Should police start using Man Catchers?

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how you going now I don't know about you but whenever I bump into an old person tottering slowly down the street I'll go over here yep I always think to myself I could take him [Music] but I don't because I'm a normal human being and I've definitely never considered electrocuting them with 50 000 Volts for 30 seconds until they die but that's exactly what some people did last month in Australia when a 95 year old woman with dementia was killed by coppers with a taser a 95 year old great-grandmother tasered by police in her aged Care Home dying tonight all because she was holding a knife and walking around with her walking frame in a nursing home then after she approached cops at a slow pace they tased her and she died so today I'm going to try and make a device that shows that we might not need to kill unarmed people okay now I actually made this man catching device a couple of years ago but it was really bad it didn't work properly it snapped and I also only tested it on a 14 year old child worst of all it had a locking mechanism in the Jaws that would prevent it from opening once closed but that button for locking and opening was in the Jaws in reach of the person you captured so they could just press the button and free themselves so not the best man catcher and a couple of things have changed since that video three years ago I've discovered the magic of welding and metal work so I can make it stronger and scarier with spikes and also my moral compass has decreased and to start I need to design the closing mechanism and I've always thought bull ants have really beautiful Jaws which overlap and seem to lock so I just grabbed an ant from my garden and did a sketch of its mandibles now I want this to work by having these Jaws on the side here which have spikes which move towards each other and lock in a closed position when these two metal bars get pushed towards each other so to test if the mechanics work I made it out of cardboard which is definitely too floppy to even catch the floppiest of old people but I think I'm on the right track here then I made a prototype out of wood and after fiddling around with the dimensions it seems to close all right and isn't that floppy which means it's time for me to spend a hundred dollars on metal and cut out my design with my mate's plasma cutter [Music] and this really is the kind of thing you need a CNC plasma cutter for as after only 10 minutes I'm already sweating my back sore and my feet are pretty badly burnt [Music] but I finished all the simple pieces and I didn't want to screw up the more complicated jaw shaped pieces as I found it really hard to even follow a straight line so instead just bought two jaws from the Jaw section of the local hardware store then I cleaned off all the unnecessary sharp it on the Belt Sander and also made them all the exact same size then drilled the holes and the more I drilled the more excited I get to see if I've wasted a hundred dollars on metal and after bolting it all together it seems to kind of work and also looks way cooler than I thought it would when it closes up but this doesn't mean it will catch a person okay now I just need to put this whole thing on the end of two pipes that are inside each other and the inside pipe will have a handle that I can pull to close the hole mechanism now when I was designing this thing I thought I would just cut a slot and put this piece in here and then weld the Crescent piece in but I forgot that I need this hole in the pipe to remain a hole as the other pipe is going to be moving inside there so I'm going to try something really smart or really dumb I don't know yet I Mark the dimensions of the pipe on the piece and then cut ninety percent of the way through the metal and then welded it in place so now I just need to cut the remaining bit inside the pipe and if I cut the whole thing in half before it would be very hard to align both pieces perfectly straight with each other especially when they warp from welding so now that I've tack welded it I just need to cut the inside pieces [Music] work safe easy foreign [Music] I just welded it permanently in place now I know I'm not meant to weld galvanized pipe as it releases poisonous fumes or whatever but I am taking precautions by wearing a mask and working in a really well ventilated garage but this is something I've never seen before if anyone knows what this poisonous looking death spider web that's coming out of the steel please let me know okay now this pipe that goes inside the other one also gets a slot in it and then is welded to this piece and now I get to see how the whole mechanism moves around [Music] yeah yes yes yes yes yes [Music] and it's a bit stiff but seems to work all right and the pieces line up with each other so next I cut a little peepee hole in the big pipe that will allow me to access the small pipe and my plan was to cut a sideward slot in the big pipe and then weld a handle to the small pipe so I can lock the mechanism in place to the side like a bolt action rifle or something but I realized a big problem I can't actually turn the inside pipe because the whole jaw structure is attached to it so I'm going to have to come up with something else and this camping chair might help so I pulled off the leg and found this little knob spring thing which I'm going to steal to put inside the small pipe and Rick if you're watching this I know I told you that your camping chair broke when I slammed it in the front door of my car and then you were really angry about it and then you went into the forest looking for a log to sit on and he brought a big one back but then the ranger shouted at you because collecting logs degrades the natural habitat and biodiversity yeah that was my fault and I'll I'll buy you a new one okay so now the moment of truth did I destroy Rick's camping chair for a good reason [Music] he did it first go and it looks like I did so next I just cut down this pool stick which isn't a gun and