. Wow. - [Stevie] All right guys, before you touch this thing, all I'm gonna tell you is it's from the 70s. - Ow, ow! You're on my foot! - Oh, am I? Sorry. (crew laughing) - That's the way I talk when I get hurt. - Your toe came off. - Oh, ow, ow! - Sorry. It's the color and texture of the 70s. - Of a couch. - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah. You're gonna have to each guess what you think it is without touching it. I'm gonna give you a three, two, one, and then the winner actually gets to try it out. - I'm gonna say a neck massager. Oh, three, two, one? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Neck massager. I was supposed to say three, two, one. - Well, that's what it looks like, but it can't be because that wouldn't be fun enough. I'm gonna say it's a crotch massager. - Oh, crap. Crotch massager. - [Stevie] Well, I guess I have to determine which one of you is closer. Link is closer. It was made by Steven H. Hansen who, you know, of course. He's one of the Hansen and they're called hear muffs. They're cushion-encased headphones that gently cradle your head and a big thank you to Ed over at for getting these to us so quickly. - Oh, wow. It's just a big headphones. - Thanks, Ed. - [Stevie] It basically so you can avoid the pain of resting your head on a pillow wearing headphones. - Yeah. - [Stevie] They made this. - So, but they're not wireless. - Oh, look at that. - Oh no, you, you put them on the back, according to the... - They call them hear muffs? The first headphones you wouldn't kick out of bed. Look at that guy's mustache! - Man! (crew laughing) If you told me I could go back in time and just become that guy right now, I would. - I mean, they. Talk about a pair. - I might have to do it. - You could definitely- - Oh, okay. Oh, you unzip it. - Oh. Oh, I heard that. What's? Oh! - We got a dongle and I'm gonna hand it to Chase because he's got a computer. He's gonna plug it in for you. Now, they didn't have a computer in the 70s, but they had things that you could- - [Link] Hear muffs. - Play music through. Are you getting? ♪ I'm so tight. ♪ - Okay. Can you guess what I'm listening to? - Something from the 70s. - That's the spot. - Oh, yeah! Not from the 70s. The booty knot song. Can I get a little listen? - Yeah, I know you want that. ♪ Really hard week ♪ - Listen to yourself. - Look at me, in the bed with my woman. (crew laughing) - It doesn't look like it's wrapping around your head enough. Your head's too big for it. ♪ I like the way you work my booty knots ♪ - This is good. - Let's reenact it. You prop up next to me. - What are we looking at? He's looking that way. - Are we doing it? Are we nailing it? - [Stevie] You're doing something. - Actually, I love the idea of this. Not only does it look great, but I often think to myself, even when you have a nice little fitting earbud, if you wanna listen to something as you're going to sleep and I'm a side sleeper, that earbud will just- (groaning) It does bad things to your ear. - Yeah, but it doesn't have to be nearly this big and I do think there's products that do that. Matter of fact, I own one. It's better than this. - Oh yeah, you did. I saw you took that on tour. I remember that. - That's right. - It is much lower profile than this. - So the sides of headphones has gotten smaller. So does this. No need for the hear muffs, in my opinion, so. - Hear muffs. - [Both] No, that's whack. - All right, so we did bring back a couple of things today or at least we would like to. Sky Dancers and Dragon Flyz. Safety not first and the Conair quick wrap. We're changing the world, one product at a time. - Thanks for describing a clicking that bell. - You know what time it is! - Hi, my name is Dylan. - Angela. - Alex. - Tristan. - Jim-bo. - Nora. - Chloe. - Austin. - We're in Chicago, Illinois, and we just had a Good Mythical Morning themed birthday party and it's time to spin- - [All] The Wheel of Mythicality! - Having fun- - I like that. - At your birthday in Chicago. Click the top link to watch us guess what these Etsy shops are selling in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. You are cordially invited to watch the wedding of Patty and Dirk, exclusively on the
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,530,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: nJt-ypHQzwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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