Shopify vs Wix in 2024 (Best eCommerce Website Builder)

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so I've been using Shopify and Wix to make e-commerce websites for several years they're both powerful and beginner-friendly platforms but choosing the wrong one could be absolutely detrimental it could be the difference between a successful e-commerce store that works well functions smoothly and a waste of time and money that ultimately fails so which one is actually the right one for you well based on my own experience my extensive research and talking with a lot of other users of both platforms I think I have the answer between Wix and Shopify and ultimately comes down to what you plan on using it for so while both tools were made in 2006 they launched with very very different intents and I think the root of our answer is in their reason for launch so Shopify was launched as an e-commerce first platform in the beginning it was pretty rudimentary there's not a whole lot you could do but it was definitely focused on selling that was their main goal whereas Wix on the other hand started off as a website builder which was great but they really wanted to be super easy very accessible very drag and drop and as the years went on they added a ton of other functionality for example e-commerce and they've both developed to the point where Shopify is now a great website builder and Wix is a great e-commerce platform which makes this a really interesting comparison in my opinion these two are neck and neck in many scenarios but we'll talk about the ones which really differentiate them I want to break this down into several different categories the first one is going to be the design tools designing your website what is it like to actually make a website using Wix and what is it like to use shop well with Wick starting off you have two main routes you can take you can use their AI to kind of build your website for you uh or you could go with a template a theme essentially and this is going to be a pre-made website that then you can customize pretty extensively whichever one you choose whenever you decide to customize your website so let's say you go with a template and you start customizing your website Wix is like they've always been very very good at being infinitely customizable and very intuitive for beginners so dragging and dropping elements over and and then placing them exactly where you want on the page is basically their bread and butter that is what they're known for and they make it very easy to build your website but that is both good and bad it's good because for one of course you can have an infinitely customizable website you can make exactly what's in your mind and you can make it with with ease as well but the downside here is that because there's a lot more going on depending on how somebody's viewing your website whether it is on a desktop on a laptop on an iPad or on a phone which is probably going to be about half of your online traffic it's going to be more risky so Wix does have like it's usually pretty responsive and it usually translates well but because it's less curated and less structured you need to be more on top of that so it could potentially look slightly off on some devices whereas Shopify on the other hand is much more curated more structured which means less can go wrong or look weird when you switch between devices but with that a little bit less customization Shopify is generally a simpler and more streamlined process when you're making it the website does design can be made from I think they have like 140ish templates I'll show the exact number on screen here but of those templates they're all really made for e-commerce so there's not a whole lot you really have to change in my opinion uh you can go with one of those swap out the the pictures the text the buttons the colors and of course you can add stuff as well you can click and drag things over it's just a little bit trickier to place thing like if you really wanted a picture like weirdly over on the corner it's a lot harder to do that with Shopify and a lot easier to do that with Wix so if you have an idea of exactly how your website needs to look then yeah Wix has an advantage here but for most people I think shopify's Builder is more than sufficient in fact I also found this really cool tool recently this is not sponsored by any means by the way uh but it's called gem pages I started using this and what you can do is essentially replicate any website that you really like so if you really like Nike's homepage or Kim Kardashians or anyone else's online store you can use gem Pages just with a screenshot of that website they use their AI to rebuild it for you and then is very responsive so it's easy for you then to C customize and completely make it your own so you're not copying someone else you're just starting off with their concept and then building it out to be your own so that could really save you a lot of time I thought it was a cool tool I'll link to it down below if you guys want to check it out and learn more uh But continuing on like I said Shopify is definitely all mobile responsive that's like their thing it works on any device no matter what and Wix works on devices as well but like I said you got to be a little more conscious and and really double check everything when you're making it now Wix allows 100 pages per website which is I don't even know why I'm mentioning this cuz that's way more than I've ever had on any website Shopify technically allows unlimited pages on a website for what that's worth so you're going to be limited more likely on the storage when you get to that level Wix also limits you to 5,000 products which again is basically infinite in my mind I I I couldn't imagine managing more than 5,000 products