sanded it down until it looks like a handle and then put in this bolt which just happened to be covered in glue then just screwed in the handle to the inside pipe and now I can manually make the whole jaw thing close and it seems to lock in place every time but there is still a lot of friction between the metal jaw sections and they could definitely be smoother so I bought these things called thrust bearings which I've used before in the bedroom but never for building stuff so I grabbed my wrenches put a Thrust bearing between every Bolt and now there is no friction between the pieces at all oh I feel so much nicer why Alexa yeah can I uh catch you please [Music] thank you it's not even hitting here how does it feel oh yeah he's gotta stop there that's a big hole oh well I'm sorry that's actually bad but I designed it for life my wife's um [Music] it's really heavy LOL it wait it really hurts where this one's missing wow look foreign that's really bad why'd you make me and the Jaws may look cool but the spikes really suck for catching as they are incredibly painful when they dig into your back and also the spikes make it hard to wrap around people as they get caught on People's Clothing so all I did was make a new pair of smooth Jaws which should be less painful and now comes the real test and I'm going to test this on someone that the police are used to abusing this 86 year old homeless man but he has a secret he knows kung fu sorry [Music] [Music] it's working [Music] I got you [Music] look inside um okay so that is locked in on your leg it's very tight yeah it's good it was tight it works it works it does actually work yeah yeah it'll be good yeah you can still there it wasn't too it wasn't too tight though it wasn't it was tightually no I think Cass was going easy on me allowing the device to slip around his body probably because I was paying him and he wanted to make it look like my device was working but even then he still managed to throw his knife into my neck and his Siggy into my leg so this time I told him to pretend like he was actually going to be detained like in all those prison stories he was telling us about and to do everything in his power to escape hey he's got you he got you you're dead your device sucks Alex was that easy that was so easy but if you're going quick if I go on quick disabling no worries the colors the thing is in real life you won't be getting tips from the person who's trying to attack you and that time Cass just grabbed the claws and worked his way slowly up the pole until he could stab me now I probably could have ripped and spun him off but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a harmless man catcher so we were one and one now so we decided to do the best out of three and give it one more go oh he's pulling it off he's slipping It Off I don't think you can get me I've got it I've got here I've got I've got he's not given up hello persistent and that time I managed to grab him and once you have someone in the claws it works really well and they definitely can't get out but getting them in isn't that easy oh no no also I know what you're gonna say you're gonna say this isn't an accurate test of how the device works as he is too old you need to test it on someone younger that was a good shot I'm now trying to get out you should have a guy but that was embarrassing because I couldn't actually stop it yeah yeah and this was meant to be a funny joke segment that didn't prove anything but even this three-year-old was able to defeat me as once he put his weight down on the end it just turns into a big lever and I can't pick it back up and he wasn't even trying to do that but again I reckon it's because I didn't want to be rough and hurt him so for the final test I'm gonna do it on someone that I'm not afraid to hurt also I'm going to make some quick changes to the man catcher in my first man catching video you guys had some pretty horrible suggestions on how I can make it better A lot of you talked about a different latching mechanism but others wanted me to attach tasers or pepper spray to the front and you even Drew diagrams explaining how to do it and I agree it's a funny idea and extremely easy to taser someone once you already have them restrained inside a pair of claws that kind of defeats the whole purpose of not tasing them by putting a taser on the end so I won't be doing that mostly because tasers are illegal for civilians like me to own but I have an idea of how I can make this better and that's by taking the whole thing apart and just using the middle stick with the crescent-shaped piece on the top as the closing mechanism works well if I can get someone inside but it's very easy to avoid if the person just grabs it and then I just have a big heavy stick so hopefully without the cause I should be able to move it around quicker okay so you're just you're just trying to kill me okay but we're going properly you're actually trying to kill me this is Revenge for the concussion ready I'd want to be further away set yeah go out oh my God so quickly [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] but [Music] this is okay oh oh sorry and that worked a little better and a little worse I was definitely more Nimble with it and managed to pin Alexa down two out of five times and then he also knocked me down twice but the majority of the times the other person was able to grab the end of the catcher which then acts as a big handle and control the other person or just move down the stick and then get him but that just might be because Alexa and I are hot buff guys imagine if you had a team of people with sticks like this using it on a 97 year old woman with dementia then I could definitely see this working thanks for watching if you like this please subscribe and check out some of my other videos
Channel: I did a thing
Views: 5,020,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, i did a thing, education
Id: ApbsDH2eWng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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