COVID-19 Delta Variant and Early Treatment

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Hi, I'm Dr. James Marcum. Thanks for joining me. Today, we're going to answer the question, how should we be approaching the Delta variant? You hear this in the news everywhere about this Delta variant. Well, we're going to talk about what should approach be to this. But before we do that, I want to share a biblical prescription for you. A text, a text about wisdom. And that's James three, verse 17. But the wisdom that is from above, from heaven, the wisdom from heaven is first pure. Then peaceable. Gentle, willing to yield full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy. So when we're looking for wisdom to answer these tough questions in the world we live in. I want to say first to remember that truth is in the Bible and Christ is our healer. Now, let's get on to this question. How do we approach the Covid variant? Well, first, let's talk a little bit about what what is a variant? Well, all viruses, whether it be a flu, viruses, the viruses want to keep living and sustaining themselves. So they have these processes called mutations. That's where they stay change. They mutate, they change their sequences of DNA and RNA to stay alive. So they have basically mutations. And the Sars Covid has done the same thing as well. It's changed and it's mutated. And now we have this mutation called the Delta variant. That's not the only mutation we have. There's been over 4000 mutations. They call this Delta variant B, one point six one seven point two. That's the terminology they're given to the Delta variant. But there's many variants. While this one has got everyone's concern because it is very contagious, it showed up now in Britain and India. It's showing up in Indonesia and it's showing up in the United States. It's estimated now in the United States by the CDC that up to 83 percent of the new cases of the Sars is this Delta variant. In Israel, they're finding in studies that the Delta variant is affecting people that have already had the vaccination. So the Delta variant is can affect people that have been vaccinated. It's a mutation. It's a new type of virus. It's very contagious. That's the problem. It's very contagious. And it can spread fast. We have noticed that people that have had vaccinations or immunity to this, it doesn't cause them to be as sick, but it can still spread throughout a population. So it's very important to keep this new Delta variant from spreading. The symptoms so far have been a little bit different. People have cough, headaches, fever, sore throats. They noticed that it hasn't affected the smell and taste quite as much as the original Sars virus. So with that said, let's think about the big picture again regarding viruses. You get the virus in the body and it starts to replicate. That means it divides very quickly. The next thing it does is it triggers some type of immune response. We call that the cytokine storm. And this whole process damages the blood vessel lining called the endothelium can lead to a lot of clots. So those three components are very important, as we say. Well, how should we approach this variant? Well, I've gone back to the four arms again in approaching this variant as well. First, we have to do things that enhance the immune system. Vitamin D seems to be very important. We have to research this and make sure people are having things that enhance their immune system. We have to have acute treatment. We don't want people to stay at home for long periods of time. You know, if you're bleeding, you want to stop the bleeding. If you have a bacterial infection, you want an antibiotic. Well, if you're sick, you want to jump on it right away. Why is that? Well, maybe you can slow viral replication. Maybe you can decrease the cytokine storm. Maybe you can stop the clotting. And by decreasing viral replication, maybe you can limit the spread throughout society. So that's very important to look at that. A third arm that we have to look about is, well, how does this how does this variant affect not only those who have had Covid, but in fact, those that have been vaccinated? How does it affect them? And then lastly, which groups is it spreading the fastest in? Which groups are the most vulnerable? And who should we really focus our treatment on first? Who should we focus on the attack? Our research dollars are quarantine's are our focus on which groups. So each four of those arms need to be looked at in order that we can deal with this process of viral replication, cytokine storms and this clotting well, there's much literature out there that's being developed, unfortunately, to this day, there's not a lot of randomized studies that have been done. And that's very common in medicine. When something first happens, we figure out what to do about it and then we circle around, do the careful studies, see what works and what doesn't work. This has been the tradition of medicine for years. In fact, there's many things in medicine that we do that never have randomized studies. We just do it because it works. We want to take care of people. So I've picked out some studies out there that I think are legitimate, that I want to share with you from different people that have been working with this virus this year, treating patients every day. And mainly, I want to focus a little bit about immune enhancement and acute treatment. The first comes from a scientist that's very well known named Peter McCullogh. And he actually had this Covid himself and he treated it. And what he focused on specifically in acute care is he looked at who is the riskiest person who needs treatment right away. Well, we've identified