Shopify vs. Woocommerce - Best Ecommerce Platform in 2024?

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before we get started I have the hookup with Shopify and woocommerce and I have a better deal for both these platforms than you can find anywhere else and I'm going to share that with you at the end of this video and I'm going to give you the pros and the cons of each of these platforms and at the end of this video you're going to know exactly which platform you should choose we're also going to go over the five most common questions I get about these platforms and my name is Travis marziani I've been a full-time e-commerce entrepreneur for over 10 years I've done over 6 million dollars in online sales and I've created websites using both Shopify and woocommerce so make sure to like this video Because by the end of this video you'll know 100 which of these platforms are right for you let's start with the pros of Shopify and Shopify has over 1.7 million Merchants that use Shopify and it's the second largest e-commerce platform out there and Shopify websites have generated over 183 billion dollars and Shopify is an all-in-one platform that's made from the ground up for e-commerce sellers that are looking to create their own online store they have better looking and more professional templates for your store than woocommerce as well it's also easier to use Shopify and you can create your own Shopify store in as little as four minutes there are also a lot more professional add-ons and apps that you can use with Shopify than you can with woocommerce though technically woocommerce does have more apps than Shopify does the quality of the add-ons in Shopify is slightly higher there's also just more things that integrate with Shopify than there is with woocommerce also a big Pro with Shopify is there's 24 7 customer support and overall less can go wrong with a Shopify store because it's being hosted by Shopify versus with woocommerce which we'll talk about later you have to host the website yourself which can cause all kinds of issues Shopify websites also load in half the time on average that woocommerce websites load and when people are going online to buy things if your website takes a long time to load they may end up going to a different website so this is really important but with all that being said there are some really big Pros to using woocommerce and the first pro is it's actually the largest e-commerce platform in the world with over 6.5 million users and it has over 36 percent of the total e-commerce market share and the woocommerce plugin has been downloaded over 200 million times and the way that woocommerce works is it's actually free sort of it's a free plug-in to Wordpress and WordPress is a free way for you to make an online site but when you're using woocommerce and WordPress you still need to pay for hosting and hosting is going to cost you a couple dollars a month there are a lot of different websites that you can go with for hosting I recommend going with hostinger it's only a couple dollars a month and it's fast and reliable I'll put a link to that down below the next Pro of woocommerce is that it's fully customizable way more customizable than Shopify and that's because Shopify locks down certain features so that you don't mess anything up which makes it so that Shopify is a little bit more stable and there's less likely that things are going to go wrong but if you want to fully customize your website then woocommerce is the site for you another big Pro with woocommerce is they won't shut you down I've heard a lot of stories of people that start a Shopify website and they get shut down and this often happens to people that are selling things from third world countries or if they're selling something that Shopify just doesn't want you to sell online even if it's completely legal if Shopify doesn't agree with what you're selling they can shut down your website or with woocommerce you completely own the website and you're not going to get shut down because it's your website WordPress also has a lot of free themes and plugins and because it's a free community there's a lot more free apps free plugins and free things that you can do to enhance your WordPress website and even though WordPress does not have 24 7 support like Shopify does it does have a huge community of other sellers that will help you with any technical difficulties that you might run into and now that we've talked about the pros of Shopify and woocommerce let's talk about the cons of these platforms because there's a lot of cons for both these platforms and the first con of Shopify is that it's more expensive in fact it's way more expensive starting at a minimum of 29 a month and going up from there Shopify is about 10 times the price of woocommerce not to mention with woocommerce if you pay a few dollars a month for hosting you can start multiple websites with Shopify if you go to start a new website you only get around a 10 discount for each new website you start so if you're looking to start multiple websites then Shopify is going to add up very fast but again I do have to hook up with Shopify you can click the link down below to find the latest discounted prices I have with Shopify another big con with Shopify is all the apps all the plugins all the extras are just more expensive developers of Shopify assume if you're paying for Shopify you probably have a little bit more money so they always jack up the prices of their apps and Integrations there's also a fee if you want to use a third party payment Gateway you can use Shopify payments and you're going to get charged around 2.9 plus 30 cents of every free transaction or if you want to use a third party payment Gateway you have to pay an additional one percent on top of all your other credit card fees now keep in mind even if you're using woocommerce you're still going to have to pay transaction fees but you're going to pay those fees to stripe or whatever company you use to take credit cards a lot of people think that Shopify charges transaction fees and woocommerce does not but that's actually not true either way you're going to have to pay transaction fees but with woocommerce you do have more choices in who you can use to accept credit cards so you can technically get your credit card transaction fees a little bit lower than you can with Shopify and even though Shopify does have a ton of beautiful