SHOULD ADVENTISTS TAKE THE COVID VACCINE ? | Question and Answer Session - Randy Skeete Sermon

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pastor skeet yes do you  recommend taking the vaccine oh all right maybe i should pray again  the seventh-day adventist church our elder will ask the questions  but before we do let's pray   our father in heaven james 1 verse 5 says  if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god   i am asking you now for wisdom dear god that i  may answer these questions according to your will   and the word that you've given to us in  jesus name we pray amen elder question one   question one when your name comes up in the  judgment does that mean that's when you die no no   not at all no one knows when his or her name comes  up in the judgment and for those of you who don't   know there's a judgment going on right now are you  following me there's it while people are running   around partying there is a judgment going on right  now in heaven the judge's christ is god the father   the intercessor is christ when christ comes  the second time and takes us with him in those   thousand years christ will be the judge we will  assist him but no when your name comes up it   doesn't mean that's when you die no not at all  that's a simple answer to that the next question i heard the pastor distinctly say that the devil   has a right to tempt us i had never  heard that before please explain this in messages to young people page  51 paragraph 1 ella white writes   fallen man is satan's lawful captive  let me say it more embarrassingly   a willful sinner legally belongs to the devil  let me explain a little further why did jesus die   because of sin what is sin transgression of  the law because the law was transgressed you   have law you have legal something legal had  to be done to satisfy the claims of the law   death the death of jesus was a satisfaction of  the claims of the lord the soul that sinneth   it shall die and so jesus died if he had not died  no one could have been rescued from the devil   sin makes us the devil's lawful captives  when jesus said in luke 19 10 the son of man   is come to seek and to save save you from what  and save you from whom save you from the enemy   so fallen man is satan's lawful captive the  lord cannot prevent the devil from tempting   us all the time he has to allow him access that we  might be tested the devil must be allowed access   he does not have to have control but  he must have he had access to jesus so god cannot stop the devil from tempting us but  what we must do is avoid unnecessary temptation   by going unto the devil's ground we avoid that if  we have to encounter him let him come to us let's   not go to him next question this is a question  in about the sanctuary during jesus's life during   that time since the ark assuming the ark of the  covenant was taken from and hidden in a cave   the shekinah glory was not present in herod's  temple so does does anyone know what was behind   the curtain in the most holy place the wicked  priests could enter the question that's a   question the wicked priests could enter and not  be struck dead if there was no presence of god   the sanctuary services on a whole come to came to  an end when jesus gave up his life we know that   the the the veil was torn from top to  bottom it was then that god brought an   end to the sanctuary services and all the  symbolism that together pointed to jesus christ   i cannot say unless you have something from the  spirit of prophecy that says there was no shekinah   in the temple simply because the ark was not  present something representing the presence of god   had to have been there are you following me and so  we why while we may not be specific but something   representing the presence of god had to have been  there because that system did not end until jesus   died on the cross christ recognized the system  on occasion when he healed he told people go do   what moses told you to do when he healed the 10  lepers in luke 17 he told them go show yourself   to the priest so christ acknowledged the system  was still going on but when christ died it all   came to an end somehow the presence of god was  there the presence finally left when jesus said   your house is left unto you desolate but before  that it was not desolate all right thank you john 1 14 says jesus is the  only begotten of the father   does that mean that jesus  has a beginning just like us   please explain jesus has no beginning there are  two begotten sons in the bible go to hebrews 11. there are two begotten sons in the  bible hebrews 11 we read from verse 17 and it's a good question do  you have hebrews 11 verse 17. i'm still looking and by the way welcome  those of you watching wherever you i   understand someone from zambia is  watching i've been there a few times   god bless zambia or any other country connecting  thank you very much god bless your country   do we have hebrews 11 17 now read with me by  faith abraham come on when he was tried offered up   isaac keep reading and he that had received the  promises go on offered up his only begotten son   now was there a son in abraham's life  before aiza ishmael was ishmael begotten no   was isaac begotten yes but how if you  go to genesis chapter 22 genesis 22 you see spiritually isaac was sacrificed he  was killed spiritually in the heart of abraham let's go to 22 let's go to verse 13. you have  heard the expression a ram in the thicket you   ever