How to start Dropshipping in 2024 with $100

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in this video I'm going to show you how to start with $100 and build a successful Drop Shipping Store in just 30 minutes and drop shipping is the perfect business to start with $100 because you don't have any employees you don't have a brick and mortar shop you don't have any inventory you have basically no expenses a very lean business and it allows you to adapt very quickly and you don't even buy the product until after the customer buys it from you so you're able to start off with very low risk and very low overhead with tremendous upside when you find a good product and make a really good ad and we think that's absolutely essential to drop shipping and I think a lot of people out there spend far too much time learning and studying and and they have what's called paralysis by analysis where you're on the sidelines watching all these videos waiting for the perfect time to get into Drop Shipping and honestly like that is right now there's never been a better time to start Drop Shipping there are so many tools available to help you make ads to manage email list to do anything else you might want to do with Drop Shipping it really is a fantastic time to start and we want to give you a concise video the goal of this video is to teach you everything you need in just 30 minutes because as somebody once told me when I was starting my very first business they said the best way to succeed in business is to be in business which sounds counterintuitive but really what that means is you can only learn so much on the sidelines you're going to learn so much more when you start your first business and really start going through this and so that's the goal in this video to just get you started with what we think is the absolute essential everything you need to know and then from there you can iterate you can learn and you can grow your business well beyond a million doll so with that being said I recommend taking notes and following along with this video Click by click so that at the end you have a Drop Shipping Store up and running and ready to go so we're going to start off with the most important part of this entire Drop Shipping business and that is the central Hub that is Shopify and Shopify is typically $29 per month we have a link in the description below an affiliate link that can give you Shopify for $1 per month that also helps us at no cost to you to keep this information free so we never have to hide information behind a pay wall so if you appreciate the free information it would be great if you went through that link to get started like I said it starts you off at $1 per month we're going to go to santrell Shopify uh you could either type that in or you could go through the link in the description uh you can copy and paste it and that'll bring you to a page that looks something like this sometimes this changes a little bit but we're going to type in our email address then it's going to ask us a couple questions I'm going to click skip all it really doesn't matter what you're doing uh right there that does it only changes your dashboard a little bit but we don't need that for this video now we can say sign up with email and we're going to make a password and now it's going to be building our store now what we really like about Shopify is that you're able to start with a theme basically a fully built template that you just put in your product your your text and your own images and it looks it's beautiful it's ready to go it also integrates with so many platforms out there so the first thing we want to do from Shopify before we're able to integrate anything or really do much with this we want to select a plan you have see you see two options there to select a plan but just in case those pop-ups are not there you can click on that right now if you want but if it's not there you can go to settings and you can click on plan and you can select a plan right here say choose plan now I recommend don't even bother looking at the other ones I'll have a link below once you start selling more the link is a little calculator tool that I made to to calculate when it's worth it to upgrade when that that little percentage saved on credit card fees justifies the price difference but when you're getting started out we're going to start with the basic plan right here I'm going to enter my credit card information and subscribe and like I said free trial in the beginning then $1 for the next month and then you can see $39 uh because I have this toggled off if you want to do the annual plan it bumps it down to $29 per month but you do have to pay that all at once so in the beginning I usually like to keep it at monthly so I'm going to click on subscribe now we can input some basic business details say save and that'll bring you back to your Shopify dashboard now we don't need POS right now we're going to skip that so now what we're going to do is go down to online store this is really cool cuz this is going to be doing so much of the work for you we can click on ADD theme visit theme them store we're going to browse the themes there's about a dozen or so free themes as well as some paid ones so explore themes we're going to click on free you don't need to pay for one when you're getting started the paid ones are really cool but I'm going to go down and I mean browse through these I really like this one right here for a single product website I'm going to click on Origin I'm going to try this theme now whichever one you choose it doesn't matter they won't change the rest of this video it's all the same tools but I'm going with this one choose whichever one you like best okay now while it's adding that theme in the meantime I'm going to click remove password the password is now removed now this is the step most people miss and they wonder why their theme is not there we want to make sure we click on publish so that it swaps out the new theme for the default theme that it came with so we're going to say publish now origin is our main