Ranking the Weird Aussie Animals In My Yard!

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how you going now based off your comments  i've learned that a lot of you watching live   in depressing countries completely void of  any animal life besides maybe the occasional   subway rat dead pigeon and if you're really lucky  monkey freaking out on bath salts and because of   this a lot of you now have an obsession almost  fetish with australia's animals and their beauty and i'm aware of this so during my videos i do try  to show off the beautiful guys in my backyard wow but i've now realized this isn't fair to the ugly  animals in my yard so today i'm going to share   the top 10 weird animals in my yard that you  probably haven't heard of and are kind of ugly   alright now the first animal on this list is  the aussie bush turkey bush turkeys are known   to be incredibly dumb and greedy animals that  will do anything in order to impress a mate what i meant to say is lord's mobile is number  one on this list and i love and is the sponsor   of this video pay attention now on how you  could win a prize of ten thousand dollars cash   lords mobile is a great strategy game and perfect  to kill time if i'm taking a break from working   on videos i can easily smash massive armies with  a simple tap to capture execute or even ransom   to other players lord's mobile recently has its  huge and exciting update the tower defense game   mode this is totally different from any other  gameplay we've seen in lords mobile and puts a   new spin on classic tower defense gameplay it  includes three awesome challenges my favorite   is to destroy all the enemy towers to win enemies  will keep coming as long as the towers still stand   this is the hardest one smart people can defeat  the enemy's stronghold and clinch victory for   the ten thousand dollar cash giveaway there are  two ways to win click the link in the description   below and we will randomly choose three players  in top five might rank to win 500 each you can   increase your might by building your kingdom  and leveling up every time you upgrade your   castle here you can also spin the lucky wheel  and get the chance to win remaining cash and   other awesome prizes you just need to download  the game using the link in the description to win   10 000 cash remember to log in the game as  much as you can to see if you've won 350   lords mobile gift packs will automatically  be offered to all participants that use my   link in the description below oh  and the sponsored segment is over and number nine on my list is the butcher bird  this guy butcher birds are a very shy small   songbird related to the aussie magpie they  are territorial birds that have a beautiful   territorial song which can be sung by one  individual but often involve members of the   whole gang the individual members each have a  different section to sing and if one of them   stuffs up they get evicted from the show i'm  lucky enough to hear all of them rehearsing   this song right outside my bedroom window at 6am  in the morning when i've had too much to drink   also just like the aussie magpies they're  kind of [ __ ] and enjoy swooping people   which i actually really respect but they get even  more sadistic than the magpies the butch bird gets   its name from its terrifying way of feeding which  strikes fear into the heart of every other bird the butcher bird loves nothing more than eating  babies which they get fresh from the nest of other   birds it's totally that's a baby bird i reckon  it's totally eating a bird that is terrifying   and after shoplifting a baby the butcher bird  will impale its victim onto a sharp stick   and then slowly use the hook on the end of their  beak to rip apart the prey making it easier to eat   in exactly the same way as my local butcher how  are you going what can i help you uh what have   you what have you got today what have i got we  got lamb sausages we got it all and he recently   lost his butcher's license for his methods and he  wasn't even serving babies which doesn't seem fair   all right for the next animal i'm  gonna have to turn out the lights   hey ringtail possums just like opossums but  without the o possums used to be killed for   fur in australia and with 23 different species  ranging in all different sizes styles and colors   they are perfect for making clothes for the whole  family i have two species in my yard the ringtail   possum and the brushtap muslim both named after  the accessories they were historically turned into these possums are most active at night where  they will walk around strutting their stuff   on top of fences electrical wires and anything  else they can walk along and even though you   always see them balancing on top of things they  never look happy up there and always look like   they want to come down and possums may seem  pretty cute to you but they are hated by most   australians you kind of love them until you  get to know them when they move uninvited   into your house where they will then set up  your roof space directly above your bed and   will then force you to listen to them peeing  rooting and eating their own fecal pellets and then if you ever have the misfortune of coming  into contact with one at night you will experience   their advanced defense mechanism where they will  suddenly freeze up and look you dead in the eyes   and before you know it you're  non-consensually engaging in   the world's longest staring competition with a marsupial until one of you usually me feels too  awkward to continue and you leave them alone   fortunately possums haven't been able to  