I made the worlds most dangerous pool stick

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how you going now I'm pretty good at pool [Music] you know what I'm not very good at hitting a pool ball hard enough that it hits my mate in the head and makes his eyes turn into billiard balls like that scene from Tom and Jerry so today I'm going to create a device to make that happen [Music] all right so I've got a couple of made up requirements for this device first I want it to be small enough to fit on the end of a real pull stick and not look that different or suspicious I also want it to break the World Record for fastest pull break which is only around 30 miles per hour which seems pretty slow then to finish off I want to play my mate in a game of pool and win and I think I've got a pretty good idea of how I want to do all this and that's with these blank rounds which I've screwed around with before in my power hammer which was able to fling Nails all the way through my roof and the great thing about these rounds is that they are very small while also being very safe and if there are any kids under eight watching this you should definitely play with these so I've drawn this sketch of how I imagine these rounds working first I'll have my pool stick which has a metal cap on the end with a metal sleeve and inside that sleeve will sit a Hollow Road and inside that road is a piston and then when I hit the pool wall that Rod will move back inside the sleeve hitting the metal cap setting off the blank round which will fire the Piston out at high speed hitting the pool ball but I really have no idea if this will work and a lot can go wrong here like the whole thing exploding or the Piston shooting out like a bullet or worst of all I don't actually get enough Force to set off the blank round but the only way to find out is to start making so I got this piece of mild steel round bar and put it in my lathe now the metal workers amongst you have already noticed a massive mistake I've made that will come to haunt me later you want to tell me what it is so I don't have to do it no so the first thing I'm doing is making this piece which is going to be the barrel and it will be the same diameter as the wooden pool stick and you know there's actually a reason my lathe looks like this it's my vague attempt to get it to work better by getting anything in my house that has weight and putting it on top or inside the lathe which helps it stop chattering and shaking around and since doing this I have noticed a big difference in the way it cuts so after turning the barrel down to size I realized I made it a little bit too small so I added some material into the lathe and made it bigger yep it's the right size now I'm going to drill a hole through the middle making the barrel and I barely started drilling when I somehow managed to break the lathe that's not meant to have a crack in it so I took this long metal bar from my collection and cut it to the same size as the broken part and then I'm going to attempt something I've never seen before and that might be illegal I put a Milling drill bit in the lathe chuck and put my piece in the tool holder and started cutting grooves out so it matches the broken part never mind I broke the Milling bit so instead I just drilled a hole in the metal without cutting grooves and put it back in and now the lathe works again was I doing again so after adding the broken Milling bit on top of the Lathe for weight I finished drilling the hole now it's time to cut the part off and I find I get a better result if the part comes off and falls directly into this pile of sharp metal pubic hair which is always really fun to dig Parts out of all right now comes the Piston which I'm going to make by turning down this piece until it fits into this hole and I think I've left enough of a rim here to stop the Piston from firing out the end so I used a little bit of lubricant and put a thread on the end of it I also made a little end cap that will attach to the Piston using the same size thread and because I don't want to damage it I put it in the Vise with my apron wrapped around it then screwed on this end piece which will be making contact with the ball and now the whole thing looks like this and moves around okay so before I put the blank round in and give it a test go there's something else I need to do and you've already seen the thumbnail and you know that I need to put some exhaust holes in the barrel which will firstly make it look cooler and match the thumbnail but will also release gas and hopefully stop the Piston from slamming into the end of the barrel too hard so I just did that on the drill press and the great thing about doing this without the use of any physics programs or mathematical calculations is that I have no idea if these exhaust ports will be large enough or in the right place to stop the whole thing from blowing up which is why I'm going to test it in this Vice first while I stand behind these very thin plaster wall but before I do that I'm going to tell you about the sponsor of today's video PayPal honey [Music] is the number one shopping tool in America but I like to think of it as being more like a lover that lives inside my computer and is always trying to find me great deals on the things I'm buying simply honey automatically searches for promo codes so you don't have to and when you buy something if honey works on that site it swoops in to help you find a great deal it doesn't matter what you are buying as honey works on many of the sites you're already using for example I was buying these pool balls for later in the video and honey came in and saved me ten dollars there really is no better feeling than saving money while shopping online so go now and add it to your browser at joinhoney.com I did a thing that's join honey.com slash I did a thing all right back to setting off the blank rounds behind this thin wall in three two one nope I hate it when that happens which didn't work so I tried a heavier piece of metal which didn't work either so I tried again so I could survive and that made the whole house vibrate and shot the Piston out at a ridiculous speed and it also didn't blow up which is amazing as I didn't expect these holes to be big enough to let the gas out but after looking at the slow motion which only captured a single frame of the round going off you can see that heaps of gas came back out the top ejecting the round which sounds like a good thing but when it's on the end of the pool stick this means it will shoot off the end or just blow up it also means I'm wasting heaps of gas which could be pushing down the Piston with more Force so I drilled some more exhaust holes in the barrel and also put in this tiny spring to hopefully help the Piston survive the extra Force [Music] foreign first I thought they did better as the round was still in the top but then I realized I couldn't move the piston so after using a hammer to get it out I saw the problem spring why