heard that expression yes now that ram  was sacrificed in place of isa so in a certain   sense isaac came back from what was certain  death are you following me in a certain sense   he came back from a certain death jesus also  came back from death his return from death   marked him as the begotten son of god  his return from death isaac symbolically   returned from death because god the bible says  abraham sacrificed his son that's what hebrews 11   17 to 19 tells us god accepted it as done so  isaac read verse 19. of uh hebrews 11. let's go   back there we read from 70-19 by faith abraham  when he was tried offers up isaac and he that   had received the promises offered up his only  begotten son finish the verse now accounting   hebrews 11 19 read with me accounting that god was  what to do what raising from to finish the verse   keep reading from whence also he received him  in a figure the bible is saying figuratively he   came back from the dead figuratively jesus came  back literally that's why jesus is the begotten   son of god not because he was made first or he  came out of god's bosom long long time ago as   e.j wagner wrote many years ago incorrectly jesus  christ has always existed all right next question i don't believe this one's exactly biblical  but maybe perhaps you could make it biblical   i don't know pastor skeet yes do  you recommend taking the vaccine oh all right maybe i should pray again the seventh-day adventist church put out a  statement last year telling members is an   individual decision you have to make the church  believes in following the health principles the   church also believes in following science that  does not conflict with the bible so you have to   decide whether you do your own research there's  several vaccines astrazeneca pfizer another   thing which one you do your research which has a  greater percentage of success you do your research   you also listen to established scientists who have  their own concerns don't just listen to those who   make the vaccine listen to the other side so you  get a balanced view then you claim psalm 32 verse   8 i will instruct thee and teach thee in the way  which thou shalt go i will guide you with mine i   you read psalm 25 4 show me thy ways o lord teach  me thy paths you ask god place a conviction on me   should i take this vaccine if lord tells you  to take it you take it don't be too afraid   remember paul in acts 28 he landed on an island  and a venomous snake bit him are you with me   he shook it off why because he was about god's  business and so if you consider the vaccine   venomous you have a god who can take care of  you but seek his direction first are you with   me god keeps his promises i will instruct thee  and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go   i have to go to fiji in july for two weeks now i  have a choice i can go with no vaccine and i enter   14 days of quarantine before i begin a two-week  revival or i can take a vaccine and go straight   into the revival so i'm still talking to god  your choice with god's direction and god does   not fail to guide his people he may tell  you take it he may tell him don't take it   all right excellent um i have two cards and it's  the same question i'll just read one yeah um   one says what is this talking about but the  question is does hebrews 6 6 mean once saved   always saved please explain whatever hebrews 6 6  says there's no such thing as one say let's save   time as one saved always save now the bible  makes that very clear let us go to john 17.   and you can read hebrews 6 6 for  yourself if since i'll fall away   to renew them again and to repentance see that  they are crucified they crucify the son of a man   of flesh afresh go to john 17 let's read verse 11  and verse 12 listen to jesus praying to his father   and see if you see one save always saved or the  opposite of that one saved and you could be lost   do you have john 17 verse 11 let me pray again  father continue to instruct me that i may instruct   your people correctly in jesus name amen and now i  am no more in the world but these are in the world   and i come to thee holy father keep through thy  own name those whom thou has given me that they   may be one as we are listen to verse 12 while i  was with them in the world i kept them in thy name   those thou who gave us me i have kept read  with me now and none of them is lost go on   but the son of perdition that this scripture  might be fulfilled what is jesus saying i   well one of not jesus then one was lost i  don't want to put the blame on jesus one was   lost name him judas go to second timothy  chapter four second timothy chapter four   answer the question one save always saved no true  blooded adventists believes that non-biblical   belief that's so common in churches it gives you a  lot of comfort you get saved and you go to the bar   in the casino in the whorehouse and you're fine  you still go to heaven that's what people want   save me to continue sinning that's what they want  do you have second timothy chapter four verse 10   no you don't have it amen second timothy 4 10  read it for me what does it say for dimas hath   forsaken me having loved this present world  and is departed unto thessalonica stop demas   used to be a disciple and apostle working with  paul for whatever reason the bible doesn't give   he backslid left paul went off into the world one  saved does not mean always say go to matthew 24. matthew what's matthew 24 well known  