Shopify is technically unlimited though so again you don't have a limit technically but you would never reach that anyway now moving on to the second category of this video These are shop related features essentially when you're building out your online store door what kind of differences do we really see so both of these do have a lot of the fundamentals that we would like to see in e-commerce it's very easy to set up products to track inventory to track sales to track customers to do all of that stuff your marketing it's all very streamlined on both of these however when you get into some more advanced sales reporting Shopify does offer some more in-depth sales reporting in my opinion and in addition if you ever decide to sell in person with the point of sale Shopify also kind of streamlines that and synchronizes all your data into one place where Wix does also allow for point of sale but they do separate those data when you're looking into your analytics another cool benefit of Shopify which is a little bit less relevant now that we have chat GPT is the terms and conditions templates so they have some for like return policies terms and conditions like different things like that uh if you go into your settings on Shopify you could just say like insert from template it knows your address it knows all your information for your store and it just makes that page for you could save you a lot of time and effort but like I said with chat GPT out there you could do the same thing and just put that on your wix's website and I really wouldn't think that makes too much of a difference in my opinion something that's cool is that both of these do allow you to manage your shipping and have automatic estimates so depending on where somebody is and when they're ordering they can have an exact price on the shipping Wix worked with USPS so US Postal Service Shopify works with a few more than that I believe USPS ups and DHL if I'm not mistaken and Shopify has some more advanced options as well with how you group uh different products in different shipping zones and stuff like that like I said Shopify is really meant to be an e-commerce platform so if any category in this video went to Shopify as the winner we would expect to be this category right here like after all it is called Shopify so shopping should really be what they're good at now Shopify also has some really good sales tools and features honestly I would probably say the best in the industry so in this category like I said definitely goes to Shopify all right the next category is customer support essentially getting help when you need it now I have full tutorials on either of these so hopefully you don't need any extra help uh but ultimately like you're going to run into a question at some point that you want to ask so for me personally I prefer to use either forums or chat gbt gooogle Bard like some AI assistants there um but the good thing is they both have some pretty decent customer support here so on one hand we have just like the general FAQs the questions the online fors that they're available so the online help center on both of them uh you can access a lot what I like about Wix is that it is within the editor so you don't have to go and check out one thing and then switch between your tabs a lot you can just like follow step step by step within the editor on a little popup that is super useful but Shopify does have a better help center when you're trying to contact somebody in my opinion so Wix is Monday through Friday Shopify is 24/7 so if you're working on it on a Saturday because this is like a side huster for you then Shopify could be a big Advantage there they also have chat email and phone uh so more ways to contact them whatever you're most comfortable with I think that could be a pretty big Advantage but like I said for simpler questions if you're just trying to like link up with a Facebook pixel or something like that it's complicated but the step-by-step procedures on either one of these does a pretty impressive job then we get into the next category being pricing which is honestly beyond the numbers you might first see and let me explain this so at first glance you might look and say well this like the lowest tier of that one versus the lowest tier of the other one and kind of compare it like that but it's not just the price of the plan you're paying for but also the price of the fees you'd be paying for if somebody was placing orders so starting off with Wix there is a free op which is great you can get started you can build your website and just not selling it at all and just kind of mess around with it learn how to use it and then eventually if you ever wanted to upgrade you could go up to $27 for basic e-commerce that's what it's going to cost per month it's going to be $32 for standard e-commerce and $159 per month for advanced e-commerce uh which gives you better templates and stuff like that now comparing to Shopify Wix is technically $2 cheaper for month but that is for basic e-commerce whereas with Shopify you're getting your full e-commerce with their basic plan and that's 20 $29 per month if you go up to $79 per month uh with Shopify that's their next tier up and really the biggest difference here and with Advanced is going to be in your credit card rates uh which is a really interesting thing that Shopify does so with Wix and Shopify at the base level you're paying 30 cents per transaction plus 2.9% for credit card transactions online but with Shopify if you upgrade to $79 per month or $299 which I would expect pretty much nobody watching this video is going to start off with that um that's like when you get some really massive sales volumes then you actually cut it down to 2.6 or even 2.4% credit card transaction fees so that kind of shows that as you scale