set up in my roof as it's already occupied so they've set up their nest in these birds of  paradise plants which i too often accidentally   disturb never seen that before no so cute we  should reinactive in our more more often ringtail   possums usually house their babies in a nest made  out of leaves and twigs which is a similar size   and shape to a soccer ball which is usually made  by the dad person the male ringtail possum is   the only person in the world known to look after  and raise his kids which is much better than most   other mammals including my dad but i'm a grown  man now and i don't let that kind of stuff get   to me i have nothing but admiration and respect  when i see good parenting and a caring family   this is probably the strangest animal in  my yard as i have no idea how it got here   i didn't put it here and my pond  definitely hasn't been around long   enough for the fish to evolve so either it  was hitchhiking on one of these prawns or   god is real and i can't really tell what fish  it is most likely a minnow i think a lonely   lonely minnow just chilling in the pond all by  himself fighting off tadpoles lizards and cats yes   hey little guy why did i leave  you all by yourself for so long   all right let's go take you down to the creek well making nets and webs is pretty intense  and a frustrating job first you need to pull   a ridiculous amount of silk out of  your ass then find the appropriate   place to anchor the web to and then you need  to wait patiently for the bugs to come to you   so one entrepreneurial spider decide to skip  the middleman and just make a web that it can   bring to the bugs the net throwing spider  is a very common spire in my yard that i   usually find under this wheelbarrow on  the bushes on this window or on my leg this guy is around four to five centimeters long  with eyes that must weigh more than his whole body   this guy's method of catching prey is actually  truly awesome at night they make a rectangular net   between their front two legs which they then poop  on to serve as aiming spots and it's debatable   whether they do this on purpose or they're just  lazy but it works so it doesn't really matter   then they put themselves in an opening and  wait for somebody to walk by when its victim   finally passes in front of the poop aiming  spot the spider will lunge down smearing its   poop covered net all over the unsuspecting  prey and this method of active hunting is   only possible because of its ridiculously big  eyes and i didn't realize how terrifying they   look until i took some close-up macro photos  these gigantic compound eyes give them insane   night vision they have the equivalent f-stop  number of 0.58 which means they can concentrate   light more efficiently than a cat or an owl  the reason they are actually able to process   light so effectively is because they have a  giant light sensing membrane behind their eyes   which their body destroys and replaces  every single day and this is actually an   easy and cheap method you can use to improve the  low-light capabilities of your own camera as well and at the moment this is the only one  i could find in my yard which is dead   in the net of a smaller spider so i guess  you're not so smart now mr entrepreneur   and i have no idea how this bird gets its name  and i'm not gonna look it up the tawny frogmouth   is the absolute master of disguise it's uniquely  shaped head feathers and personality means you're   never sure whether you're looking at a bird or a  log it's indistinguishable disguise even tricks   the same species who will often get mistaken and  try to mate with particularly attractive logs   also been known to trick lumberjacks who will  attempt to cut a log which then flies away once the frog mouth has done pretending to be a  log during the day it will turn on its gigantic   eyes at night and then begin their search for  food i often see them sitting on top of telegraph   poles at night or chilling out right outside my  windows where they will make this kind of strange   and calming whooping noise like they  are cheering for me to go to sleep dude please i'm trying to sleep shut up   tony frog males live for around 14 years and form  lifelong relationships typically producing three   eggs each year unlike their relatives the horny  frog mouths who are known to have massive orgies   and live very promiscuous lives and even though  the tony frogmouth has two to three babies a year   they still haven't mastered the nest building  process and kind of just chuck a few sticks   together on some branches without any arrangements  and nothing to secure them in place which means   often their babies will just fall out of the nest  so the next time you're walking around outside   double check before you step on any sticks to make  sure you're not stepping on a tawny frogmouth baby probably sydney's cutest and most elusive  marsupial i think i might have maybe possibly seen   one in my yard when it jumped in between these  two trees which is good enough for them to make   the list australia has a few species of gliders  which all look incredibly weird the species that   visits my yard is the sugar glider which is  definitely people's favorite as you americans   and chinese people are obsessed with stealing them  and selling them online for a ridiculous price   and i strongly urge you not to support the online  sale of animals as they are always overpriced and   you can get them much cheaper if you buy them  directly from me if you buy a sugar glider   from me now i'm running a special deal where  i will chuck in a put some hair brush for free