templates the Shopify premium templates are more expensive than the woocommerce premium templates and even though Shopify does have a lot of professionally done plugins overall they have way less plugins than woocommerce they have around 3 000 plugins versus woocommerce's 55 000 plugins but woocommerce does have a lot of cons as well and the first con is that you're way more likely to have technical difficulties with woocommerce then you are with Shopify in fact I have both Shopify websites and woocommerce websites and I recently ran into an issue with one of my woocommerce websites where people weren't able to go and check out my products and it took me a couple days to figure out what was actually going on that's never happened to me with Shopify and that's because with Shopify they don't allow you to change any of the checkout procedure but with woocommerce since it is fully customizable they allow you to Tinker with anything and so with Shopify the chances of you messing something up are a lot lower another con with woocommerce is it doesn't come with everything you need ready to go you're gonna have to add on more apps and Integrations than you will with Shopify out of the box Shopify is a lot better than woocommerce another Colin with woocommerce is you're most likely going to have to use stripe or PayPal in order to accept payments with woocommerce and stripe has a fee PayPal has a fee so you're gonna end up having to pay credit card fees either way now if you are technically a little bit more advanced there are ways to add credit card processing capabilities to a woocommerce website that will allow you to have lower fees but keep in mind majority of people end up using stripe or PayPal in order to process their payments and overall I'd say that woocommerce is just not as beginner friendly as Shopify is and woocommerce websites will require a lot more maintenance because you'll have so many different plugins you'll have to constantly be updating everything to make sure that there's no issues and because of this there tends to be a lot more security issues with a woocommerce website the chance of your website getting hacked or somehow people stealing your customers credit card information is higher on woocommerce than it is on Shopify and before I announce who the winner is Shopify or woocommerce keep in mind that there is a lot of other online platforms that you can build your own e-commerce website on such as Squarespace Wix Big Cartel and all these platforms and I did a complete video comparing all these different platforms on who should use which platform and in summary Shopify and woocommerce are the two two best platforms unless you are a artist or maker then you may want to consider Big Cartel because it's free if you have five products or less if you're a podcaster or a musician and you're just looking for a beautiful website and maybe you'll sell a little bit of merch then Squarespace might be a really good option however if you're looking to make money online by selling products on the internet then by far the best platform in my opinion is actually Amazon now the problem with listing a product on Amazon is that you don't own the website and Amazon can kick you off whenever they want so you still would want to build your own website for your business using either Shopify or woocommerce as a backup but Amazon is a one trillion dollar company and they have over 300 million Prime customers going to their website every day to buy products and last year alone they did over 500 billion dollars of sales on their website but the crazy thing is two-thirds of all the sales that happen on Amazon are from third party sellers that's people like you and me selling our products on Amazon and it's extremely easy to sign up and start selling your own product in fact over 400 000 people have made at least a hundred thousand dollars selling products on Amazon and I'm gonna give you a free five hour course that I put together on how to sell on Amazon in just a minute but keep in mind even if you're selling on Amazon you're still going to want to build your own website and so you still need to decide between Shopify and woocommerce to build your own website so which platform's right for you well interestingly enough Shopify is actually the cheaper option to start because when you're paying for hosting for woocommerce you usually have to pay for a full year at a minimum upfront but keep in mind in the long term that woocommerce is gonna be a lot cheaper than Shopify woocommerce is also a lot cheaper if you want to go and build multiple stores because you only have to pay for hosting once and then using that hosting company you can build multiple woocommerce websites Shopify on the other hand is the easiest for beginners to use you don't need almost any technical cable abilities it's very drag and drop and easy to set up but let's answer overall what is the best platform for you and if you're tight on cash if you're looking to start multiple websites if you're not expecting to make a ton of money out of the gate from your Ecommerce website then woocommerce is the answer for you and you're looking for a platform that's easy to use it's going to require little maintenance and is less likely to have any security vulnerabilities then Shopify is the answer for you either way I have the hookup for you I have a link to Shopify down below as well as hostinger which will allow you to build a woocommerce website but if you're looking for a step-by-step tutorial on the best way to make money online right now check out this video I did right here click on that video I'll see in the next video this is a free five hour course that I put together for you so click on that video see in the next video and thanks for watching
Channel: Travis Marziani
Views: 33,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify vs woocommerce, shopify vs woocommerce 2020, shopify vs woocommerce 2023, The best ecommerce platform in 2020, The best ecommerce platform in 2023, Shopify review, woocommerce vs shopify 2020, woocommerce vs shopify 2023, woocommerce 2020, woocommerce 2023, shopify price, is woocommerce better than shopify, is shopify better than woocommerce, shopify vs woocommerce 2019, shopify pros, shopify cons, shopify review 2019, shopify review 2023
Id: wKRE1LGJr8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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