for signs of the end yes very good   matthew 24 it's a quarter to seven time has  flown this session won't last long read verse 13 and he what that endureth unto the end come on  the same shall be saved salvation there's this uh   listen carefully when you come  to god you say i'm sorry save me   something happens immediately  then you have to preserve that   and so jesus says continue in my love john 15  verse verse 8 and 9. continue verse 9 in my love   he says in verse 7 from verse 7 to 10 of john 15  if he abide in me the word menos greek word means   to remain or stay if he abide if they abide in  me and my words abide in you remain you shall ask   what you will and it shall be done unto you verse  9 verse 8 hearing is my father glorified that you   bear much fruit verse 9 as the father hath loved  me so have i loved you continue ye in my love   the greek word meno same thing abide con remain  in my love then he tells us how in verse 10   if ye keep my commandments you  shall abide or continue in my love   even as i have kept my father's commandments and  continue or remain in his love there is being   saved immediately justification i'm sorry  remember the republican in the temple god   be merciful to me a sinner in that instant he  was justified he now he had to walk that way   he that endureth faith and works page 100  paragraph one god requires the entire surrender   of the heart in order for justification to take  place and in order for men to retain justification   there must be continual obedience through active  living faith that works by love and purifies the   soul you've got to keep what jesus gives you we  read this morning revelation 3 11 behold i come   quickly hold that fast which thou hast that no  man take thy crown because if you're not careful   you will lose it there's no such thing  as one saved always saved next question   and next question who put the 66 books of the  bible together okay that's a long long response the old testament was settled by the time  of artaxerxes it was settled the third they   called 22 but we know 30 likes come on some  just mingled together like samuel kings and   chronicles 39 books were set by artaxerxes 400  bc the new testament began to be established   in the days of paul and peter because peter go  to second peter chapter 3. ii peter chapter 3 verse 3 verse 16 peter's writing to the church  i think the church of rome ii peter chapter 3   let's read verse 16 do you have that read with  me what does it say as also in all his epistles   speaking in them of these things in which  are some things come on are to be understood   which they that are unlearned and unstable  rest as they do also the other scriptures   under their own destruction he is  referring to the writings of paul   he's talking about paul he mentions paul  in verse 15. he says some of his writings   are difficult to get and some people they're not  spiritually mature they misunderstand his writings   in other words paul's writings were being  used peter was referring to them now go to   second timothy no first timothy 5 read  verse 18. first timothy 5 verse 18. i think that's it yes first  thing with timothy 5 verse 18. we 17 and 18 so we get some connection  first timothy 5 17 and 18. you have that   come on nice and loud read for me let the elders  that rule well be counted worthy of double honor   keep reading especially they who labor in word  and doctrine that's an interesting passage   for the elders to study let the elders that  rule well be counted worthy of double honor   especially those who labor in modern doctrine  verse 80 now for the scripture saith thou shalt   not muscle the orcs that treadeth out the corn  finish that verse and the laborer is worthy of   his reward now where did paul get the laborer  is worthy of his reward go to luke chapter 10. luke chapter 10 read for me verse 7 luke 10 verse 7 christ is  giving instructions to his disciples if you have   my version read for me what does that say and in  the same house remain eating and drinking come on   as they give keep reading for the laborer  is worthy of his hire paul is quoting the   words of christ which means the words of christ  were circulating as having authority so we have   paul quoting christ we have peter referring  to paul the new testament was being formed   and the churches were the ones determining which  represents inspired writing and which does not   now about 150 about that there was a heretic  called marcion marcion compiled a collection of   books which he called his bible he left out almost  the entire old testament left out a lot of the new   kept much of the writings of paul i think kept  luke and that was his canon when he did that the   church panicked the church realized we have  to settle this this this cannon because this   heritage he was a heretic martian didn't believe  in the old testament god he said he was too bloody   he's too bloody he can't be so he just  ditched firstly the whole old testament   much of the new and just kept a few epistles  then the church started to act to assemble the   books which were authoritative and holy and  by the time of the damascene council in 382   led by pope damasus the new testament  canon had been settled gorham psalm 12   psalm 12. so the books were written by about 40  writers over 1500 years and the church assembled   the books as authoritative under the guidance  of the spirit of god now why do i say under the   guidance of the spirit of god do you have