so as the name implies sugar gliders are  marsupials that use their giant scrotum flap   between their legs to glide around when in the air  they use their tail as a rudder and despite their   tiny size are capable of gliding the length  of a football field but i reckon they could   actually fly much further if they just listened  to me and tried flapping those scrotum flaps then   they would definitely smash the world record these  riders like to nest in eucalyptus trees in groups   of up to 12 sometimes huddling together to keep  warm and they used to be fairly common in sydney   but because of land clearing and feral animals  their populations aren't what they used to be   so i decided to head down to the local  creek to see if i could spot a couple   and when we arrived we found  something we weren't expecting to find oh my god he's beautiful i've never  seen one in the world before really   they're such weird looking creatures oh so now he's gone into the ground look at  that look at that you could not pick that   guy up is he in the ground no he's got  his nose sticking out he's looking at me oh my god oh you're so weird looking come on  you gonna bite me it's very cute little face   it looks like a dick a little dick nose your  little dick nose mate see you later buddy   should i give him my sunnies nah leave him alone   and then when night came around we  began the search for sugar gliders   all right so that is what we're hoping to find  but the only thing i found was lots and lots of   spiders that he's a big fat juicy boy man it's  a [ __ ] giant huntsman and speaking of spiders all the other animals on this list have been  relatively big but there is so much life in   the garden that i can't see and don't interact  with besides when i'm squishing them with my feet a hidden beautiful scary world   and before this tiny world used to be  out of my reach but now thanks to this 15   piece of plastic made by a slave in china i'm able  to easily teleport to this macro universe letting   me now see creatures more complex and beautiful  than anything a sci-fi rider could come up with   here's a quick collection of the bugs i managed  to snap during an hour of searching in my yard so and out of the incredible tiny animals in my yard  jumping spiders are probably my favorite mostly   because they seem intelligent when you interact  and take photos of most bugs they kind of just   stare right past you with this empty-eyed blank  npc look but not jumping spiders they actually   seem to notice you they will turn their big  beautiful furry faces and eyes towards you   and kind of rub their face like they're waving  hello no other bug has ever said hello to me jumping spiders have eight individual eyeballs  which give them full 360 vision of the world   around them and they use these amazing eyes to  hunt their prey stalking them in a planned and   intelligent manner and you know if you ever feel  bored or lonely i seriously encourage you to just   search for bugs just do it just pick a spot in  your yard sit down shut up and i guarantee you   if you stare at one spot in your garden for long  enough you will find some pretty amazing creatures   and the funnest part of all of this you  have no idea what you're going to see   until you take the photo like this  woman from south australia who beat me   in discovering a new species of jumping  spider right in her front yard [ __ ] and the number one spot on the list goes to the  giant fruit bat mostly because i think they're   very cute and have also received a lot of hate  over the last couple of years due to their alleged   involvement in a slight worldwide plague caused  by bat soup which i think is absolutely ridiculous   as they taste horrible in soup and work much  better grilled and then placed in a sandwich   what are you having it's a  bat sandwich what the hell fruit bats are massive absolutely gigantic with  a wingspan of over three feet that is literally   bigger than some of my subscribers and unlike some  of the other bat species out there who look like   someone's hit them in the face with a frying pan  these guys actually have a very cute face and are   very likable and like the name implies fruit bats  eat fruit which is why they occasionally visit   my yard as they enjoy eating the berries from  this olivily tree or have a little nibble at   these lemons i mostly don't see the fruit bats  in my yard and more often hear them usually again   when i'm trying to sleep and will hear screeching  or a massive whooshing noise outside my window   but occasionally when i'm lucky around sunset the  bat colonies will leave the trees they've been   hanging out during the day and fly right over my  yard in the hundreds of thousands to go and search   for food to eat at night i also live near  one of the biggest bat colonies in sydney you're all looking at me very unsure of what  i am and it's pretty amazing seeing how many   there are and how they kind of choose to hang  out together in a social way kind of like   us and from a distance there are so many bats that  you actually mistake them for leaves on a tree did i just get poo in my mouth   speaking of which their poo also contains a  fungus which can be very very deadly when inhaled thank you so much for watching if  you liked that please subscribe   and check out some of my other animal videos you
Channel: I did a thing
Views: 5,119,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animals, science, i did a thing, australia, australian, comedy
Id: jnIX8S3yR-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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