theme right there so now the next step is to find our product now the way we're going to do that is on the left side if we go down to add apps the first app that we want to add is autod DS so we're going to go Shopify store click on go to the Shopify store and from here we're going to type in autod DS autod DS right here we're going to click install and now we're going to click install again now that brings you up to the plan right here we're going to close out of this and in another tab we're going to go to santell autods and that brings you to this page right here so I'm going to enter my email then we can say we want to sell on Shopify and at this point this shows us the pricing structure we can just go back to the other tab on Shopify where it showed this pricing structure there as well and we have three different options to choose from so now autod DS partnered with us on this video but we would not recommend any software unless we really believed it was a powerful tool that would really benefit you so there are three different plans here before we get into them kind of highlighting what autods is and what they do autods is going to be your supplyer your fulfillment so rather than the old days of ordering from AliExpress which hey if you want to do that you totally can but it's going to take maybe two months for a product to get from your supplier all the way to the end customer and they're going to be very disappointed by that you're going to have a lot of refunds you're going to have a lot of negative reviews on all your ads and things like that you don't want to have that so autods can deliver in less than a week substantially faster and they also allow you to connect to many different platforms if you decide you want to sell not on Shopify maybe on Etsy or eBay or anywhere else you can do that using autods in addition they have some awesome product research tools uh and so they just make everything so much easier for Drop Shipping they're like the all-in-one stop uh and that's why we recommend working with autods so we have three different plans here some of the main differences between them you'll see price and stock monitor you don't get with the import 200 um but you still get a lot of like the product research tool you still get order manager product manager uh image editor you get a lot of this stuff with the 200 but if you go up to the 500 let's go down here you'll get things uh like for example the full product editor also you'll have custom branding on there which is really nice you'll allow bulk changes if you have a lot of products um and different things like that um so I'm going to go with the import I'm going to go with the starter 500 you can do it the import 200 when you're getting started $20 like I said it's good to save money when you're getting started and maybe that's going to be the best plan for you I'm going to go with this one for now just to kind of showcase all of the features that I think might be helpful in here and I'm going to click on continue and now this subscription is managed through Shopify which is nice you don't have to type in your payment information again I'm going to click on approve and once that's done we can go to the dashboard we're going to close out of that so remember I said there was a four-step process for Drop Shipping the first step is going to be finding a home run product that's what we're doing right now once we have that this will automatically connect to Shopify and step number two is building out a professional storefront which is already as we saw mostly done that's a very easy step in this video the third step is going to be an absolute essential one which is making it an ad that convinces people and converts and drives a lot of sales that's going to be the most important part of this and then the fourth step is going to be studying iterating and improving and repeating the process like that so with that being said let's kind of take a look at how to find a good product there's a couple things we want to keep in mind first of all you want your product to be easy to ship that means it's going to be compact it's not going to be a gigantic heavy like battery bank for example that costs $100 to ship it's also not going to be something that is likely to have returns you don't want something that is likely to break you also don't want it to be a one-time thing for example like solar eclipse glasses are really likely for people to return them the day after the eclipse and say hey I'm within 30 days I don't need these anymore and they're going to try to send them back so you don't want things like that the third thing is it has to solve a problem it has to make someone's life better it has to be something that they really believe they need and there's really a couple main things that people find that they really need if you're selling health wealth love or happiness those are four things that people will pay money for no matter what health is a really easy one to look at so if you have for example any type of anti-aging like skin cream if you have something that prevents gray hair if you have something that just otherwise makes people look or feel healthy you're going to see a lot of sales in products like that another one would be wealth or status if you're able to sell something that makes people feel more important like they have more status like they're more appreciated that's another great one as well and for any of those you want to choose a specific Niche now a good example that I like to use is golf that's a niche that people it gives them happiness they they absolutely love golf and they want to be better so it makes them feel more important when they're able to outperform their friends when they're playing golf and that's something that you know is a very sticky Niche because if you ever look it up this is a good test that I like to do if you go on Tik Tok or on YouTube or on Instagram and if you just look it up once if it suddenly populates your entire explore page or your entire browse page then that is going to be a very stick