psalm 12  is that what i said read verse 7. no six and seven   the words of the lord are pure words as silver try  in a furnace of the earth purified seven times now   pause now get ready now you read  verse seven thou shalt preserve go on yes keep reading yes god knows how to preserve  his word and he guided the church i'll tell you   another reason why these books are reliable  if you read the writings of the early fathers   you have the anthonyson and the postness and  fathers antonison means before the after before   sorry the uh council of nicaea and post means  after the council of nicea which meant in 325   and the the all these men of the church when they  quoted they quoted from the books we have now they   did not quote from the apocrypha and the catholic  bible has about seven or eight books called the   apocrypha which is not in the christian bible  those books were not regarded as inspired and they   were not quoted by the early church fathers and so  the church under the guidance of god's holy spirit   developed what is called the canon the  canon means something that measures   and they decided these are authoritative from  god inspired from god and we have the 66. it's   interesting to know that martin luther whom god  used so powerfully did not like the book of james   he just thought it was a bunch of straw he  did not like you see god's message to him was   the just shall live by faith james stress  works as proof of faith and luther did not   fully understand james message so he called  it an epistle of straw and he did not say   it he going to go so god can use you but you're  not perfect you can have some shortcomings all   right next question so you can trust  the bible you can trust the bible amen the spirit of prophecy says moses egyptian  egyptian language was rusty and aarons was better   and he i guess referring to moses didn't stutter  which is it oh i'm not sure if she said aaron's   was better she might have said it but she  does say most a couple nights ago i talked   about moses and they said he might have had a  speech impediment but illinois said he had gone   away from egypt so long how long was he away  forty years he had not he had lost his power   in the egyptian language so he said i can't  speak by the way have you ever heard of uh   you have david livingston that great explorer  british guy he went to africa after his first   trip to africa several years he and his  family made a decision they will not   speak english they will learn the languages  of the local people so they can evangelize   and they're very serious about by the way jane  andrews when he was sent to france to switzerland   by the general conference he and his two daughters  made the same covenant they will not speak english   so they forced themselves to learn french and  they learned it so well they were editing french   documents are you following me anyway livingston  after many years in africa not speaking english   when he got back to england he had a difficult  time speaking english and so i said i could answer   eloise's point moses had been gone so far that he  did not have the command that's why he said i have   a problem with my tongue all right next question  was by the way you can read that in the patriots   and prophets page 254 paragraph one the last  sentence of that paragraph go ahead excellent this   one says what does god's word say in regard for  the special need children should we as adventist   christians make provision for these children  in our church school what's the golden rule if you were special needs would you want some  accommodation made we are a christian family   and we must be self-sacrificing you look at the  ten commandments the first four show love to whom   the next six left your fellow man there's none  that says love yourself are you following me   are you with me all right in all we  do we must show love for other people   calvary is god providing for special needs people you didn't hear what i said calvary  is god providing for the most severe   special needs case you can find wherever  we can show love and compassion we do it   the christians should exist to make love  life as easy as possible for people around   it's not enough to sit in church  and sing hymns but what can i do   to be a blessing to someone else didn't jesus heal  people so he can walk better didn't he open their   eyes so they can see yes we must take interest in  special needs yes yes all right now we're down to   the last two questions and they both go back to  genesis okay uh in genesis 22 why does god speak   of isaac as abraham's only son what about his  firstborn ishmael okay let's go to genesis 22. genesis 22 my favorite book is genesis i told  you that love that book second favorite is john   sweet book you want to find out about the  father and the son and their relationship   read the gospel of john genesis 22 reading from  verse one let me pray father we're coming to the   end this is the last question continue to  give wisdom not only to me but to your sons   and daughters in jesus name amen all right you  have my version read from verse 1 of genesis 22   and it came to pass after these things that  god did tempt abraham and said unto him abraham   and he said what and he said take now thy son thy  only son isaac whom thou lovest and get thee into   the land of moriah and offer him there for a burnt  offering upon one of the mountains which i will   tell thee of now god said take now thy  son thy