with Shopify you could reduce those rates with Shopify payments and that could be an advantage if you ultimately have a really large business in the future but of course with that $299 per month so it doesn't really justify that price difference until you're selling a lot now Shopify payments also works in 22 countries while Wix still is global Works in 15 countries honestly I usually do most of my online selling just domestically in the US so neither of the those really matter to me as far as the pricing goes these are pretty much neck and neck I think it just depends on how much you plan to scale your store and how much you plan to uh kind of mess around with it in the beginning before you actually get started and by the way if you did want to mess around with Shopify before you get started they do actually have a trial down below I'll have a link I think it's $1 for a month um and then you can actually start paying for the normal plan but in that month you're actually able to sell so it gives you a nice Runway to build it out for $1 decide if you really like it and then you can continue selling and building everything in that first month so either one has a free trial if you want to get started I'll have links to both down below uh they support the channel so if you enjoy this video and found it helpful please consider using our links when you get started it really helps us to make this content for free all right and then we get into category number five this one is so interesting and one of the biggest differences between these two platforms and this is the marketing category so Wix has a lot of great Integrations a lot of apps a lot of plugins as well as a lot of In-House stuff that they built for their own website builder they also have great o functions and honestly plenty of In-House marketing options you can do a lot of email marketing with with Wix they also have their SEO wizard which is search engine optimization so optimizing for Google is made very easy within Wix they have a lot of great blogging tools uh so you can build out a Blog and a lot of the customization in your blog can kind of map over to what I was saying with the website builder so your blog is easier to make a little bit more custom have your own spin on how it actually looks which I think is a pretty big Advantage there Shopify however has some other cool things like they have gift cards for example example which doesn't sound like marketing but I would absolutely categorize gift cards as marketing as something that somebody can give to somebody else and kind of make them aware of your store it's kind of a cool feature uh that is natively built into Shopify super easy to use discount codes and things like that are also very accessible and Shopify has some pretty incredible social media Integrations so kind of summarizing the difference in marketing here I think it depends on how you plan on marketing your platform so if you only care about organic marketing you're never going to be doing anything in organic uh and you're not going to do anything with social then Wix is great they make it very easy with the blog SEO wizard ranking on Google can definitely happen pretty easily with Wix which is not to say you can't rank on Google and Shopify but it just is a little bit simpler with Wix for beginners to actually figure that out then we have Shopify which I would say is going to be better if you plan on utilizing social media and especially if you plan on running ads so Shopify syncs up really well and allows you to sell on many different platforms Tik Tok shop for example you can run Tik Tok ads and it syncs over super well on your Shopify store addition you can sell on Pinterest on Etsy on Amazon like there's on Walmart as well they really paired up with pretty much everybody out there from that aspect having more sales channels on Shopify could definitely be a pretty big Advantage especially to really utilize those massive user bases on things like Tik Tok for example and setting up Tik Tok shop so kind of in conclusion between the two of these if you are really serious about selling Shopify is definitely the answer it means shop is in the name they are the best e-commerce platform out there and so I think it's it's really no surprise that anybody who is either a large business already definitely use Shopify if you're a small business a small shop and you want to really scale Shopify is great there uh honestly frictionless scaling is kind of what we're seeing with the pricing plans as well as all of the tools available whereas Wix is better for anyone who wants to make an easy and deeply customizable website first but you might also sell a few items as well maybe you're trying to make like a a personal brand website and you have one or two little merch items you want to sell then Wix could be a really good way to do that but Shopify is the brand of choice for tons of big sellers out there shops that you probably already know of so like Kim Kardashians we've got Mouse the phone cases one wheel soilent figs aloe yoga and like many many others like you can actually I'll have a list down below a link there's a list of like big Shopify stores that you've probably already used I mean they all look really impressive so I hope you found this video helpful between the two of them whichever one you decide to use I have a full tutorial on how to set them up so I'll have those links down below as well as affiliate links to get started claim your free trial so be sure to go down check out those links and I'll see you in the full tutorial
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 12,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Id: OXwXQ-X4Czg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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