sticky topic that means the algorithms know that people who are a little bit interested in that very quickly become very obsessed with that and golf is a perfect example I would say so there are a couple ways we can find a product the first way is going to be just browsing through autods they do have a lot of great products you can just find through here uh they also have some cool things like trending products down here Tik Tok spy tool I'm going to buy the product finding Hub it's $549 let's confirm this and this unlocks a really cool tool Tik Tok spy and we can filter by likes by Impressions by interactions uh the CTA Source we can learn a lot about what is working on Tik Tok what products are selling well and really filter through a lot to to dig into that so if we want to find something that has maybe more than 20,000 likes uh it has a better than 1% interaction rate or more than 5% interaction rate and you can filter by organic or advertising so let's go to advertising for now and we can check out keywords as well so this could be maybe like Tik Tock made me buy it Tik Tok made me buy it that could be one or you could look at uh really whatever you want so golf would be another keyword maybe if you if you know you're selling something in this Niche for example and so you can really dig into a lot of ads and see just like what's working based on these different criteria addition now that we paid for that little upgrade we can also go to trending products and learn a lot more about these trending products down here you get all these extra metrics on all of them so how many were sold the profit the the reviews the selling price the interaction rate and so you can really filter and again if nothing else at the very least learn from what other people are doing and what's working or you know get some inspiration here on what you could possibly sell yourself as well and if we go up to handpicked products you can see quite a few products once again a lot of analytics on all of these some insights on the engagement score the saturation score so you want to find something that is not very saturated uh but has very high engagement so again just a really cool filters that you can do on here as well so let's go back to let's go back to autods we're going to we're going to look through this in a second um but what I want to do is mention a second option which is to go over to Tik Tok ads now this a lot of times by the time that uh ads do really well it might be a little bit late so you want to find something that's kind of on on the upand cominging uh but not Giant yet and so what I recommend doing is uh kind of customizing these right here so changing objective to conversions uh we can say last seven days instead of last 30 days we can say English we can say non-spark ads and then for likes we're looking for like a couple thousand likes we don't want 57,000 likes that's that's pretty pretty far along so this will take some time you can really find a lot of ads you want to find ones that so you want to look for things like uh this one right here so 9,000 likes pretty good you want not too many likes 9,000 is kind of on the upper end two top 2% of CTR means a like basically everybody who's watching this is clicking through so you can look at this not only you're going to learn a lot more about uh what is doing well with this but also like you know this is a product that people really like so lawn care that's a very sticky product people love investing in lawn care so that this is one option right here but let's go back to autods and let's talk about some different niches the next thing you want to do is think about the niche now I recommend it should be something that you are in something that you are yourself would be a buyer in you'll have a better intuition and it'll just be easier for you to connect with that audience um some people are good at selling things that are just completely unrelated to them like I would really struggle to sell female beauty products but hey some people can do that so for me I'm going to look at niches that I think are very very uh lucrative so things that people spend a lot of money on that are really nice impulse by that are easy for people to uh be excited about and browse so for me Electronics would be a good one I actually have a tech review channel so I know a lot about that a second one would be maybe golf I just started golfing this past summer and I know people spend a ton of money on Golf and there's a couple others as well but I want to start with those two right there so let's start off with electronics kind of browse through and right away I'm seeing this right here I know that I talked about a product like this in the past I know it's a good product um and it's something that really it's cool it does a lot of things it's really easy to Market it's colorful and you can see it's only1 to2 11 business days is a little slow on the shipping uh but considering the price that's something that we maybe could do down down here we have a mini label printer so that's really cool you can print out stickers maybe put them on like a notebook or something that one could sell really well $1 to $33 five business days that's a lot faster I've seen these do really well but I think it's a little bit late I've seen just a little bit too much of that all right so browse through this I have a couple options already that we saw right there but let's go back and check out let's check out golf I'm going to type in golf somebody if you are in the niche you have a better idea like these won't sell people don't want Iron head covers um if you go down here I don't think people want a lighter bag most people use a cart and then we have things like um this looks good so this right here I've actually seen these sell pretty well in the past 14 business days is a little bit slow but it looks like this over here is basically the same thing one $1 cheaper in two to four business days so this allows you to draw lines on your golf ball so you just trace a little line it is $8 which would mean you'd