only son isaac but you already had one ishmael was the result of sin isaac was the result of faith god can only be pleased by faith abraham had  this child with hagar when he was physically able   god was not really involved isaac came  along when abraham had lost the ability   to follow the children god had to do something  so isaac is the product of faith ishmael is not   and so god did not want ishmael when i say  that god chose isaac as the one through him   the savior would come not ishmael now did god  bless ishmael yes because he came from abraham   but at the spiritual level abraham had one son  that's isaac that's why god said the only son   is that it my elder last question oh i thought  that was the last one okay it goes way back   to the beginning okay ready did abram did  adam love eve more than he did god yes yes that doesn't mean he hated god let me  tell you something about loving god go to genesis 29 a lot of people who love god will  be lost i'll explain why in a minute let me repeat it you look a little shocked  a lot of people who say they love god   will be lost do you have genesis 29 read verse 30 and he went in also unto rachel came up reading  and he loved also rachel more than leah stop   stop you served seven more years he went in also  until you see when jacob got to laban's house he   saw leila and he saw rachel rachel was as they  say rachel was the bomb are you following me   that's what the young folks  say rachel was the bomb   leah needed prayer she didn't look that  pretty rachel was smoking hot jacob loved   rachel are you following me but back then the  custom was the older girl had to marry first   so joseph was jacob was tricked the same way  he tricked his father are you following me   your sins follow you and so here he was tricked  into marrying leah then he had to work more   years for rachel so the bible said he went  in also into rachel he loved also rachel more   than leah keep that in mind he loved rachel moore  now read for the next verse and when the lord   saw that leah was hated he  opened her own come on bud do you notice something in 31-30 what does 30  say about the relationship between jacob and leah   look at 30. don't look at me look at 30. what does the bible say she was love less who loved her less jacob don't  you see that in the verse read microscopically   he loved leah it says he loved rachel more same  thing as he loved leah less now when you have two   people you love one more than the other the bible  has a way of expressing that now read verse 31 stop lear was what what does that mean she  was loveless the person loved less is hated   let the bible confirm that go to luke 14. luke 14. do you have luke 14 verse 26 of luke 14. do you have it all right reef from the  medical doctor luke what does that say   if any man come after me and hate not his  and and and and and and his own life he   cannot be might just now luke says he's  got jesus said he's got to hate his father   hate his mother now that's harsh  matthew softens it go to matthew 10. matthew 10. two books to the left of luke  do you have it read verse 37 he that loveth father or mother more than me ah   so what is luke saying when he said you must hate  your father hate your mother what are you saying   love them less here again we have the  person loveless is said to be hated now go back to genesis now when adam put eve above  god who was loved who was hated god because he   preferred eve above god now why did i say many  people who love god will be lost many of us   love god but we love our jobs more we love  god but we love our careers more we love god   but we love our boyfriend more we love god but we  love whatever more so in that sense god is hated no matter what you say this is serious business  yes there's a reason why the first commandment is   first say for me thou shalt have no other gods  before me case closed a lot of us who love god because we love someone more than him and the  person who's loveless is hated according to   biblical language my ella can i trust you to  tell me that was the last question was it okay bro you have to check with my boss we just wanted  we just wanted written questions my handsome   brother because if we take that then we have  to take more pastor you're my high priest what do i do who's asking the  question a handsome man back there   are we in agreement that it's going  to be the last question amen okay malachi the last book of the old testament  a beautiful book read it sometimes yeah   small book there's four chapters i'm  sorry i i didn't think of this to today   because it would have been all right it says the  last verse of malachi it says behold i will send   you elijah the prophet before the coming  of the great and dreadful day of the lord   and he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to  the children and the heart of the children to   the fathers lest i come and smite the earth with a  curse now i have been told that that is the spirit   of elijah but elijah is living and he's in heaven  so is it possible that that is literal because it   says i will send you elijah the prophet before the  coming of the great and dreadful day of the lord   jesus explained that the preaching of john  the baptist was a fulfillment of that prophecy   christ explained that that the preaching of john  the baptist was a fulfillment of the coming of   elijah now it must have a broader fulfillment  the 70th of this church is supposed to preach   the elijah message