we know that older people need treatment, people with weakened immune systems. We know that as we age, our immune system wakes were more vulnerable. We know that certain conditions like carrying extra weight. And he looked at people greater than a BMI, greater than 30 kilograms a meter squared. People that have chronic diseases like pulmonary disease, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, kidney disease. So older people that have underlying medical problems that carry extra weight, we need to really focus a lot of resources on them. And younger people tend to be healthier, tend to when they get it, they don't get as sick. So those are some things that we need to focus on and he focused on. So what did he do when someone got acutely sick to slow the rate of viral replication, the cytokine storm and the endothelial damage? Well, the first thing that I think everyone should do is if you're sick, don't go around people. One of the things that I'm practicing doing every day is I'm clearing my nasal passages. What does that look like? Well, I'll go in the shower every morning with some soap and water and cleans out my nasal cavity. So there's no viruses no matter where they're from. Staying there long term, coughing, everything you can out. I think those are very useful. So if someone comes down with the symptom right away, immediately he did these things like the fresh air and then he did the things to enhance your immune system. And the research is shown that taking vitamin D is very important. And in fact, in his regimen, he recommended five thousand international units a day. He also recommended zinc sulfate right away, as well as fresh air. Those type of things. And then to keep the virus from replicating. He recommended starting at least two antivirals right away. He use hydroxychloroquine, he use ivermectin, and he combined it with an antibiotic like azithromycin or doxycycline. And he used another antiviral called favirpravier. He used that as well. So the theory is, by treating the virus in multiple agents with anti viral agents right away, we could slow down the replication then if the person got sicker and sicker with this respiratory systems. By day five, he was thinking, well, we need to knock down the immune response. And in that day, he used things like prednisone judelson. I'd he even use a medicine called colchicine to knock down the immune response. Then after that, he focused on that help with the immune response that was coming, the cytokine storm. Then as an outpatient, he focused on the different types of clotting. The simplest thing was aspirin. But as a person got sicker, he focused on low molecular heparin. Some of the things that we have out there that we use very frequently, like Eliquis, Xarelto, those were also agents that were using as well as watching a person's pulse ox. And then he treated very aggressively as an outpatient to really focus on these three things. He's had enormous success with this regimen. He's treated patients as an outpatient, never been studied by large number of groups. But it's working. And you know what? It makes sense. Let's treat it right away. Let's jump on this. Another group that's done a lot with this is called The Frontline Critical. Care Alliance, and they have done a lot of studies on this very controversial medicine called ivermectin, and I'm sure you've heard about it, and at least I have to mention it as it's out there. And as you know, those who have listened to this before, I try to take a balanced approach. I look at all the data out there. I don't tell people what to do, but I tell people to look at the data and then make decisions based on asking God for help, asking God for wisdom. And we're looking at some of these characteristics of wisdom, pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield full of mercy, good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy. Boy, do we see that kind of wisdom today. Well, this group has also been working with lots of patients and they've done some research and they have a lot on their website . It's called C19 Ivermectin dot com. They've looked at all of the different studies on ivermectin. You can look at those and decide what holds credence. But it seems like many of the studies show benefits an ivermectin for treating viral illnesses. So they have come up with the prevention protocol and it has some similarities to what we saw from Peter McCullough. It again, looks at jumping on it early so the viruses don't replicate. We don't want people staying at home week after week, getting sicker. The virus replicates, they get the cytokine storms that get blood clots. Then they become these long haulers with long disease. So what there's focus is on it focuses on prevention, especially vitamin D3, vitamin C. They use zinc again. This time they throw on one called melatonin. Seems like it has some antiviral activity. And another one called quercetin. The nice thing about these, the prevention protocol is really there's no risk. They enhance the immune system. But there's really no risk. I think the one that I think I would recommend the highest is vitamin D3. And they recommend up to three thousand international units a day. But you can get this checked. You can get this checked at the doctor's office to see what your level is. Then again, they recommended an early treatment protocol, very similar jumping on the virus. So it doesn't replicate. And they again recommended things like ivermectin. They recommended another medicine called Fluvoxamine. This was one that had sort of an antidepressant that seems to help and people with viral activities. Then they recommend all of the other ones we talk to as