probably have to sell that for about $24 which is a little bit steep I think for something that's just a little clip but if you advertise it right that could be something that you could put like you could definitely definely sell that going down we'll see what else we have so you want to just kind of browse through see what shipping time is see what price is and if you are in the niche you'll have a general idea for what's exciting and what's not like a smash bag right here that's a really good thing but $40 it would be really hard to sell that for $120 or even $80 like I think this thing $40 is already what I think a consumer would want to pay for that so I don't think I'm going to do that now it's important to note that you don't have to reinvent the wheel here so whenever you find something you like I recommend going on Tik Tok and searching for it and trying to find ads see how they made the ad look at what the engagement is like on the ad and get a general idea of how well that's actually performing if it's like if it's just total junk and is not doing well at all then you'll know that you don't have to do that like you can find other products and and really build off of other people's success just to get an idea and kind of work in that direction all right so this golf ball clip right here uh it actually looks like $0 for shipping 4 days for uh shipping and processing time so it could be fairly quickly that people could get this I think that was a good time of year too when you're earlier in the season or anytime in the summer when people are golfing that would be a really good time to sell this so I'm going to keep that as an option now this is also cool I like this as a second option but if I just click on the name of it you'll see a bunch of options pop up so you can find which one has the best shipping time which one has the best price and it looks like the first one had the best shipping time in price you're looking at 11 days I'm skeptical also with the price I'm skeptical that this would either be really small or really just not good it looks like the marketing materials here I'm not a huge fan of I'm not a hugee fan of these Market materials either so let's go with this right here and again this is a niche that once you get into I recommend staying in and iterating products within this Niche find different golf ball tracers find different tools that people might like I'm going to click on import draft now we can click here to track the progress and it says creating draft 60% all right so now we can see that's our product right there I'm going to click on import and that'll send it over to our Shopify store so if we click on products you can see there's our product right there one variation is available there's only one variation of this also nothing's on hold nothing's out of stock that looks good and if we click on my Store back on Shopify so let's close out of this let's go to products and this should show us we have one right there now it says 10 in stock that's not really the number that makes sense they're just showing that right now on Shopify uh but we have it ready to go so we now have this product is connected to our store which is awesome but but now let's go back to autods and I want to customize this a little bit more if we click on the three dots and click on edit so if we click on edit then this is where we can really dial in what our profit is going to look like based on what our fees are so our own expenses what our profit like what we want the profit to be or maybe percentage what the profit is so if I just say like 200% profit then the sell price is about $18 I think that would kind of make sense here you're still having 200% profit uh and it's still like you're getting a nice little package there 20 bucks I think that's relatively easy to get people to buy that um we can have a compare price so we can say compare at maybe $25 uh other places so we'll say save and now we can go back to Shopify if we refresh this that should now be updated over here so that's really great other things we can do with our product if we go back to now some other things we can edit with this product of course the description will be one I recommend changing this of course as much as possible so you really it really captivates the audience and of course product as well uh we can change the title that's a really long title and I don't know if it necessarily explains what it is uh I mean it kind of does a ball alignment kit with hat hat clip ball marker carrying case swing path Arrow okay so that's not terrible but maybe we'll want to change that you can also optimize the title with AI make it sound more professional uh let's try that let's do AI right see what it comes up with sure I think actually looks pretty good we can make a little brand name for it so I'm going to say save and now if we go back to Shopify and we refresh this that should be updated with the new title there we go new title on the product and now we have a product that's awesome I like this product a lot I think it really has a lot of potential let's go down to online store and we're going to start editing the website so step two is editing our website I'm we saying customize and that brings us into our Shopify editor now a quick crash course on Shopify they use what's called a section layout so uh this little header right here is all one section this product is another section this image Banner is a section testimonials with a black background here this is one section and within each section you have a bunch of different elements so we have like uh of course our text right here we've got our three columns down there and if we want to edit it's really quite easy to do it's all over on the left side so we can rearrange them maybe if we want this header to be below the product we can just click and drag the little six dots so it's below you can see how you can rearrange the entire website like that if we don't like something we could just hover over it and click delete so I don't need that title right there and if we want to edit