is it getting stretched whoa it's hitting the inside with such force that it's stretching this bit look at that and lucky for me I also have my super slo-mo camera which records at 60 frames per second and gave me this single frame of information telling me nothing my camera is just not recording fast enough you know if I could have any YouTuber locked up in my attic right now it would definitely be the slo-mo guys just so I could understand what is actually happening here boys if you're watching I've even put a chair up there for you and I really should have had some more foreskin I mean foresight and knowing that the mild steel would misshape and give out like this which now means I need to make the whole thing again using a stronger steel using this stuff here called 2 160 or 5160 or 1300 700 904 I don't remember so I remade the whole device again but this time without any jokes and I also made the Piston much thicker which should now hopefully survive but in case it doesn't I'm going to skip doing another safety test in the Vise and go straight to testing by hand to see what it does to a pool ball and pull stick now to do this I bought a material called polycarbonate which is similar to monogamy carbonate but has many more layers then I just welded up a frame for it and I'm fairly confident this stuff should protect me from the rounds and explosion as it's what the MythBusters used and as far as I'm aware they ain't dead oh [Music] foreign [Music] I better add another piece of polycarb and it's now 12 millimeters thick then I just cut this neat little hole in the polycarp for the pool stick to go through and I know what you're thinking what was the point of making this blast proof screen if you're just going to put a hole in the middle of it well hopefully the pool stick will cover up that hole and I'll also position myself to the side away from the hole and the blast okay next I just cut off the end of a pull stick and drilled down the center and then shoved in the metal pin with a sleeve around it to hold the piston and it's done which is annoying because I'm terrified and really don't want to use this okay it's not setting off the round and I think that's because the round is hitting against this flat piece of metal so I'm going to grind it down on the Belt Sander until I have just a small pin which should hopefully Crush just the end of the round cool okay I hadn't said much [Applause] I'm okay and that worked a little too well and turned the end of a stick into a grenade that was insane the pool stick is destroyed yeah and the outside sleeve is over here and if we do some really bad speed calculations the camera was crawling at 60 frames per second and in one frame the ball traveled roughly 50 centimeters which means it's traveling at 30 meters a second or 108 kilometers an hour which is 70 miles per hour which is 40 miles faster than the fastest pool break ever and that's already one of my arbitrary goals ticked off so let's move on to the pool game but first I need to fix this sleeve and this time I'm going to make it out of thicker metal and also put some exhaust holes so that if the gas comes out of the back it doesn't explode the stick this looks pretty cool way better than the first version which means it's time for me to find a pool table so Alexa and I are going to play a game of pool except he has a normal pool stick and I have mine and we'll see who wins [Music] you must be um and I'll break first okay yep yep happy annoying I hate this I hate this so much [Music] thank you to a horrible sauce what happened oh no no I got your friends yeah so I guess you got the right okay that was my first shot okay so this is because I missed so it's your shot is there bullet on the table there's bits of everything there's so many look this thing's shut up yeah hey yeah sure that was a bad break I mean it's better than your shirt it was better we all saw what happened and Alexa isn't much better at pool and he lined me up perfectly for a nice soft shot on the purple ball here what are you doing yeah three two one hey yes oh whoa at first I had no idea what happened but after watching the slow motion you can see that the pool stick chops the white ball in half sending one of the halves into the striped ball pushing it in now I wanted to get a lot of power with this build but I never expected it to be powerful enough to split the white ball clean in half but I guess it's good as I got one in even though I wasn't aiming for that ball and that means I'm ahead by one ball which ball did I get I got in Stripes so that means you've got to get uh try to hit that okay but I gotta do it back from there yeah that's right it's not a big deal just somewhere on the line anywhere on the line is the road yeah let me just uh which one you're aiming for I'm trying to get that blue in at the end and after that Miracle shot from Alexa we were now tied [Music] bye was that your ball yeah that's awesome okay so it's my guy but I'm gonna replace it this ball with that with a real ball and I'm gonna aim for this guy that's great that you gotta go hi John hi John right two one yellow beautiful that's fine but there's a white hole over there the wobble flew outside okay I sunk one of his balls and I'm realizing I really don't have much control with this thing it kind of just knocks all the balls in foreign what are you lining up for that red one right there okay whenever you're ready suck so this is good for me though because I can get it into here get another break yeah okay ready yeah what it was it keeps working and I sunk another one of his balls so Alex is ahead by two balls which means I need to sink three in one go to get ahead you have the easiest shot here sir very bad at this game still winning you are still winning you are still winning here I'm kind of scared to do more shots with this because I feel like the more we do the more likely this explodes all the police come here I'll do one more shot one more shot yeah yeah all right okay but you've positioned me perfectly for white into these two don't even have to move the screen I hate you still two one oh my God what happened here over there how did it not hit that cup everything that is hilarious yeah so the reason that that one was so hard is that the Pistons finally broke oh my God what why didn't you I said oh my God and I think that means that's the end of the game it's a piston expanded again and is now stuck and I don't want to remake the whole thing and also I'm scared the police are going to come so New South Wales police if you are watching this video those loud bangs you heard they were my car back firing thank you so much for watching if you like that please subscribe and check out some of my other videos
Channel: I did a thing
Views: 7,322,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, education, i did a thing, mythbusters
Id: cr1KaZ11KCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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