we would so john the baptist  was the elijah in the days of jesus and jesus said   that we in these last days must take up the  message present truth and be the elijah for   the last days so it's the message that john  preached the elijah message but yes elijah is   up above looking down on us now possibly smiling  who else is in heaven looking down on us now   who else what other human being can you name okay  so we have moses elijah and enoch any other human   being looking down on us jesus that's right  jesus that's human being number one but he's   also god may i ask you a question do you love  jesus now be honest with me i won't tell anyone   do you love jesus is it your will to obey god you  know the problem with us is disobedience let me go   to uh deuteronomy 9 read something astonishing  deuteronomy 9 god could not give the israelites   to obey he tried for hundreds of years and he  seems to have the same problem with us there's   something in us is the carnal nature of course we  will not obey god deuteronomy 9 verse 24 listen   to what moses told the israelites read for me ye  have been what rebellions against the lord come on   from the day that i met you when did you meet  them in the wilderness no he met them in egypt   ye have been rebellious against the lord from the  day that i met ah i thank god he's long suffering may i offer your recommendation as your  brother in christ obey god this is not   salvation by works this is love in action obey god  at any cost the message of christ to the church   in smyrna be thou faithful unto death and i will  give thee a crown of life that's the way jesus was   and being found in fashion as a man he humbled  himself and became obedient unto death even   the death of the cross calvary is the highest  expression of obedience listen again he humbled   himself and became obedient unto death even  the death of the cross calvary in a very real   sense is the highest expression of obedience  and the most painful death is self-denial christ suffered more in the garden of gethsemane  than on the cross are you with me what he suffered   in that garden three times he said lord if thou  be willing or father take this cup in the garden   on the cross he didn't say that because there are  two other men suffering the same thing but in the   garden where he had to deny himself three times  almost said the cup trembled he almost went back that's where he suffered there is no suffering  like self-denial may the lord bless you   blessed doubly bless your children and may  god keep you on the path of righteousness   jesus christ is coming again are you following me  he is coming again for christ's sake do what you   have to do to be ready to meet him because  when he comes he's not coming as a priest   revelation 14 14 he has a crown on his head and  a sickle in his hand the word sickle is used   about 11 times in the bible each time connected  to the harvest and of those 11 times i think   seven are in revelation 6 in revelation  14 which shows christ coming reaping   two harvests the harvest of the save the  harvest of the lost he is not coming to save   in a sense to save people from sin many churches  preach when he comes you'll have a second time   that conflicts with the bible the time to accept  him is now because when he comes he will come   only after he has said he that is holy let him be  holy still he that is unjust let christ say of you   he that is holy let him be holy  still let's pray stand with me before i pray i don't want to take  the focus of god but i have to   thank the pastor pastor nacimento for a beautiful  experience with the church and in his home i will leave without one complaint i want to  say publicly may the lord bless the pastor   guide him give him wisdom directly from  the throne that he may guide his flock   towards the kingdom may the lord  put a shining blessing upon his wife   sisanacimento i have been the the recipient of  her kindness and her artistry and her ability to   take care of a guest and i'm not this using idle  word because god is listening may the lord bless   that lady all the days of her life may the lord  place a double blessing on their two children   may the lord frustrate any plans devil has  to overthrow their children and may the lord   use this entire family the nazimento family to  point others to jesus i say this from my heart   and as long as i have breath my pastor i'll be  praying for you and your family let me say it   again that the recording angel get it right  as long as i have breath i'll be praying for   the nacemento family god bless you i'll pray for  you you've been very nice to me every one of you   you've been kind and sweet i'll never forget it in  as much as you've done it unto one of the least of   these my brethren and you're looking at the least  paul was wrong when he said he's the chief no i   am you have done it to god and he will bless  your life let's pray father in heaven thank   you very much for all you've done for us this  week thank you for the sweetness of your word   thank you for the power of your spirit to help us  to understand and thank you for your people for   coming night after night after night yes thank  you for my young brothers david and stanley who   operated the cameras and for brother drake and  other young men and all the men who function and   worked to make this a success to your glory and  to our blessing thank you to god bless this church   heal any sicknesses it has heal us