any section individually we just click on it so featured product for example we click on it and now we can change the product so select product I'm going to select a golf ball alignment kit and that shows it right there now I don't like that first image I don't really like how it contrasts with the background right here here so we could either change the image or we could change the background so it looks a little bit better now the image isn't necessarily bad uh we could change let's say select first of all we could change the background by changing the scheme the color scheme that's being used for the first one so I can say change and maybe scheme two is going to be better a white background that looks a little bit better uh in my opinion but again the header is also a little bit weird up there so another option is to change what the color schemes are so let's go back to scheme one and we're going to click on the themes theme settings on the top left we'll go down to colors and change scheme one now scheme 1 has a background of it's kind of like grayish yellow color I'm just going to change that to White and that makes it a lot cleaner so I'm going to leave it at White I kind of liked it before but like I said it contrasted with that image a little bit too much and so I'm going to leave it like that we can also change the button color for example maybe this is going to be U more of a magenta or more of like a a black or whatever something that would kind of tie in a little bit better with our store so I'm going to go with that right there and I'm going to make this color match as well and so now this whole theme on the top kind of a little more of like a dark magenta color kind of works well and I'm going to go back now you can change your other color schemes as well right here I'm not going to do that right now I think it's a little redundant uh you get the idea of how to do that but let's go back to our top little button on the top for sections click on back so we have this little hierarchy again the homepage now scrolling down on our store we can see the price right there it says sale it shows the color there's only one variant anyway we have a photo right here I don't have a photo to replace this with so uh we could go to image banner and we could select an image first of all and uh if any of these kind of work out you can add it there I don't think any of these are going to stretch out very well so like this one is going to look really weird being stretched out like that but we could add instead so let's remove this section and now that that's gone we can hover right over here click add section and I think multi row would look pretty good so let's click on Multi row and for each row we can click on that we can add an image so maybe the first image is going to be uh the clip or showing that right there showing the alignment let's go back the second row maybe we want an image of the Hat clip and of course if we want to have this button down here we can label this so I just populated with some basic text right there and then down here we have testimonial so we can add that in and subscribe to our our email list I'm actually going to remove that if we go to footer we can disable the email sign up and there we go our website I think looks pretty good pretty clean for a one-page website so far let's say save and let's move on to the next steps here remember the key to drop shipping is to iterate as much as possible so you want to make the minimum viable product something that looks good and sells well but isn't going to cost you hundreds of hours to design the website like this I think in most situations is a really good start so let's click on exit on the top left now let's go down to settings from here we want to rename the store this shouldn't be called my store so we're going to click on the pencil icon and rename this perfect golf gear I'm going to say save and now we need a domain so this is obviously going to be really important for anyone who goes to our website so it's not like 84A 95. so if we go down here domains and we can buy a new domain I'm going to say perfect perfect putt golf perfect putt golf is ready uh $15 a year I'm going to buy the domain and just make sure your address and information is correct no might take a couple minutes for this email to actually come in so in the meantime I'm going to go back to payments and we're going to set up our payments so we can actually accept money from people obviously a very important part of this business and we have two ways to do that actually a lot of ways but two that I recommend one is PayPal on the bottom here and the second one is Shopify payment so if we just click on complete account setup it'll walk you through this you submit details and we can choose the product we can choose the business category and then down here this is really important the statement descriptor is going to be how you appear on your customer's bank statements so anyone who who purchases from this is very likely to go back and check their credit card statement and dispute the payment if they're seeing sp84 AA whatever so so perfect P golf should be fine I'm going to submit for verification and now we're going to turn on two-step authentication so that our account is more secure we can download the recovery codes and then click continue all right so now Shopify payments is set up it's being verified right now and then we can go down and set up Paypal and I'm not going to do this cuz it's kind of the same process you just click set up uh complete then you'll just connect your account and and you're ready to go for now those are the basics that I really wanted to cover we can close out of this so congratulations you already made it way further than most people out there we have a product we have a store ready to sell we have payments set up we have a domain very professional so far the next step is really going to be marketing this product if we go to apps on the left side we can go to we can type in Tik Tok we'll click on Tik Tok right here and this is going to