well. And they've been using this as early outpatient treated right away. And then they've also, you know, talked about at least a minimum of an aspirin in treating this early on to prevent this from a little problem from becoming a big problem. So I've left you some information on this and in their Web site Frontline Critical Care Alliance. You can look on that website and they have a lot of doctors who will actually treat you. They can treat you online. You can call phone numbers that you can get a hold of these physicians who have experiencing and treating this as an outpatient, which I think is very important. We don't want it to get so blown out that you have long term damage. And they've noticed that when treated early on, they don't have a lot of the sickness and hospitalizations and big problems that we saw earlier on in this pandemic. Another scientific article that I thought was very good in early treatment on this arm that we're focusing on is from Paul Alexander. And again, he looked at early multidrug outpatient treatment of the Sars in specifically nursing home groups. And again, his treatment pattern, the multidrug showed benefit, but it again, it focused on jumping on this early. And he used medicines like hydroxychloroquine, doxycycline and some of the others ones that we've talked about. The big point I want to make today is we need to treat early on. And they've had some success in India. Now we're seeing it in Indonesia that when people get sick, we want to jump on it early on. We want to help their immune system. We want to have early treatments, the best we have available, and then we want to think about long term treatment. So those are some things that I think that's very helpful. Now, a study in Nashville out of Vanderbilt has just started. It's called the Active Six Study. And Doctor Negi at Vanderbilt is focusing on this study. And this study is started June eight. And it's going to go through December 22 of this year, enrolling patients, specifically using these agents early on in treatment to see what works in a. Double blind randomized placebo studies. These other studies are doctors that are actually out there treating and reported great success rates, but they haven't been scrutinized in great detail. So these are some things out there regarding the Delta variant. So regarding the Delta variant, of course, we want to keep from spreading it. If you're sick, don't go outside stairwell that round from groups that might have it focus on your immune system. Some of the things we talked about that are no risk, especially vitamin D. If you're having symptoms, consider getting treated right away with antivirals that we've talked about. If you if you have an immune response that seems to be growing, some of these things that would block the immune response of cytokines like steroids, one that use budesonide dexamethasone, prednisone, those are steroids to use when appropriate and focus on the clotting mechanisms to get really, really sick. You might need more clotting medicines if you're just a little bit sick. Maybe an aspirin would do enough because we don't want you to have this disease and become what we call a long Horler. Will the disease damages to the cytokines towards the capillary damages? It creates the clots which damages organs throughout the body. Sometimes it takes a long time to recover. Sometimes people with underlying conditions don't even recover. I've talked about a lot given you a lot to think about. And remember, I want you to do the thinking. You have a brain. God's given us things to think about. We can look at all the data out there and can make some good decisions. But again, I want you to remind you again about the big picture. And that's James three verse 17. Let me read it to you. But the wisdom that is from above, and that's what we're seeking, it's hard right now to sort through all this. Everyone has an agenda. Everyone gets a little bit excited about this. And there's good people on both sides that really believe in what they're doing. But we want to look to God for wisdom, too, because that's ultimately going to heal us. But the wisdom that is from above, what's it look like? Its first pure. That wisdom is peaceable. That wisdom is gentle, that wisdom is willing to yield. It's full of mercy. It comes up with good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy. So we want to ask God as we sort through this from wisdom above. And I hope all of you continue to have good health. And thank you for joining me today. If you like this, hit the like button. If you might want to learn more. We have resources. We have a worship app. We have a Bible study that you can sign up for. We have a newsletter that you might be interested in and we want to. create a community that's loving each other, that's sharing with each other, that's encouraging each other. that's helping us through this crisis that we're all living through. Now, I hope to join you soon with another Biblical Prescription for Life.
Channel: Biblical Prescriptions for Life
Views: 427,725
Rating: 4.9110126 out of 5
Keywords: COVID-19 Delta Variant and Early Treatment, delta variant, covid-19, coronavirus, vaccine, delta, health, delta variant covid, covid, delta plus variant covid, delta plus variant, covid delta variant, covid variant, variant, delta variant uk, uk delta variant, johnson and johnson vaccine, moderna vaccine, pfizer vaccine, new covid variant, covid delta, covid 19 delta variant, covid delta plus variant, covid vaccine, delta virus, covid 19, hospital, wellness, delta variant vaccine
Id: l8BKtks4gyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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