spiritually  let this church function as a family day god so   that other churches may come and wonder how  does this church get along so well let this   church be a wonder to the community save every  one of them when you come a special blessing on   the baptismal candidates their god give them your  spirit strengthen them let satan has no success in   their life hear this humble prayer god save all  of us when you come i pray for my heart in jesus   name let god's people say amen and amen god bless  you i love you god bless you god bless you thank   you very much just be seated for a minute we have  a couple of things before we finish the program   i i ask you for your grace towards that  we're going to have sister darlene singing   we want to bless our speaker as well so uh  john joe mike um brother mike brother ian   and sister barbara we're going to bless the  speaker in just a few minutes uh someone's   you know sneaked in a question here uh elderski  are you taking us all along with you to fiji i don't know who asked the question   somebody asked the question friends it is really  hard to say goodbye to say goodbye to the speaker   goodbye also to the series but i need to show  you something there's a little video about   our upcoming series which i hope i pray that you  don't miss it uh the first installment comes up   this sabbath with joe mcdaniel brother joseph  mcdaniel let me see if this is going to work   and all the time i'll just make some  brief remarks before we continue with the   service go with me to john chapter 6. john 6  we'll read from verse 51. of john chapter 6. i read from the king james version of the  bible john chapter 6 reading from verse 51.   before we read let's pray our father in heaven we  bow in your presence a place where we love to come   a place where we welcome and are received  as always father our first request if we've   offended you forgive us their god it is sin that  creates a barrier between you and us grant us   your grace grant us your spirit to teach us your  word and to supervise all that we do now i pray   in jesus name amen john 6 reading from verse 51  i am the living bread which came down from heaven   if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever  and the breath that i will give is my flesh which   i will give for the life of the world and so we're  introduced to the bread the flesh of jesus the   jews therefore strove among themselves saying  how can this man give us his flesh to eat then   said jesus unto them verily verily i say unto you  verse 53 except ye eat the flesh of the son of man   and drink his blood ye have no life who  so eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood   hath eternal life and i will raise him up at  the last day for my flesh is meat indeed and   my blood is drink indeed he that eateth my flesh  and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and i in him   as living father have sent me and i live by the  father so he that eateth me even he shall live   by me and we stop there at verse 57. jesus is  saying something that upset many of his listeners   because in verse 66 many disciples left him they  could not handle what he said christ is speaking   symbolically and the message he's given in john 6  eat my flesh and drink my blood is the very same   message of john 15 1 abiding me and i in you  in john 6 he uses the eating of food in john   15 he uses a branch attached to the main trunk the  teaching is we must be connected to christ and by   faith be one with him let me say it again we must  be connected to christ without a connection with   christ we cannot overcome the devil we cannot grow  and by that connection through faith in his word   we become one with christ when christ prayed in  john 17 verse 11 he said and now i am no more in   the world but these are in the world and i come  to thee holy father keep through thine own name   those whom thou has given me that they may be one  as we are christ prayed that we would be one in   verse 22 he says and the glory which thou gives  me i have given them that they may be one even   as we are one and in verse 23 he says i in them  and thou in me christ wants to be one with us and he uses the symbolism of eating his flesh  drinking his blood but what he meant by that is   explained in verse 63 it is the spirit that  quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the   words that i speak unto you this is how you eat  the flesh and drink the blood of jesus christ   by obeying his word that's how the branch abides  in the vine and so jesus explains in john 15 7   if he abide in me and my words abide in you so the  word explains john 6 and the word explains john 15   it is by obedience to god's word that we become  one with christ and so as we prepare to take part   in the bread and the wine symbols of the blood  of christ let us not go too far as to believe in   transubstantiation which is it is the literal  blood and body of jesus the bible says we should   not partake of blood are you following me genesis  9 verse 4 leviticus 17 11 they symbolize it is   simply a symbolic act expression our faith in our  lord jesus christ and our desire to be connected   with him now let me tell you something a spiritual  connection is as real as an electrical connection   when you plug something into an outlet it is  as real because the power is the power of god   when we have that connection and so we are  partaking of the body and the blood of jesus   christ symbolically