be our main method for advertising we're going to install the Tik Tok app on Shopify and there's really two things that allows us to do one is going to be uh set up a pixel to manage your advertising the second thing is going to be selling on Tik Tok if you ever decide to do that I have a full video on how to set that up but for this video we're just going to focus on the advertising portion of it so this page right here like I said those two options let's go to a new tab let's go to a new tab and type in sandal Tik Tok you can either copy and paste the link or you just type in sandral media Sandell Tik toktik Tock and that'll bring you to this page right here so we're going to click on get started we're going to make our account here so we're going to enter our email we have to accept this little thing and now we can enter our state and then we'll go to Tik Tok ads manager now we're going to be connecting this to Shopify in just a second but it helps if you set up your account here first and now between these two I like to go with custom mode so then we get to our advertising objective and here you can see we have a lot of options but we're going to go with website conversions uh just kind of keep it as generic as possible so we are going to be selling products on Shopify of course smart performance campaign essentially skips the ire ad group section and you go right to the ads I'm going to leave that set to off for this video uh but feel free to play around that on a different campaign in the future then we scroll down to settings for me I'm going to name this campaign the product that we're selling because that's the only product on the site and then I'm going to have a dash and then I like to kind of describe what the objective is and then we don't have any special categories it's not credit or housing I'm not going to have a split test and then we have campaign budget optimization or CBO I'm going to leave CBO off right now and we could set an entire camp campaign budget if you wanted I recommend doing that just just so you have that anyway and I'm going to say at least $50 is what they recommend so I'll say $50 right now I'm going to say continue so this is a good point to pause here and open up a new tab and go to your Shopify store we want to connect our Tik Tok account so I'm going to click on set up now next to grow your business on Tik Tok we're going to set it up now we're going to click on connect and now we're going to sign into our Tik Tok for business it's the exact password that we just made on that account I'm going to click log in and then right here before we click connect double check that the user ID is correct so if you go over to Tik Tok you'll see that should match exactly then Tik Tok ads manager we can just click on connect right here and then we have data sharing I like to keep this on maximum so we can have as much information as possible when we're trying to optimize here then we can click on create pixel it'll make a new Tik Tok pixel that'll be tracking everything on our website let's go back to Tik Tok that same tab the same page we were on I'm going to say continue and that will bring us to our ad group level now the ad group for me I'm going to be targeting you can see the available audience on the right side right now is very broad I want to Target a more affluent audience I want to Target not everyone's going to do this by the way every product is different but for me I'm going to call this disposable disposable Das income that is the group that I'm looking for and we can choose optimization location so what are we optimizing for the Tik Tock pixel so if we have a Tik Tock pixel which we do it's going to show up right here I accidentally created two because I wasn't recording the first time so we are the first one I'm just going to select that one and you should only have one on yours so Tik Tock pixel for Shopify it'll have some number there and then the optimization event you can have different things you could say you want to optimize for people who added to your cart complete payment add the P payment information a lot of different things you could optimize for for me I'm going to say complete payment we want to advertise for people who actually convert to sales then the placements we can choose manual or automatic placements this is going to be so if we just click on um the little Advanced strategy here we can say select placement ments for example Tik Tok and the other two apps that we have down here I'm going to deselect these make sure we're only placing on Tik Tok showing up in search results could be a really great way to convert I recommend not excluding that then we can go down here and choose user comments comments are totally fine I'm going to leave those on video download I will disable this because I don't want people essentially just downloading our ad and then running it as their own and then of course we have targeting now we don't have a saved audience right now you can make a saved audience in the future but we're going to go down to demographics first of all location United States that that makes sense for what I'm doing you could add other ones too if you ship to like the UK or Canada add them down down here as well then we can choose spending power I want High spending power and then as far as audience goes I'm not going to choose anything there I'm not going to choose the behaviors because I think Tik Tok does a really good job of optimizing that on its own and as you can see there's really quite a lot you can do here you can save this as a new audience as well so if you want to use the same audience on other AD groups in the future you could save it and we could choose our daily budget I'm going to say $50 because that was the campaign budget anyway uh it recommends $70 to optimize your conversions for the purposes of this video I'm just going to do 50 feel free to do a little bit more than that if you want but I recommend not doing too much in the beginning until you start to really optimize it and figure out what works best this is really