when eve when god brought  eve to adam let's go to genesis 2 quickly we'll   read verse 21 to 23. i'll begin reading while  you look for it i don't want to delay too long   and the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon  adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and   closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib  which the lord god had taken from man made he a   woman and brought her unto the man now read verse  23 with me if you have it and adam said come on   this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh  she shall be called woman because she was taken   out of man listen to the word she is bone of my  bone flesh of my flesh in that sense they were one   now christ uses the relationship between husband  and wife to express the relationship between the   church and himself let's go to ephesians 5  and listen to what the apostle paul tells us   about our oneness with christ ephesians 5 we'll  read a long passage we'll read from 25 and go   all the way down to 30. ephesians 5 will read  from 25 let me pray again holy father in heaven   speak through me as i conclude these remarks in  jesus name i pray amen amen you have ephesians 5   25 husbands love your wives even as christ  also loved the church and gave himself for it   that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the  washing of water by the word that he might present   it to himself a glorious church not having spot  or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should   be holy and without blemish keep reading now  so are men to love their wives as their own   bodies he that loveth his wife loveth  himself for no man ever yet hated his   own flesh but nourisheth it and cherisheth it  even as the law of the church now read verse   30 for me for we are members of his body of  his and of his what does that remind you of   what adam said all right she is what bone is my  bone and flesh this is what paul is quoting from   we are members of his body of his flesh and of  his bones through the humanity of christ because   a spirit does not have flesh and bones that's  what jesus told the disciples in luke 24 when   he rose from verse 36 to 39 when he rose and they  thought he was a spirit he said handle me and see   for a spirit hath not flesh and bloons as ye see  me have paul tells us we are members of his body   of his flesh and his bones through the humanity  of christ we can come into contact with god   because that human being called christ is also  god and so as adam said she is born of my bone   and flesh of my flesh there shall be one that's  what the bible says in genesis 2 24 there shall   be one flesh because christ is still human we can  be born of his born and flesh of his flesh can   you say amen through faith that's the connection  jesus wants to have with us and so the bible says   for both he that sanctifieth and there who  was sanctified are all of one for which   cause he's not ashamed to call them brethren  hebrews 2 11. we are brothers and sisters   you know we have blood brothers from your mother  your father jesus christ is our blood brother   he's our flesh brother we unite with him through  the obedience to his word which he represents as   his body and his blood and so as we partake of the  symbols of his body in his blood let's remember   that it is the desire of god through christ that  we would become one with him may the lord bless us   as we strive through faith in christ all  day every day to be one with our savior   like it's our secret right i got to know this man  um up close myself and layla you're privileged to   host him at home and i've learned many things  now where's drake drake come over here as well and you're under you will understand  why i'm calling drake right now   before drake showed up in our lives positive way  beautiful way i did not know pastor skeet not at   all there's no connection between us i didn't pull  a card as if you know he's my friend that was i   had nothing to do with this the holy spirit yes  had it so drake shows up one day and let us know   through our head deacon that would be nice if we  could have pastor skeet preaching for us a revival   and he asked as it is proper of the head elder  and myself and john mentioned this it is a pretty   tall order right we were kind of hesitant to  try and do this but then again it worked amen   god is good we praise the lord we've learned  we've grown spiritually and we praise the   lord for all that and one thing that we  would like for all of the youth to know   in this church and this is the way we  leadership all of us think is this for the youth   the the the default word is yes okay if you have  an idea if you have a plan and you pray it prayed   it through and it's good for the church the answer  is yes we may sometimes need to say you know what   if we fix this or justice or that just that it  may work better but the answer is always yes and   because he said yes and the lord said yes so these  are gifts to you my brother you know on behalf   of the church thank you so much keep strong keep  that connection with the lord pastor this is one   of the gifts we have a little more for you later  on thank you very much for your ministry god bless
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Id: LC41HEqjoQg
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Length: 55min 59sec (3359 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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