just a learning experience for the first couple days or even first week and then after you start to really get some data and figure out what's working you can start to really put more money behind the things that are actually being successful and then the bidding and optimization again this is targeting conversions that's what we already know and we can have either maximum delivery or cost cap so I'm just going to leave it on maximum delivery so let's click next so now we get to the third tier which is ADS now I don't recommend smart creative ads right now I think we're going to make our own that could be a lot better than some autogenerated video uh so let's go with our own now here we have ad name so I'm going to call this one so we're going to have a lot of ads within this ad group now we're going to set custom identity we can choose a logo the ad format is going to be a single video uh and you could add it from your library you could create create a new one right now or what we're going to do is actually upload one so we're going to upload that in just a second I'm going to talk about how I make it as well but let's kind of go down and just make a couple other things right here we can add a disclaimer if there's any kind of legal risk or anything like that you need to add and we could choose where the destination actually is so Tik Tok instant page you could do that I'm not going to do that we have a custom URL so let's go back to our Shopify page go to products we'll click on this right here which is the product and then we can go to view so this is the so this is our product page I'm just going to copy that and we can paste that URL right here all right and then we get to the ad there's really three main ways I would recommend making the ad the first way especially for beginners this is more hands-off you're going to spend a little money more money with this but there are pros and cons this is using a platform such as bands of ads for example where you could have them make an ad or make a ugc ad on there and really ugc stands for user generated content like someone showing your product and talking a little bit more about it so this is going to be advantageous because like I said this is very little effort for you you don't have to know a whole lot about what makes a good ad they're going to be doing a lot of that for you but the downside is they aren't necessarily the best ads sometimes they'll show products that maybe aren't even yours in some extra b-roll in in the video or otherwise sometimes it just isn't going to be quite as custom as you want maybe won't set the same message but still it can be a really good start the second option is to message a lot of smaller creators on YouTube on Instagram on Tik Tok people that you know have camera gear people that already are doing this but maybe they don't have a huge following maybe they're somebody who just quit their job and went full-time as a Creator or maybe there's somebody who's just doing it as a side hustle and that would be a great way to just kind of pay them so you're giving them some money obviously helping them out and they can help you by making two or three or five ads or whatever you want uh maybe you want to do one ad with five different creators and with this you kind of have two options you can either sponsor a video that they make and publish on their platform and then make sure that you get the creative rights to that so you're able to use that ad and really promote it or the other option is just to have them make the content for you and not even put it on their page they don't even have to publish it if they don't want to you're just paying them to make a ugc ad for you so this second option takes a little bit more work to negotiate with creators and and you really to find good ones and make sure you have a good contract uh but all of that really can be done like chat GPT can help you through the contracts and stuff like that it can be a really good way to kind of customize what the ad is going to be maybe you have two rounds of revisions on the ad you get a lot of people who probably already have a better idea of what makes a captivating video than what you do and in general this can be a really positive way to kind of spread the message about uh your product on their platforms as well especially if they are creators who are kind of already in the niche and know a lot more about what people really want what the right packaging could actually be for that video and then the third option no offense but you're probably not going to be the best at marketing when you're just getting started out but it's still worth practicing uh and doing on your own so you could make your own ad I have a video that kind of breaks down what you want to do when you're making an ad what you want to say and when another idea of course is to just watch other ads out there of similar products and kind of mimic what they did uh don't copy the script exactly obviously but for example the product that we're selling in this video maybe you'll watch a bunch of other golf training ads and see what the other tools are really recommending and what the ads are set up like and which ones are conver buring well and kind of take some inspiration from that to make your own ad and this is good because it's totally free to make your own ads uh you can test them out organically by putting them all on Tik Tok or on Instagram without promoting them and just see which ones get the most views and the most engagement that one is not going to be like the end all solution for beginners like I said you're probably not going going to be great at this so I recommend choosing two out of the three options that I gave you eventually making your own ads it could be a very viable option but each of them like I said has a lot of pros and cons so I have one right here I'm just going to upload this ad right here just to kind of show you guys how this is going to be set up we're going to upload and now it'll be uploading that and then if we have any interactive add-ons we can create them so for example if you have a discount code I did mention like discount code Mike would be buy one get one free or something you can go and like this one right here would add that so we can say create that'll add it into our video I'm not going to do that right now for this one again we don't have disclaimer everything else looks good and then we can say submit and then we can add our payment method so this ad will actually run Tik Tok will process your payment it says creating ad and then Tik Tok is going to review this once it's approved it will run automatically it's all set up so we can go back to campaigns now and you'll be able to manage everything right here so we've got our campaign our ad group and our ad okay so currently it is in review like I said and you can turn things on or off you can also create new ones or if you wanted to maybe duplicate that uh you could just say copy so we could select it we could say copy and this will make a copy of that same thing and we can make some subtle variations in that so now the last thing we want to do is go to our store and place a sample order I think this is really advantageous to understand what the customer actually experiences what the shipping time is actually like what the product quality actually is and of course you can use the product ones you have it in future marketing materials on social media as well if I go to a new window and I go to perfect put that there we go so this is our store I think that looks really good so far we can uh add it to the cart just go through this whole process here the the cart is on the right side let's go to checkout let's just say pay now it says your order is being processed and it should give us a really nice there we go look at that nice confirmation window they show us a map there all right so now if we go back to autod DS we have this little popup congratulations on your first sale that's great uh now if we close out of this and we go to orders we see our first order was made currently it's pending and we can fulfill this ourselves if we don't have automated fulfillment I'll talk about automated fulfillment in a second but just to show you what would happen here if you click on the left side you'll you'll see who the purchaser was uh name address phone number and this is what you'll need when you're actually shipping it so I'm going to copy the address right now copy the address and I can close out of this and now over here we can see the buy side is where we're actually buying it from now this one does come from Amazon I think that's a little bit of a negative when you're selling products that it is also on Amazon so a lot of people could potentially just buy it on Amazon instead but then we can go over to Amazon place the order using these fulfillment details uh and have it shipped directly to them so now what we want to do is go down to settings we have three different ways we can fulfill these orders one of them is going to be manually fulfilling them the second way is going to be setting up a buyer account so a buyer account over here you can add a buyer account and that'll order from for example Amazon and ship it for you or what we want to do right now is actually go uh so if we go to supplier settings we go to orders we want to make sure automatic orders is enabled and process orders using fulfilled by autods service so that's going to make it substantially easier you don't have to worry about your Amazon account getting deactivated or anything like that uh autods is going to fulfill the orders for us which is really nice now in order to do that let's go back to orders we have two things we need to do one we need to fund our account so we need to manage our balance and fund the account up there we can load a balance and the second thing is going to be to buy credits so every time that an order is fulfilled uh it'll cost us one credit so you can get 20 credits for 50 cents per credit if you're selling a lot more it's substantially cheaper per credit uh but that'll automatically fulfill it for us and that way when we're having more and more orders we don't need to worry about going in here and manually fulfilling every single order so let's click on this little button up here we'll click on load balance and we have several different options I'm going to load just $50 for now for this tutorial we can do a credit card PayPal or payeer I'm going to go with PayPal I'm going to add the account and then we can say load balance and now $50 we're added to our balance we can say done and the other thing we have to do is buy credits like I said so let's just get 20 credits Just For Now buy credits say continue and now that we have all of that we can go here and send to Auto order so it'll automatically fulfill the entire thing in the future that should automatically happen but for now uh we just had to send to Auto order and that should be managed now you'll see on the right side we have a couple little things here this will give us more insights into what's going on so you can see this completed by the fulfilled by autods service that's great uh we can add an internal note if we want to and of course the options to edit and things like that so there you have it that's a tutorial on how to start Drop Shipping if you learn this much in just 30 minutes imagine where you'll be in 6 months or a year if you continue to learn and really focus on this so I hope you take this as a personal challenge to build a successful business to iterate on different products find ones that work to iterate on your ads and really evolve into a business that earns you a lot of money so thank you again for watching this video if you didn't already get started please consider using the links down below uh to get started at no extra cost to you it helps us keep videos like this free thanks for watching and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 31,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Id: 4bmmNIVueBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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